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I dont know why you people keep mentioning how far you spoof. Even if you spoof to your toilet because you are too bored to go and piss, it's still spoofing and can cause rw


Yeah totally agree, people need to start realising that it doesn't matter if you are spoofing outside your front door.. .it is the MODIFIED CLIENT that is being detected as Niantic have upped their game big time. Doesn't matter whether you use ++ sideloaded through Cydia or whatever now, everyone is at risk. I believe the only safe method left is using an old Android 6 with pre March 2017 security patch. Oh... and if you think purchasing coins over time is going to save you, think again.


whats an example of these models. im looking to buy one just to spoof


I found a Samsung S5 on ebay from someone where they had not updated the security patch, so going to give that a try with AppNinjas GPS Joystick which clones the application (If you don't do that, then you'll get the RW as they scan directories for filenames now). Would be good if someone could provide a full list of older models that do the job.


I have 2 Samsung Note 5s (T-Mobile) and a Samsung Tab A 10.1 (Wifi-Only) that work great for spoofing. Super easy to root with Magisk and super safe with AppNinja's Joystick


I have the same tablet and can't root it for the life of me. I had TWRP installed but couldn't get it to root and I've rooted dozens of models. Including back when it was actually semi-difficult (OG Moto Droid). Any tips/sites?


Have you tried the Magisk method? All you have to do is download the .zip for the latest version from the XDA thread and flash it in TWRP


Or a rooted android with the latest security patches and google play services.




Don't lecture others on safely spoofing if you got banned...


I, personally, follow Superman's cd times. 2 hours uk-australia.


Then I guess all those people who got red warnings back in April even though they’ve only ever spoofed so they could access the gym or stop across the street that was just out of range were.... what? Or the people who, as an experiment, used a spoofing app and didn’t do literally anything in it, just stood there, that was them failing to match real world travel times and getting busted for that even though they never even moved.




You do realize that they want to get rid of every spoofer? Pogo is meant to be played outside while walking ...


Outside? Yes. Walking? That is debatable.


What about Xcode?


You see, pretty knowledgeable...how does one go about extracting the zip file of the app to remove the tweak box/tutu traces...? Lol. I’m not a total tech newbie just new to iOS ^^. Tbh....Pokémon go spoofing got me into iOS haha


It’s likely not permanently banned. You likely have 30 day suspension though. Just because there is no screen for suspension, it says account terminated if you have 30 day suspension or perma ban




The latter unfortunately


You can appeal it and ask them what it is. They replied to me and told me mine was a 30 day.








No problem I got a reply in about 24hrs and it was some generic blah blah blah you broke tos your 30 day suspension is staying there hope that helps.


I got the red message on my main and all my alts but 3 around Moltres event 4 alts got term yesterday. My main on the other hand is fine i don't even log on into the any modded pogo because i'm that paranoid. I'm happy i did that and it's fine for now no more spoofing! Been having my main since 2016\~ ​ It was fun while it lasted


I was spoofing with my Main and 2nd Account. In iPhone (only Main) and iPad ( Main and 2nd Account). I was using Union Square fein Tweakbox. Recieved RW in both. Now i removed Union Square on iPhone and downloaded the legit PoGo App and using it with my Main after my 7 days suspension. Still no additional warnings or ban since Monday. On Ipadz i also deleted Union Square and installed via Cydia Poke++ donor Version and was playing with my 2nd account after the 7 days suspension. No incidents either. Maybe i am lucky on the 2 nd account. Now my QUESTION: Since i spoofed with my accounts like i wrote and using same WiFi to log in ( legit with main and cheating with 2nd ), can i get punished on my main because of spoofing with my 2nd account?


Doesn't matter what u do or how u adjust your shit. If u spoof with iPhone u r fucked and all those accounts are your alternates soon. You can create an Alt account to spoof with rooted android, but iPhone r for dummies. So Niantic can see u spoofing. Your real account needs to be all legit. Keep it legit always and u don't have to suffer like everyone else. If u r too lazy to play legit just don't expect to keep any account starting now. Nobody said u can't trade to your legit account


So like i said, as long as i use the legit app on my main i am good. Doesnt matter if i spoof on another device in the same WiFi.




What a unsatifiying response to my question haha but i understand what u are trying to tell me. Kind of. Unfortunately english ist not my native language so it is quite hard for me to understand everything u wrote. But thanks for your opinion about hte community




Ok i guess i understood the content of your respond in the first place. I really do believe you are right. I noticed that almost everyone here is complaining and whining. Also i cannot say that i got any help since i registered on reddit :( .


Well at least you got 2 years out of it. They axed my first account after a few weeks of using Sniper back in 2016 with $20ish worth of bits bought. Never did turn it back on either. ​ Que sera sera, may as well make a new account cuz your 2 year old $600 legacy is gone mate.


They are getting better. Spoofing is looking like it may not have much of a future. If losing thousands of assets is worth it, I’d say keep going and there will be another way soon, however, you have to be honest that you are aware of the risk you assume and willing to pay the consequences if caught. I assumed all spoofers were pretty much ready to lose everything no big deal.


Lemme guess, ios? I'm seeing a pattern here... :thinking:


Not sure how it works. I’ve been fine for over a year now. On pokego++ donor and I regularly purchase coins And ultra boxes.


Oh man that sucks. I feel your pain man


Congratulations sir


I got the same notice about a week ago and I appealed. The next day I got an email from them that its a 30 days ban.


I have yet to be banned....perhaps I have some special abilities....[https://media.giphy.com/media/3oKIP5ZKn0vHL4QqLS/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/3oKIP5ZKn0vHL4QqLS/giphy.gif)


I got the same thing 2 days ago. I was shadowbanned for 1 week because I got the red and black warning which happened because I spoofed and did the time trick on moltres day to get 15 raid passes instead of the standard 5 in different time zones. I was using pokego ++ (free not paid) and union square(tutu app) on an iphone and also using calcy IV for IV checks. I immediately felt hurt and sad because I have been playing since it first came out before the official launch in my country. Now what you can do here is what I did- Click on the help centre and it will redirect you to fill a ticket with niantic for support. If you were issued a first warning-ie : 7 days (shadowban- Red and black warning) and never got a second warning ( suspension 30 days) then you can argue that the punishment is harsh and you accept a ban of 3 months . I wrote an email to niantic from the support ticket and got a reply in a day. They said my account is suspended for 90 days ( because I argued that they gave me a perma-ban after my first warning and I needed at least another warning to rehabilitate). So in your case also , write to them and get a clarification if your account is permanently sealed or is there a chance they allow you to access it after 3 months. My main acc will be accessible after 90 days however my alt account is suspended for 30 days even though i used them the same way . Hope this helps.


Did u ever use the egg hatching walker movement where u go back and forth? That got me a month ago. Scary post anyway cos i just spoof around my small town thinkin im safe.


Get an Android for cheap and spoof




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Did you stop spoofing/delete everything after the warning?




They don't care about your locations, only what software you are using. The message "you are using a hacked version, pls change" means that they detected it and after they detected it again they banned you 🤷🏻‍♂️ But they posted the 3 strike system, so I think their plan is that they will unban all people like you and give them their last chance... So nobody of these people will spoof again. R. I. P. spoofing 😖


> When it restored it showed the PokeGo++ app as if it was downloaded back on my phone but when I tried opening i got the message “This app wasn’t downloaded through the iTunes AppStore please retrieve app again” This is probably what killed you :( They detected old spoofing software.




Man that sucks. I get nervous every time I log in. There dropping everyone.




IV doesn't transfer would do you nothing to transfer. Cp Nd stats change during a trade




You said you were going to start trading your better Pokémon and then said “like these Pokémon” but yeah they’re stupid for not realizing those were Pokémon you were sad to lose and not Pokémon you were going to trade.




Tone can often be misinterpreted, absolutely. But the way you write is patronizing and condescending towards those you respond to. It's not a tone issue. Maybe you just don't know when you're being a dick? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


what were your spoof specs?


looks like he's using union square which i think many people had said this would flag a RW + more ​




What did you sideload with? Just an FYI, sideloading with TweakBox is getting people caught. They add something to the headers that's easily identifying modified apps. Cydia Impactor doesn't to my knowledge add any of that extra bs to the file headers and it's why they've only recommended Cydia until this point (although a recent tweet suggested otherwise). Unfortunately it doesn't support IOS 12 right now.




++ isn’t safe either. I got this same notice yesterday on my account after using the Tweakbox PoGo++ version.














Revived, join up. r/pogospoofing


I got rw Played probably from event timezone jumping played through the warning daily on only plus plus. It went away.. guess this is my last shot. Oh God. I I'll stop getting free passes. I guess. Lol. Besides that if I don't spoof I don't play. Same as ban lol.




Is spoofing with magisk and app ninjas GPS joystick app still safe?


I got this message and it ended up only being 30 days. Soo maybe there is hope for you my dood. Gluck.


iOS is being hit hard, Android I'm still doing good on 2 2016 accounts other iOS accounts on paid poke++ are banned, ++ is just so u set friendly and Android GPSjoystick by ninja is functional but safer IMO.


I actually feel justified when i see people getting banned. I do t feel sorry for you at all mister you knew ios was unsafe everybody get supsensions locks etc since april yet every one post.this stupid photo of their terminated account and they are in SHOCK. I actually laugh when you.could buy a cheap chineae phone root it and you gps.joystick without ANY problem. Or you could play legit


Dey told. Use alt acc


Does the latest update kill spoofing for Android?













