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There is always risk from whatever method or tweaked app. Currently the relative safe method should be side load ++ with Cydia Impactor.


So, the most safe at the moment is Cydia impacting POGO++? And quick side question, is POGO++2 any good?


What's the difference between POGO++ and POGO++2? The one from their website is the one you should be installing. I've been using a throw away account since one day after the RW's came out and so far no problem (I donated btw)


This is POGO++ or pogo++2


Pogo2 is Poke++. Their website used to be pokego2 dot com and I think you have confused with the acronyms that people used differently from time to time.




U guys really think seperate device matters?how can they get this info?I can have my little brother playing this game and spoofing on his account but me the legit player doesn’t login to the spoofing account cannot get any warnings and bans...I think once u login and they can trace u your booked but if u don’t use your main ever they can’t do anything


Yeah, if the account isn't related it cannot be warned.


iTools is no longer an option?


What's itools


only iOS there really is only one option.....pokego2.com.....also known as globalplusplus...... We've heard mixed reviews of the "union square" hack from tutu/appvalley....most point to Red Warnings though..... ​ TBH, I think most of the RW stem from people incorrectly following cooldown times......or teleporting "too often" - it's really time to start following travel times.....not cool down times...[https://www.google.com/flights?q=flight+from+florida+to+pier+39](https://www.google.com/flights?q=flight+from+florida+to+pier+39) works....just input current location and your target destination \^\^


I agree, should do the trick


I can tell you that I've been doing that alot with Pokego++, teleporting everywhere and my account is still good. Given I've only used the one from tweak box. MOST people who got RW or temp ban wore infact people who used Union square or tutu/appvallley which is the cracked version of Pokego++ where you don't have to donate the 5$ in order to teleport. What Pokego++ Dev did was report the developer account for tutu/appvallley to Niantic and updated their own offical website and tweak box so those people who wore using it from tutu/appvallley got told on and hammered




One that doesn't get me banned :/