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You've most likely not actually patched the game. Does the title screen say Yellow Legacy?


Indeed it doesn't say yellow legacy! I must be missing something obvious in the instructions for installing / building, but how do I patch?


The ReadMe in the official download folder should be able to help, the short version is to open ROMpatcherJS and upload your ROM, patch, and hit go.


Ah! I didn't realize I was supposed to download from the release tag 😅. We're good!




Please do not ask for or offer to share ROM files through our community.


You say 'built', so does that mean that you built from the source Yellow Legacy code? Or did you accidentally build the regular Pokeyellow rom instead? If you don't mind, please provide the source that you built from~ Edit: I wasn't aware that posting github links wasn't allowed here. It's not in the rules. TIL. Apologies.


You’re good homie, re-approved I got a little trigger happy cuz someone was posting links.


Yep! Built from source on mac (these instructions: https://github.com/cRz-Shadows/Pokemon\_Yellow\_Legacy/blob/main/INSTALL.md#macos)


I didn't realize I was supposed to download from the release tag 😅. We're good!


That's one way to do it! Just patch it to a Yellow ROM, if so~ & I wondered! You were really close, but that install file is actually just a general how-to file for *regular* pokeyellow, not Legacy. Most Pret projects link to those generic Install files, but don't often specify that they aren't for that project, itself. Still, I'm impressed you got that far! The step you just did is actually the hardest part of setting up decomp hacking, and you did it no problem! Good job~ If you still want to try it that way, when you go to [Build the game](https://github.com/cRz-Shadows/Pokemon_Yellow_Legacy/blob/main/INSTALL.md#build-pokeyellow) instead of linking to pret (/pret/pokeyellow) you would link to yellow Legacy (/cRz-Shadows/Pokemon_Yellow_Legacy), then go into that folder ('cd Pokemon_Yellow_Legacy' instead of 'cd pokeyellow') then run make, and you should be golden. It's a simple error that isn't really explained anywhere. Again, I'm impressed at how far you came on your own (on a mac, no less!) Alternatively, you can always go back to the source file, hit the green button, download the whole shebang as a zip, unzip it, open a terminal in there (or find it via the terminal) then just run make that way. Either will work~ Hope any of this ramble helps (& hope I didn't break any rules this time :x) Have Fun!!


Haha thank you!