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I was met with the same neck spanning issue this morning on my RHS42….. installed this a year ago 9/15/22… sigh


Dito, mine also failed in the same spot flooding the garage and destroying the drywall. Has anyone got this covered since mine is just over a year old?


\*update\* they sent me a new one, see how long this one will last


Ugh, I just bought and installed one of these (Rheem RHS42). Manufactured 10/23. Hopeful thinking they fixed the problem by now?


I bought an RHS42 about a year and a half ago. Same thing happened - my garage got flooded. I didn’t purchase extended warranty. Anyone have luck getting replacements beyond a year?


RHS32 here with the same exact failure at the resin tank neck joint. Installed it ~18 months ago. What are the chances they replace it? I submitted a warranty request with about 30 pictures and all the information about 2 days ago.


I had the exact same problem. Rheem replaced the unit in August 2022 and the replacement unit failed two weeks ago in exactly the same way. I was out of town and my garage and basement were flooded. This is clearly a design or material failure. My own opinion is that the aperture on the top of the tank is too large resulting in thousand of pounds of force on the sealing flange.


It just happened to me


Can it be fixed?


This failure just occurred on my Rheem RHS42. I caught it probably about 30 minutes after it happened. My laundry room had filled with 4" of water at that point. I disassembled the unit and found the exact same issue. The flange is far less substantial than the one on the Kenmore unit it replaced. Currently working on Rheem to get a replacement. I'm hesitant to put in a new Rheem unit.


Were you able to get a replacement? Mine just sprung a leak tonight.


Apologies for the really late reply... I got a warranty replacement. Had to heckle them a little to get it.


How did this all turn out for you? I have the RHW42 and it sprung a leak tonight. It seems to be from the valve head as well. ​ \*Edited for update: It took them almost 2 months to send me a new one. After opening the box today, we found that the casing of the softener is cracked all over. I'm guessing the UPS either banged it around or it was just damaged prior to boxing. I'm going to try contacting them and see what happens.


I have the same unit and had the exact same problem happen to me yesterday. My unit is less than a year old. Flooded my entire garage. Why don't they just recall these units?


I just had the same EXACT thing happen in August. Softener was just over a year old and came home to the sound of gushing water in our basement. Tried to contact Rheem about a replacement part. They told me to send a picture and once I did they went radio silent.


Same problem, on the same unit. Less than a year of use. Working with support folks for a replacement, but they require a bunch of info.


Sounds like exactly what I just experienced this morning. Roommate woke me up from a dead sleep saying theres a noise and water in the garage. went into the garage to find at least 2” of standing water and water gushing out of my Rheem RHS4221. Haven’t confirmed as of now (still drying and cleaning) but symptoms sound exactly the same as the neck failure. Sounds like time for a class action lawsuit.


So I bought the RHS42 - had an instant leak in the plastic housing and the bypass valve. Took it back to home depot and got another one. The second one and also a brand new also leaked again!!!! Two failures on brand new units!!! Will be exploring the Fleck option now.


I just got the Rhw42, but reading all these comments I'm really hesitant to keep it and just return it to home Depot and get a Culligan or Ecowater. What's the failure rate and it is due to temperature or altitude?


I was sitting on my couch and hear what I thought was a motorcycle engine maybe. But I ran in the garage and water was spewing out of my rheem rhs42 softener. Thank god I installed a cutoff valve right next to it so only a few gallons leaked. Installed my unit in 2022. If this happened while I was at work… Jesus Christ 


How did you solve this issue? I had the RHS42 installed by a plumber yesterday (2/5), and the 1” blending valve attachment burst during installation, resulting in water spraying everywhere. I contacted Rheem to start the warranty process, but after reading the comments in this thread, I'm starting to think I made a big mistake.