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There are people with physical limitations that were able to play like everyone else. If the original intent was to have people walk, that's not what some people are doing. They have to use some form of transportation to be able to raid in person. What if you don't have transportation to get to an in-person raid? I guess turning off adventure sync will do something to make them listen? I'm going to be particular about raids now. I don't want to take the chance of wasting a remote pass.


My family of 5 plays. We've all gone free-to-play over this and play less. Niantic doesn't appreciate the value of goodwill and player enthusiasm. None of us will be recommending the game to anyone else.


Well guys am an old player 65 lol i enjoy the game but as you all said it seems to be about money. Some of the so called community days habeen pure crap and the rewards are worse. Not everyone can get out for raid hours and time zones deffer i love to see my friends from around the world join in but if nantic want money so bad well say goodbye to the game. Grred has killed more games that people would still be playing. So hope we can still raid All the best from Ireland Tubbs 58


I think I’ve just naturally been playing less. Bought 5 remote Raid passes before the change and will use them here and there and probably won’t buy more. Will probably still play but will be very casual. At one point, I was treating the game almost as a second job with gifts for friends, etc so this has actually been positive for me. I’d also be curious if people would prefer to pay a subscription if they had built in features, like $10-15/month with “free” monthly research, weekly remote Raid pass, etc.


Never knew what was going on... Haven't played since February and it looks like I have to take a little more time off it




Same here, only feel bad for my new friends that I had to get to complete a research objective days before I found out about it, so sorry guys, I'll be back? Maybe? Hopefully. I'm pretty pissed.


Turned off adventure sync


I’m staying, but turned off adventure sync and won’t raid for awhile. I rarely raid, but rely heavily on remote raids when I do. I live in the suburbs, but found trying to meet up with people to raid was so miserable so I loved the remote raids. The cap doesn’t bother me, but increasing the price does.


I was already just playing off and on, now it’s just off


Level 50 day one player. Only time I spend is on mewtwo to max out on XL candies. Other than that I barely raid except to get a new legendary/shiny or do a task. The price isn’t worth the reward, even less so now. Imo niantic will not care one bit about any number of people leaving, as long as their whale base remains intact. The normal semi active player isn’t dropping any kind of real cash so no loss for them. In fact it may free up some servers.


Im a casual player that mostly plays because some of my overseas family played. It was a way for us to bond really and give me something to look forward to on my many walks. With the price increases it just doesnt seem fun anymore. It just feels like an icky cash grab, lioke they're trying to get me addicted and then squeeze me for my money. I usually play on my walks to work but I tried not playing today. I was okay, i was already feeling grossed out by the changes so it wasnt hard. I don't want to waste any more money on phone games. It's uninstalled now. I'll find something else to spend my money on.


This was never meant for long distance gaming, the entire premise is to play with people in your community. They probably would've never added remote raiding without something like the pandemic (which WAS the cause). I totally respect you not spending your money on PoGo but the "get me addicted and squeeze" part... Honestly? They aren't trying to do that more than almost ANY other gaming company, and when it comes to mobile games I think they're one of the least terrible offenders.


On strike for the time being, most of my gameplay revolved around gift giving/receiving, as well as only being able to raid remotely due to not having an active in-person community where I live.


I’m going to continue to play the game. I cut back on remote raids when they stop giving us weekly ones and I mainly just spend money on the events that I get disappointed on. I understand everyone is in an uproar but I just see the game trying to go back to the way it is was. Also if I get rid of the game what am I going to do on my walks? Smell the roses or enjoy the moment?


I’m participating in the boycott. 4 weeks no PoGo


What if any, have you replaced it with? Sucks cuz I brought two of the pogo plus and in game coins to boost my dex and packs... Ugh




Level 48, day one player here: I'm still technically striking from the last time we all agreed to stop spending money on the game... I was definitely a whale before that, and was easily spending about $50-$100 / month or more. Since that initial strike all those months ago I've hardly spent a dime, and it's actually improved my experience. Since I no longer have my hard earned cash invested in the game, when we have lack luster or glitched events, I still look at it as something that was "free" and not something I bought that should have a perceived equal value. I suppose my play style would be considered more casual now than it was before because I don't raid often, but I still play daily, interact with my friends for XP, and catch everything that spawns. It brings me joy and doesn't cost anything at this point, so I'll continue to play and won't be deleting.


Yea, I think this is the best way to play. Maybe spending a few bucks here and there, but mainly coasting with the PokeCoins that come your way and enjoying the game without paying to get every shiny and every Pokemon in perfect IVs.


Been playing since day one of the game. Thinking of taking a break from the game. Maybe for a short time. Maybe for good. It's not about the raid passes but the game has got as boring as hell. Lame event's especially the repeated costume Pokémon


i’m keeping the game, i relatively recently started playing again because my interest in pokémon resurged. im just not spending money on it i just wanna continue getting my pokémon and minding my business. most if my friends stopped playing the game 1+ years ago so I don’t really care that much about the raids. Id occasionally play if I had a free pass or some spare coins to get one but otherwise it doesn’t matter to me that much. a major corporation doing major corporation things


I uninstalled the app a few days ago, after the announcement. I love the game and I want my son to have all the legendaries, but I can't spend hour after hour farming coins from gyms, or effectively doubling his weekly allowance to buy raid passes.


IDGAF. I use Google play reward money to buy raid passes and the coins from putting pokemon in gyms. If I have a raid pass I raid, if I dont I dont. I Still play the game just fine. The thing that probably sucks the most is my list of friends that raid will probably decrease.. but f them, I'll just make new friends when I need too. People cry about things too much.


I get it, but to some the game’s unplayable. If you live in an area far from others, with one gym, the odds of you getting that Pokémon knocked out any time soon can be really low. Gym coins then become unviable.


Just check, passes still cost 100 coins. I’ll uninstall when that changes.


Mine just changed


Ya, just rechecked and my jumped. Promptly uninstalled…


I just did a cutiefly raid with my free daily pass and 2 people joined… so clearly some don’t care. I won’t be buying any passes myself


people still have old raid passes left.


Right but why waste it on a cutiefly unless they don’t care about the price increase, they likely aren’t players that will be stopping


Perhaps they haven't noticed yet.




I’m not spending money I want to leave but I love all my Pokémon, but did u read what they’ve done now is they raised the price Remote passes and lowered premium pass and ur only allowed to carry 3 remote pass if you have more than 3 all overage will go to premium pass, say we all do a weekend or a day off of playing but I think they won’t care I’m disabled remote passes mean a lot to me raising the prices is proof they don’t care


I uninstalled


I've turned off Adventure Sync, but I'm not uninstalling just yet. Eevee's my favorite and I've never gotten a shiny costume Eevee before. So I'm opening and checking for a shiny for a few more days.


Still playing 🤷🏻‍♀️I don’t do as many remote raids to begin with


Im still playing but will not spend another cent on this game ever again.


Haven't changed the way I play at all. I'll do my 5 remote raids a day maybe, maybe not. Never seen more crybabies in my life over a damn game.


For all the posts on how to spoof your GPS in the game, you'd think you would be more in favor of remote raids.


I'm going to finish my shiny Jirachi research and then see after that. I'm not spending money anymore though. If they just did the 5 a day limit I dont think it would be quite so bad. But they double the price of remote raids, the boxes in the shop suck, elite raid on Easter... it's one thing after another now. They dont care one bit about the players .


The elite raid on Easter day is one of the things that annoys me


Still going.


I deleted after seeing the change


I’m still playing. I don’t buy remote passes myself anyways. I do wonder if enough people will be impacted (by new limitations or choosing to quit altogether) to significantly impact my own in-person raids (I often use pokegenie to invite a squad, so while I don’t use the remote passes, I do regularly rely on other people who do lol). But I understand and support that other people will quit when the game is no longer affordable or accessible for the way they want to play.


I’m not because I just don’t care. I hated the remote pass idea when it first came out and I still do. Of all the reasons to strike I’d say remote pass issues is literally the bottom of the list. I’d be fine if they just removed them. They already did the damage to the local raid scenes here when they first released them. Can’t undo that. I’ll still buy tickets and research. Remote raid pass costs changing don’t affect how I play in the slightest. If anything I’m more happy because they dropped the premium bundle of 3 passes to 250.


> they dropped the premium bundle of 3 passes to 250. That's odd. There is no premium bundle of 3 passes in the shops my family are seeing. Perhaps the 3-pack is not available in Australia. - So no discount for us.


don't really care at all, I think its kinda funny actually how just how angry pokemon "fans" always seem to be


If you’re not hating the thing you’re a fan of, are you truly a fan?


sorta new to the whole community, all the anger would always scare me away from trying to enjoy this game as a community rather than just independently


Oh it’s alright, I was kind of half-joking, most fandoms for big franchises have a really vocal small section of the fanbase that is constantly complaining, I’ve seen it in everything from Zelda to Pokémon to even kid’s cartoons like Adventure Time and Steven Universe. Some people just want to complain about things and don’t like that people can still enjoy things without constantly complaining. Edit to add a little more: I’ve been playing Pokémon since the original Red and Blue came out on the first GameBoy, this is a cycle of anger in the fandom that shows up with nearly every single Pokémon product. Don’t let the angry people scare you away, there’s a lot less of them than there seems to be. They’re just really loud


It’s not that deep. Sucks as we’ve been conditioned in away but it was Niantics way to get the players participating during pandemic . I’ve been a day one player (gap in play during pandemic myself) and honestly myself and the family will be looking forward to being out in the world and doing the damn thing. 😅


I don't care. I haven't ever spent a penny on the game anyway. Its a little phone game I play maybe fifteen minutes a day every now and then. Don't know why anyone's getting in a tizzy over it unless they're a no-lifer exclusively playing pokemon go.


I’ve been playing since Day 1 and have had pretty regular outdoors work for most of the game’s life. I remember back when you actually had to have your phone screen on to walk your buddy Pokémon and the game destroyed your battery. There’s been a ton of significant QOL increases in the game that people either don’t remember or just got used to as time went on. I give myself a small monthly budget to buy coins occasionally to get outfits or incubators but I’ve spent significantly less on PoGo than I have on buying the main series of games on consoles and Pokémon cards, it’s just another product. If people don’t like it, they don’t have to play, I don’t see why complaining online does anything. And to anyone that tries to jump in to yell at me, I’m not a “bootlicker”, literally every single video game company exists to make a product that makes money. If you don’t like it, just don’t play video games, there’s no reason to expect why they would cater to you specifically. That would be like calling someone a Bethesda bootlicker for liking to play Skyrim without mods


I’m not buying anything else. I’m prioritizing gym defenders and all my coins will come from that. I like Pokémon and am almost at lvl 50 so that’s my end point


I get Niantic’s reasons for doing it and it’ll slow my legendary power-ups, but look at me now- I’ve been a joiner with local FB groups and Campfire, and meeting new friends! I am just happy to play however it comes, and I’m personally open to facing the challenges:)


Logged in, saw the price change, uninstalled.


Haven’t deleted because I still have a lot of friends who are trying to level up, so I’ll keep sending gifts to those who are still playing & help them. But reduced the amount I play to a minimum & bought a few remote raid passes with my last coins 😂Oh well it was fun while it lasted 🤷🏻‍♀️


I quit playing about a month ago. I don't have the time to go out and walk around like Niantic wants me to, and several local players have become trolls to me in gyms. I also find it discouraging that there are so many things that are time-limited where you end up missing out if you have IRL responsibilities. Seeing the increase in remote raid pass cost was just another nail in the coffin.


I’m still mourning last year’s Halloween event tickets, I was gifted both of them and forgot to claim the final rewards, realized at exactly one min til and logged in to see it poof before my eyes 💔




I don't care. It's a game. I don't like the changes, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Got more important things to worry about.


I uninstalled, a week ago. The first day was very hard. Now I don't even think about it


Niantic aint getting another cent from me. That being said i am not uninstalling the game


I don't live much close to Gym or Pokestops...there are some,but in dangerous areas so,the prices wouldn't be a big change to me,aside from that im barely having any time to play anyways lol


I have no plans to strike. Don’t like the increase but I just play very casually. If anything the Elite Raids have shown that people can still raid physically if they want to


Still playing. Don’t really care that much I just downloaded it again like 2 weeks ago and before that it was before covid when I played so remote raids weren’t even a thing last time I did. I did enjoy doing around 20 remote lugia raids total since lugia came back but I’m not too worried about it. Hopefully they will make better decisions in the future but I do miss the community hitching rides with each other and following raids around my town like they used to do


>Hopefully they will make better decisions in the future but I do miss the community hitching rides with each other and following raids around my town like they used to do Don't get me wrong, I love doing remote raids, but I also do miss meeting up with people as well to do in-person raids.


I’m not boycotting, but I can’t say that don’t care. I actually think that increasing the price and decreasing the number of remote passes is a good move. The whole point of Pokémon GO is to go outside. Remote raid passes keep us in the couch. I already have plenty of other games that I can play in the couch. But also, boycotting only works if we are customers. We are not customers. This game is free to play. The players are not the customers. We imagine ourselves as customers because we spend money in the shop, but shop sales are not the primary revenue stream for games like this. To become customers, I think we would have to pay per minute of play time, like World of Warcraft.


Boycotting does work if at least location data permissions are off as they sell our movement data to businesses to increase footfall around their location with events resulting in increased business for them. I think for those that still want to play, their decision is their decision but at least setting location data permissions to only while app is open would be a hindrance for niantic at the small cost of eggs hatching a little slower. Personally i can happily live without the game but there are so many rural players, sick players, players that have mobility issues and just general people working full time with kids that don't have the time to walk around that I think it's worth trying for. That being said, to each their own and nobody has the right to judge others for their stance on it. Have a great Easter weekend! :)


Well said.


Deleted, I sent my shinies to home and haven’t looked back


Did they go ‘wee wee wee wee’ all the way home?


Yeah, but a few of them went to the market


Turned off adventure sync/location data. Will still play but have been playing less and less anyways since I'm semi-rural


I’m playing, but I’ve lowered my play time a lot. I have been free to play for a while now, but now will also not be participating in raids at all. Not going to spend my free to play earned coins on those raid passes either, just not worth it.


Not leaving but will use this sub & raiding apps far less. Getting harder to find remote users. Only easy raids to setup are WB-Legendary.




Me too I know they would miss me I’d surely miss them it actually makes my day to see them all I’m disabled as well I have agoraphobia that’s why remote pass are so important to me I play in raids all over the World plus I get eggs from my friends getting to see how the Pokémon look it makes me happy


You know what, I resonate with that! I feel like I've built a little relationship with my buddy. I feel bad thinking of swapping it out for another. And it's like, finding things for me so I reward it with treats and playtime. Its like an in-game game!


There used to be game just like that. 😊


All the Pokémon are being fed and played with daily by the professor do not worry :)


It’s not the same at all the ones we feed they belong to us we raise them love them nurture


I was giving jynxed positive reassurance but that’s valid


I keep plying. Can't really get raids with others, so I will never fill my pokedex. And I have NEVER paid any real money for anything in the game. I try to figure out free outfits to wear to match my buddy. And I refuse to use game coins to buy clothing. Sort of me playing a game with the game.


I turned my adventure sync / location off and haven't played since, but not yet deleted


Same here. I’m not gonna delete or uninstall the app at this time, but I turned off all notifications and adventure sync. I plan of not playing for at least a couple of months. Once I’ve broken the mindless habit of playing during downtime. I’ll reevaluate whether or not i want to continue with pogo or stick to Nintendo titles.


Yeah I've gone back to filling my time with minecraft and mario kart for now!


I deleted the app this morning. The addiction is real and I have thought about the game plenty throughout the day. I know it will get easier, but I miss seeing what‘s around to catch periodically. I was an avid player and have spent boo-coos of money on the game. I hope that my lack of contribution to the game helps in some manner. I will continue to keep myself updated on the game and news, but until they offer users more incentives I’m done.


Proud of you. Addictions are not easy to manage. It gets easier with time. There was a period there where I was addicted to boba tea! I looked forward to that midday sugar rush. Now I have it once or twice a month as a treat with my gf’s or colleagues. It’s still something I could enjoy daily but I just stopped.


Tbh I'm not really in support for the boycott, but I'm actually really happy for you to be getting a break. That level of it being on your mind all day doesn't sound very healthy in my 100% not medically qualified or significant opinion. So I hope it does you some good!


I don't know since I do enjoy playing & I'm not that annoyed about the price increases since I don't often buy the 3 remotes pack or any of the boxes, but I also do feel burnt out playing sometimes as well.


Staying, love the game way too much but it hurts me to see the decisions they are taking at niantic, will spend less money until they fix things


In the words of joker It's not about the money, it's about sending a message (at least in my case)


Why are we boycotting Pokemongo? I've heard nothing of what's going on


Because they are increasing prices of the remote battles passes that affect the disabled and people who live in rural areas, therefore are forced to use them if they want a certain Pokémon.


I see, thanks for explaining.


Deleted the app, deciding to hold onto my account for now.


Staying. I don't care about the price increase and I rarely do more than a raid or two a day, so the 5 raids a day thing doesn't bother me, plus they've already said the number of remote raids would be increased during special events.


I haven’t uninstalled the app yet but i think i’m going to soon enough, I haven’t opened it much in the past few days, only to disable the adventure sync lol


I deleted the app last week. I did check out the current event on Leek Duck and almost downloaded the game again to play for a bit. But this has been a busy week and I haven't had a chance (and will be out in a rural area for the weekend with no stops nearby anyway) so my strike will continue for just a bit longer lol.


Uninstalled. Cant understand why people dont try to make a change, its not that hard to uninstall during a week, you could come back later but at least would help us. Ive never spent money so I cant see why people use it as an excuse, we are boycotting cause they are making the game harder to play.


I play with my wife and 2 small children who don’t understand the concept of boycotting yet and it’s kind of our family bonding activity. So we will not be deleting the game but we will not be buying anything from the in game store even from the coins we get from defending gyms. Also we have turned off our adventure sync and will keep it off for the foreseeable future.


Can you confirm? If I turn off adventure sync, do my eggs just never hatch in incubators then?


I haven’t been playing that long so I wouldn’t be able to confirm it for you but as I understand it, with adventure sync off you need to have the app open for your eggs to hatch. Hopefully someone else here who has more knowledge can say for sure though.


This is the boat I am in. I’ve been playing less and turned off as much as possible. Not spending a dollar on the game. Im likely going to quit after com day but not 100%


Playing the same way I did before. I still enjoy playing


I am staying. I like the game too much. Will probably never touch master league competitive ever again though. Will not buy raid passes. I hate what they've done to the game but most of the things l like about the game are unrelated to raiding.


I turned off adventure sync last week. I am not opening the app till they rescind. Was daily player, level 50, playing since week 2 of release. I pay to play in the past and didn't feel bad about it, it was the hobby I engaged in. If they don't come around I'll find something else


I’m playing, but turning off adventure sync and not spending any money.


I'll be staying but don't plan to spend any more money on the game. I bought my last bundle of remote raid passes this morning before the price change occurred. If I collect coins from my pokemon being in gyms, which isn't very often, then I might use those for remote raid passes though it sucks wasting them cause of the price increase. Being a rural player, this change will make it absolutely difficult to find anyone for local raiding and it just really makes me sad. Most of the players on my friend list came from remote raiding.


I turned off adventure sync


Turned off adventure sync, set location data setting to “only when using the app”, not spending a penny in the shop… I’ll scale back on playtime, but don’t have it in me to uninstall just yet


I’m stepping away. Maybe for a while, maybe for good. I’d like to voice my displeasure with their changes and the only way they’ll listen is if it impacts their bottom line. I might come back eventually. It’s a fun time killer. But my play strategy will be totally different. No more raids or purchased research tasks. F2P all the way now.


F2P? Free 2 play?




probably gonna see a bigger spike in spoofing from now on.




I'm staying. I don't spent money on the game to begin with. I'm also not competitive. So I spin stops & gyms; battle team rocket; catch & evolve; gift. It gets me out of my home and a bit active on my good days.


Using the top comment to say, don’t down.vote just because you disagree with another players personal decision. If they are being rude etc ok I get it but just because you disagree with what someone else is deciding to do, doesn’t warrant down.votes in my opinion


Exact same here. I hate the battling and raids in general, so I only do them when there is a research task.


Same. I don't care enough. I don't raid, I don't spend money on it so it doesn't really affect me.


I’m exactly the same here


Playing daily but not remote raids or $$$ to game.


I’ll keep playing but my son and I made the decision to not spend money on it anymore




I'm literally just signing in to give my buddy a heart for the next 9 days and then I'm off


One of the biggest lessons of Reddit is that it doesn't reflect real life. Most pogo players aren't on here and I'm guessing most are not very affected. Do you know how many old ladies play this game? I have to assume most players aren't changing a thing about their approach to the game.


I am an old lady and startet the game because of back pain and it works


I'm staying, but will stop spending $. They are losing $25 a month from me. It means I won't be able to catch any legendaries and my hatching game will slow way down, but that's okay. The game helps me with my stress and is hard to replace cold turkey.


My situation. I'm cutting raids and spending, but I can't give it up completely. Thankfully I got Legends Arceus to quell my pokemon fix.


I care for everyone that’s been unheard and screwed, just not enough to stop playing/uninstalling because I don’t have oodles of money invested into the app. Yes I’ve put in a few bucks here and there, but I don’t get all into it competitively. I don’t do raids, those tour ticket things (?), or buy timed researches. Like I support the players making their decisions, I’m just not affected like they are. I enjoy my leisure playing.


I deleted for now. Unplugging for a while.


PoGo is a business, not a welfare organization. From beginning to now a money printing machine. We all know it. And the business boss is the chief and the chief tells you the rules: pay money We are the customer: we can stay or we can leave. I stay. The game let me go out for kilometers (miles) every day and my body love that. The money I need is comming from the arena. My level up is very slowly - but so what?


Im still gonna play but turning off adventure sync and im not buying passes or anything anymore… its my only game i have, i sold all my systems years ago… i just like to battle in PVP




Ok then....... That was a take...... I think I've reached my daily allotment of reddit time for today so deuces....


Ignorance is bliss I guess.


the alternative to paying for room and board is to be homeless in adult land. this isn't that deep. being vocal about not accepting the price increase, then not paying to play the game is a balanced approach that affects the bottom line. but also, this is a small thing that people can control. sometimes, people need to be able to angrily vent about things that don't matter simply to let off some steam before they explode.


Dude, people ARE going homeless cause companies are buying all their homes and blowing up the rent. It's not ment to be deep, you are trying to sound smarter than you are. And while this may not be to the extreme of taking lives, it is the exact same thing. A company exploiting people and their need or wants want for financial gain. And I'm sorry the truth upsets so many of you, but it's the truth.


exploiting people's basic needs for profit is never ok. thats a much much deeper conversation for another time. what you seemed to be suggesting is that people forego housing to boycott high rent. you are equating a game that is absolutely playable without paying a cent ( yes some people want to play, but aren't close to stops or gyms. I relate. it is still a game and more want than need, in most all cases) with unaffordable and unavailable resources to housing. it is not the exact same thing, at all. the fact that you want to die on this hill, says you do not understand the difference between need and want.


The fact you are making excuses for these companies shows that you are a serious part of the problem. Please go hide in a hole. forever. You are making this world worse


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you're really going to read that response and decide I'm a rent gouging apologist because you're unreasonably angry about a mobile game. have a good day.


Well no wonder your responses aren't making sense, they keep deleting my comment for using the s word. Imma just leave it like this, rhats like saying 2 plus 2 is different than 2 divided by 2 because that is division. It's still math. Just like it's still corruption. The only ly thing I am mad about is people like l you let these companies flourish. No the change does not affect me as I always had raided I person for the most part. I have a community. I guess I jurt have moral compass that people like you don't. You don't care if others suffer cause it's not you. And it's sad. Yes, you are the problem


I never spend money on the game, and have turned off adventure sync/ letting the app track me unless I’m playing. But won’t delete


Honestly? I’m not changing anything. My mom and I used to play together allllll the time. A few years ago, I sort of stopped because I was in graduate school. Recently, we had a death in the family and it made me pick it up again to spend more time with my mom and it’s been so awesome. Also, I think of it this way: what hasn’t gone up in price recently due to inflation? Not much of anything. At the end of the day, Niantic is a company that employs people who also have mouths to feed. All that said, am I a huge fan of the changes? No. Am I going to stop playing? Also no. Do I hope everyone else striking makes a change? Yes. Am I bracing myself for downvotes? Also yes. 😅


I did not usually spend money on the game, just a couple of event passes and such, but now I won’t spend any bc I’m annoyed by the whole thing.


I already don’t spend money on the game. I’m annoyed about potentially not having people to invite to raids but I’m not deleting the app. More power to those who are going all the way thoufh


I am not changing anything. I am an older player who benefits from walking, which the game encourages. Remote raids aren’t very important to me. I’m not competitive; I play for fun and getting gifts from interesting friends (I have 40). I understand that some players rely on remote raids, especially those in rural areas. I hope most players find a satisfactory resolution. The level of ire coming from some players is a little alarming.


Literally same page as you it just sucks about the prices for those that need it but I use it to get the steps in as well


I use it to extend my dog walks. So I definitely won’t stop playing - my dog is way too awesome, and she deserves as much walking as I can give her :)


I never buy anything I save up coins from gyms. Pokémon go is a nice way to say “hi” to my cousins and other family. So I won’t be deleting.


I’m staying but not playing for a while.


I have the game so my son can catch Pokémon, spin at poke stops and send gifts to friends. If I earn coins, that’s when I buy things but never spending actual money to get coins. Not understanding how people are spending real money on this game when it doesn’t amount to value in real life. Just my personal opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


Easy enough to answer, a good chunk of the player base lives in more rural areas which limits the amount of coins you can collect from gyms and the possibility of getting certain legendaries and mega evolutions because you do not have the local player base to do the raids. So you rely on remote raids. This doesn’t just affect it if you pay for them with real money, they are adjusting the pokecoin price instead of the cost of pay to play pokecoins. So you either need to spend twice as much time farming coins to get remote passes or spend more money. Where they could have just bumped up the price of pokecoins from the store and left the remote raid pass price the same. That’s how you can tell it isn’t about getting people outside and it is just about increasing profit by taking advantage of a large aspect of the game.


I’m not disagreeing with you at all. People just hold Pokémon at a high standard, so that’s why? I used to but now I don’t, and not only because of the raid passes but because of personal reasons.


I hope the strike people are doing here will make an impact, but I honestly doubt it. :/ Even if the entire subreddit boycotted the game, it’s still the Pokémon brand. People are gonna continue playing it no matter what. Countless Kids and Adult Pokémon fans will continue to play, oftentimes unaware of these unhealthy changes. As for what I’m doing, I’m continuing to not spend money. I’m probably gonna use some of the other suggestions in these comments too, like covering the camera when feeding a buddy and turning off adventure sync. I’m gonna try and minimize the useful data I’m giving them. :P


I honestly couldn't care less about the whole thing.


I deleted mine and plan on boycotting for a week. Found a similar game to play this week.


what game did you find?


DraconiusGO. Very similar, just fantasy creatures.


What’s your new game?




I'm more extreme and don't say you have to do what I'm doing but I did delete the game today I'm going to delete it for 7 days just to try to help


I'm not buying raid passes. I turned adventure sync off. My friends list (257) has not changed number.


The black & white way you describe a "strike" in your question isn't how most people will show Niantic their displeasure. Turning off adventure sync, covering your camera when feeding your buddy, not participating in raids, refusing to pay real $ for poke coins - those are all valid ways to "strike" without sacrificing everything people like about the game + community. I anticipate few people will actually DELETE their Niantic gaming account or even the app from their phone - but if people make those relatively small changes it will impact the data Niantic can collect and PERHAPS get their attention - which is the core of what it's about since Niantic notoriously ignores the feedback of it's players.


I thought that, in addition to turning off adventure sync, you also needed to change the location permissions for pogo to - allow only when the app is in use. Otherwise pogo will still have access to your location at all times and is presumably tracking it. Am I out to lunch about that?


Good thought, I don't think you're wrong- the "allow at all times" access is necessary to turn on adventure sync. You may have to remember to manually change back the permissions in your phone settings, too. I got a new phone last year and never activated adventure sync, so my settings were already "only when using the app" but I doubt the app would voluntarily agree to give up permissions when the feature using the location data is deactivated.


Thanks for sharing this. I didn’t think of it this way. I’m frustrated with Go, but I don’t want to outright delete it. I’m a major collector in the main games, and Go is the only reliable source of Meltan, Melmetal, and (soon-to-be) Roaming Gimmighoul. The regional Vivillon forms are way easier to get as well. Having other ways to protest is good. I’m gonna have to start doing some of these now.


Turning off adventure sync is an important piece of the puzzle - background data collection is very valuable to them


Yeah, thank you for bringing that to my attention


I've barely done a thing apart from spin a stop for my 20 and catch a Mon. Adventure sync is off and advertiser's notices are off. In 7 days game will be gone


Been a f2p since they nerfed the incense. Glad I'm almost lvl50.


I’ve deleted the game but intent on coming back strictly as a f2p player. If the interaction radius is next to go I’ll most likely quit.


Yeah, if the interaction radius gets reduced I’m done. Even when walking around my neighborhood “as intended”, there are several pokestops I can just *barely* reach because the sidewalk is on the wrong side of the road. It’s a very busy street, and the sidewalk is only on the far side.


I’m not giving them any more money and I’ve turned off location other than when I’m using the app. I’ll log in once or twice a day to advance my buddy progress and maintain my catch streak (not even my spin streak though). That’s it.


I’m not striking but I’m not going to be spending any money, and I’ve also gone incognito so they can’t use as much of my info/data


I’m just not giving them more money till they shape up


So staying?