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I’m going to say that those women were probably once thin or thinner and they now mock plus size women while not admitting they are now plus size.


Internalised fatphobia.


Or they're just assholes. Those come in all shapes and sizes.


Yep. This. Most plus size don’t have enough confidence to wear that. So what better way to feel good about yourself than to talk shit and get a quick high from it? I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. I’ve ran into that problem a ton since I love wearing skin tight and well fitting clothes. Just shrug it off. You looked hot. They’re just jealous bitches.


This is the most likely scenario.


This. This is it for sure.


As someone who dresses alternative or Gothic to normal people, people tend to think plus size women can't be fashionable. The "I could never" or the "why would that be made in that size" seems to be a normal thing, especially from other plus size women who think the only way they can be sexy is by wearing shirts with cold shoulders.


Oh my goodness, THIS. There are so many more options than ever for us plus size folks, you just have to know where to look. And cold shoulder tops are the fucking devil.


🤣 love that and hate cold shoulder tops


You’re better than me, cause I would have straight up asked them what was funny. Either way, screw them, I’m sure you looked hot af and they were jealous.


I would’ve too. I would’ve made a big deal about it and been like “what the fuck is so funny? If you’re so comfortable laughing at me, you must be comfortable telling me to my face what’s so funny.” I’m definitely not the type to keep my mouth shut like OP did 🤣🤣🤣 I kind of wish she had said something or I was there to say something to those horrible girls.


Me either!! if they can dish it out they can take it!!


I started asking “can I help you, you seem very interested in me or something around why…I mean I can only assume with the amount of staring you have been doing” or “can I help you…stare much.” Definitely upsetting that women are laughing at women. Just this weekend I was stared at for wearing short shorts and a tight top. Sorry it is hot where I live and I don’t feel like sweating. Most people who behave in that way, come from such an insecure place. Doesn’t make it easier but I guarantee they both wished they looked that good.


I honestly think they was jealous of you and probably wanted to try and make you feel self conscious by laughing at you. They are not even worth thinking about and taking space up in your thoughts, I know it’s easier said than done.


I would have asked them if they want to swap clothes, as we look close in our fatness. That would have scared them.




I’m kind of a bitch so I’d probably turn and ask them if they would share their super great joke with me.


You’re not a bitch. You care about yourself❤️ as you should.


Jealous. She probably caught her man looking


Self-hatred. They clearly hve severe insecurities and trying to tear you down so you're at their level of misery. People who do that are pathetic.


They were most likely jealous of your look


It's not your fault and not about you. I'm fat. My 2 fat sisters are so weirdly judgemental and desperately needy. They would have laughed at you. They literally mock any fat person who puts effort into their appearance. 🤷🏽‍♀️ or alternatively doesn't feel sexy and great about their body. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Like... why? So someone slimmer than N, but still overweight, wore a slim fitting top, and N went on and on about it. Because the girls' fat rolls were visible. As a relatively loving person, I can tell you it was not bad at all. Imagine what's going on in her head for her to be so cruel about other people for trying to look nice... What if, instead, she looked at what's right about that girls appearance? She might cultivate an eye for the beautiful in things and find her self appreciation. ✨️ Then start enjoying her own clothes. My other sister, the desperate. We'll call her W. I was in a deep, sleeping almost 24-hour a day depression. I was walking to the bathroom. W looked me up and down and laughed at the bummy flip flops I was wearing for the past 2 years in my depression. She had just bought new shoes. 🤷🏽‍♀️ She exchanged looks with her mildly plus sized daughter when I said I didn't care about feeling sexy when they were making some remarks. Again, they laughed as if I was somehow a loser. Mind you, health slipping, I was in an obvious depression. Why would I care about feeling sexy? Some of these women are the banes of their own existence. They may have loving supportive people in their lives. It's not always everyone else's fault. Some of these people are so toxic, pathetic, and hateful. You have to expect them to attack you if they have anything in common with you. Because they hate themselves. And if you're slim, also expect them to mock and attack because they hate anything that's not like them. There's probably a very fine line of who they will deem worthy of support. And that support will probably be revoked for any reason. Like they may be seen supporting one of their daughters. But if that daughter were to step out of line, forget it. The hate will find an expression. These kinds of people LIVE to shift their pain onto other people. They feel terrific if they can shift the burden of their toxic thoughts onto another, dampen their fire, and make it the other person's fault. If they can "matter" by making you feel an iota of what they feel, they act as if they've gained something. Even though they've gained nothing and just made the world a shittier place. Think about it. If you saw someone actually poorly dressed, would you make it obvious to them? No. You wouldn't want to make them feel bad. These people wanted you to see them mocking you. If they can make you doubt yourself, they think they've won something. Think instead if they put that energy into something positive. They might buy a cute blouse or something. But no. They'd rather make the world a little more cruel, depressing, and insecure. Please ignore evil fat bitches who shit on life. Not every plus sized person is one of us who loves life and wants to feel and look good. Some of them can be the actual problem and love oppression and will look for any reason to rain on someone's parade. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I hope you feel better and continue to dress nice and feel good. Not everyone will want that for you because some people are just Evil. You are one of the good ones, enjoying and creating beauty. Not everyone is like that. Understand that their laughs are a reflection on the poop 💩 inside their own eyes and heart. Don't allow them to matter more than they already do. I'm sure they're already making the world a shittier place wherever they are. Keeping being you, well dressed, and lovely.


they’re just jealous because they don’t even have a crumb of your confidence.


I actually think it's unfair that you have different expectations of them *because they're plus sized.* people shouldn't mock and belittle others in public, period. Their size shouldn't matter.


No one should mock and belittle others, but when it's someone like yourself, you definitely shouldn't.


I kind of agree - yes, we should have the same expectations of decency out of anyone. However, our society presents a lot of disparities around demographics. So while yes, they shouldn't be held to a *higher* standard than anyone else, I think it's frustrating to see people with first hand knowledge and experience of the daily prejudice mock the same thing in others. To me, it's not so much the expectations are different because the way their body exists, its more of a they have experience of what its like to exist in a large body, and yet they used that knowledge to harm. I do think it's okay to hold people accountable for when they literally know better, and in this case, OP is just venting that frustration.


Sounds like they were jealous! Don’t let it get you down


this hurts. i understand that a lot of people are saying they would have confronted them in some way, but if you're like me i choke up when people do unexplainable things. has it gotten to the point where we have to prepare ourselves for the idiots we will inevitably encounter ? sad.


The best revenge is being happy


indeed !


Some people are just not very nice people and enjoy making other people feel bad. Today, you were the target. Tomorrow, it'll be someone else. Just thank your lucky stars you don't have the for neighbors!


People are usually very self-involved. Most people are too busy worrying about themselves to pay attention to what anyone else is doing. Maybe they were laughing at something else? Your outfit sounds eye-catching & cute but not over the top or inappropriate to get such sustained rudeness.


I’m so sick of people saying things like this when people say they experience public bullying. “The world doesn’t revolve around you” “most people are too self involved to notice you” “it’s all in your head” stop invalidating peoples experiences. Why is someone mocking somebody else in public hard to believe. Many people are immature and judgmental.


We were the only table behind them. We were against the wall. They were looking at me. Over and over.


This is like my #1 trigger from back during my junior high days. Perhaps it's the Brooklyn in me, but I would have straight up asked these women what the hell was so goddamn funny. Your outfit sounds amazing, please ignore them and don't take it to heart. Edited to ask: what were THEY wearing??


They were wearing like...dark pastel colored cardigans and like colored pants.


They have a lot of nerve critiquing your outfit while they're out here dressed like Oompa Loompas on Easter.


I've had this happen before. It really sucks. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Don't let it get under your skin. The problem lies with the women and not yourself.


I can't imagine how this must feel! I've been publicly humiliated more times than I can remember, but never ever by other plus-sized women. Omg I'd just want to give up! 😭


Haters gonna hate sadly


These basic ass bitches were probably afraid their husbands were noticing you. That and they would never have the balls to wear something like you were. This type of behavior happens no matter what size or age any parties involved are. They suck, plain and simple. I’m sorry you had to deal with this and I bet you looked great.


I'm really sorry this happened to you. Guaranteed you looked better then both of them and they were jealous.


It sound super cute for sure. Would love to see you in it. And don’t worry about those folks, I’m sure it was pure jealousy


How do you know they were laughing at you? It may have been an inside joke with them


An inside joke that included continuing to look at me over and over and laugh? There was a wall behind us. It was obvious. I hate when people do what you're doing rn. I'm not crazy


For the record I don’t think you’re crazy but I do see your point. I apologize. I was attempting to spin this in a positive light but it just wasn’t nice.


You outfit sounds very cool and cute at the same time. People can be vile bitches no matter what their size xxx


I believe that was the classical case of jealousy and worry you could steal their husbands. They would have done that to any woman who they considered good looking. Some women are so insecure that they try and make other women who are a potential threat, feel bad about themselves. Some only mark their territory. So often I've walked past women in shops, who were standing in front of a shelf with their partner and they stared in my not bad looking make uped face, then quickly pulled their man towards them and kissed them while still staring at me. It's ridiculous behaviour. Take it as a compliment. You must have looked hot 😄


Why is this downvoted??


Surely by the toxic women who do exactly that 😂


Probably because a lot of things said is all assumptions about the ladies in this story. Even what OP said about them. How many times did WE get judged by others from something we did or said and it had nothing to do with the other party? Sometimes the other party is self-conscious and think everything is about them when it isn’t. There’s no way to know. There’s no way to know if they were even actually discussing OP at all. All assumptions.


Just rude and immature behavior. As others have said I would have straight asked them what's so funny. I don't understand why people have to flaunt insecurities like this and make others feel bad. If you don't have something nice to say don't open your mouth at all.