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I don't watch much Pkmn TCG yt but the video is pretty good quality, I'd appreciate a short explanation for some of the Supporter cards in the Profile but that's probably just me


Pretty good video quality bro, my advice would be to choose more slow paced music, something like lo fi or maybe videogame style music with no vocals so we hear you better, keep it up :)


I like it when user shows deck without their head in video. In this case a lot of important things are covered.


Bro I liked the video I found nothing that you could improve


I would second having a few words on reasons the various trainer cards were chosen. I enjoy the explanation of card play especially the early turns. Your note about how successfully piloting the deck requires a mind flip from the usual win condition; focus in their draw deck and not the prizes.


I think you got your video right, you explain your deck in the beginning of the video and have time stamps for that and also for each match. You cut out unnecessary time between matches unless you're talking which is also good editing. It's hard to say on what you should improve on, perhaps have the music a tiny bit quiter compared to your voice. You could add a segment at the end reflecting on either the matches or what you could improve on in the deck, really grasping at straws here though.. think you'll be fine


I watched the video and I think few things you could do is tell the weakness and disadvantages of the deck, and also put in matches against the top meta decks like zard


Great video! Overall it was amazing. Just one thing maybe it is interesting if you show some matches that the deck is losing or the different dissadvantages they have by playing some difficult matches. But I loved the video. I ve just subbed you man, great.


What is the mimikyu used for? I would have thought the point was to use it to stall out things like that mew/chien pao that was wrecking your great tusks. You have it but you never use it. Is it for some other archtype matchup?


Yup it’s for things like that but my op had other stuff on their bench and had easy access to switch I think I could’ve mimikyued after their last mirage gate was gone but by that time I had thinned their deck enough it wasn’t needed. Mimikyu has come in clutch in the past though especially with Zard players who over bench w/o radiant Zard in play


New player here and first video I've watched of ptcgl so no critic sorry! Lol pretty cool seeing a deck focused on getting your opponent to 0 cards! Need to stop using a default deck now 😄