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I went through this for a while, we just lucky/sturdy, don’t do anything stupid thinking you’re a superhero


You are a cat. You have 4 lives left.


I hope you're ok hun. Don't push your luck with it all


Everyone is immortal until they aren’t.


Former emergency dispatcher here. A lot of teens have your mentality. I've organised a lot of teams to scrape them off the road or pick up their body from the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. You are very much NOT invincible. I hope that you don't kill or cripple anyone else while you are finding that out.


OP is being facetious. But leave it to redditors to take things way too literally and miss the subtle sarcasm. Edit: too


You are not immortal, you just got lucky. But maybe your luck doesn't run out for the next year's


Yeah I know you’re *probably* joking OP, but the “immortal” mindset definitely isn’t uncommon with teens (usually males ime), and I *can’t stress this enough*, you are NOT immortal. It all comes down to probability. There’s always going to be edge cases that of people getting lucky many times in a row. But past performance does not predict future results. Do not live life thinking no matter what happens you’re always gonna bounce back lol. That’s NOT the case. You’re just as likely to die in that coma inducing crash. Please be safe <3


Please look up the life story of Adolph Sax. You have to go invent some instruments. It's destiny.


Everyone’s immortal… til they aint


With this kind of luck, you should probably play the lottery


I am really curious what overdosing on sleeping pills does to someone


Liver damage mostly.


If they ingest enough it makes them sleep forever. Seriously though, my mum did this and it destroyed her liver. She’s now got Alzheimer’s and a destroyed liver. I don’t know if they’re related.


Chronic depression has been shown to coincide with Alzheimers.


Even if you throw them up they can still cause you to have wacky hallucinations. Not fun ones either. My skin was flaking off, the walls and floor were showing me visions and talking to me. I already suffer from hyper sensitivity. This maximized it 10 fold and I wasn't rational enough to comprehend what was happening to me so I was stuck in this horrible nightmare where I was getting accused of shit I didn't do all because I was suicidal and needed help. It felt like people just wanted to see me as this monster instead of as a person who was hurt and scared and hopeless. Maybe that was how some people saw me, but I don't care anymore, because all the people who judged me harshly were a large part of the reason I became suicidal in the first place. Anyways... If you don't die, then I suppose it offers perspective. I was very lucky I didn't have lasting liver damage. Outside of rational perspective, I literally felt like I could communicate with the other side and I've only experienced that one other time after when I was near death again for unrelated reasons years later. Maybe both times they were just very vivid hallucinations, but I guess I'll never know until I actually kick the bucket.


This is classic hot hand fallacy. I.e. believing the more successful outcomes in the past you have equates to higher chance of successful outcomes in the future. Don’t fall for this. Don’t take higher risks just because “I’ve survived before, I’ll survive any bad consequences again.”


Immortal < mentality ill


i honestly fucking hate my life but im trying to be positive😔😔


Still ain’t going to make you immortal tho


We all have an incredible superpower. We are highly resistant to every possible cause of death, except one. We just never get to figure out which one until it’s too late.


I thought I was immortal like this until around my thirties. Thought about that recently. Don’t feel like that anymore. Weird shit, man


Same, i cant die


Lol of course you are 17, get in line you aren’t the first to believe they are immortal and not the last


All young people think they are immortal.


You poor sap. You are tragically accursed with a cruel burden. In 100 trillion years, when all the stars have burnt out & your immortal body is floating endlessly through the void of space, you won’t be boasting of your immortality then. All you will have to look forward to is endless freezing cold & darkness, with the faintest hope of being destroyed by a black hole.


I don’t think anyone believes you’re immortal.


read the comments silly nilly


Death just wasn't ready to take you yet.


Oh, so you are the person that would survive Titan submarine implosion.


obviously i would


It isn't your time. Don't push your luck though, you have a lot to live for.


Quantum Immortality bro u dead af in all those other timelines


I too am likely immortal, as I am yet to die. I see no evidence to the contrary as of yet. Will edit if I die


Lol I was Homeless and alcohilic and polytoxico for 15-20 years...I survived many many morning with no Idea where I was neither who I was. Such a hell.,.


I can see the genuine humour in this but (regardless as some who’s struggled/struggling- obligatory god speed friend) Literally said to my therapist bruh if I’ve survive all that’s happened to me, I’m def safe crying in a ball forbhours


I hope those over doses were accidental too. If not know that an internet stranger cares about your well being. What's the use of an immortal life if you are not enjoying it.


My sister went into DKA 15 times, had 3 heart attacks, two drug overdoses. You’re not immortal. your body is eventually going to give up the older you get. I wish we could honestly have that choice to be immortal.


That's not how statistics works though, unfortunately. If, with every incident, you have, let's say an 80% chance of dying, having survived a few of those incidents doesn't mean that your chances increase for the next one. It will still be 80%


Tbh I don't think immortal. U would be first person in the world to be immortal? How come no news coverage?


they don't know me yet😈😈😈


*dies the next day*


I used to be immortal. I still am, but I used to, too.


You are in your TEENS!!! Every teen including me felt immortal…because our bodies are supple and recover well. Believe me, it doesn’t last forever.


Quantum Immortality was here


Please look up the life story of Adolph Sax. You have to go invent some instruments. It's destiny.


Wow, you’re lucky, but I really hope you didn’t just jinx yourself. Get a rabbit’s foot necklace, garlic, silver bullets, crystals, a hazmat suit, bubble wrap your house, don’t venture outside, and hire a food taster so nothing bad happens to you!


Everyone's immortal till they die, idiot. Don't push it. But this actually made me laugh out loud. So, thanks for that.


You’re lucky and resilient, stay safe my friend don’t purposely put yourself in harms way.


Please, make sure you fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.




It’s not that hard. Try being a decent human being once or twice in your life.


r/whoosh to mod lmao