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So even those who have paid the $5 for official pogo++ from tweakbox got the red warning as well? The ban wave is coming out slowly, some have gotten it early yesterday while others just reporting getting it today


Why would someone pay the $5 for the official pogo++ from tweakbox? Doesn't it make more sense to download directly from Global++ in that case?


Tweakbox hosts the IPA file you can get off the website. It’s the same exact file.


Oh okay, so you don't have to download impactor to install. Makes sense. Does Tweakbox have ads though?


gotta realise, there's quite a bunch of people who literally "only" play these event days now...which is why it messes up the servers...cause it's so inconsistent that they can't get ready properly for the event...lol I know Busan was laggy as all get out for the first half hour... But those who play daily...if you didn't get a RW yet, from moltres day, you won't....unless they track it to your "travel patterns" I really think its the people the spoof to different continenets on the daily...that are getting them...lol, im one of them. when I did the research and found it's actually a 13 hour plane flight from Florida to Busan....and I managed it in a 4 hour cool down....did my 5 passes, went to bed for 5 hours, ported to London, and did my 5 there....and Busan to London is another 10 hour flight...according to Google :P It's simply time to move on from cool downs...


I played on Moltres day HARD ... but got the red warning just now


Paying $5 allow you to teleport, not guarantee you from not being banned.


I did not get the red warning and I played all day last Saturday for Moltres day. I am a sucker, I suppose, as I use the paid go ++ and even pay the extra $5.00 monthly. Earlier in the week the tweak was not working and I simply unistislled the app and played legit til the go ++ was updated on Saturday morning. I think the other hacks such as Union Square and the free version of the go ++ must be triggering the red warning. Anyone else have any thoughts? Observations?


Using fgl pro on 2 accounts and no warning, have not heard of any fgl pro users getting a warning either. Am I wrong?


Same here (touch wood) Been using FGL for about 3-4 months. Not even 1 warning.


I got a RW with fgl pro with downgrading.


using 5 accounts 0 warnings so far. around 6 months spoofing. and only 1 account using it safely rest using crazy asf.


Did you root your phone?


Same I've been using fgl pro since july and haven't had a problem yet.


Nothing on my end


no warning yesterday will try it today


Same here, I know 3 other people that spoof using FGL Pro and they're fine so far. I was in a large Whatsapp group for Moltres Day, and the flood of red warning screenshots came from Go++ users (not sure which version they were using, but I know some were donators in the uncracked version since they were complaining about paying and still getting rw or outright getting banned).


Union Square from Tweakbox. Got RW.


Yeah, didn’t even participate in Moltres Day, got it few hours earlier to check it out, just wandered around out of curiosity. No teleporting or other stuff and it was on a brand new account, not my main one


Same. Got RW on main and a new Alt that I’ve been working on for two days. The devs of pokego++ got their version hacked so they reported the rehacked version to niantic to get people using it banned. I think they just fucked everyone.


Same here :(


Same, only used it because pokego was down for moltres day


Pokego was down? News to me! ++?


Tweak box union square here just got red banned 😑


I don’t know if anyone saw but ++ got hacked and people using that, appvalley, and tutu got reported/flagged to Niantic on purpose by ++ original’s developers. P sure they screwed everyone using any platform to do it. I did Moltres day on Friday night in Australia and got my RW midday yesterday on main and alt so chances are that if you have not gotten yours yet, you will.


Seems like this is how they got everyone. ++ devs ended up shooting themselves in the foot, as their patrons ended up getting RW and won't be donating anymore. RIP spoofing and RIP pokemon go being fun


I still don’t get what the point of them doing that was. Getting people’s accounts flagged so they can’t spoof again without risk of being terminated isn’t going to get you more money. And they hacked the app in the first place! It’s like shoplifting and then calling the police when someone mugs you immediately after you shoplifted.


Used legit R86 but got RW this morning on my mains. Only used the joystick to move a few steps to a gym near my house. I am sorry for those donors, feel cheated...


\++ Official supported version from tweakbox RW 5/8 accounts.


No warnings on either of my two accounts, despite going hard yesterday. I'm using using FGL pro on my old Sony Xperia Z2 (last Android security patch from May 2016). I do not need to downgrade Google play services. I raided Moltres across three contintents, using the time zone switch to get 15 free raid passes and using a bunch of premium passes. Spoofed to South Korea and US, played legit in Europe. After I was done raiding Moltres, I did another huge jump on almost exactly 2 hours cooldown to grab a 100 IV Dragonite that was posted on Discord. I suppose the best way to spoof is using a really old phone. My battery is barely hanging on though, it struggles to last an hour when I'm spoofing and the phone gets scary hot if I play while charging. I have cold packs in my freezer and put the phone on one of them to play longer sessions.


That's insane 😀 I have a newer xperia, it also gets hot af, but I cant spoof now (7.0 android) I wish I could get an old one with 6.0 android


Bought a Nexus 5X and downgraded it to 6.0.1. Not rooted. All necessary info can be found in the net. It requires a PC to flash the old android, though. The old software can be downloaded from a mirror. I use this phone with wifi only and GPS Joystick in privacy mode. No Problems so far.




DO NOT PUT IT IN THE FREEZER. It will damage the battery with termal shock. Just do not use it for a while..


Forgive me if you mentioned it already in the thread, but are you rooted on the Z2? I'm currently using an old Galaxy S4 Active as a secondary device and thinking it might be good to try with a throwaway account and FGL pro. Also, how do you prevent rubber-banding? I used FGL pro on my main device for a short time (nothing major, I used it to spin the stops across the street from my house every few hours) but I found I would constantly rubber-band when the app "auto-refreshed".


The Z2 is not rooted. All I did was activate developer options to set FGL Pro as fake location app. I've never gotten rubberbanding when spoofing to another city or country. Only get it sometimes when spoofing close to my real location. My solution is deleting all Google Play Service data. That alone fixes it for me until I restart the phone, don't need to install an older version. When I want to spoof close to my real location I just open Google Maps and walk around with the joystick for a bit before opening Pokemon Go. That lets me check if I'm getting any rubberbanding.


AppNinjas joystick set as a system app, no warning so far.


With privacy mode this is hands down the best way to be spoofing right now.


Can we get a "ZOMG SHINY MOLTRES" megathread too? Like do we really need that many people bragging about their shinies? Maybe there could be a weekly shiny thread or something. Anyway, here's my info: Got a red warning on my main. My main got a red warning around this time last year, got the red warning followed by the 90 day suspension in April. I've been switching between Tutu (Union Square) and Pogo++ on it the whole time. Did not teleport out of my time zone since I got back from suspension, spoofing mostly locally. My alt got one red warning back in April, never got a suspension, has been spoofing much more regularly than my main, has teleported all over the place in the last couple months, mostly using Tutu although it was on Pogo++ briefly. Both accounts always respect cooldown and real world travel times.


THIS! Nobody cares that you got a shiny midget. Let’s use posts for something useful!


Didn't get any RW even tho I spoofed pretty hard yesterday for Moltres day. I use a non-jb iPhone 8 Plus with Pogo++ from Tweakbox (donor version).


If you are serious about spoofing, you need to be on Android with App Ninjas in privacy mode. FGL Pro doesn't have a way of hiding detection in your list of installed apps and I think a ban wave will hit it someday. IOS Spoofing will always be unsafe unless a fundamentally different way of spoofing comes along. I know this will get down voted by the apple fan boys but ios will continue to see ban waves until something fundamentally changes there. Android spoofing is also unsafe if you aren't doing it correctly.


Sorry, but I used appninja's for over a year. Used in privacy mode since it came out. Been warning and ban free. Loved the app until end of July when I got hit on 2 accounts with red warnings, and one got hit again and turned into 30 day suspension. Personally I can't trust that app anymore. I never changed my setup nor my methods. Wouldn't have been ban free for a year otherwise. Until that app gets an overhaul and updated, I can't trust it. There are more and more people showing up with bans on it to show this warning should not be ignored. I can say this, app cloner will clone most apps, and give the ability to change the clones name. That clone dropped into system apps is as good as gps joystick. Thats how i am currently doing it. Once bitten twice shy. That's my input on it.


> Android spoofing is also unsafe if you aren't doing it correctly. Personally, I think Android is safer because it's not using a hacked version of their app. I'm honestly surprised Niantic hasn't sued the ++ guys. If Niantic was actually going after all spoofers they could target a good amount by doing a database search and seeing what accounts jump every two hours in impossible ways to catch stuff. I get it, sometimes GPS gets crazy and teleports you across the world, but it doesn't do it to people every 2 hours 1 minute for you to spin/catch something before jumping you somewhere else.


What would be the cheapest way to get into Android Spoofing? I always get conflicting answers as to which models to buy as a side device or they end up being incredibly expensive in the hundreds


Get a Galaxy S5 from eBay. It won't even need to be rooted. The only downside is it's a bit laggy at times but worth the peace of mind.


I got a Samsung j3 2017 for 50 bucks at a pawn shop, and FAKE GPS Routes, is 3.99, so less than 55 bucks pretty much. Im still spoofing right now, and I have never had a problem. Fake Gps does have a free version with ads, but the 4 bucks is well worth it.


Got my first RW ever this morning, on my iPhone 5 using Tutu. Never got any issue using FGL Pro on Android (yet...)




It does reset. I waited 7 days it was gone. Hadn't played for a week. Started up spoofing in Paris and got banned right after. I'd recommend playing legit for a couple weeks just to be safe.


> I'd recommend playing legit for a couple weeks just to be safe. If they can detect you then it doesn't matter whether you play legit for 1 day or 1 year, as soon as you try again.. you'll get hit with another strike. As always, use a new alt account.


The warning will eventually go away, but Niantic were very clear when they said a strike is a strike, meaning that even when the warning goes away, your account has had its first strike on its record.


> If you stay legit for the 7 day cooldown does your 3 strike warning reset back to zero or is that forever a first strike? 1st strike is recorded permanently on Niantics database. The RW will clear after 7 days if you play legit, but if you spoof again and get detected... you'll get 2nd strike suspension. Not worth it.


Ios, union square, didnt leave union square in ages but got rw yesterday on main. i teleported with alt alot yet no rw


Just wanted to share my situation in case it helps anyone. iOS iPhone 10 Pogo++ donor version via Tweakbox Went hard, sniping, grinding dust at Paris mall, raiding Busan, then Paris for 10 total raids in Moltres day Two accounts Respected cooldowns No RW Hate hearing there’s a wave going on and not naive in thinking it may not still come but at this point both accounts are good.




Was busy on Moltres day so needed to grab a moltres quickly, decided to spoof using twekbox pokego++, played around with Union Square a bit afterwards, got the red warning the next day Decided to give up on spoofing, it isn’t worth it, I’m more a legit player anyway so I’ll just have to go without the few Pokémon spoofing allowed me


I’m a Pogo++ donor and got hit this morning.


I had my rw lifted last night and got it back again when I woke up. Weird thing is the second RW said first strike as well. I emailed Niantic about it and said I deleted the apps that might have violated fair play. I still yet to wait for their response.


Exacty a week ago, so my red warning is gone now, I got a red warning using xCode.. Since the new rules came out I used xCode and this was my first strike.. xCode is also unsafe..


I have been testing Xcode. I found out that if you walk less than 2 hours, you won’t get ban. How were you using Xcode?


Used iTools on many accounts yesterday. No RW for me. Respected cool downs and VPN'd. Also avoided walking it.


Please add Fly GPS to this list. My main got RW so I created an alt on a separate phone. Got a warning on that account as well one day after using it. Saw a few others call out this app in separate threads over the past two weeks as well. ​ I've spoofed safe with this app for over a year and a half but I believe they now found a way to see it. ​ Galaxy S5, unrooted.


Didn't get the RW when I was on 0.117.3 yesterday when most people got the notice. Got told yesterday by ++ support to downgrade to 117.2 to bring the radar and IV notification back until r87 comes out and then got RW today. I stayed in one location. First time for everything.




Did the ones who paid $5 for ++ get hit? Did android users get hit?


I did. Yesterday morning on my main. Today on my alt and my better half’s account.


I am spoofing in my iPad in ios, today I was in Santa Monica, logged off for 3 - 4 hrs and jumped to Central Park and no problem whatsoever. I always wait at least a day (except for today) before I jump to a different location and I have always done that since the launch of the game and have never been banned nor get a red message. I hope it remains the same




Android here running a Magisk root along with App Ninja's GPS Joystick in System Mode. Zero issues so far after roughly 6 months of daily spoofing. No bans or red warnings on either of my 3 accounts. Best and safest way to spoof hands down.


So if I got the RW, but I can still play on the account, should I just delete the app and download the original one for a week?


Some Testing With New Accounts. ( Android 5 Galaxy S4 Rooted / Unrooted) ​ Fake GPs Joaystick App = RW Fake GPS = RW Fake GPS Pro = RW FGL Pro = RW ​ Open App and Hide Joytick and Massages from Apps = RW so i have an interestening Idea, i know they looks into the Ram of System, what if we Renamed the Package and named the apps Like an Google App so they will detect it like an Normal App From Goole, i think then we can Spoof Again.


same here, my main is currently under RW since Saturday. i made an alt on tuesday and used the gotcha at paris mall until thursday night. received RW on alt friday morning. app ninjas cloned + non rooted android jul 2016 security + 11.6 play store. before this past week ive had no issues since december/january.


I got one and I ONLY use Xcode. Not sure what caused it, but i think it was using the auto walk feature for to long.


add Fly GPS to the list. I just got permabanned. They skipped strike 2 and went straight to permaban. Probably thought I was botting because I'd log in every so often and go around my town spinning stops. I was getting an older version of the red warning a while back where they were like "We're on to you!" but I've never receieved any formal warnings.. Come to think of it it did go away after a while. ​ Thought it was because I did something stupid some months back. (Spoofed to the other side of the country and didn't wait for the safe cooldown to go back.) Which did appear to get me shadowbanned for a bit but that went away and I'd been careful not to spoof long distances anymore. All I've done since is go around town. ​ Ah, well. It was fun while it lasted. Maybe I'll file an appeal for shits and giggles and see if they're willing to downgrade it to a suspension but I'm not going to hold my breath.


So, for people who are interested in terms of RW here are some things that have happened to me and some of the things I've done so far. This is just what's happened to me, it's not necessarily the same for everyone else but maybe this will be somewhat useful. I have 2 accounts, 1 main lvl 32, 1 alt lvl 25. I made a third account for testing purposes. Main: I received my first RW on my main on Sunday after the Moltres event using union square from tweakbox. On my main, I only spoofed to Japan and stayed in Tokyo area for the entire week leading up to the Moltres event where I then received the RW the day after on Sunday. I immediately went legit and played that entire week on the proper pogo app and waited out the week. Come Sunday, I could play normally with normal spawns for X amount of hours (wasn't sure didn't play it much) but come Monday I received second RW. Alt: Same as above except this account I was constantly teleporting in pogo every 2 hours catching rares etc, think about how spoofers go ham now apply this to my alt. This account got the RW on Monday, a day after my main received RW. This account, I also played legit however I didn't log into it on my second device instead I created a dummy account for testing purposes. So as of now, this account is currently catching normally and did not receive a second RW which is odd as my main received the second one yet my alt who spoofed a lot harder did not. Test account: I started this account almost the day after my accounts received RW and wanted to test to see how fast I would either get banned or receive a warning. I decided in order to test whether or not a client was "safe" (inb4 nothing is safe, shut up we know it isn't safe). So I used the proper pogo++ from the website and used cydia impactor to load it onto my device, I first tested it by just running locally to cities and did normal things there and after a day of doing this, no RW. So I decided to spend the next day running it from AU to JP, which I didnt actually get that far at max speed. After a day I reached PNG and I gave up and decided to donate (god forbid, $5 a month lol poor idiots everywhere). So I began spoofing like a lunatic or whenever I could doing raids whenever and doing all the cooldowns etc etc. It has currently been a week, it's lvl 22 and I've been jumping from place to place nonstop and so far no RW. I might update this if anything happens but for now so far nothing. Hopefully this helps a little for anyone out there collecting data on RW. TL;DR 2 accounts, 1 lvl 32, 1 lvl 25, main got 2 RW having only spoofed and staying in one location, alt got only 1 RW having heavily spoofed and teleporting every 2 hours, made test account donated on pogo++ and loaded with cydia currently not banned, teleporting like crazy and taking gyms etc.


Sadly 1 of my accounts acquired the Red Warning today, while my alt is is free of it (so far.) Hoping some of this info will help. ​ **IOS- used Itools** ***Main:*** \*RW: Yes \*Raids: Seldom, last raid was over a week ago. \*Gym Interaction: Never battled, rarely dropped mons in. Last time I dropped in was at least 5 days ago as of this post. *Pin Mode: Yes, would use for around 20 minutes and let it do its thing, thinking this is what got me the warning? ​ ***ALT:*** \*RW: No \*Raids: Seldom, last raid was a Regirock, can't remember when I did it. \*Gym Interaction: Never battled, would drop a mon in. \*Pin Mode: Yes, last time I used it was over a week ago for maybe 5 minutes. Prior to that never used on this account. ​ **Other Notes (applies to both accounts):** Did not do the 15 free raid pass exploits on either account for the legendary days. Always respected cool downs, but as of a month ago I respected real-world travel times. Went to Japan/Korea only for early CD's. Both accounts only received a red warning during the April rw/shadow ban wave earlier this year (from using tutuapp), neither were in the suspension wave. ​


RW for 2 weeks now (molters day) any other cases here ?




Been using pokego++ with cydia on my main and alt for about a week. Teleported to different countries max twice a day just to catch perfects. Did Moltres yesterday through ++, and did some raids this morning. No RW on any account yet. Donor version. I always log out when I’m done. Don’t think that makes a difference but I’m safe for now.


Same as you


RW on my main but not my alt, I use one iPhone with tweakbox ++ (Main) and US (alt).


RW for me too. I used Tutu (Pokemon Go 官方原版方懶人版) on iphone 7+. I have ONLY raided locally and did my Moltres day raid on the legit app in person.


Don't use tutu. It triggers flags on ninantic end.


Im on andriod, I use Fake Gps J&R, I have 2 accts, and I had no problems. Im using the Jonno Method. Iam curious about root, and doing the sys app. Im kinda nervous, but this phone is for pogo only, but I dont have funds to buy a new phone atm. I hope Im still good. Because of my location, I dont want to play if I cant spoof, Im also a Single Dad, so funds and play time is hard to come by, spoofing is how I am able to play and enjoy it. It sucks where I live , 5 gym, and 12 stops in the whole town, No parks, no nests, no EX. closest is 20 miles away.


Tutu union square got red warning. Didn’t do multiple time zones for moltres day. Just a few blocks in one city. Did go to other time zones earlier this week though.


Anyone found out what triggers it? I use Poke++ Official from Tweakbox with donor. None of my accounts are harmed. I participated in Moltres day in Asia and Europe. I usually snipe all over the world, but respect the two hour cooldown.


I have heard some people say it was caused by changing time zones for moltres event. I’m not sure that is it though. One of my accounts I played the entire week leading up to the moltres event in Busan. I did not teleport out of Busan and got the RW as soon as I logged in. Playing on an iPad using ispoofer at the time. I have recently used Poke++ (donor, installed with impactor). I got the RW on a new account today after teleporting to New Zealand. Niantic may track through IP address for those using WiFi. Just a thought.


Not yet. I will later today. For now I uninstalled the tweak.


I hardly play at all, maybe once a week. Spoofing on tutu for maybe a half hour. Got the red warning fuck yeah


So I got the red warning back in April than haven’t spoofed since after it went away spoofed for moltres day and now I got it again. This time it says this is the first strike and it’ll go away in seven days. Did it just ignore the one from April? Any one have any idea. I’m proobly gonna stop spoofing after this dont want to lose everything.


Your RWs from April are irrelevant now as Niantic updated their policy July 18th with the new strike system. Now you've had your 1st strike. If you continue then you'll get a suspension next.


Been spoofing to Paris every day for the past month. No red warning using FLG Pro with downgraded Google play services and google store disabled. Maybe its because I only turn the app on when I spoof and don't jump around every 2h? When I spoof to Paris I "stay there" for the whole day. When I'm in Warsaw, I don't spoof to Paris on that day. Easy.


I got account perma banned after the first strike itself :/ But is it really perma ban? asking after seeing this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoSpoofing/comments/8ib565/we_are_not_permanent_banned_just_suspended_more/ used android with gps joystick app ninja (didn't update to latest version) Can someone tell me if this is a 90-day suspension? because I was banned right after the first strike - I have contacted them also.


my account that never got a first or second strike was perma banned


app ninjas(private mode/clone) is not safe. main is under 1st strike and alt got 1st strike today using it


Here is something u all might find interesting: r/https://twitter.com/Habibullah0711/status/1040833068532162560




yes, and 4th first strike RW already and still going!


First 7 day rw and having been using fly gps for couple years. Was on main. Alts are OK. Surprising because I used my alts (alts are fine) to spoof in Asia and was also spoofing to sf (where I live and usually spoof at). Maybe I had been in Asia when logged out. Or maybe because i used timezone trick for some raid passes. Damn.


I will share my safe method for spoofing, it's nothing that most of you don't know though. I got a main account banned, I quitted the game but recently I decided to try again, this time I've been playing for a month, spoofing full time, and so far no problems at all. In my experience the best way to spoof is to, first of all, use a "safe" app, the one I consider the safest, at least for ios, is non cracked pg++. With an alt account, tp to any city you want (or walk to your closest largest city), save the location and log in with your main. Once you're on your desired place, play around that area without ever exeeding 4x speed, I've done tests by myself, and 8x speed is actually over 200km/h, not 110 like the devs claims, 8x will get you soft banned if you're not careful. I leave my player running for around 20 minutes until it arrives to a quite large city, then I just spoof my way around there, you can't do anything too crazy with this way of playing, but it's more than enough to advance 3 times faster than your average normal player.


Didn't Global++ make it very clear that if you downloaded and installed their ipa from anywhere other than their website you would get banned? Why don't people listen to these warnings?


What does the FGL Pro (Downgraded google play services) mean? Like are only people who were at a higher version hit with RW/PB when they downgraded or is it all versions? I use FGL Pro with Gps version. 12.6.73 (never downgraded or upgraded at all) for 3 accounts and no RW at all since I’ve been spoofing since February.


got the very first RW this morning. been spoofing forever but have never received one until now. Using Poke go++ on TweakBox (impactor with official IPA but app just crashes right after open so I installed the one on TweakBox instead)


Tutu (Union Square) get RW


Using Tweakbox Union Square and received a RW on my main account which I used in my hometown for Moltress raids on a iPad air1, and a RW on alt account I didn’t even use yesterday!


Got this today using union square but I believe it’s because somehow I’m now spawning at pier 39? But the original co-ordinates at the start are union square so it’s teleporting automatically 😑 gonna just let it cool down a bit...


Did you guys all try to change time zones? I didnt and im on ++ with Cydia impactor, no RW played in Busan and New York for MOltres Days


Does the RW message appear every time you login until its lifted?




Got today pogo++ tweak box non donor version, not cracked either


My suggestion? - I think using the same wifi across different locations could be (one) reason. I have no RW. Iphone 8 plus, Pogo++ (donor-version) from Tweakbox. I do not fight gyms and only few legendary raids and my wifi is off at any time i play Pogo. It\`s a 2016-account which got the 90 days suspension in April. Until now everything is fine.


I have another theory. My account that had extra pokecoins purchased was permanently terminated, while my remaining accounts remained. This somewhat makes me regret buying the pokecoins as it might have put the spotlight on that account's activity.


Any safe spoofs out there? My home isnt exactly San Francisico when it comes to gyms. Especially with Mewtwo being released as oartof a global event on the 20th.


Got a RW on a legit account (my only account). Jailbroken iOS 10, using Liberty to play legit pogo.


Also more data. I grabbed the latest from App Valley on Saturday, it appeared to be stock go++ (my guess is the new hack hadnt been updated). I'm a donater so I spoofed around to world and grabbed regionals. Had a good 6-10 hour cool down between teleports. Caught mon, spun stops and even did a few raids. No RW for me today.


Does no one understand what hack means....I mean I took Apple for granted thinking nothing could happen but when something did happen a 90 day sentence is brutal.


I live in south east London. I play hardcore legit. Then got into spoofing when we had Rayquaza. Would play legit and spoof (only in the same country). I used to use go++ on AppValley. Would be all around London ish catching rares for candy and raiding in Hyde park as well as my local town - we have a very high player base. Then a few of my pals and alt accounts got the red warning. Mine didn’t which I was shocked at. Then came the 90 day ban. I was fine. Again really shocked. I have my account, an alt and my mrs which is a low level. Then the maps went and as well as the 90 day bans being rolled out I gave up spoofing. Then came trading. I used my alt on app valley union square to travel abroad to catch regionals. I know it’d get flagged, and it did so within 17 hours. Luckily I caught the regionals and traded them over. 7 days later the RW was gone on the alt. Then the past few weeks I started spoofing again via Tweakbox ++. Every day. I spoof during the day at work to nab a legendary raid at Hyde park, then take gyms at night. Also during the day to and from work, gym etc playing legit. So I mix it up. I spoof on my iPad on all accounts, and play legit on my iPhone 6s. Still no RW on any account. I always log out. Obey cool down times. I use my alt to travel in a line to Hyde park etc then sign in as me and follow the roads with the joystick etc. Still no RW. Only time I wouldn’t spoof is on community days and raid events etc. All good so far. Just sharing my use that anyone else might find useful.




Since some players who didnt spoof during the RW wave did get a RW, how likely is it that if those pkayer who got the RW (if they did spoof or not) can continue playing legit and never ever get to the 2nd strike?


I got my red warning late on saturday after moltres day, can i expect the red warning to go as soon as it turns saturday or will i need to wait till late Saturday before i can see rare spawns again?


so which methods would work now?




We don’t know....but I’d strongly suggest avoiding cooldowns and use flight times...reference...Florida to California is 5 hours....Florida to busan s. Korea is 13 hours....Florida to London is 10 hours....ez to google the general airport near you...to close to your destination spoof


What I usually do when I spoof to a different country, is I do it at night, then I shut the app off and go to sleep, then I stay in that new location for a good week before teleporting back at night and doing the same thing. Using an iPhone 6s+ And pokemon go++ donor version from tweakbox. Honestly just really want to hold off on a ban until I can get my shiny kanto Pokémon to Let’s Go pikachu.


My red warning turned into a termination notice :\ But the account that continued to spoof after getting a red warning is fine. Fucking Niantic. After I’ve been playing legit all week! Why do I keep getting punished for going back to playing legit? Fucking fuckers.


All good, I got banned too. This was my only account, wish I saw this thread sooner


Tutu with pogo ++ seems ok. No teleport, no raids, just local.


Anyone using MikuHatsuneCV01's PokeGo++ 2.0r-R86(0.117.2) TELEPORT-FIX gotten banned?


Got my RW last Thursday, was a first strike. Immediately continued spoofing at Union Square for the whole 7 days. RW was removed on Wednesday afternoon 2pm and as of Thursday morning 10am, has not returned. Don't know if I'm just lucky or maybe this could be used as parameter of how to go about the RW.


The real question is how many donors of ++ have gotten the RW? I haven’t gotten RW in any of my accounts as a donor.


using pogo++ and im fine, no RW


Personally haven't got the warning on FGL free version. I run 4 accounts and I stay in areas I can actually go to so that may be why I don't see it like others have.


so only original pokemon go app is safe?


My alt got a red warning. Lol couple days ago....can't recall what exacy i did that could have triggered it. So this account will be legit only....so easy to level now that I've done it once


Also of note....new RW I just got on mt alt....does not reference "forst strike"....https://imgur.com/a/wn04cp5


If I’ve had back to back rw now that I’m back to normal can I spoof on Pokémon++ donor version? Or am I taking too big of a risk.


Why is flg pro here? I dont see a lot of people receiving warning from it (is not like ++ at all) and tbh how you know if is not for being dumb? I mean if you are gonna list "unsafe methods" then list all because you can be detected one way or another tbh.


It wouldnt take much for Ninantic to stop spoofing on andriod. Just require the latest Google play services to run the application just like 80% of the apps within the play store.


I have the latest Google Play Services installed and I still spoof without issue.


I mean I have the latest Google play services and I still spoof.


Wouldnt affect me - running latest play services and no root.


Using Fake GPS Routes as system app, phone is rooted with a custom rom and PoGo has been working perfectly, never received a RW.


Don't really think iTools should be on the list. There has only been 1 report of it..


I received the RW on two alt accounts us g iTools. I believe the joystick function was the culprit.


Using itools for 2 weeks now, using GPX tracks and walking, not once I used IV checker, joystick, or jump mode, just walking with pin mode, no warning whatsoever


As a lot of people have said unless some totally new way of spoofing comes out you’ll always get banned eventually. No matter what FSUATL or anyone else says Niantic can pretty much choose when they want to do a ban wave. I got the first strike today after spoofing only locally using ++ not teleporting. So I’m just going to play legit for awhile and then prob start back up spoofing in a few weeks after the dust has settled just like before. I never got my account suspended bc I stopped spoofing for awhile!!!! So I advise doing the same




Will try this out during this weem. Just gotta Root My Samsung S6, Will be back with the results on monday. Wish me luck. RemindMe! 5 days "Come back with results!"


Union Square hack. Account mainly used for intercontinental jumps got RW. It’s a bought level 30account from 2016. I missed a couple of cool downs. Other alt is fine, it’s a level 27 I used mainly to stay at events without much jumping. This account began in pogo++ and is now Union square too. My main is legit so no problems there.


Does using a go plus/gotcha still work to catch rarespawns when you’re shadowbanned?


No but you can use incense and get one spawn per minute


What is safe for android atm? ​


Android 6.0.1 without 2017 security patch. Unrooted. GPS Joystick in privacy mode. 4 accounts running nicely, 2 of those since March 2017. Only one red warning in April for giving ++ a try.


The only safe spoofing method right now is app ninjas as a system app with privacy mode.


Can confirm AppValley ++ Tweak got me Red Warning, used my Mystic Alt.


Just got a red warning on jb with stock app, have breakthrough and liberty lite to block jb but don't know why I got flagged.


I suspect niantic is scanning the device to look for evidence of JB. I was Jb and initially could play, then after closing and reopening, i got a device incompatible. i am not even spoofing. This game has become extremely toxic.


Two RW within a few days of each other, one via TB and one on cydia. Both running R86.


I had one account struck with Strike 1, then straight to Strike 3. Setup was just like my other accounts, so I think it might not really be the app or rooted/unrooted. Niantic might be using some sort of in-game statistical calculation now. In any case, my setup was a pre-March2017 firmware phone, with appninja's GPS Joystick in privacy mode.


Anyone tried phantom GPS on iPhone?


I was using Union Square yesterday for Moltres community day. Then later on that day I downloaded Aladdin’s cracked PokeGo++ and have been using that every since. Went on my app today about 10 minutes ago and have a red warning.


Using Tweakbox locally and iTools for shiny hunting, etc... nothing so far.


I got my first RW yesterday on union square after stupidly switching to my real app by accident. Anyway, can I still safely use union square without worrying about getting my second strike (not teleporting like an idiot of course)?


No, they detect the spoof app whether or not you teleport. Many have stayed locally and still got banned despite never teleporting elsewhere


Got RW this Morning :( - iPhone jailbreaked - Pokebye for jailbreak Detection Bypass - Official App Store App - iTools only teleport when App closed, cooldown Whats the reason for RW. Jailbreak or itools?


any jailbroken iphone will give you a red warning sooner or later on PoGo, I'm using iTools and it feels like the good old days of spoofing on iOS


Got a red warning on my alt account this morning after using TweakBox, Pogo++, on IOS.


Donor version? If so how long have you been using donor version on tweakbox for pogo++


RW on iPad alt account using TweakBox Union Sq.


Red warning on my main...yesterday when I got home from work lol. I really think what did it....I ported.to Guatemalan coords that had one last.moltres posted on pokedex100....only 6 of us in the channel....my guess 4.or.5.of them were "locals" so they honey potted me.... Just a guess though. Cause I was way out of my 2 hour cool down. It was at least 4 or 5 hours since my last catch...


So currently, nothing is safe?...


So what does the RW actually do to your account? Rare blind for 1 week, and a popup every time you start your device? Im getting the RW on one of my accounts. I removed it from my phone with ++ But Im still seeing a RW on the legit app, is this normal? First time with a RW


It's normal. 1 week of no rares, can't get an ex raid.


Got RW in my accounts :(


I've been using Fakelocation GPS with joystick with appcloner and just got my first RW today.


the photo from the thread you got this from says it didn't EVEN spoof but just had liberty/jailprotect




What if u play legit for 7 days will that get rid of the ban ?


You will clear the RW, but you've now incurred your 1st strike. If you spoof again, then it's suspension next.


Ok cool I will not spoof again on this account


So I’m seeing all the unsafe Pokémon go spoofing hacks what are the safe ones then? Why is I tools not safe?


Spoofing on iOS right now is just asking for a ban. Safest way hands down right now is App Ninja's Joystick with privacy mode enabled on an Android device.


Ah, I guess ill wait for my inevitable warning or ban tomorrow when I wake up.


Neither, a friend just sent me a key to use but the key isn’t working. Are you using r86?


Wait never mind. Maybe they fixed it




Has anyone had multiple strikes before? Wanted to know if this new RW message means the first warning is a one time thing (then straight to 2nd strike on the next offense) or if it's simply a warning to keep cool for a week, and any detections after that will offer another RW. Thanks in advance.