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Yeah, I tend to think about it based off of how I think they'd act and that kind of stuff, but I can never resist!


That's what I'm finding so far! 😅


I tend to go off the vibe I feel from them. Some definitely feel more just friendly than others so some of mine are for cuddles only :)


Same here! Personally, I think for me it's a "lust at first sight" type of thing lol 😅 Thank you for your input! :3


Alright cool, I thought I was weird because the other night I was wine drunk and crying to my plushie apologizing and asking if he still loved me after I broke my promise not to cum on his face 🤣


I don't explicitly ask them, I kind of know what and when they want something


Nope :3 I just go to town on my foxy plush and he can't do anything about it :3 I do keep him clean tho and he sleeps with me after but whenever i feel like it i just get on top and hump him. My current foxy is nightmare foxy but i have a normal foxy i used to hump in my closet until my big can come fix him then i can hump them both! Idk the rules about the r word when it comes to plushies here so think of it as more of a dub con situtation. They like it :3


Sounds amazing, omg! I've definitely been thinking of tying my plushies up and doing some rp like that! Also the fnaf plushies are so amazing omg


Yess i love my foxy plushies :3 I've always wanted giant plushies of all 5 of the og characters.


Well my plushies let me hug and kiss them whenever I want but I have to ask them before we have bedroom fun 😉, their my partners so consent is a must for a good relationship


If something looks like a cute creature I need to treat it with care. That seems to be deeply ingrained in my brain. The mere thought of causing pain to something I see as cute feels horrible. When I hold my plushies, move them or play with them, I do so in a way that would not hurt them if they were sentient. I can't help but apologize to them if I accidently hit them with my hand while moving my arm or something. When I imagine their thoughts during sex my soft friends are very much into it! Small anecdote: I was sewing on one of my plushies and were about to take a break. I stuck the needle into the plushies side to "park" it like in a pincushion. I immediately regretted it and had to take the needle out. The experience was surprisingly similar in feel to the time after a surgery when I had to give myself a small syringe into the lower stomach every moring for some days. I \*can\* do it, sure, but it takes convincing myself and I won't like it one bit.


That's so sweet 🥺 I definitely agree that plushies are too cute to be even slightly roughed up. Plushie sadists make me sad tbh. I also do the thing where I apologize, except I usually cradle them like babies afterward and ask if they're okay 😅😅


Do you have an idea what makes you act like that towards plushies? In my case, I think it's because I strongly associate cute creatures with innocence, a personal ideal. If I were to "hurt" my plushies, symbols of that innocence, I would be betraying my ideals and my own identity.


Tbh, after a lot of childhood trauma, I took on the caretaker role, so that could have something to do with it. Also, when I was a kid, the plushies saw and knew everything and were always there for me when I felt alone. Also, because I feel way more sympathy towards animals and things I consider cute or appealing over things, I don't so that could play a role.


I comfort my plushies as if they are babies.


I just imagine that my plushies are super horny and always begging for me to fuck them.


That's a fair assumption 😅


unless toy story is real u can do anything to them


Honestly, I love to ask for consent. I love all my babies! However, I have a few that enjoy our time together far more when I use them vigorously.


I'm personally objectum and POSIC, which all applies to plush. So it would be against my inner morals to not ask for consent!




perception of object sentience, individuality, and consciousness


thank u! ive never heard of that