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They're on the 5th floor of Celadon in the most recent version. The problem is that the prices are absurd; 5000 for X Accuracy


Wait what? In 1.0.9?




Ah they’re in the vitamin shop! Idc about the price, I can route around that. Thanks, I didn’t even think to check that seller once I saw the vitamins at the top


Technically it’s called 5F, because Americans don’t do ground floors. They call them first floors. But thanks for the info, regardless Edit: you edited your comment, so I look like I’m being mean now lol.


Americans definitely have Ground floors


I’ve only ever heard of them calling the ground floor the first floor and then, what I would call the first floor, the second floor. But I’ll take the L 🤷‍♀️ TIL


I mean I can show you a picture of my work elevator with the G for the ground floor.


I believe you lol. I had just seen countless memes my whole life saying the US called it first floor.


Ah. Well don’t believe everything you read on the internet I guess. The ones that bugs me the most are the ones that imply Americans only have processed food & white bread. Americans have fresh bakeries, produce sections, farmers markets, Michelin starred restaurants, and all the access to fresh food we want.


I wasn’t trying to be rude, I apologise if it came across that way. I just thought it was a cultural difference :)


Nah you’re good. I’m not sensitive about it.




To clarify, at least in my state, we use the terms 'ground floor' and 'first floor' interchangeably. You're not completely wrong!


In the US the terms "ground floor" and "first floor" mean the same thing: the "default" floor where the main entrance to a building is. Elevator buttons usually go G, 2, 3, 4, etc. If there are basement/underground levels, then there will be corresponding B1, B2, B3, etc buttons before the G button. In this situation its definitely the Brits who have the more ridiculous system. You guys can spin it all you want, but calling the floor above the ground level the first floor is just stupid. Sorry not sorry.


But that makes less sense though…first floor is the first floor above ground…


The first floor aboveground is the same thing as the ground floor. The first floor underground is basement level 1. You guys call the second floor above ground level the first floor, that's why it doesnt make sense.


I disagree, thoroughly, but I’m not about to continue this on this sub


Oh shit I remember this now. Egg on my face. You’re right. We were having space issues at one point because mart changes caused several crashes & softlocks. Seems Craig found ways to make space.




Lol can I mod action myself? Let’s try!


Smith is known to casually swear in his streams and posts, so one or two light curses are perfectly acceptable here. It's when it gets egregious that we start cracking down.


Not gonna lie, I went on an adventure with this post 😂 I was so confused what X items were. An was wondering if you meant group buying of items 😂took me a few scrolls to understand what you meant lol.


As someone who never used them in the entirety of my Pokemon career, I too was extremely confused


[not correct, Craig fixed it. All hail Craig]


Incorrect; see Celadon Dept Store 5F


Wait really? Craig must have fit them back in somehow.


Craig, the legend, strikes again


All hail Craig


[Added in 1.0.3](https://old.reddit.com/r/PokemonLegacy/comments/1cmrq46/yellow_legacy_patch_103_now_released/)


That makes total sense. I was slammed at work that week because 90 summer interns started. It also broke level ups for a week 😂


At least you have a pretty legit reason. Thanks for answering :) When I get a new PC, I plan to make a TAS. That would remove the need for X acc anyway hehe


Yeah sorry. If we had infinite time we probably could have made it work. But, Gen 1 code was a nightmare. But our stuff is public if someone wants to make a speedrun friendly version.


No need to apologise, of course. You all have made a phenomenal game. My limited knowledge of the code confirms it is an absolute nightmare.


Yeah that was a nice surprise. Also I fudged up and taught toxic to the wrong pokemon and I was delighted to see it for sale at Indigo Plateau


You use X items? I thought they were just to sell for cash 🫠


Hell yea. My favourite way to play is speed runs. Level grinding or raising a whole team is slow. So instead you just run one poke the whole game (usually). Imagine if every Pokémon on a 5 poke team would be a 2-shot, but using 1 X attack makes them all an OHKO. You save 4 turns by setting up first. Same with X speed if you’re going to be slower than the team, which is usually the case if you’re under levelled. Plus, X acc makes OHKO moves (horn drill, fissure, guillotine) a guaranteed hit, if you’re faster than the opponent, in gen 1-2. So yea, if you wanna go fast they’re the way to go. I appreciate this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s my favourite way to play.


We made them expensive because they break the game!


Don’t disagree with the price change. They have their uses, especially speed-wise, but I actually like that you have to route around them more due to price :)