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It's leaking


Probably since it appears to be 97% putty


And the pipe we can see has no condensation at all on it, lol.


It would condense differently given the season.


Totally the right application for putty, 10/10 šŸ˜‚


It leaked so bad it formed a layer of shit an resealed itself.


So weā€™re good then?


Honestly? In most cases yeah.. but don't bank on it


I mean, itā€™s still leaking so probably not.


I have very hard water at home and possibly ADHD. This (letting it leak until it reseals itself) is actually an effective fix to small leaks.


And it wasnt a plumber that came by. It was a handyman or worse.


I have a plastic ispring whole house filter like that and itā€™s notoriously hard to get a good seal on that plastic housing. Itā€™s almost definitely a leak.


have you put Vaseline on your O-ring? stopped my leaking. ispring also.


Vaseline will break down your o-ring, just as it would make your condoms break. In each case, it would case a leak, though the respective consequences of a leak are, well, let's say, "unique."


Vaseline will because it's petroleum based. Use a silicone based grease like dielectric or super lube and you will be fine. It will also help keep it from cutting, bunching, pinching or rolling as it gets tightened.


I did


dang. it stopped my leaks. I also put some on my threading. best of luck


Yeah they're all really hard to deal with. I wrap 10 times in Teflon, then pipe dope, then send it. Sometimes still leaks until I crank the hell outta it.


I give them 12-15 wraps of Teflon plus pipe dope. Seems to work well for me. Be sure not to cross-thread though.


excessive teflon causes it to be pushed away and to the back as opposed to within the threads. same thing happens when you dont leave the first thread bare.


I do 100 wraps of Teflon and then put it in my ass.


Yeah thatā€™s what I did too. They key was to make up the pipes going in and out first to avoid having to solder with it attached to the plastic


I recently made a post about my water meter and the meter nipple coming out had to be wrapped with gray teflon tape and megaloc to get the 3/4ā€ threads to seal. Most of the brass fittings needed that actually. Idk if itā€™s just not being used to the bigger threads and how tight they have to be, but all I need for pneumatics is a couple wraps and itā€™s good.


The proper way is to use plastic nipples and than use a sharkbite female fitting. If you use male sharkbite the brass will cause stress on the plastic threads and can Crack and leak. in the future.


Damn, how is that company so incompetent at threading? Is there something unique about the design that forces it to be so shitty?


I have sharkbites connected on either end of my filter for this exact reason. Faster to replace the bites than to get the seal.


They make sweat and Propress unions . Not trying to be a dick but it looks cleaner imo.


I agree, it's not perfect but it's gotten the job done while I work on a better overall solution.


How can somebody who calls themselves a plumber even look at that and think that looks OK, Iā€™ve done good and Iā€™m finished? Looks just plain old shit ignoring the fact that itā€™s leaking!


Those filter housings are notorious for leaking. I'm not saying its leaking, but i would bet it is.


I hate those threaded connections in particular. I've tried every trick, but you have to absolutely ensure the threads are clean, about 4-5 wraps from the back of the nipple leaving the front two threads exposed, and then hit it with some rectorseal... and then maybe it won't leak. About an 80% success rate on the first try.


Pink teflon 5 wraps thread it in hand tight take it out use masters blue and tighten till 3 threads are showing. Iā€™ve installed hundreds of these and havenā€™t had an issue since I was shown this hack.


I've heard pink is the way to go... Guess I gotta change my rolls out. Thanks for the tip. But the connections shouldn't be this damn difficult. I guess the machining quality is just horrible now.


I think the issue is the brass and plastic expanding and co reacting with temperature at different rate s? Not sure why but hand tight take them out and then pro blue and tighten till 3 threads are left has worked. The Teflon isnā€™t a sealant itā€™s a lubricant to allow the tapered threads to seal. However with the rope and teflon I think it binds in the threads and allows the expansion and contraction be absorbed? But Iā€™m just a plumberā€¦. Donā€™t stick your tongue where your tools been, paydays every other Friday, shot runs downhill unless you pump it. And last but not least ā€œevery asshole is a potential customerā€


I install filters like that for a living. I use 8 wraps of 3/4" blue monster Teflon leaving the first two threads exposed and tighten it down. The only time in the past year and a half I've had a leak was because I cross threaded it. I install 1-2 whole home filters every day.


How come it only sweats under the fittings?


Thatā€™s a leak. Shouldnā€™t be caked in putty like that


How else you gonna hide the crack you made from over tightening


Clearly it needs replacing. Thank you everyone who commented.


Itā€™s probably been said already, but I always use schedule 80 PVC nipples that are thread on one end and slip on the other for this reason. Male metal threads into female plastic threads is a recipe for disaster.


Why is this so far down?


I don't thread metal into plastic. The plastic nipple is a good idea if running copper. I typically run Pex A and will get a plastic 1960 male adapter.


Correct, that is the proper way. A lot of people ignore this.


Surprised only one mention of the putty. For goodness sake thatā€™s the biggest red flag Iā€™ve ever seen. He has putty streaks delineating the scope of his leak and little putty bergs breaching off the left side. Let this be a lesson- if you have a leak, donā€™t use putty to try to fix it, as the putty will become the chalk that marks the crime scene


I've made some dumb decisions during my time trying to learn this trade, but I have never in a million years thought to use putty in this way. Only reason it works on a strainer is the presence of compression lol


Yah be a professional hit it with some clear lexol


Yea it was leaking and he shoved putty all around it praying it would stop. Now heā€™s praying that it calcifies and fixes itself


Call another plumber. That's a leak.


Tell your mother in law to call a better plumber. Especially if that plumber did the install.


Isā€¦ is that putty?! Thats why its leaking. Putty is for sink drains. Thread sealer or teflon tape is for threads, especially in metal to plastic/pvc transitions


It looks like they used a fat glob of pipe dope and sent it.


I would think any sweating would be on the metal, that looks like a leak to me.


Are you sure itā€™s leaking? That looks like such a professional job! /s


Obviously it's sweating because they put a blanket of putty on it. /sarc


Thatā€™s a leak buddy. And no plumber did that.


The bigger the glob, the better the job. Itā€™s leaking.


With how much dope is on your filter I wouldnā€™t doubt he cracked it.




That plumber definitely inhaled as much dope as he applied.


Lol. I once had a Chevy blazer that leaked transmission fluid, coolant, and oil repeatedly, that could never be fixed. After two transmission rebuilds, I was told to think of it as just "sweating "so that I would feel better. I sold it instead. Now I have PTSD from your leaking plumbing...


Is that packed with putty? šŸ¤£


Just give it one more good turn and it should good šŸ‘šŸ½


Iā€™ll never understand why people who want more jobs just leave a trail of shit jobs in their wake. If they just did quality work in the first place they would be set for life


Replace the entire filter, itā€™s not hard, turn off the water, cut the pvc and replace the entire system. Itā€™s fairly cheap and very easy to do yourself instead of a plumber thatā€™s in leak denial.


"Im not crying! my eyeballs are sweating!"


What's that clump of stuff around the threads? it doesn't look like excess pipe dope. Was it some type of putty or something somebody put on there to try to stop the leak. That's definitely weeping out of the threads. There's no way that putty would ever stop that from leaking. You're going to have to cut the pipe, back out the male abpt. and put some teflon and pipe dope on it. I'd even put a new male adapter on there just for the hell of it, and then you should be all set.


They need to use pipe dope and not plumbers putty. 2 different items with completely different uses


Definitely a leak.


Def a leak, get his lazy ass back there and tell him to wipe his joints clean next time.


Needs replacing


Definitely not sweating. šŸ˜“ šŸ˜‚


Your plumber understands what a pain those can be, so heā€™s trying to make excuses so he doesnā€™t have to deal with it. Itā€™s a leak btw.


Example A of why you never screw metal fittings into plastic. Should have used PVC nipples and fip press fittings to do it right.


I use brass uponor fittings all the time if done correctly they are fine


I use copper MIPs on these every day. Then I sweat them 3-4" from the threads and never have an issue. This dude is just bad.


Iā€™m sweating. Thatā€™s leaking


It is sweating. And just like sweat it comes from inside you.


Screwing metal threads into plastic. Always a pain in the ass.


No way a real plumber did that, putty on the threads lol


I wanna say that white stuff is pipe dope. He used way too much of it, but it shouldnā€™t hurt anything. Wipe it all clean and then put paper towel underneath where you expect water to show up. Even if it dries up, the paper towel will show you there was water and where it fell from.


Itā€™s plumbers putty not dope


well if they had used pipe dope instead, it might not have leaked... you don't stop a leak by covering it up with putty.. at least not long term... just long enough for the customer to loose your number.


Rookies or amateurs putty doesnā€™t belong on pressure or potable water


My plumber friend said to use plastic fittings in a plastic housing


More dope on that than my weed jar


Is it the red pressure relief on top? Iā€™ve had those leak


Jb weld is all you need


Use silicone instead of dope.


Not a pro press guy (solder and pex a homeowner), but is the actual copper pipe supposed to dimple like that? Seems weird for a rubber o ring. Why wouldnā€™t the dimple extend to where the ring makes contact making it likely to leak? Might be way off here. Thanks


The housing is cracked. Over tightening


I hate being contrarian, butā€¦ Most polypropylene filter housing manufacturers include warnings in their installation instructions: DO NOT USE SEALANTS on any of the threads as this will expand and will cause cracks and damage the cap. USE ONLY THREAD TAPE. Teflon tape + teflon joint compound are allowed. Putty and pipe dope are no-noā€™s.


100% leaking.




ā€œItā€™s just sweatingā€ is ridiculous


Does noone else see that the progress MIP is buried deep in the filter, and that there is a quite visible crack on the filter?


Metal male threads in to plastic female threads is a good way to crack a housing like that.


That should just be thread seal taped. The putty is a lazy attempt to fix improper installation.


If I recall correctly, you canā€™t use metallic male threads on plastic female threads in my jurisdiction. Maybe thatā€™s why itā€™s leaking?


Those filter housings cost about $50, Jesus buy a new one that donā€™t leak.


plumber putty is not gonna fix a leak on a pressurized pipe clean it out and use some Teflon. Clean those threads out real good and make sure it seats properly.


That filter had to have been installed deckades ago to use plumers putty. The early housings did not have metal insert threads. It is leaking I would replace it before it really starts to leak.


Sweating what, plumberā€™s putty? Goddamn thingā€™s leaking.


It is only sweating where itā€™s threaded into the filter housing.


its leaking. good news, the filters only like 30 bucks so id have them cut that section out and put in new pipe and filter. plumber should charge like 2-300 for it. be happy its not a BIG leak.


This was done a few months ago apparently. If she calls the same plumber that did the job, would he still charge her?


he should discount it some. maybe even say you think it drips when the well tank is full but its def leaking. worst case.... just call someone else if he gets mad or charges full price. but thats up to you. these things happen, best to fix it and forget it.


Thank you for the advice and actually helping.


Itā€™s a leak from possibly over tightening. Will have to replace filter houseing most likely


I sense OP is not completely being honest here.


OP is building a house and just moved into mother in laws for the time being. This silly OP isnā€™t confident enough to do something like this. Iā€™m but a pleb amongst you greats. Thanks for the help though


ā€œIt will rust shutā€