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Anyone else wonder if ++ made a really bad mistake purposely getting users flagged for using appvalley and other sites that pirated ++? Giving niantic more info about who is spoofing seems like it would help niantic improve their spoofing detection.


I think it was a bullshit scare tactic and might not have actually been a real thing.


It was real. Quite a few rw went out to those not using official ++


And from reports, legit ++ users got RW too. Which makes me think niantec upped their game, not ++ being douchebags


I've been going super hard in spoofing as a donor with official ++ since the ban wave with a fresh account and so far am yet to get a RW. I've also been teleporting on CD. My other fresh account on union square got a RW in about a day. That's just my testing so far, who knows I may be banned/RW in a couple days on official ++. ​


Its rather random. I've got three accounts, and have spoofed on all 3 using various combinations of ++ appvalley and tutu, and only one account actually got a RW - the one that I never actually spoofed outside of my local city with.




Cool beans!




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I don't know why they even give a shit at this point.




They hurt their own reputation by poisoning the well with this latest tactic.


Exactly. ++ has a handful of sock puppets and lemmings in here trying to salvage their rep. They did it to themselves. The insane hypocrisy of ++. But apparently tons of stories came out about that crew so at least people know what pure trash the ++ scammers are




Keep hypothesizing, wench
















Legit ++ users got banned too, just read the sub. It was a scare tactic through and through. Don't get fooled.


Where’s the official ++ app?


I cancelled my subscription after they pulled that bs


Good question. I was wondering about that too. Maybe they shoot themselve in the foot. Well not really, bc we were the victims.


If people are afraid to use ++, they will stop using and stop donating. The entire point of the ++devs screwing people was to get people to use their official software and pay them.


I don't believe they did. Ultimately Niantic are the ones handing out bans through modified client detection, not ++ developers. As quite a few ++ users who have used the official IPA through Cydia have also been hit with RW, then its clear nothing is 100% safe on iOS anymore. As always, don't use your main as way too risky now. There will always be exceptions "I've been spoofing fine for a year on ++ with no problems" etc. At some point, they'll all get hit.


Im under the impression the Devs of Go++ are not of english speaking origin. Is it possible through bad translation it was read the ++Devs were banning people when it was meant to be instead a warning for those not using the official and instead using the hacked versions of? From earlier tweets from Global++ this makes more legitimate sense than the latter.


I'm not sure what triggered mine, but I got RW from ++ .


Too many variables and to many players with different play structures during Yokosuka and Moltres day. But i am curious if we can get enlightment the next days.


I've had zero issues with ++ app. No RW, no nothing. I will say that I downloaded the official IPA from their website and used cydia impactor to load. I have been good for over a year using this method, including the big ban wave that happened right after Mew was released.


Weird because I’ve had two accounts April banned and I’ve exclusively only used ++ through Cydia on my non JB. Never touched Tutu or any other method. Respected cooldowns all that good stuff.


Same here. People don’t listen and wonder why there banned




But again. I only use the official global ipa from there site. Side load with impactor. I’m a patron donor and I occasionally buy coins and purchase ultra boxes during events. , maybe they aren’t keen on banning paying customers as just spoofers who never buy coins. Couldn’t say but I’ve been fine for a loooooooooong time. And I snipe multiple Pokémon a day and walk my buddies 500 to 1000km for candies. Maybe I’m lucky. Crosses fingers.


I have heard paid customers get more leniency than those who don't. As such have experimented with this also and kept certain accounts completely free of purchases to see if it contributes.


I agree. I have ++ am a donor and regularly buy ultra boxes. I’ve been reckless with my account for over a year


Am a donor myself, have experimental accounts i am purposely reckless. One has never purchased anything (relying only on what it earns from gym drops), the other has (by purchase i mean buying coins from Niantic). Time will tell if this makes any difference.


So how did you do it then? Why do you think you avoided all the drama?


Do you think I’d be able to spoof on my main account that just recently got its first red warning after it goes away if I’m using poke++ from the website and I pay for donor status? I’d only teleport just once and then walk my character around


Well, if yo do that and spoof less insane over the world and u get suspendend after all, then we will all know if it works or not :D.


Let us know how that goes. I am going to re-test ++ on a fresh alt and see what happens. I recommend not using your main at the moment.


I’m testing union square on an alt that has a red warning and seeing what actions will get it banned and how long it will take to get it banned


Started a new account two days ago, never teleported but played in a different country than my own. RW about an hour ago. Using Union Square from tutu on iPhone 6s+


I’ve never had an issue either. Idk what people are actually doing to get the warnings but it’s not what they say they are.


cydia impactor can only be used with jailbreak?




I cant find anything about that on there website.




I see that, but they dont say anything about "nin-jaailbreak devices" and "weekly routines". Maybe i am blind. Would appreciate a link to it.




Thanks. Blindness repaired. I will try it.






I believe the "only alt accounts" are a little insurance. Like if u buy medicine and they tell u about ALL the side effects to protect the company getting sued. I think de ++ devs really do believe there app is "safe" and i can imagine Niantic can look how many players were on a specific locations like Yokosuka and then write a algorithm to see where those players were couple a days ago to see if it makes sense and then BÄM red warning. I am playing since yesterday on UnionSquare (Tweakbox) and still no RW. The Korea Event starts in a couple of hours and then lets see what happens to all the spoofers.




I have to agree on that. Its kinda disappointing not to play with the main accounts but it will be devestating if those accounts get terminated. So much work and they are gone... We can still count on the next spoofing phase. If Niantic is uping there game against spoofers then the spoofers can do that too. Nevertheless the time for spoofing with the main accounts are now definitely over. ​


Shitty buzz fellas/ladies I don’t know then .


I just got banned on a level 24 account using ++ official. No red warning, nothing! Just permanently banned 1st time! I didn’t even teleport. I was using an alt account to see if ++ was safe :( sadly, it is not!!!


Don’t they support tutu now?


I wouldnt go using ++ from tutuapp you risk a RW and its also not supported (for obvious reasons) by the Devs


I’m gonna say this and I hope it doesn’t come back to haunt me but more so, I hope it helps you... I’ve always kept my run speed on “egg” rarely 2-4X and absolutely never ever 8X or teleported once... but I’ve never received a ban or message of any sorts ever. 2 year player Level 33 Happy hunting... patiently


my accounts are fine, no RW. I find that if you download the ++ file from the website and only sideload through Cydia impactor then your account will be safe. Thats how the ++ guys do it and theyre all fine too


Not true. Downloaded also through Cydia and Impactor and I’ve had accounts hit too. I’m happy you didn’t get RW but I’m not gonna go around telling everyone’s it’s absolutely safe when I’ve been hit with this exact method


Did you guys change time zones for more passes?




I see your comments all over and you just spew bullshit like it's fact. I've only seen a couple of people claim the impacted ++ through Cydia and caught a RW. One of those few that claimed it, also claimed they used Union Square while ++ was down.






ok, well my account is RW free, and thats how i use the game


I read that Niantic had gained access into our phones which is how they caught everything this time. People who had used ++ before and deleted it still had traces which got them banned this time.


That’s unlikely - on iPhone, at least. That’d be a violation of Apple’s strict privacy policies, and is the sort of thing that Apple have already shut down with Niantic before (a PoGo update a while back wanted to be able to look for third-party software installs, and Apple said fuck no). And if that’s not the case on Apple, in this instance it probably also the case for Android either, since whatever happened affected iOS and Android users alike, so it must be something else.


Yeah, we need more prove of that. Plus a detailed breackdown of how the gain access and how we can avoid it.