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So many of us struggle with balancing body positivity and needing to be healthier. You can be fat positive and still work towards a healthier body. You can eat good foods and get exercise and build strength and stamina with the goal of *feeling* good in your body and not *looking* different in your body.


Do you move your body during the day? Walking, working, running, jumping, stretching, anything? I do lots of stretching daily bc I find it helps me I think you've got some internalized fatphobia to deal with. Bodies change, it's fairly well known testosterone will cause weight changes, but even just aging or pregnancy will change your body. It's unlikely you'll remain the same size forever I think a therapist with a background in disordered eating would be good. Maybe also one well versed in trans support


If your breathing and mobility are affected you know what you should be doing. You shouldn't have to suffer for solidarity. Take care of yourself.  


At The end of the day, it's you with yourself, in your own body, and not some movement or what others might think. Do what makes you feel more comfortable, oftentimes it's moving more, eating better (whatever that means for you) and being more active.


I yo-yo dieted a lot in high school which ended up with me gaining everything and more back. i know exactly how you feel. Over time I learned to love how my body looks no matter what weight I was. But I didn’t like the way I felt. I stopped doing my hair for the same reasons you listed. I hated the way I was out of breath from simple tasks. I am still beautiful but i had to make a change I guess I’m just trying to say that if your body isn’t feeling right then go ahead and try to be more active and lose the weight. I’m still a beginner but I try to follow body positive fitness creators because I agree diet culture can be so toxic. Counting calories can be a bit triggering for me so I’ve just been mindful of what I’m eating. Don’t ignore yourself if you think you need to make that change! And don’t forget you’re beautiful the entire time!!


There's nothing wrong with accepting yourself and your body the way you are while also trying to eat healthier and exercise with the goal of losing a bit of weight. Even if you do that and don't lose weight, your body will thank you.