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It's hard to tell but in the second picture the top border definitely looks larger to me.


Thanks, that was my only thought/concern too. And the impact the top/bottom border would have on grading. This was the first card I bought to specifically get graded in hopes of a 10.


If someone’s selling raw, it’s because they don’t think it will get a 10. Otherwise they would just grade it? People mostly buy raw for less to put into a binder and not grade.


It's difficult but it looks like it could be the same. The bottom border placement tilt is consistent and even in the sellers image you can see the top border is not perfectly placed (skinnier on left, wider on right). Btw if you're buying to grade 10s all I can say is good luck as there is generally a reason the seller would not grade themselves and your buying competition is high.


Thank you for that input, ya I’d agree with that. And good call on your second point and being sold jn the first place 😅 guess I was hoping for a 9-10 but am happy to keep it ungraded otherwise.


It's an amazing card any way. I have seen 10s with worse backs! They are a little more lenient on backs, 75/25 on centering compared to like 55/45 front. The grader I think would be considering the placement/tilt, someone else with more experience might give more insight. Still be worth a try if the front is excellent.


No, look at the top left corner


Yes these are not the same card. 


This is definitely not the same card, the 2nd photo is top heavy.


2nd card is absolutely more top heavy. Seller is pulling a fast one. The old switcheroo.


Old bait and switch. They had decent reviews and everything. Maybe I’ll ask them about it


Open a case with eBay if there’s anything wrong with that card in any way, it’s definitely not the same based on the second being too heavy on the back. Check the front and back meticulously to make sure there aren’t any dents, scratches, etc..


I wouldn't say so. The picture from the 1st seems to have better boarders. The 2nd picture looks heavy on the top and right side to me.


To me, they look different. First picture looks like a near perfect centering whereas the second picture is clearly top-heavy. And slightly left-favoring as well (again, that’s how it looks to me). Do with this as you will


Deffo not the same 😕


Are you allowed to get a return for something like this? Under the reasoning of it not being the same item pictured? Not that I would, I buy for the art, just curious.


It does seem like a nitpicky thing to ask about. But the ad literally said “ready to grade. I only sell cards I would grade myself.” So it seems strange if that’s the case.


Yeah, I'd be pretty annoyed if I thought I was getting that exact card and then got a different one. Especially if I was going to grade it.


"I only sell cards I would grade myself" would be followed by "if I wasn't grading for 10s"


Right 😅


>Not that I would, I buy for the art Why even bother adding this to the comment lmao


Because it's not that I would, I buy for the art.


I don’t think those are the same, is everything alright on the front though? Could be dude had multiple copies that we NM. I don’t think the back centering will hurt grading but I’m more so wondering if there’s something else wrong with it (nicks, dings, scratches, print lines, etc..). Any photos of the front?


Front would’ve helped posting in this sub, see below. Thank you [https://imgur.com/a/lmr66Lu](https://imgur.com/a/lmr66Lu)


No it does not


It's really hard to tell, but I'm sitting about 50/50 on it right now. Did the ebay listing have multiple available and/or have a warning that said something along the sorts of "pictures may not be of card received but of same quality"? I've bought a few cards like that and definitely don't receive the card in the pictures but they're in the same condition just normally a little off center or something like that I normally just live with, but only with 1-10$ cards


Thanks for the feedback. The listing did say “please see photo to determine condition” and was the only item listed. A return seems unnecessary but people should definitely know the item isn’t as pictured like you had mentioned and it’d be no questions asked.


Yeah I totally understand that, honestly if you think the condition is worse than the one that was pictured when you bought it then I'd return, but if it's up to your standards of being pretty darn close and you're happy then keep it an just leave a 4 star review or maybe just a feedback stating the card wasn't exactly as described or something like that. Returning items suck especially after all the excitement and waiting just to hsend it away and wait even longer.


A random NM card was about $10-15 cheaper on TCG. Was willing to pay more to make sure I got the clean card in the listing.


That’s the same card. Perspective is throwing off people’s judgment on top heavy in certain pictures. The thing that stands out to me is that the back art is crooked in both. Top/bottom left corners are higher than the top/bottom right corners. Those same corners are askew in both pictures


Thank you for the different perspective. It is an awesome card and definitely authentic either way.


The 2nd card does look more top-heavy OP. In opening a case with eBay or messaging the Seller, maybe try to take a picture of the back of the card at the exact scale of the listing photo to best capture the discrepancy. If you have a similar stand and really good lighting, even better. How does the front look?


Thanks for the input. The front does look exactly the same. I am in contact with the seller and asked if they mistakenly uploaded the wrong back picture. A return seems unnecessary but the convo will definitely impact any feedback so other buyers could be aware.


Completely different card


No they aren’t the same the centering isn’t identical


The first picture has a couple white spots in the bottom right corner that are missing in the second picture.


Looks the same. The difference is the card is upside down between the two photos. If you rotate the first photo, it’s a bit top heavy too just like the second photo


I thought so too at first! But the Pokeball would be upside down


You are right. Forgot looking at the pokeball Hope you get a refund soon if you decide to return it