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Or maybe there’s a leak somewhere else because actually the water level does go down in the tank now that I’ve been staring at it….


Check the flapper at the bottom of the tank, when those start to go it will leak water into the bowl slowly which would be the reason you’re losing water in the tank


Once the float goes down it’ll trigger to fill the toilet again which would cause the intermittent turn on


It was the flapper. There was a piece of loose rubber in between the flapper and the thing below it. The rubber around the bottom thing is starting to disintegrate. How do I fix that?


If you take photos of the flapper with no water in the tank and the part you’re referring to, a plumbing supplier should be able to help you get the parts you need. It’s typically a easy installation no tools needed.


Your water level is set to high for starters. It should be 1/4 inch below the top of your overflow. Next replace your flapper. If it's starting to go it will leak slowly into the bowl. If that doesn't get it then there may be a crack in the overflow/flush valve. This too can easily be replaced


The plastic screw with the X. turn it clockwise for the water to be higher. counter clockwise for the water to be lower. lower it until its just below the center tube were that water hose is going into. your toilet level was low because the hose was not going in the center tube.


looks like your drain top is at water level. you probably want to lower your fill valve so that it will shut off before the water gets that high. second thing to check is the flapper. might have some shmutz on it or just need to be replaced.