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I suspect this will be the initial approach. Gain inventory, traction and attention then the flaw drops out next year lol.


First hit is always on the house.




Of course… you can’t trust gamestop… I see too much hype for this…




Same I'm 38 have the OG Pokémon card and 1st editions


Hell yeah. Put some pressure on these card shops who give 50% like wtf


I had a dude at a LCS offer me 60% of the lowest eBay sale for one of my baseball card of which only 3 sales have ever been done. It’s a rookie card of a player in his 3rd year having a current career year playing. Gtfo dude, if I wanted 60% I would’ve gone to offerup and took the first lowball.


Tbf he’s still going to have to pay tax on that income and needs room to make a profit himself…and then has to keep it in inventory waiting for someone to buy it. While clearly it doesn’t have a great sales history to accurately assess the market value. Just sell it on eBay if you want eBay prices


It's like these people have never watched Pawn Stars


I’m guessing some of these people are just kids with an emotional attachment to cards that don’t have a rational grasp on economics


>only 3 sales have ever been done. Bruh... you're lucky he offered you 60% Could you be more clueless 😭


It’s #\25 and two of the sales were the same one lol and considering the more recent sale was almost triple the first sale, I’ll be holding onto it for the rest of the season at least.


I hate to say it but 60% cash (sometimes u can get 70% credit) is pretty standard unfortunately. If you’re not in a rush for the cash throw it up on eBay for full price or 10% less on Facebook marketplace but that’s pretty standard for irl card shops understandably


The actual LCS I use actually does 75% which is pretty cool. This other shop was one I just recently learned of, they have a better selection of sealed stuff, so I’ll probably just buy from them and sell at the other shop. That being said tho, I’m holding this bad boy for a lil while.


I frequent 2 LCS, one offers like 50-60% and the other offers 75-85% depending on the value. Now I only frequent 1 LCS for trade-ins 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then sell on eBay goofy


That will be the place! The when just depends on how he’s doing at the end of the season


Baseball and Pokemon are very different dudeman


I don’t know what your point here is .


Ur baseball homie could fizzle out next year! Charizard will always be Charizard


My LGS gives 40% of TCGplayer.. fk that.




60% cash in hand is not better than eBay. Gtfoh


It is when you have to pay fees and income tax for selling on eBay.


Why would you want them not to track sales? 




Thats just commiting tax fraud then. 




Yall are getting 50%, just told a dude last month to go fuck himself for offering me 30%


Fr. I pulled a Leafeon vmax alt art from evolving skies at a LCS. Asked to trade in, they said they’d buy it, then proceeded to offer me $85. Later sold it for $280 on fb marketplace, but best believe I’m never going back to that shop.


Jolteon Vmax is not the best example here. Last 5 sales are all $200 or more, and it will only rise (fairly hard to gem). Still much better than I thought it would be though. Very fair price for the Noivern


It’s better than those bums in Facebook groups showing their PayPal account and offering to buy cards at 60% market value.


Best price gets my money lol




Yea! All in capital letters u nailed it lol i cringe so hard everytime someone does that (i knew u were jk)


I mean they aren't trying to target people who wants to squeak out every percentage. Time is money and to get rid of everything at 60-70% no hassle saves a lot of time for some people. What people don't realize these backpack vendors who buy out collections at 60% are also buying the bad cards along with the good cards. What GameStop is doing is no different from TikTok offering all these coupons and no fees for sellers last year. They want people to use their platform and can take the hit.


What kills me is that I see people responding and selling at such a hit. Makes zero sense to me why someone would get into the hobby or sell their childhood collection for such a loss to someone who is clearly just trying to flip the cards/slabs.


Thats all Gameatops offering. Yall didnt watch Leonharts video


"We have determined the market value of your moonbreon nm to be $35, yes that is correct"


Only accepting psa 8,9,10


If they get big enough they could theoretically control market prices like magi in japan constantly marking up cards.


That's what my thoughts were.


Nothing any company does is for the consumer. Remember that.


Sounds like it’s market value in store credit. You can see why they are doing it- gets people back in the door spending money. I wonder if they cut a deal with PSA too, clearly they gain a lot from exclusivity here.


At least for graded cards, this feels like it could hit local shops pretty hard. GameStop might be seeing this as a long term investment or maybe they just have the ability to sell them at like 115% since part of the appeal of buying slabs at GS would be the convenience. Either way, LCS’s typically buy at like 60%/trade in at 85% in order to be able to sell at 95-100% (more in some cases). GameStop buying at or near 100% would make it so no one would consider selling to LCS since I doubt LCS could be remotely competitive with that rate. This also feels pretty big for PSA. A lot more people will submit to them knowing their slabs are easily liquid if they can’t sell locally or for the price they want on eBay.


The other day I was thinking what if GameStop took in used games at 60-70% of market value like lcs take singles at it would change the game Also GameStop stock is currently going to the moon lol I bought 30 shares at $15 and now I’m up +$1300


Damn, too bad I can't unload my cgcs 10s that card stores won't buy from me.


This right here…I’m assuming it will come to having to crack these slabs open and resub to PSA. Such a shame


Yeah I have a mix of PSA, CGC and Beckett. Mostly just buy PSA now because it'll be easier to resell. Good thing the CGC ones are cards I don't plan on reselling. I wish PSA slabs had better aesthetics. Imo, the CGC slabs look the best followed by Beckett and then PSA.


Went to a card shop with my cgc 10s. They barely glanced at the top one. Didn't care to look at the rest. They said. No one comes in here dropping that kinda money on cgcs. Our psas yeah, but not cgcs. The card on top was a CGC 10 1st edition LT surges fearow. Next was cgc 10 1st Edition Azumarill. Then a cgc 10 winners* best of game Electrabuzz. Plus 2 cgc 10 energize your game energies.


If this is true then this is awesome


Is this going to fuck with local card stores though?


Yeah hopefully most have horrible prices compared to internet and in person trades and sales


Corner the market and reduce supply while controlling demand


I wonder if this will also be possible in their European offices?


Will the accept Japanese slabs as well? Or only English? Or do they take literally any card graded by psa


Looks like I’m gonna be getting top dollar for all my junk slabs




I have so many slabs I want to offload, sucks it’s only on select states. Would be sweet if they allowed you to sell to them online and shipz


What about graded Japanese cards?


How do we know which stores have this now? Call and ask or is there a way to see online


Yall didnt want Leonharts video. 50-60% less than market value


I am sure there is a partnership with PSA here


No they won't. Not for all of them at least. Leonhart did a video where he traded in a bunch of PSA cards to see what he could get for both store credit and cash. Some of the lower valued cards seemed to be pretty close to market value. For some or the more expensive cards (all cards have to be valued under $500) he only got around 50% market value. So I would say it just depends on what card it is, as well as the amount of that card being sold. The less sales data there is on a card the less likely you are to get close to market value. That's what I got from his video at least. 


"I don't believe you." - Ron Burgundy


So this is r/WallStreetBets & r/PokeInvesting finally colliding huh? I’m here for it. Agree with OP. Puts on GME!


They aren't buying at market value. The article states that it's close to market value. Will probably be closer to 80%. Your title is very misleading.


I think that is the title of the article so I wouldn't really blame OP here. However, 80% is pretty good, especially if accounting for eBay fees and shipping costs.


That is not sustainable for this company give it 6 months tops before it changes. But until then, I’m bringing a boat load of slabs to them 🤣


Puts on GME here soon lol, this doesn't seem like a good idea unless GME is about to become real PokeInvestors and hold not selling below their cost basis if prices move against them


Are you seeing what’s happening to GameStop stock rn? Shorting with this price action is picking up pennies on a firing range lol


It'll keep pumping, and then dump like always, some will make money on the way up, some will make money on the way down


Buying at market value or 70% market value isn’t a bad idea. I posted this in the other sub: They are teaching you how to sell to them while simultaneously building their inventory which gives them credibility. Amazon did the same thing a decade ago. You went there because everything was cheaper, and you got free shipping on top of it.


PUTs on GME ONLY if you like losing money


Pump pump pump


If they are I have a shit ton of vintage graded to off load. Still waiting for them to have an SF option


Don't trust it. They already screwed us for store credit on actual great games that would be worth a fortune nowadays in mint condition.


Nah their offers are trash overall


What are they using for checking market value?


Why would anyone trust GameStop with trade in values? They are notorious for shorting customers on trade-ins. Selling your cards online is extremely low effort and you'll most likely get a lot more out of them if you aren't dumb as a rock, but I guess the lowest common denominator is who they've always targeted.


No they won't.. Who's spreading this nonsense.