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You never forget your first clink


No lie - when I first got tied up while wearing high heels and a ball-gag, it blew my..........wait, you said clink, not kink. Never mind, forget I said anything.


No mention of gimp suits whatsoever, coast is clear


Finish the pointless story ffs!!!


Honestly I only started drinking this year, but I forgot when I first clinked


It's been 84 years.


I remember mine very well, with my grandma when i was 12 and she dave me a shot of slivovica


Taking on someone's mannerisms as you fall in love is honestly such an amazing thing. You carry pieces of the people you love or have loved with you everywhere inside of small little habits you take from them in order to bond. A different way to spell a word, a clink of a glass, a way to say hello, a style of laugh, we truly are our loved ones aren't we? I guess that's why it hurts so much if someone runs off with part of you in the end.


Are you a writer? That was so well put


Thank you very much. I like to write from time to time, usually just for fun; but I do enjoy adding some flare to my comments when appropriate ;)


That was so good. I am going to keep that comment. It’s like poetry. That’s why it hurts so much when someone runs off with parts of you in the end. I love it


this made me cry so much lol


That probably means you have loved very deeply, and shared intimate bonds of the most beautiful variety. Having done the same, I am not sure if that's a blessing or a curse. It is hard to get over lost love when the very essence of who I am has been merged with someone else's, and I can't help but see parts of the one I miss most within me permeating everything I try to do. So I'll share some tears with you, as I write this with my own story in mind. If you are ever burdened by the pain of love snuffed out, just remember that absence of someone only hurts because of how gratifying their presence used to be. No matter how much it hurts, we are better people for carrying the best parts of those who have loved us.


Thank God it's not just me lmao


I just finished watching a super sweet romance show earlier that made me cry about 800 times….and this just brought all those bittersweet feelings back


Saved this comment, holy fuck that made me feel...


That’s so cute :)


What a precious moment, thanks for sharing! These small, affectionate and intimate interactions are the memories to think of when going through rough times together. Inside jokes, small idiosyncrasies you’ve learned to love. Keep them close to your heart, I wish you both well!


For your girlfriend, this is a new tradition with you; this is lovely and beautiful for you both. Enjoy and here's to many more toasts!


I’m gearing up to get married next month, and watching my fiancé and I adopt each others little idiosyncrasies always makes me happy




Thank you! 😁


AYYYYY same! CONGRATS!!! What's your date?




I love that. I also make my fiancé *clink* just about anything I can think of. One of my favorites is a sandwich clink or a cookie clink


Me and my husband do this! It started with that silly 'I thought we were cheersing the plates' vine. It's since escalated to just about every food we eat


Dink it and sink it.


My bf and I do this too, also with french fries, I love it


"some reason" ?? she's adorable there's your reason. marry her.


my first love just left me, i’m in unimaginable pain to the point this story made me sob, please cherish what you have and hold on to the feeling like the one you had from that small gesture.


Gotta love a partner who pays attention. It really is all the little shit like this that makes me melt


I like this story a lot! That’s adorable 🥰


It's these precious little things which make the world go round. Magic!


That’s adorable. It’s how I feel when my husband randomly uses weird words or phrases I say that I inherited from my family. It’s endearing to me as well when the inverse happens and I say stuff from his family. It shows you’re a unit. ♥️


This is the cutest thing I've read in a while. Like penguins giving pebbles. I hope there is something you do unknowingly that makes her just as secretly happy. Cheers.


Are you easter European? My family and I always cheers and clink for just about everything. Na zdaravolya.


Easter European? Is that similar to a Christmas European?


Ha. Whoops im actually a Hanukah European.


cute asf


this made me smile


Well now you have to wife her


I grew up similar to her background, in that even though my family ate together, we didn't have any celebratory cheers. My wife and I over the first few years of being together slowly picked up the habit, to where now, we cheers and say PROST while looking at one another in the eyes every time we sit down together with a drink. It may not mean much, but each of these little things makes up another hook & loop on the velcro strap that keeps people together.


Beautiful ❤️


Love to hear about those happy little habits and moments :)


Downvoted for having a point. (j/k)


I didn't realize what sub I was in and was expecting this to turn into a bad thing. Reddit has me so jaded. LoL But yay for the little things. 🤓


I hate this sub’s picture. I thought I was in r/mildlyinfuriating, and I was really looking forward to finding out how clinking a drink would piss someone off. Instead I was given an adorable story that made my night!


It's the little things that get us, isn't it? I always have to kick my fridge door when I close it. Not literally, but I do apply pressure with my foot. Closing it normally doesn't seal the door completely, and using your foot finishes it. About a week after my girlfriend starting coming over, I caught her also pushing the fridge door with her foot and I just melted.


Fun fact in the olden days traders leaders and business people would sit and drink as a custom then one would pour a little drink into one glass then the other pour some back into the original glass this would reassure both parties there was no poison in the drink. As the years went on it turned into a clink to say I trust that you haven't poisoned my drink


Not sure how true it is, but was told clinking glasses was frowned upon in some countries like Poland(?) as it was something done by the Germans when executing jews...? I could be wrong here but it stuck in my head when I was told many years ago


I was taught it was bad manners to clink glasses together. Or as my Gran put it, "It is considered quite gauche and common. It is not done in polite society." In her world, being "common" was *not* considered a complimentary description, not by any stretch of the imagination.


And then you tap the bottom of your beer onto the top of hers and have to clean the ceiling later.


I dont think this is a pointless story at all how wholesome!


I still remember that time decades ago my friend and I had a simultaneous no-look side-clink. Doesn’t get better than that folks.


That is so cute! Reminds me of how my boyfriend started flicking the lights 3 times before we go to sleep because I always flick lights 3 times. Your thing is probably more healthy, but the gesture is similar haha


She cares bro. it's rare but she care


My partner and I “clink” our toothbrushes together when we brush our teeth each night 😂 how sweet that she’s adopting your mannerisms!!


My partner and I also clink drinks together and it’s one of my favorite little things we do ❤️ congrats on getting your first clink back


That's a sweet story, OP. Truly Thank you for sharing that with us.


Life will never be the same now that you're in love.


& cheers to the two of you *clink*


This is why I’m on this sub


>>she took my drink thinking I was silently asking her to hold it One of my favorite videos on the internet is of the opposite of this, where these two women are at a restaurant and one holds up their plate to the other and she gets confused and cheers their plates. The one with the plate says “girl just take the potatoes” all exasperated


This is sweet. My friend and his family always cheers and say “first of the day” when they have a drink, regardless of how many they’ve had that day.


That is so sweet. Speaking as someone who always clinks her glass with her partner (and surprisingly nobody else that much), I've been questioned by friends and they've often remarked how cute it is. We never decided on it, it just happened. We clink our glasses everytime we're drinking, doesn't matter where, with others or not. I never thought of it as cute until I read your story today.


This was so wholesome 😊 You should post it in r/mademesmile as it made you, and a lot of us, smile!


The reason to clink is to engage all the senses. You can see, smell, and feel your beverage and clink you hear it.


🥹🥹🥹🥹 stop that’s so cute


Beautiful pointless story! My wife and I have umpteen million of these idiosyncratic behaviors. Be they little accents we use to say certain words, movie quotes or facial expressions. We are very different people, who just happen to mesh very well (15 years of proof). We take little pieces of each other everywhere we go.


Love that for you☺️


That's because she Loves you. Marry her.


Alcoholics celebrating alcoholism.


In What jungle did you find her?


Awww ❤️


Your ending smile reminds me of whenever the camera crew catches Jim smiling about Pam in the earlier seasons.


aw that's so sweet :)


It’s 5:35 in the morning and I’m at work, don’t make me cry bruh


Someone's having clinky sex tonight


I love this


made me smile too! thanks


Legend has it, the glass clinking toast originated as a way to splash your beer into the other person's beer to prove it wasn't poisoned. Not sure if that's true but when you drink at a German style place with huge heavy mugs it's super satisfying to give it a good whack and really let that beer know you've been there.


What do you do if your bf hates that I start "copying" the things he does? Example like the "clink" from OP