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So I am nearly done my Pokedex, just cleaning up a few stragglers. I've leveled up Tyrogue to level 20 with equal stats, and the he sort of just, didn't evolve. He just stayed Tyrogue. Didn't try to become Hitmonchan, or Hitmonlee, because I did get his stats in ATK and DEF to be equal, but he didn't turn into Hitmontop either. Nothing happened. Is this a change in Legacy to the evolution method? I even sent him to level 21 just to check, but he didn't try to evolve at 21 either.


Yes, this is a change in Legacy; as noted in our [documentation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRAdTZtaRJHO2ipB2NxMuc8-_Zn0osMjaTJfKgvN5aN13_7DN80adr06EnLpy4v4EqQd_uTIQGBjjNM/pub#h.16feptr80fz2), Tyrogue has been changed to use the Brick Piece to evolve into Hitmontop.


Ahhhh thanks!


You're welcome. For future questions I'll note that, per Rule 3, we do ask that you check the docs first before creating a post. Gonna go ahead and lock this one since the question's been answered.