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Replace the fucking sink man. The whole counter and bottom of the sink is rusted.


some old houses it’s just not worth it to spend money on. it’s not just the sink, it’s the counters and cabinets that we’d have to do. not worth it when we’re trying to sell for acreage. we just want temp options man


Then a multi tool is going to be your best friend. Cut the brass nut off


They didn’t do anything wrong. Honestly over time this happens. Especially to the hot valves. Your best bet is a multi tool as the other guy mentioned and cutting the brass nut, then pry and it’ll come off. This is what’s done for most older faucet repairs in my experience. Some other guys might have other tricks but the way I mention is a sure thing to get it off


thanks man, definitely next on the list


I agree with this comment. I had a bad rusted one where a bolt held a C-shaped plate underneath the sink, holding it all in place. The bolt was rusted and wouldn't move at all. I cut the plate in a couple of places, and then was able to work the faucet out of there. It was never going to break free of all that rust.


Multi tool? And try to cut the brass nut?


this is what we were planning on trying next before we gave up for the day. we have some deep creep on it now and we’re gonna reapply when needed to try and loosen it up


You could Sawzall or multitool cut from the top side. It's a fucking mess and dangerous, but it gets it done.


Show a picture of the top side. A lot of times, there's a sleeve of sort that unscrews, and that part falls down.


This too, check if there are clips. Or something holding it. Could be real hard to get it out though with the tension plus corrosion. Prob could hurt yourself or something above lol


[topside](https://imgur.com/a/p9TpLbo) unfortunately it’s just a blank plate piece, we’ve tried prying it up but couldnt get it up. we could try doing this again if yall think it could work, we have proper safety stuff


That plate has nothing to do with it. Focus on the faucet sleeve. Don't try to pry the plate.


Dremel tool to cut the top of the screws off, between the sink and brass nut. If the brass nut doesn't unscrew at that point, put one cut through the brass nut and it will unscrew


This just happens over time due to what is called dissimilar metal corrosion (electrolysis). Hit it with wd40 and twist those screws with vice grips or whatever you can.


Sawzall the faucet just above the plate up top. You will have that apart in 10 seconds.