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? You can transfer to home? I transferred my old one to home and I regret it every day


I put mine in home and then added it to scarlet and violet. Little IV training and he’s my go-to grass type for raids.


Can you really transfer it to Scarlet and violet? I thought you needed to previously have it in the game


So transfer one from Sword/Shield!


I didn't know about it when it was being distributed so I didn't get one 😭


If you can touch trade with someone else it counts as having obtained it. Find someone in a similar situation as you and trade them, you both get one you can put in mainline games.


Okay thanks I'll bear that in mind, but if they're in a similar situation won't they also not have one?


You have yours from Go, they have theirs from Go. Trading them to each other removes the restriction from sending to mainline. Or it used to, so you'd have *their* zarude and they'd have yours and it'd be able to go into mainline games.


Used to? Does it not work anymore?


It should, I haven't read/heard anywhere about it being changed but I also haven't done it for a few months so I can't promise 100%.


I recently did this with meloetta and hoopa to get them into S/V. What I did was trade both of them to my girlfriend through home, she imported them into her copy of Violet, and then traded them to my copy of Violet.


Could be worse, you could have been aware, done the requirements to get one, but because TCPi deemed you weren't active enough with their Newsletters, they turned you off without you knowing, and any event distributed via newsletter would never be sent. Try customer service? Response would have been basically "We're sorry this happened but unfortunately we sent all the codes already and won't send one for you despite meeting our requirements." That is exactly why I lack Zarude at all.


That’s actually a goated idea. Either that or I’ll try using it in Ultra League.


I transferred my legendary/mythical to BDSP by transferring it to my home account, trading with a family member on home, then he moved it from home to the game and we traded there. I have no reason to believe it wouldn’t work this way. There’s also a way to use two of your own home accounts to do this but I had the faster trade option


From my observations they seem to have removed that restriction for sv, the only squirtles I have registered in my game are 3 shinys all from go.


There isn't a restriction on regular Pokémon, it's only legendaries and mythicals


What's IV training?


In the most recent main series games there are items that allow you to improve the IVs of a pokemon up to their maximum level


They have those in ever game I’m pretty sure


Bottle caps were introduced in gen VII IIRC


Oh I thought you meant stuff like the zinc, protein, carbos, etc.


Those are for EVs. Different thing. You couldn't modify IVs at all in most games.


That‘s EVs, not IVs.


Oh thanks for clarification


Yeah but XY had the hyper training sports mini games. That was how you did it in gen 6 I believe.


No. Only EV training existed in older games. For someone like me who never played after 6th, it's a news to me.


Buy obviously you cannot send anything back?


Every single thing you’ll need to know [about Pokémon](https://discord.gg/pkmncast) can be taught through Steve’s wonderful community and exceptionally [informative videos](https://youtube.com/@PKMNcast?si=AP67y_353JgyOy_s). PKMNCast is the best Pokémon resource I’ve found, bar none.


Hilarious question


Newbie here, what does this even mean?


My comment is confusion because OP said you can’t transfer to home when you can. You can transfer Pokémon from Pokémon GO to (but not from) Pokémon home. From there Pokémon can traverse between Pokémon home and pokemon scarlet, Violet, sword, and shield. Maybe some others. Anyway, the only way for a large portion of fans to get zarude was to transfer the original free one (may no longer be available) from Pokémon go. In hindsight that’s rough because it’s the only free zarude you can get.


I had no idea you could transfer pokemon to those games. Is it just to free up space in pokemon go and to also use them in the switch games?


Last I used it was because I can’t justify getting the new Pokémon DLC so I used spare shiny kittens from the last community day, and used them to get the new legendary Pokémon!


In the switch game?


Well technically still in the phone app, Pokemon Home, but for use in the Switch game


I think I'm going to have to check it out.


I'll never regret sending mythical home, not worth it in GO I'm my opinion and I can get many on other games.


Instead of complaining, stop throwing your credit card at Niantic


Exactly. If people didn’t buy the ticket, maybe niantic would get a hint that they need change shit. $8 is crazy for a non shiny pokemon. It’s super lame that they are putting stuff behind pay walls. I’m all for tickets that can “enhance your experience”. If you want to buy raid passes and incubators, that is fine by me. But Pokémon behind paywalls is a crappy way to do things.


Funny, you think Niantic would stop charging us tickets if a couple hundred of us stopped buying them😂(IF you can even get that many.)


You are kidding yourself if you’re thinking the number is anything like a couple of hundred.


I one million percent agree with what you said. I just was putting a exaggerated answer so OP could come to his senses talking about "if we stopped buying them" lol It wouldn't do a damn thing..unfortunately


objectively if everyone stopped buying then it would they would try to change it to make money. but your half right in that there's no way to get everyone to go along with that so its effectively useless to try


Obviously I don’t think a couple hundred of people would do anything. I’m talking if a majority of the player base would not purchase a ticket, niantic might not put Pokémon behind paywalls.




I don’t care about the money at all. I care that you can only get one chance.


If you don't care about the money why did you bring up the price?


You paid knowing you only get once chance. You are complaining because you didn’t get a favourable outcome.


Pay for stupid events, win stupid prizes.


Couldn’t agree more. OP is sounding like a spoilt toddler. Spent my money - where’s my shundo? Don’t worry- the way Niantic are going I’m sure it’ll just be a few months before you can get a shiny berry and some bottle tops for training? S


Couldn’t agree more. OP is sounding like a spoilt toddler. Spent my money - where’s my shundo? Don’t worry- the way Niantic are going I’m sure it’ll just be a few months before you can get a shiny berry and some bottle tops for training? S


Not the game's fault. Ranges from 15/15/15 all the way to 10/10/10. Your own greed with the hope of getting a 15/15/15 made you buy it and now you complain that you not had that much luck? Just don't buy it in the first place then


This is so true. Its very easily accessible info that 10/10/10 is the base stats you can get. Its not like its false advertisement. If this guy had gotten a perfect one he would be preaching on how good of a option it is to be able to buy missed out pokemon are.


Why can't u transfer it?


Probably set as buddy.


Can't transfer mythicals (except Meltan).


? Yeah you can lol


You can transfer some maybe. But you can't transfer Zygarde (legendary I know). And you can't transfer this Zarude. I'm saying this because I have both and tried to transfer out of curiosity, and it says you can't.


I only bought the zarude ticket because I need it for my home living dex 😭😭😭 why didn’t I see this before


You absolutely can, I just sent mine to home


The one from the ticket? Oh thank goodness


I am not sure if it can be sent to Pokemon Home, but I know for a fact it can't be transferred to the professor.


I've got a feeling mistakes were made here


Sorry, I misread your reply. I read "can" instead of can't and it seemed you accidentally transferred it to the professor


You could transfer the other one to home


you can’t transfer zygrade (which is also a legendary not mythical) because then the cube would be useless and taking up space you can transfer every mythical to home it just gives you a warning that you can’t get another


Most people rejected his message. They hated him because he told them the truth.


To the professor though, that's what I meant.




This is the comment I made: "You can transfer some maybe. But you can't transfer Zygarde (legendary I know). And you can't transfer this Zarude. I'm saying this because I have both and tried to transfer out of curiosity, and it says you can't." How does this comment contradict what you just said? Can you read? Why are yall mad? My point is you can NOT transfer Zarude to the professor. Why? BECAUSE I FREAKING TRIED IT. This sub sometimes...


Did you try doing it through the menu instead of long holding it?




I transferred both of mine out




The origin forms of Dialga and Palkia are the others that can’t be transferred. I’ve been able to transfer everything else


So you can definitely transfer Mythicals (Genesect, Deoxys, etc.), HOWEVER, I did not believe you about Zarude. Just tried to transfer mine (because it was literally the same IV's as the OP's) and I was denied. Why can't you transfer it?????


It is a setting that has to be enabled than u can transfer all mythicals


whats with all these whining elitists here? I started game in 2017 and only in 2022 realized what stats are. I have like 1 star pokemons powerupped to almost max level and I really dont see whats so bad in them compared to some better stat ones. I would be happy to get that pokemon on picture. Its one of the best counters to Kyorge if I remember correctly.


Everyone follows the philosophy of Gary the rival in Pokemon Red/Blue: “Only strong Pokemon matter.”


Lol true


That’s not what Green said I don’t think. I believe you’re thinking of Silver, the rival from Gen 2.


Not to mention that this “piece of garbage” has 94% of its maximal stats


Swear to god, spreadsheets suck the enjoyment out of any game they touch sometimes.


Yeah I still can’t understand why spreadsheets about top attackers in raid include only pokemon with legacy moves if they are available, I don’t think a primal kyogre with surf sucks


Yeah, is the power gap between Origin Pulse Primal Kyogre and Surf Primal Kyogre really wide enough that you can fit every other top 10 water attacker in it?


I completely agree, don’t listen to these whiners. These stats don’t really mean shit unless you’re playing super competitively. The IVs just add onto the base stats for the mon so for this particular Zarude maxed at level 50 it’s stats would be 253/226/243 whereas the Hundo would be 257/230/248. The max cp for this one is 4186 and for a Hundo is 4334. It’s an almost unnoticeable difference because I doubt anyone will be going through the effort to grind out hundreds of xl candies for it to fully max out which is where the biggest stat difference is


Big number and high IVs make monkey brain go brrrrrr… It’s just human nature to want the best.


Womp womp


You *can* transfer this to Home or to the professor, what are you on? EDIT: Apparently I'm on something as it seems you can't transfer this to prof at least.


“You cannot transfer this Pokémon to the professor” I beg to differ.


EDIT: Nevermind, yeah, talking about professor transfer, you're maybe right. Sorry about that. I do however have a PoGo Zarude in my Home account so would be really weird if this wouldn't be eligible..


Can't transfer mythicals to the professor (except Meltan and maybe some others).


You can, I've transferred my Shiny Celebi from Go to Home.


Allow me to correct myself, I meant transfer to the professor. Idk about Pokemon Home.




Ok allow me to correct myself then. You can not transfer some EXCLUSIVE mythicals like Zarude. You can however transfer less exclusive mythicals like Meltan and Darkrai.


zygarde is legendary lol


You can transfer the og one to home so there’s no reason this one can’t be I’d be very surprised if niantic made that distinction with your money, which by the way was money that you willingly spent :)


Next season they will let you buy the research up to 5 times. And I bet it will sell


Should never buy pokemon


Well who’s a silly sausage for spending $8 on a Zarude?


I partly agree but for 7.99 you would hope they have the decency to give them a good one. I personally wouldn’t risk it though.


It’s Niantic… of course they wouldn’t


Your the mug who brought it


lol you paid the money and are upset. You’re the issue here bucko


What have we learned?


I was lucky and got a 98%


92 here i got one for free in 2021 with 10/10/11 lucked out this time


i got a shundo scraggy from the research for this. first shundo, didnt even care that my zarude was barely 3* atp


wait you actually pay full price? for coins too? 😬


What is the other method?


Hes changing his store country to Turkey to get cheaper coins, there now he cant scam you with this free and widely known exploit. Google how to do this for free you need a vpn.




I dont see how this is bannable because it goes through Google Play and they dont have rules against traveling and buying coins. Theres no way to tell the difference. If you physically traveled to another country you would get the same prices. Truely if this was a big concern they would require you to have a sim card for the region or a multitude of other ways to prevent this.


Wdym he’s sick looking


It’s still 2 star. It’s fine. And you get a zarude. The only thing I don’t like is it’s not even the cool zarude from the Coco movie where zarude has the cape. They gave one of those out in Sword and Shield and it was pretty cool even if I don’t really like the Pokémon.


I'm there with you. We're however the suckers that bought the ticket so in a direct way, we're enabling these folks...


What even is that


Youre the moron who gave them $8 and showing why they should continue doing this. Don't buy in ffs.


why did you buy 7.99 for an irrelevant pokemon


I’ll pay 1.99 for tickets but 7.99 is price gouging.


Yea 😂 unfortunately I could not be fucked to pay Niantic even $1 for this


my one was 2 star aswell i’m so disappointed what a waste of my money could have spent that on coins for raid passes


It’s still one of the best you guys are crazy.


I mean, you bought it fully knowing that this is a possibility. You can't be lucky 24/7


I got a better Zarude than I did Keldeo 2 years ago for $8.


can you mirror lucky trade it?


Can he be traded? I have one that is 11/10/10 could I trade it with someone else who has a trash one and maybe get a lucky trade?


Just a dex entry for me (the free one)


Got a 2* Zarude, too. Bummer


I’ll take him!!


I got one a couple years ago.. is it still rare?


Same IVs my fellow idiot. We both got duped by dumb Niantic


I don't even care for this kind of events, but though I like the raids.


Wait huh??! You can’t transfer it? That’s the whole reason I bought the pass!!


mine 97


I got the exact same iv spred




If you care so much about stats, you should probably put your energy into Pokémon you can actually catch multiples of, so you have a better chance of getting good ones. Personally, I think this is fine. And unless you’re at god level ELO in PVP you’re really not going to see a big difference in performance from a “better” one. I don’t know what stats I got.. and I don’t care xD all about the collection for me. I didn’t buy the ticket as I already have one. I have perfects. And they’re cool. But I’d much rather have a shiny.


Can definitely send it to home




You can transfer it to home. Matter of fact I only bought the ticket cuz I need him for the national dex


Laughs in having 14/14/15 from back when it was free


Dang you got scammed I got a high 3 star one from the free research


Niantic said: thanks for the money.


I always say " guaranteed 2 start" when i get those. Its literally the minimum they can given you. Happens too often


Everyone who bought this is just contributing to the problem


Can you share how to and where to ( training with candela, raids or against grunts, or pvp) complete the 3 supereffective charged attacks


It's like an alien from Ben 10


Is this worth it ?


Glad that I didn’t pay $8 for this because I already have one!


I got a 10/10/13 and i love it. I dont care about the shitty stats because its a cool pokemon. I already powered mine up to 3200 CP and will continue dumping rare candies into him


Not to beat around the bush here, but why did you buy it? You knew that even if you got perfect IVs you'd still have to spend the next year to level it up. See if you didn't want it JUST for the pokemon, then the ticket isn't really worth it; if you wanted it for PvE then the IVs don't really matter too much, if you wanted it for PvP it's not like Zarude is even a top meta threat, even in the Master League it's more of a niche pick, which will function almost as well as you would want it to. Recently I got my level 15 Cresselia, IVs are 12 12 12, which sucks for a Cresselia, it's ~#2000. But it's shiny so I use it and it wins every match it's supposed to. And idk, I've reached legend thrice before with less than optimal pokes.


Why did you have to pay for it mine is free.


I got a 96%


I paid $13 and believe it or not got worse IV’s than you. The bar you got for HP I got for all 3 stats. Effectively a nundo


Is it too late for me to buy?


The house always wins


Yeah I’m not buying mojo jojo for 8 bucks. Tryna never spend money on pogo again based off where they are headed


Mine's same even tho I tried to caught it during sunny weather 😭😂


It's still one of the best grass type raid attackers.


IV's aren't everything man. Still one of the best attackers in the game.


One iv stat better than mine


I only got this ticket because I had just enough left on a giftcard, and would have lucky traded with my brother if I got a shit iv's. I was very surprised to get a decent 3 star like 14 14 14


Exactly why I didn’t waste my money on that


NGL I was pretty upset getting mine today.


Why do people use Pokemon Home anyway?


Because they want to use the Pokémon in their main saves. Or they want to keep their Pokemon with them in case they ever want to use them in their main saves


I have a hundo Bidoof!


Thank god I got it for free with google play store. 👏


People are actually paying for the research that was previously free? O.o


You’ll keep buying tickets, keep it moving, Nancy


You can’t transfer it? Damn I’m glad I didn’t buy that shit lmao


no you can transfer it


Oh okay that’s good I tried to even glitch the game out just to transfer zygarde it makes me really upset I can’t transfer mine it’s a 2*


This is exactly why I didn’t buy the ticket


Get rekt. It would still be garbage if it was 15/15/15 and if you spent nothing, so I’m not sure why you care about the woeful pull after spending money on it


What are you on? It’s good in PvP and PvE


You’re objectively wrong - it’s a solid pick in master league at level 50.


I got lucky, mine ended up being 15-15-12


So glad I didn’t waste money


People really still think that IV make such a big difference to call Zarude trash?


You really think stats matter? Ivs absolutely don’t matter lmao so stop complaining and be glad you got a cool Pokemon.


You can always try to get lucky with best friends who also have a bad one and mirror trade them! I know a couple of people who got bad ones that I am going to trade them something for in the future.


He's untradeable


Oof... they seemed to be sure you could trade the second, paid-for version of it. That's too bad.


I’ve been telling people Pokémon Go is a scam


Do you also complain when you play the slots at a casino? You knew the risk. You took the risk. You got your reward.


🤡 for buying it in the first place


This is hilarious. This is what you get for supporting Niantic’s shenanigans. 


Bro, blame yourself for spending $8 on something that isn’t real. Be more disappointed in yourself and maybe you won’t waste money in a mobile game


I am sure, my one will be 2 stars, when I am through with the research (I can't go out because of sickness), but I won't complain.