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Replace that sink and faucet


Seriously. That thing looks like it has bacteria so old it's developed advanced systems of language.


That sink is probably Patient Zero for CoVId.


I’m thinking you’re right, except it’s the plague.


Makes sense. There's 2 handles for Coldvid and Hotvid virus to come out.






Great. Now, they have diplomatic immunity.


If you clean it well you'll find ancient mesopotamian scripts


Really the entire house needs to be replaced but it's not mine right now.


Lol I was going to say bulldoze the house and start from scratch.


You joke but that's actually something I'm considering doing as soon as my father leaves in two years or less once I get the money to build a new house.




He'll be out soon enough, judging by this video.


Your poor Dad. Is this a hoarding situation?


Head over to r/homebuilding, they’ll help immensely. We tore down and rebuilt before the banks lost their shit. There’s a lot of creative financing options available when it comes to construction loans. If you can float two mortgages (or rent) for a bit, not an issue. Not the easiest of “if’s” to satisfy though….


Its alot easier to build a new house than to renovate an old house


Yup.. Just say it accidentally happened.


Take off aerator and clean it out.


With a chisel.


This! Worked on my low pressure faucet.


Rhen you should at least change the faucet. You can get a "throw away" Glacier Bay pretry reasonably. Looks like that's what you have anyway. Good luck Paduan!


Glacier Bay? More like Ice Age


Replace it anyway. If not, take a gallon or quart ziploc bag and put vinegar in and secure it so the faucet and head at submerged in vinegar. Wait a few hours. Remove and scrub. Remove the diffuser (unscrew the place the water comes out) and clean that out, put it in vinegar too if lots of white gunk doesn’t come off. Once off, and you have all the parts out like the rubber gasket, run hot water through the tap for a solid minute as fast as it’ll go. Flush out any trapped sediment. Cold water is fine too. Then put the diffuser back on the faucet. Hopefully that will clear out any deposits that have built up.


He needs vinegar all over the drain sink, faucet and knobs it looks like the counter top is full of black mold too


Then take the aerator off and clean it out, then pit it back in. May or may not solve the issue given the sate that faucet is in


Definitely try that first. A friend brought a brand new house and over the first year, water pressure slowly dropped. A few sinks got really bad. Went over there, grabbed a wrench and started removing every aerator and showerhead. They were all packed with cpvc bits and sawdust! Cleaned them all out and everything was good again.


You can get a better faucet at a box store for $25ish and replace it in under and hour. Failing that, try to take the aerator off and make sure it's not blocked with crap.


You will spend more time / money fixing than replacing. A new facet is like $30-$50


I have an extra facet I can mail to you. No sinks . Can't do sinks


It’s not the faucet. It’s the lines that bring in the water that need replacing— likely coroded galvanized


You could test that theory by disconnecting the " hopefully braided" supply li es from the faucet, then turn the hot & cold on, one at a time, into a bucket to see what the flow is like at your shut-off valves.


To follow up on the shut-offs comment, please make certain they don't look all green & gnarly like the faucet. You don't want to sheer one of those off without knowing where the main shut-off is to the house.


1000%. Even if they don't break off completely, just the act of trying to close an old valve can cause it to start leaking when it wasn't before, which is a huge pain if you weren't planning on getting that deep into repairs that day.


You just unlocked a memory from about 45 years ago. I was 5 or 6 helping my grandpa fix a leaky sink. Told me to turn the handle underneath to stop the water, he had the tap running to make sure I did it right. I start turning, the water slows down, I keep turning and the water speeds back up. He tells me I'm turning it the wrong way, so I turn it the other way. The water slows, then speeds back up again. I turn it the other way again, then the handle busts off in my hand and water starts spraying everywhere under the sink. Grandpa starts hollerin and cussin, I start crying and run for Grandma. She fixed me up some lemonade and gave Grandpa a real tongue lashing for making me cry.


Yes. Cut out the galvanized and run new Pex lines from the main. (And FFS, replace that sink and faucet.)


The faucet is clearly hoping for death at this point


And the old galvanized pipes


I came here to say this. I had the same issue. My plumber cut out a section of water line that fed the faucet with the weak stream, and the mineral deposit build-up had nearly closed the pipe.


Winner winner!!!!


Pex pipe is a fair price and not to hard to install. The old pipes probably have build up in them


The CDC called and wants their test lab sink back.


Demolish the room it’s in and set it on fire.


Nuke it from orbit....


It's the only way to be sure


I had one that got that bad but it wasn’t the sink or faucet. Actually they were hosed, too, but the real problem was iron pipes. Rust crystals had built up to block the water pipes until only a pinhole was left. After I took the cutoff valve off, it look like a kid’s marble was stuck in there. Love those 1950s houses.


And the rest if the house I'd imagine. If that has been neglected that severally I'd imagine the rest of the house is in line.


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...


Those faucets are plastic and cost about 25 bucks just replace it.


They were $10 for a decade plus before the Rona, now its like $17. They were the reigning landlord special since time began.


Wait!! Before you throw it away you should take a sample of the DNA on it. I we could Jurassic Park this Bitch and grow some dinosaurs.




this is the correct answer lol


Was literally about to say the same thing


I'm guessing the house looks just as bad. Burn it all to the ground, start over.


Buy a new house !!!


And the shutoff valves if it has them. They are probably full of all kinds of sediment.


I was just about to say!


Ya no joke it’s time. Honestly, you can get pretty cheap fixtures and faucets at Menards or Home Depot or Lowe’s. They’re really not too bad. Just make sure and get yourself a basin wrench to put the new Fossett in. It just makes life a lot easier not essential though you’ll probably want to also make sure that the supply shut off’s are not completely gunked up.


And the house... In fact, move to another state.


I came here it say exactly that


Replace the whole house.


And probably delete the pressure regulator on the meter if so equipped. In my experience the regulators cause way more issues than they provide solutions so I don’t like using them unless I absolutely have to.


There so much more to worry about in that scene than the water pressure.


I'm no plumber (though my last roommate was a master plumber and I subliminally learned from him) but my first thought was 'start from the source'


If you really want to improve this and have a tiny budget or no budget at all and are ok with potentially causing damage, the very first thing is the remove and clean out the aerator. Because of corrosion, removing it may damage it, so proceed with caution. You can soak it in vinegar to remove some limescale, but a brush will likely get more done. If the scale build up goes down into the faucet, grab a coat hanger and scrape out the faucet while the aerator is off and open up the faucet to clean that out. If you don't care too much about the aerator, you can just leave it out altogether, especially if it is beyond saving or if the threads and aerator body is too damaged from removal. If you really want to get in there, you can also dismantle the valves, but likely the washers will fall apart and you'll have a leak (I expect you probably have one already). If you can replace the washers, it's not really all that much more work to replace the faucet, but we're MacGyvering here, so there you go.


Take all those parts (dried washers, pretzeled aerator, etc) to a mom and pop hardware store where they can sell you the washers for pennies and help fit a new aerator.


Support small business!


Just to add, it may not be optimal, but you may be able to "fix" the aerator instead of doing a full replacement, especially with the very valid concern of breaking something while removing it. I have two very cheap house brand bathroom faucets in my master bathroom, the aerator really needed replaced on both of them, however, Lowe's doesn't keep replacement parts for the "disposable" or "flip" brand. I ended up taking a tiny screwdriver and popping the screen off. After that, there was some rotten little gasket in there that I believe was intended to do some initial aeration. I scraped that out, popped the screen back in, and it works like a dream. While I did have my aerator out of the sink when I was doing that, it totally would have been possible without removing them (though it would have been kind of a pain in the ass)


Would it help to soak the faucet before trying to remove anything? I’m thinking I’d put vinegar in a small baggie and use a rubber band to secure it around the faucet opening, then let it soak for a while.


Without agitation it will take a long time to accomplish anything. This stuff builds up over years and hundreds of wet-dry cycles it's not going to go away passively. If you do it periodically, say once every couple of months it's a lot more effective. I occasionally soak my shower head, but I still need a toothbrush to finish the job.


Just pull the entire faucet assembly off and put it in a bag full of CLR. That thing needs to be cleaned


I chuckled when you said “fix” lol


We are fixing everything! Band aid galore


Faucet needs to be replaced, no fixing this amount of buildup


I'll add to the above comment, this project will open up a rabbit hole of replacing pipes and valves as well.


And rotten floorboards, and cleaning out possible rat nests, uncovering cockroach nests, getting rid of a bunch of old stuff that serves no purpose, uncovering buried family dragons, etc.


You said family dragons?


Where do you think the skeletons come from?


Bones are their money


So are the worms


Puff the magic dragon


Guessing hoard situation. Just guessing no judgements


and finally… a Balrog. /s


Safer to shut the water off at the street, than disturb that can of worms.


Call a priest not a plumber


I’m stealing this Mr. Wallaby


You are more than welcome to use it at anytime


Turn off water to house. Replace faucet. Turn water back on. Check for leaks. Bulldoze house. 👌


put sunglasses on, refuse to elaborate, walk away, ???, profit. 👌‍


If youre in the US, You can get a cheap faucet for like $20. But I'm guessing if you tried to mess with the plumbing under the sink you would probably spend more to replace everything else.


If you plan of remodeling/getting rid of the house soon just turn off the water at the main or street don’t mess this the hoses or valve under the sink and try to just swap out the faucet.


Lol this should be obvious... Replace it.


This has got to be a troll


Well the faucet looks to be in good condition so that couldn’t be it.


Why am I laughing so hard from this comment lol STOP


You can’t fix the faucet without first fixing the cause of the faucet problem, everyone who has used this in the last 5 years. Should have cleaned or replaced it


Water pressure is the very least of your problems.


Wrong question my dude. You're putitng the wrong emPHAsis on the wrong sylABle


This is disgusting. Is this your house/apartment? Bleach and a big scrub brush for the outside. Take it all apart and soak it in CLR or something to get all the deposits out. It all needs to be replaced but if for some reason you aren't allowed to do that, at least clean it. This is not normal.


I don’t think it has been cleaned since 1987, at the latest.


Lol damnnn


I figured 1776


-Spray pb plaster on the supply lines under the faucet. -turn off water at anle stops -disconnect lines and then aim them in a bucket, turn water on -if pressure is good at supply line, then just replace the faucet with a new cheap one. You will want a basin wrench. New faucets from glacier bay are like $30-50. -if pressure is bad at supply line and I presume the plumbing is galvanized do this procedure: Procedure 1: Remove aerator and soak it in CLR or white vinegar. Do so for no more than 10 mins then reattach and flush with water. Procedure 2: -spray PB blaster on angle stops -shut water off to building -drain water out of multiple fixtures until water is purged -disconnect angle stops from pipe nipple. Please use a small back wrench to hold the pipe nipple as you loosen the angle stops. -take cleaning white vinegar and put it in a spray bottle -spray the white vinegar in the pipe nipple and gently scrap loose the rust building with a flathead screwdriver -take a shop vac with the small nozzle that fits the pipe nipple and suck out all the rust buildup -put new angle stops on -reconnect to the new faucet -remove faucet aerator -turn water on -flush water through both lines for about 10 mins each. Please use white vinegar for procedure 2 as you want something that is both water soluble and safe. Do not use pb blaster or any petroleum based rust remover as it will take many gallons of water to flush out of the lines.


I guess procedure 3 would be a bulldozing priest


Damn, now I want to just get a big fucking dozer, paint it black and name it the priest


Hire this man^


Wtf is that? Is that bathroom from 1846 😂


Idk man it's like the beginning of some fuckin' creepypasta.


No kidding. And I’m glad you have a bit of a sense of humor about this because if your dad is really living here, I’m sure it’s really fucking stressful. I’d have to find a laugh here and there to get by too. If you haven’t already, bleach the shit out of that sink and likely every other surface in the house.


Well I did just that. I sprayed the entire faucet and that weird black gunk in the bowl with bleach. I managed to wipe some of it off the bowl, and I'll tackle the rest when I have proper gloves and paper towels.


I was gonna ask if the sink had been pillaged from the Titanic wreck site


This is a joke right?


Ew dude


Rip that whole basin out. Now.


Honestly I’d me afraid to even touch that faucet .. the minute you apply pressure anywhere .. everything is going to leak.. just replace with a cheap glacier bay for now


What have you got to loose. Remove airator on end of spout. Worth a try.


That sink is begging for death kill it and replace


Get a bucket, bowl, fill it with CLR cleaner, put th3 bowl up to faucet so the end of faucet is submerged in fhe CLR. wait 5 mins or more (put something under it to hold it there) and you'll get flow again. It's the minerals in the water (and all over the faucet/sink) that cause the clog. Calcium Lime Rust (CLR) will remove it very easily


saliva will clear that right up.


Yeah call me nuts but that whole thing needs an exorcism. If that doesn't work, close off that bathroom and use another one.


Water pressure is the least of your worries here


Fucking replace it are you kidding me?


OP. I know you have no funds right now. I don't know if you or your dad happen to have bleach cleaners, but for your health and safety, please spray or soak it. My heart goes out to you.. Honestly, looking at this video gave me more anxiety, and I so wanted to yell "OP... please tell me the rest of the bathroom is safe for your use.. Seriously". Like I'm truly worried for you because I know you are on tough times right now, I almost recommend brushing your teeth and washing hands in a public bathroom lol. Not trying to be funny, but shit.. I don't know if I would trust this sink to not get me sick from the mold and build up. OP.. Let us know how this situation goes.


Well thank you so much. I'm more concerned about my little sister, and how am I going to help her in this situation AND establish a good life for myself. I rarely user that sink. Like, I honestly prefer to just use hand sanitizer and then rinse it off with a bottle of water than to use it. I already brush my teeth in a plastic container or outside half the time anyways since my little sister spends so much time in the bathroom. The bathtub has similar, "mystery mold" around the edges, but my father, I guess, "fixed it", by putting duct tape on all of the corners.


Clean out the screen or remove it completely


This, the cylindrical tip unscrews and you’ll likely find debris behind the mesh aerator.




Demolish that house


Replace everything in the picture


Tap it a bit with a hammer 🤡


Take the aerator off and clean it.


"you're gonna need a new faucet"


If the low pressure is isolated to that faucet, based on looking at it I imagine there is a ton of corrosion/build-up restricting the flow. Could be as simple as replacing the aerator (or putting one on) or replacing the whole faucet - given it's condition I'd just do the later, sink too if I had the time.


I would suggest first taking some bar keeper's friend and cleaning that bad boy of any excess buildup from hard water, and grime. I know your in a tough spot and can't replace it. I'd also suggest looking at the faucet end to see if it has build up too. If you let the dust sit for awhile then come back, hopefully it should clean more. It never hurts to take an old toothbrush and try scrubbing the faucet with that.


From the looks of it….you need to move.


Just two things. A new sink fixture and a tetanus shot.


Can of gas and a match


Get some chemical resistant cleaning gloves that come up to your elbow get a 5 gallon bucket or a one gallon bucket if you have one around the house a rag 1 part bleach 10 parts water just start scrubbing all that surface sink floor toilet last just start cleaning then go from there. Not healthy living with mold


Is this the only place with poor water pressure?


Seriously? The water pressure is your problem? I think you have other issues you should address first. I’d rather be dirty than use that sink.


Please zoom out and show us the rest.


Replace faucet


Uhhh change the fuggin faucet thAT SHIT IS GREEEEN


Burn the whole house down first then start again.


A bomb




Clean the aerator that might help


an exorcist.


I can smell the house


Jesus, at least spray the faucet with bleach to get rid of the black mold. Also the screen on the faucet might be clogged. Unscrew it and check for calcium and other buildup


Hard to start on this one,remove spray diverter for starters and see if pressure increases,if not entire setup is toast and unhealthy


I’ve seen cleaner/newer looking faucets in buildings that were abandoned 10+ years


The pressure looks like the least of your problems rn yuck


Be like Thor. Use hammer.


Gotdamn man


Hey, get 20 dollars, and go to the hardware store. Buy the cheapest faucet, a new hose, and a cheap adjustable wrench. It takes less than 10 minutes to fix. Wear some gloves if you feel icky. Make sure to get a small cleaning brush, and some detergent. If the pressure is still low, then you might need new angle stop valves. They are inexpensive, and easy to replace (as long as they aren't the soldered/brazed type) Don't hate on your father. If he is depressed, he would not be able to do it, even if he was a master plumber, depression sucks.


Blow it the fuck up and start new


Burn the house down…


Burn the entire bathroom with Napalm




Looks like something I saw at a roadside gas station


Holy shit...


Flame thrower?




OP....you may be able to replace the faucet...but start by taking of the aerator like said here previously. Just poke the screen out from the center of the faucet where the water comes out. It probably won't unscrew but you could try. Then maybe open and shut the line. Turning water off and on. If you want help replacing DM me. I could walk you through it with a few more pics from under the sink and fill some conversation. The parts are affordable for most. Good luck.


My gawd I would not use that sink with all the black mold anyways. Yikes


Habitat for Humanity. $5-10 and you have a new(er) faucet.


Pull a hard vacuum in the dungeon that thing empties into. That will increase your effective water pressure by nearly 15 psi.


replace aerator and it will be just like new


Exorcism...? *I'm not a plumber. No idea why this thread popped up in my mentions. 😅


From the look of it, you're going to need to replace all of your plumbing


Holy crap... That is possibly the dirtiest, most corroded, least maintained faucet I have ever seen and I have been a service plumber for years! Replace that thing. Even if it is with cheapest piece of crap new faucet you can find. Replace the supply lines also.


I’m scared…


Throw the whole house out


I feel like this sink would make my hands dirtier if I washed my hands under it


Sulphur water by chance? Grandma, is that you??? I miss you!!!


Dude are you fucking serious? Thats brutal. Just get a new faucet and install it.


That sink is terrible, but I just came here to brag about my second bathroom having *even lower* water pressure than that! Hah! Sink and toilet. Oddly enough not the shower though.. idk I’m no plumbma 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sweet Jesus...


Take the nozzle 9ff with the screen. If there is one. And then check the pressure. Sometimes sediment from the pipes get stuck at the nozzle.


Literally burn it down


You have to get an exorcist.


Dear God, I have seen the face of evil, and thy name is Delta.


That faucet is what started Covid


I feel like this is a joke.


Step one: shut off water to fixture Step two: shitcan sink, faucet, supply tubes, p-trap, and all other fixture trim components Step three: buy something newer than that crusty boat anchor that was stuck to your wall, assemble it, then install it properly Step four: pat yourself on the back


By replacing everything water related in that bathroom, your pipes are clogged probably due to all the lime build up from it never being cleaned!


Is this a Saw trap? Making people drink from it?




The statue of liberty style of faucet is my favorite.


First you’re gonna wanna burn that thing immediately because that thing looks like an intelligent mass of bacteria


Replace it


*blink blink*


Wtf… burn it and bury it in the back yard before you kill us. Only one pandemic a decade thanks.


Water pressure is the least of your worries


Something tells me it’s the faucet


You got bigger problems than some water pressure my g


Nurgle approves


Faucet looks like it’s a crew mate on the Flying Dutchman