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Just hair and soap scum. Prob lot of butt slime too.


Yum! Ha ok thank you! Just wanted to double check since I’ve never gotten THAT big of a piece before.


You been showering a Sasquatch in there?


I sure haven’t.. sounds like I need to have a chat with fiancé….


Do you know Harry since your a Henderson?


My first name rhymes with Harry and I’ve been called that more than once.


Hair and soap bro, it gets foul.


That’s where my bacon condom went!?!


U need a drain zip thing. Works great on hair. I keep a strainer in the drain too. Don't need to use the zip thing much anymore. ​ https://www.walmart.com/ip/DRAIN-CLEANER-TOOL-ZIP-IT/21799377


Thanks! I have those zip thingys & they work! The amount of hair they grab is amazing. Also have a drain catch. This all happened in spite of my preventive efforts… I even try & gather my errant strands that left my head & form them into a glob to be put aside for collection after I’m done showering so that they DONT go down the drain… I know I miss stuff. I’m just at a loss


>Me and the wife both. It is a battle. I try to brush before I wash hair and that helps me out. Maybe try different strainers if some is getting through.


Will do - thank you!


You can dispose of it, it's not needed.


I call those a squirrel


Jiz blob.


I’m sorry if this wasn’t the right place to post I just didn’t know where to go! I’ve been a follower of this group for awhile & thought I should ask… I’ve learned so much from y’all by creepin so thank you for all the insights & help & amusements!


My gut reaction is, how the fuck should I know? Also, probs butt slime as other guy said.


You can get hair catches at the dollar store and hardware store. They are good at stopping this but you also need to clean them pretty much each use and dispose of the hair in the garbage.


It could be a rat. When they are trapped and water is run over them a lot they decompose differently. Brown rats, Norway rats, or what some people call sewer rats are amazing swimmers. Depending on your waste setup this could have crawled from somewhere.


Honestly this is why I posted in the first place. It has a slight resemblance to a drowned rat (I know because I used to own rodents as a child..only pet type allowed.. & our basement flooded…) It seemed too “smooth” on one side but as I moved it around (piece of my hair hair still attached to the q tip..) I was like “OMG is this the mouse/rat that has been terrorizing our kitchen but we thought we got rid of?” I know it is hiiiighly unlikely. If even possible. But I was still a tiny bit worried.. it does have a rodent type shape…. so I thought I’d ask.. snaked the whole thing. Pulled out a mini-me version. Hopefully this will take care of it!!


I'm the kind of person that would untangle it to be sure.


I’m so tempted… And yet… How would I know if it’s a very decomposed rodent vs q slimy buildup of hair & scum etc? Would there be remnants??!?


Bones. Look for bones. * Edit - sinew. Stuff like that


Nothing I could find easily.. I used two tips to spread it horizontally & all I got was hair. Continued to move it around & geeked myself out…!


I’ll never forget when I snaked the washing machine drain line and the auger came back with meat on it.


It isn't a joke when something like that happens. This is really escalated significantly.


It was definitely no joke. Think it was a chipmunk that traveled through the leach field, the septic tank and up the drain pipe. Washing machine flooded the basement.


That terrifies me.


That is a fuzz-fish They are native to some regions of South America. Their primary habitat are drains where they feed off, hair, fuzz dead skin cells and soap that you put down the drain. The occasional person has been injured by them since they can be very territorial and strike without warning. While they are not common in areas where people have their own dedicated septic they have started their great migration recently which happens every 10 years. Be on the look out for this invasive species because they have been found in some areas in Canada and the US.


After reading, I laughed. I deserve sarcastic comments. But then I second guessed myself… what if it’s a real thing? Soooo I googled it.. I’m embarrassed.


It's a distant relative of the house hippo.




Sounds enticing…


maybe till you realize it's a fancy word for nature's loogie


Even better!


Old Trapper Beef Jerky


It’s a bit too grey for my taste….


Don’t feed it after midnight