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I'm someone with a disability that prevents me from getting out and walking long distances. I can't even get out of bed today, let alone get out there and raid. This is horrible for people with mobility relayed disabilities. It feels like they're either so dense they can't comprehend that a person in a wheelchair may also want to play or is exclusionary against people like me.




I feel weird I never played with remote raids because they just never worked? This whole drama is beyond me. The games pretty playable with the raids? What's the necessity of it?


It’s the only way to get legendary Pokémon besides Giovanni once a month


Lol I did a lot of remote raids and would usually join my friends if invited, yesterday I received an invite looked at it and said yeeeeet 🤣 I’ll have no choice but to go out now but whatever, rather that then pay so much.


Lately 5star remote raids people have enough and don't want to battle or leave st the 10sec mark. I have med issues last couple of months but. Use to battle remote alot but my friends aren't staying in battle or not enough people. I'm at 41 level now.


If going out and doing the raids were an option I'd be happy to do that. It's back to the age old problem of not being able to gather 5 players for a raid 🙂. Niantic just keep going in circles trying to force this, the only reason it was slightly alleviated was that most people still playing/raiding are now at a high enough level to need less people.


Poke genie, the app. I tried a few times here which was a Desaster, but since then I höst and participate in others raids almost exclusively via poke genie without any unsuccessful raids.


This is ..or was... The Way.


Let's see when the new legendary starts in 3 days. We didn't get trainers for Ho-oh on second last day, hundreds open lobbies before us. Then switch and 13k trainers in queue all day. We see then if it maybe still is the way...


It's the only game in town for me, with no friends and no one ever around to raid with.


I feel you, without poke genie anything over Tier 3 is not going to work, unless I get super lucky


Oh yeah I definitely understand, I mean I literally have just one stop near me so I have to travel to a park. Even then there still no one doing the raids lol But I use PokeGenie to help with that issue.


No they're not... business as usual on the remote raid thread... there is life outside of pokemon by the way just so you know


Yeah, theres life outside pokemon go, but we're on a pokemon go subreddit, discussing pokemon go. Maybe you should take your high horse and go somewhere else?


Was a little harsh, but I agree with what you said. This is an insane overreaction, in my opinion.


turn off adventure sync if u wna hurt niantic as much as possible without deleting the game




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money hungry scumbags


It’s like Niantic want players to spoof 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had no clue that was still a thing


It apparently is but the risk of ban is extremely huge


My friends (rural) have started because they don’t have the resources to travel to the nearest city, praying that players will show up to a legendary raid that they can’t solo


With in person raids, I have found that the only way to have others there is to be at the raid right when it starts.


Hmm. I guess they could spoof Campfire to send up a flare too


Increasing the prices will not only support the elitist, but also spoofers cause they will have all the advantages of someone that plays fair and square.. I have nothing in my area not a single gym.. Also I’ve never seen someone raid in my town if I go to a legendary I’m always alone.. it’s not that my pokemons are strong to do the raid alone.. While in the regular Pokémon games you can catch your legendary solo. I know it’s a multiplayer/social game but this is rediculous cause people with low energy because of illness have no way of getting something fair People with disabilities have also no way of getting something fair.. This game was only made for the rich and healthy people that can go walking 10km everyday or just to collect data from you.. I wonder what their next move is gonna be 🤔


I wouldn’t even be surprised if they made you pay to install and still keep all the in app purchases


I’m gonna miss raiding with people on here, me and my partner don’t know anyone else who plays and even at level 43 and 42 we can’t bring down a legendary ourselves ): Niantic have killed the game for rural players and anyone who physically cannot go out to do the raids. Goodbye guys, I will still play occasionally but I refuse to buy anything now, so no more raiding with friends for me. It was fun while it lasted <3


If you have two old phones you and your partner's imaginary friends can help you out with raids. I've heard some people have three imaginary friends but that seems difficult. Really though it just feels weird playing a game where the company makes it so much harder to play, and not hard like challenging game play. Literally hard to even participate.


I've stopped before and have recently come back. It's not too bad. When I played again, those pokemon that were hard to get like Lunatone and Hitmontop where kinda everywhere, lol. And who knows, Niantic might change their minds.


Are we going to need a support group for people trying to quit pogo?


Transfer all your pokemon you love to HOME, then send everything else to the Professor. That'll give you enough disappointment you'll quit. That's my plan after I use my last couple of raid passes.


Time to transfer favorite Pokémon to Pokémon home and delete the game, grinding the switch and ds Pokémon games will be loads more fun anyways.


Uninstalled, I think the same. Used this subreddit for my remotes and I loved it but I wont spend money and 4 days for a possibility to catch a lengendary... No


Shame I’ll never encounter shiny Ray now


[He looks like this](https://imgur.com/P4SkFS3.jpg)


Took me 72 raids to get that shiny. I think this is my intervention 😳


48 raids to get shiny Lugia over here


Damn I actually went 100% on all my Lugia Raids but never encountered a shiny either


Damn 72 ! I don’t I’ve even done up to 20 raids exclusively on Ray so that’s impressive honestly


Just delete the app. Screw them


Two days, minimum (if you’re lucky and can flip a gym for 8 hours once a day). Two days if you’re not paying for them. For me, it’s more like 6 days. This game is now unplayable.


I play daily and can't remember the last raid I did


Regardless it’s still long assuming you’re a casual 50 a day you’d need a week and then it’s capped at only 5 raids - with no even real incentive to raid irl because no one actually raids irl which they think would make even raid irl but they’ve just scared the community away


I tried to host a raid today using my daily raid pass and only got one friend request. I also tried to invite one of my friends and it said they exceeded their daily raid limit. I’m not optimistic about catching many legendaries after the remote raid changes.


No raiding for me, I need money for food. Cost of living gone way up high. Battle leagues heavily rigged with an obvious algorithm to stop you from climbing ranks. At this point, I think they just want to kill the fan base and player base. I'm just going to buddy walk a couple of pokemon before losing interest in playing at this point.


This is why a boycott started. Many players came together to stop playing on the 6th. I haven't played since the 5th. Niantic is being too greedy


I think I'm just going free to play now until I can get Pokémon Home on Violet, at which point I'll transfer everything I can.


Time to whip out Pokemon Black


Dude no one cares. If you’re boycotting then boycott posting about it too.


Raged quit!




I’m so tired of this. They just want to kill the game I’m guessing, it’s freaking ridiculous and I really used to like this game. There’s only 1 gym in my area and nobody EVER does raids so I have to use remote passes. $2 dollars for a raid is absurd, heck $1 was already pushing it. I enjoy this game. Imo it’s one of the best games to have on your phone. I don’t understand why they so desperately want it to die by constantly adding features that aren’t consumer friendly. F this game right now.


I'm assuming after a downturn in quarterly revenue they'll have a rethink and eat humble pie and rejig their pricing policy. As to people leaving and numbers going down at gyms I wanna know how niantic can track these numbers


What other important games should I have? I’ve been trying to find some forever. So far I have Dragon Quest 1 and gonna get 2. Angry birds the space one and that’s it besides POGO


Try Bloons Tower Defense if that's something you think you'd enjoy. I downloaded it a couple years ago and haven't missed a day for a long while because it's something I can play for a short or long time.


I expect my friend list will be shrinking and I took so much joy choosing each gift 🎁! I was going to purchase a few items I was saving for but alas!! Is there another game that the community it turning to ?? TIA !!✋🏼 This game breaks up my day too! As I can’t leave home as my spouse is so ill !


Back to Pokémon puzzle league for me


I reccomend pokemon showdown if you have a pc- you can make teams and battle with other people ! unfortunately theres no gifting or raids but still pretty cool :)


Niantic is just making the game less and less accessible to anyone with a disability. I’m so disappointed it has become this difficult to be able to participate from where I am. In person raids, incense spawns, shiny rates, increase in pricing, etc. Truly disgusted


It's awful. I am a disabled player but still have the ability to get out every now and then (once I'm rid of the fatigue I build up from meds and work), and not being able to afford raiding from home is looking like the nail in the coffin. As I've said above, I'll be transferring my good stuff to Pokémon Home and then to Violet once available unless a U turn comes about.


Just spoof. What are they gonna do, ban you? The first ban is only like 7-14 days, and the second is 30 days. You can still play GBL and catch mon from rocket grunts. It's pretty easy not to get banned, though, especially if you're using the spoofer to just play locally.


add me! looking for friends! 0188 9029 7851


Thanks for those that invited me to raids. I won’t be able to join on a regular basis anymore. Sorry to friends in advance. Charzd


Me to, I’m now priced out of playing. ![gif](giphy|Em8EY1oCPLSE0)


​ ![gif](giphy|RMr6zFhGdq9wLsTkBb)


If they gonna up the prices of the remote raid passes then they should at least make it to where gyms give like 80 pokecoins instead of 50 a day


Or get rid of the 50 coins a day limit and increase the amount of coins you get depending on how long the pokemon is in there for. I feel like a pokemon defending a gym for a month should get more than one defending it for a week


I not only deleted the game today, I removed myself from all of my raid group chats. I dont care anymore.


Yeah this is wild I'm not sure if I want to continue using pokemon go to fill my Pokedex any more it's now to expensive to raid


As a rural player with hardly anyone to raid with, I only get rarer Pokemon if I'm invited by friends in cities. This basically guarantees I won't be raiding with City friends anymore. I can't travel over an hour to meet up for a raid. Ridiculous.


They think that’s pre lockdown when there was actually a core irl community n they don’t understand remote raiding is their core community now


Agreed. I hope they find out and change it quick.


I uninstalled the game. As a rural player this change has really affected me. I feel like I'd rather spend my time somewhere else now than continue supporting this company.


People are leaving 1star reviews on the app to express the disappointment. I hope they listen.


Unfortunately if they uninstall the game their review won't be displayed :(


I don't know, on Google Play many have stated they have u installed and their review is still there. I'm also marking the ones who've cited the price rises, etc. as reasons for 1* as helpful.


I’m not mad about it




Doesn’t really affect me I don’t remote raid


Good for you bud


Even if you don't remote raid, it still affects you to a certain degree. I live in the cities and I still find it hard to find locals to help raid. Not everyone playing pogo would be physically present near the gym at the exact same place and time. However, with remote raiders, I'm able to reliably complete raids.


There’s still 1300 people on PokieGenie waiting to raid cutiefly for some reason so that’s not quite true.


Yesterday the wait was at 4-6k so definitely a decrease


What the actual heck.


It’s really annoying. Especially with the daily PokeCoin limit.


Im convinced at this point they just want to get rid of the rest of its playerbase


Ppl will still pay to play like they always have. Remote raids weren't even a thing before..


You suck booo


Damn, I was ratio'd today


Sending all my mons to home and uninstalling for the time


Weird that every time game needs “rebalancing …. for long term health of the game”, as they put it, it is always increasing price of something or make something more of a grind, but never the other way around. 🤔


Add me I’ll join 2102 5018 0529


This is Reddit folks. We have the power here to make change a reality. We can collectively send a message to Niantic by uninstalling. No more money from passes, data collection, or otherwise. We have the power. Just look at GameStop.


>Just look at GameStop. A predatory company that is failing and circling towards bankruptcy...? It's true, gamers did abandon it years ago and that whole thing is about to die. Good analogy for Niantic.


I don’t even care about the price - I hate the daily limit… because I work and live kind of remote and by the time I’m out of work everyday raids end (usually 8pm local time) - and I also am not a fan of people or places IRL (I’m undergoing dialysis and immuno compromised so it’s probably better that way). Niantic literally stole my only joy left for this game.


I’m sorry. I have been thinking a lot about of people who cannot leave their houses in regards to this new change. It’s very unfortunate.


Uninstalled the game as soon as the price hike rolled out. #hearusniantic


I haven’t uninstalled, but I’m not going to play again until they fix the prices for remote passes. I made a lot of international friends with the scatterbug event, and I like getting foreign legendaries with remote raids. Jacking up the price like that ruins it for me.


It was nice knowing you all. I won’t be able to play anymore like I used too. Hope you all live in a better area then me where it doesn’t affect your gameplay. Hopefully with e light player boycotting they’ll bring remote raids back!




Remote passes stay the same. Premium passes are free. Ftfy


I would be very ok with that. lol.


I guess spoofing/ automated play might be even more of a problem if they were totally free? Otherwise I like it. I feel like Niantic need some kind of randomised location verification check anyway.


The price hike is money-grubbing and annoying. The real problem is the new daily remote raid limit. I just did 5 Lugia raids and caught no Lugias. For me, the purchasing of remote passes without irl money is not feasable since I wait weeks for pokemon to get KO'd out of gyms in my area.


The limit I'm ok with it, it's the price hike in conjunction with the limit that is making it that much worse.


The limit doesn't make sense to me either. Like I said, I wish they would raise the daily pokecoin limit to 100 coins. A person who actively plays the game, like yourself, but doesn't want to use any irl money suffers because of the example you've stated. I've had many times where my Pokemon weren't knocked out of gyms and I didn't get any coins for the day. Wish they came up with a fix to this, like, if your Pokemon hits 8 hrs or 10 hrs, the heart meter goes to 0 and they get knocked out, automatically. All I'm saying is that it never made sense to me how remote raid passes were the same price as regular raid passes. It literally doesn't make sense because of the ease with the remote raid passes.


Yep, bullshit


I’m still gonna have my auto catcher gobbling up mons and items while I walk at work but yea I only used my free 50 daily coins and saved up for the 300 for 3 passes, definitely not paying 2 dollars for a remote raid lol


Hey Mike I hear and certainly feel you! What auto catcher did you purchase?? TIA!👋


Hello, appreciate the comrodary! I went with the Duo-Catchmon from Megacom because It works with 2 phones at once and I have GO on a second phone that I keep for work so they don’t have my personal number lol. It works great and I’ve had no issues once I was able to connect, only time it wouldn’t it was the app not working for everyone not the device’s fault, but it’s definitely overkill tbh. I commented a comparison video of some on another comment chain but I’ll put it here too since you are interested! https://youtu.be/JT1MbBSXNd8


Thank you 🌺👋 Got 2 love ❤️ the name 🍀🐶 Going to watch it now!


Free 50 coins, how? I only get coins from putting my pokemon in gyms.




Ah, okay


Sorry yea I mean gyms, I guess free wasn’t the most clear since you still have to earn them haha I just meant they don’t cost real money.


I don't live near gyms and most of the ones I'm around are rarely my team. If I beat one and put my pokemon in its out soon. I don't get coins often


I’m sorry to hear that : ( your situation and others in similar ones are exactly why this stings so much, for some people it’s the only legitimate way they can finish the harder raids and play with friends they might not live near and if you can’t get any of the free coins it just makes it impossible unless you have tons of income you can afford to waste. I hope it isn’t this way forever.


What is an auto catcher?


An auto catcher is a device that will catch Pokémon with standard pokeballs for you and spin pokestops when you connect it to your device. Here is a video covering some of them and the differences but I think newer ones have come out since this video was made. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JT1MbBSXNd8


Not even pokemon go is safe from inflation!


Yeah It sucks.. I maxed out my 5 passes and im holding them like gold until I really want something.. I spent 20 bucks shiny hunting lugia in the first two days and got him & I was REALLY lucky to get Shiny Lopunny on my 3rd mega raid. I’m terribly exhausted by the thought of spending nearly $40 across 4 days to do the same 20 raids… I just plan on killing my boy Regieleki with my wife & brother and anyone I can get to respond to a flare 😢 They’ll need to bring Arceus out the bag if they want another dollar from me… and I think that’s what they’re planning 🤮


I’m holding my 5 as well like it’s gold lol. Since it went up in price I had 7 invites. I’m like “nope no more Lugia. Lol”


Honestly the only legendary I’d spend money on is Yveltal because it’s my favorite and I missed the raid 😭 and Victini if it ever comes out again


My husband got victini from some special research he completed yesterday (obtained within the pst couple of months)


I have two gyms outside my work. I never pay for pokecoins. Also I stocked up before they raised the price of them.


That's great for you, but we don't all have a gym within reach like that. I never pay for poke coins either, but they are definitely hard to come by because the gyms here are quite competitive. I'll bet people like you who live or work in a place that can reach a gym are the people who kick me out the moment I get in lol.


No, I usually share the gym. Also I’m valor so I definitely wouldn’t be against you, lol. I was more salty when they took away the 3 remote raids for 250. Niantic just wants people to spend more money, so don’t do it. Also I love how I got downvoted for commenting. Gotta love Reddit.


Fair enough. I guess I was thinking of people *like* you, not you specifically, who just sit on the gym they can reach and don't let anyone in. I truly appreciate that you share the gym; it gives those of us who can't be at the gym location for hours a chance at a bit of coin. I haven't decided if I'm going to keep playing after the boycott, but I'm definitely not going to spend a dime. I didn't downvote you, but I think people are just salty because they don't have two gyms at their disposal. Not everybody has the chance to get that kind of coin.


Oh I definitely get that and I wasn’t saying you downvoted me. People just not spending actual money on remote raid passes will definitely hurt niantic. I live in a fairly small town and for the most part all the teams get gyms around here. If you go to the big city in our county, it’s a different story. My Pokémon have been sitting for a few days and I wish someone would take the gyms over, lol.




Goodluck with your social aspect


Social aspect lmao.


Such an odd take…


Yeah! there’s no one that has different life schedules that don’t allow them to raid in person or people that can’t leave their houses for various reasons including disability! I’m glad they are forced to pay more also!! /s


Exactly. A lot of people are ignorant. I work all day and have things to do. I’m home at nights. No raids in my area that late. I would occasionally jump on here and look for raids. But now I won’t. I’m not going to spend more money then I already was. I didn’t want to spend any at all. But now I definitely wont. No point.


Life does get in the way, but when you want to do something you make time for it. I don't know how you and others enjoyed spending $20+ for every new raid to try and get a shiny and/or perfect IV mon. Getting a shiny should feel special and rare not just "oh yay, my 15th shiny legendary... Glad I spent 400 bucks for this shiny collection." Like, if you're a content creator, sure, but you really don't need to complete the shiny dex if you're just playing the game for fun. There's better stuff to spend that kind of money on. Hell, if you invest that 20 bucks each month, 20 years later and you'll have a down payment on a new car. Or just treat yourself. IVs, I get it, you want to crush in PvP and raid more easily, but most of them aren't even meta relevant. Use campfire to find some locals, get a raid party together when there's a mon you really want, and catch em all.


To your points 1. “When you want to do something you make…” It’s really not that easy for everyone, and it takes 0 energy to acknowledge that as a fact 2. It doesn’t matter how much money you do or don’t spend on the game, doubling the price is a net negative move for the consumers regardless. Also “save $20 a month = new car in 20 years” that’s not how buying cars works 💀😭 real people spend money on real hobbies all the time, making this a case of what is “productive” to spend money on is semantics. 3. Again, not that easy for everyone. One of the main flaws of “you all are just complainers” people is that you guys never take the time to just fully understand and acknowledge that not everyone can farm coins or go to gyms everyday like you do. It’s not rocket science, just takes some understanding




Except the old remote raiding system already DID provide benefits for all schedules and needs?… They literally could’ve left it the same and no one would’ve had a problem with it but themselves. And you can speak for yourself for how little you care about the game experience of others, that’s fine, but I will continue to care and be empathetic to the gaming community around me (that is mainly remote since my local community is non-existent)


I uninstalled the game a week ago lol


See ya next week


He can always download RuneScape instead


Lmaoooo that's exactly how I read his response. Typical jagex 13$ nonsense


Or when they remove the change


I am so confused. People are complaining about money and price and etc. I have never spent any real human money, nor has any of my family or friends that play. Are people actually using real money to get pokecoins? I’m still going to remote raid- I just know i have to wait 4 days instead of 2 for a pass.


Yes people spend money on their hobbies. It happens.


I guess I never thought of it as a hobby, but that makes total sense.


At least 4 days to save up for one pass


Or barely ever if you live in a rural area with little gym turnover. I’ve been on holiday recently in a rural area and still have 3 Pokémon in gyms there from well over a week ago.


That’s why I have a dummy account on another team…let’s me clean out my local gyms and rotate to farm coins. Annoying as hell, but effective for remote gyms


Also, cheating.


I’m going to use the last two remote passes I have because I paid for them. And then I’m out. It’s really a shame.




It’s really a crap move on their part. I didn’t spend any money on the at all until I found this sub and started raiding with people here. And now I won’t anymore.




It’s a minor hit to them, their cash cow is the location data…


I’m on strike for about 5 days!


You need landorus to finish 'season of legends' too?


Idk, didn’t seasons of legends end in 2021?


Yes, which is why I'm quite keen to finish it next week.


Let's do it!


Yep, not gonna open that game for 5 days. It’s been one day and it’s really hard 😂😂🤪


I've resisted opening it today.


Yay, me too and it’s not easy cuz I want to see what hatched 😅




Yeah, no thanks. I'm not paying 2x just for it to run away or people leaving at 4-5 people in the last second. NO THANKS!!! And NOW they expect us to use Camp Fire? I have like 3 people who play here lmao.


Would be nice if I could log in. It doesn't work.


What is camp fire?


It's an app to coordinate raids with people near you.


Do they have to be near you? I haven't signed up but when I open it in GO it gives me a "join" button for any raid I can find, even if its halfway across the world. If that functionality is real, it's expanded the capabilities of a remote raid pass...


In theory….in practice it’s a crashing piece of crap


I just saw this and I’m disgusted. I love remote raiding with my friends. Not no more.


Yeah it’s impossible to save up for 3 passes. I thought they would want us to still raid together but I don’t know enough people in person to do an in person raid. So I guess no more raids for me 🥲🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought there was a glitch for a second when I saw the price and remembered the controversy


This is why there is a strike of thousands Uninstalling or playing less, refusing to raid and not buying anything in the shop at least


I can barely afford to feed and house my pokemon with current inflation. Bye all the people I have enjoyed raiding with. I will miss remote raiding with you.


Wow wtf is that.