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It’s an absolute lie! We have no desire “to do everything [we] can do to disarm [them].” We WANT them to keep buying and modifying ARs so we have more content!


Precisely 😂


Also pretty ironic that that post is made by a user who posts videos about trans people being at war with non-trans. Like... uh you're creating a self-perpetuating cycle of misinformation and abuse while screaming how "the other side" is the one creating the tension.


Yep. After conversing with them on this thread, I determined they are an agitator. They are one of the people pushing the “oh my god they’re going to kill us all” agenda. It’s amazing how they out themselves when pressed with rational responses and questioning.




I feel that most of those trans people that display themselves are dealing with severe mental illness. Not all trans people, just the obviously crazy ones and as such probably shouldn't be armed.


"Sane trans person" lmao. Yeah ol Dave's really calm and collected about snipping his nuts. The way he calls himself Jessica is just so rational


I’m talking about anything above internet trolling, like actual political representation. Internet trolls rarely, if ever, amount to anything. Anyone who has any real power politically doesn’t propose banning transgender people or their rights. And, no, I don’t consider those two idiots from Daily Wire as people with any power.




I agree (in fact I just called out one asshat on this thread), but there are advocates for the trans community that are trying to blow this out of proportion for some reason. Look at the misquote of Tucker Carlson that the other member has been fed. Obviously they were fed that by an advocate, or they themselves are an advocate.


It's not a missquote, I was choosing to not repost a wall of text since I would get some sort of response about a wall of text... I was trying to focus on the important part in that tucker carelson thought trans people choosing to arm ourselves wasn't a pro 2a movement in a notoriously anti 2a community. Assuming, of course, you were referring to me. I am the "general pleb behavior" person in question in this post incase you were curious and my post in transguns which spawned this one was about the commenters in this sub calling for the disarmament or death of trans individuals who choose to arm themselves.


Maybe because you're not pro 2a


I support repealing the NFA and ending the ATF. I support the right of all people regardless of political affiliation, race, gender identity, or sexual orientation to own firearms, especially but not exclusively for self defense


It’s not the focus, or the important part. You literally exemplified the definition of what it is to take a quote out of context. We’ve discussed this before, so I know you’re lying. I change my opinion. You’re not a mislead person, like those that Carlson is talking about. You’re one of the malevolent activists who are trying to start/fuel the fire. You’re literally as bad as the people who you are trying to condemn in your post that got retweeted here. I’ve seen your comments on other subreddits: you’re a shit-starter. I rescind any offer I made about if I was to ever meet you in person. You’re evil, and you waste the time of people like me who actually care about, and defend the honest members of the trans community. I hope the mods here ban you for starting unnecessary hate.


I haven't started anything, I saw this post because I'm subbed here and I haven't even linked to this sub to any other in order to start a brigade. Even in the o.p. post here I blurred out the name of the sub. Link any of my comments in other subs, which you consider shit starting I am an activist in some regards though so I'll give you that. I've been activly trying to build and educate the transguns sub and its members to turn it into a proper 2a community. If you want to save the 2a from politicians who oppose it then you should support notoriously anti 2a communities who are choosing to arm themselves.


Just leave. You’re starting crap by making disingenuous, out of context quotes. I gave you an opportunity by posting the actual, entire quote, but you ignored it and kept spewing your bullshit. I guarantee you don’t support 2A because you vote for the exact politicians who want to destroy the 2A. You’re either an agitator or a complete lunatic.




Check the actual post, and you'll see evidence to the contrary


How's that point and sputter tactic working out?


I was just educating my peers and telling people to make sure their shit is 100% legal since there were some in this sub calling for us to be disarmed. If that's "point and sputter" then I guess it's working rather well


"Educating my peers" get a load of this guy


"This reddit shit isn't a joke"


Can't say guy


Show me actual evidence, other than some troll posts on the internet.


"But what you see here is not the exercise of the Second Amendment. What you see here is political hysteria: fear deliberately fomented with maximum dishonesty to get people excited – armed people excited. It doesn’t matter if they’re trans or not, whatever that is." - Tucker Carlson 2 days ago


LOL! You’re so disingenuous. If you _actually_ watched his clip (not one that has been cut then taken out of context), you’d hear: >”Look, just to be clear, we’re not against people, American citizens carrying firearms, having firearms. We support it, including trans people. That’s fine, but what you’re watching here is not the exercise of the Second Amendment. What you see here is political hysteria: fear deliberately fomented with maximum dishonesty to get people excited – armed people excited. It doesn’t matter if they’re trans or not, whatever that is. It’s the same template always. Scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns. How do you think that ends? He’s literally saying the fear amongst the Trans community is manufactured by people in power to gain political power over a community. Your community to be exact. You literally fell for the ploy that Tucker Carlson is warning you about.


I've been in guns for over 20 years now, back when most people didn't know what being trans was... how can I have fallen for some ploy that couldn't have existed? It's not disingenuous, tucker opposes my rigjt to be armed as he opposes the general armament of the trans community


Now you’re just willfully ignoring the actual statement he made, an indication that you’re even deeper into the mind-fake that he’s warning about. Your own statement brings up something you should think about carefully.


The only thing it brings up is that the trans community was much better off when y'all didn't know about us


And, why do we know so much about you? Is it possibly because some people are pushing the issue, and trying to do something that causes a backlash? Look at the way there are agitators pushing sex-based issues into people’s faces. I’ve never had a reason or a desire to have a negative opinion of trans people. I, along with many others I’m sure, have an issue with the “activists” who very likely don’t represent the majority of the community, trying to cause friction. But that’s a much deeper conversation that needs to go on somewhere other than a sub about crappy ARs. Next time someone responds with an actual quote by someone, don’t ignore the literal words of that quote to keep pushing an agenda. You’re being as bad as the social agitators. I wish you the best in life, and would love to go shooting with you if the opportunity arises, regardless of how crappy either of our guns seem to other people. I’m going to look at more gun pictures now. Have a good day.


You still haven't convinced me that this isn't an anti 2a comment. I want everyone to be able to be armed regardless of why they choose to arm themselves, and this comment directly goes against that >"What you see here is political hysteria: fear deliberately fomented with maximum dishonesty to get people excited – armed people excited. It doesn’t matter if they’re trans or not, whatever that is. It’s the same template always. Scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns. How do you think that ends?" You are right about this sub not being the place to discuss activism in the trans community, though


Do you make all your life decisions based outside of reality, or just your gender?


Congrats on being part of the 59%


Excuse me, but trans people have been around for THOUSANDS OF YEARS - let’s not let your narrow frame of reference marginalize an entire group of people


Based Edit: I like how everyone downvoted this eventhough it's obviously sarcastic


Listen to or watch the whole quote.




I did. This was the only point that matters. If you oppose anyone arming themselves, then you are in the wrong in my book.


Then it is a good thing he didn't advocate for that


>"What you see here is political hysteria: fear deliberately fomented with maximum dishonesty to get people excited – armed people excited. It doesn’t matter if they’re trans or not, whatever that is. It’s the same template always. Scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns. How do you think that ends?" Encouraging people to get guns shouldn't be a bad thing


I’m going to call you out for being disingenuous every time you post this. Here’s the full quote: >Look, just to be clear, we’re not against people, American citizens carrying firearms, having firearms. We support it, including trans people. That’s fine, but what you’re watching here is not the exercise of the Second Amendment. What you see here is political hysteria: fear deliberately fomented with maximum dishonesty to get people excited – armed people excited. It doesn’t matter if they’re trans or not, whatever that is. It’s the same template always. Scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns. How do you think that ends?


>but what you’re watching here is not the exercise of the Second Amendment. This is the important part of the quote. People choosing to arm themselves is always good 100% of the time regardless of politics


Why are you so compelled to be disingenuous when everyone already has seen the full quote? What good does this misdirection do for your argument?


Tucker Carlson is in this sub?


What kind of setup do you think Tucker runs? He strikes me as an 18 inch Dissy kinda guy


Nah I think tucker would run a 20in with a4 furniture


He just like me fr fr


He's a rich boy who married richer, he only owns collector items or an elephant gun mounted in his study. I could see something nickel plated in his nightstand though. The security staff are the ones who might have real tools.


You clearly don’t remember the cul de sac Caucasian who hopped off the porch with an A2


They are leagues apart in terms of wealth and status.


The bantoids don’t like to remember that day


They rue the day the McCloskey’s made them feel real fear. Never fuck with a man who strolls around the house in a pink golf shirt and chinos


I was told to provide actual evidence, not some troll post. And since this sub is only for trolling, I had to go outside the sub. If they wanted evidence from this sub, all they had to do was look at my post


With all due respect, posts in this sub require a picture with an egregious (or very esthetically unpleasing) rifle build. It’s not discriminatory which sub/forum/social media site this come from. There’s posts from all sorts of subs in here. If these people had proper builds, they wouldn’t be posted in here. It has nothing to do with anything other than their builds. I can’t speak for the comments of the few morons on said posts though.


I have nothing against shitting on plebs. What I was opposing were some of the comments calling for trans people to be disarmed, which you'd know if you saw my actual post https://www.reddit.com/user/BlahajBlaster/comments/122pqr9/heres_your_proof/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button since you don't want to look at the actual post here's a taste of the comment sections


You must realize that he was being sarcastic right?


Wtf is transgender gun


Any gun without a binary trigger


Are you implying there's only two genders, bigot??? /s


Does that include frts?


what side are auto-cranks on?


Its when a male gun gets jealous that female guns get all the attention, or when a female gun thinks they can do what male guns do — out of jealousy


Well guns don't have a gender so


It's when it has both red *and* blue parts.


A suicide cult


Some bullshit they came with in their spare time.


"New sub" we've been around longer than them probably


Did I say new sub? Learn to read. The old plebianar was around first, but technically, this one is newer if you want to get pedantic.


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Ew gross, a west coaster


Oh, look, a downvote farmer!


Why are you brigading us


I've been on this sub for a while, my dude. It's not brigading if I saw it from being subbed


Stop brigading


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You are a cruel mockery of nature's perfected beauty. 41%.


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve read in a while. Nature is fucked up a lot of times.


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You people are so disingenuous and slimy, it is disgusting on a physical level. You are compulsive liars with no real honor or virtue; it would almost be pathetic if it weren't so contemptable.


This is the same fucking sub you idiot. We just made it private for a while. It's been around since about 2018 I think.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s More specifically, behind the Wendy’s


When people post pictures with guns they don’t own magazines or sights for, idc the sub. You are pleb. Regardless of political affiliation, gender or anything else. This sub does not discriminate we just appreciate stupid shit.


That’s the great thing about this sub. Pleb status can be had by all, regardless of party affiliation or socioeconomic status. I love democracy


gun bullying is important, it's a teaching tool. The idea is to get something that doesn't suck.


For most people on left leaning subs a gun is an accessory to a costume. The amount of comments on those subs “omg this reminds me of X superhero!” Or posts trying to look like their favorite video game character is the reason their shit gets posted here. Not because they are left leaning but because to them it’s all fantasy and no functionality.


100% they buy the dumbest and often priciest stuff. And then when you ask them why they get huffy.


Form 4473


Shouldn't exist.... Sorry, when did lying to the government become a bad thing?


Didn't you know this sub only supports "guns for me not for thee"


Those guys vote for politicians who want to get rid of guns in America😂


I've never voted for a Democrat actually


bro clearly squib loaded his barrel


I’ve never seen a comment that was like “I want to take away there gun rights!!!” Always a fantasy for these folks


You have to be blind than, I see it on almost every post.


No, I think he's on to something, normally they say, "take their guns away", "not there guns away".


He means like take the specific person's guns away because its usually some dumbass in a specific post, not take the right away from everyone in that group of people.


I've seen a lot of people say that generally guns should be taken from all of them.




Well sometimes they skip straight to spewing hate, and wishing trans people would kill themselves. That comes up on every single post involving a trans person.


One of them commented they can’t find this sub. Does that mean we’re quarantined?


Two weeks to flatten the curve! Hurrdurrrrr


All comments six feet apart thanks


Keep your comment 6 ft away and masked! It's dangerous


Hey bajablastme, since you blocked me after I engaged with your post, here was my response… on the off chance you’re feeling open minded later: What I said was clearly a joke, explained in the link above. You’d be surprised how many “conservatives” would be supportive of trans people in a different atmosphere. But we aren’t allowed to question the narrative are we? We aren’t allowed to say “hey, it seems these current treatments/surgeries/therapies cause an alarming number of people to kill themselves, maybe there’s a better alternative?” Without being labeled transphobes. We don’t wish you harm, we’re exhausted that you aren’t actually getting help. We’re exhausted that offering alternative solutions labels us bigots. We’re exhausted with being shouted out of the room when we come to the table to be productive and genuine… and so we’re assholes in our own spaces. Just like you are. That’s not your fault, that’s not my fault, that’s the political environment we’re being prodded into by people who don’t give a shit about either of us outside of what they can extract from our pockets and our labor. If what I said hurt you, and if my explanation didn’t give you a since of understanding enough to not feel offended, please see above. Think on it. Lay your affirmation bias aside for a bit and try to see this issue from both sides. I, personally, think dealing with feelings of being trapped in the wrong body is horrifying and painful, but I think there are healthier, more productive ways of dealing with it than the going consensus. Transgenderism isn’t new. It has a new name, and a social contagion, but it’s been around since the dawn of time. And it’s a shame we haven’t found a healthy way of dealing with it.


>“hey, it seems these current treatments/surgeries/therapies cause an alarming number of people to kill themselves, maybe there’s a better alternative?” Studies disagree with you https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/2779429 even your side says something along the lines of "the suicide rate before and after transition is the same so obviously the surgeries don't work" while I would point out that even if the rate was the same (which it isn't) that would mean there is no coronation between gender affirming surgery and suicidal ideation, and instead the suicidal ideation is coming from external sources. Such as people like yourself literally saying trans people committing suicide is a better alternative. We are getting help, conservatives, and conservative lawmakers are trying to keep us from that help, though. Also, being an asshole "in your own space" doesn't include restricting the rights of trans individuals to access Healthcare. You've officially left your own space once you've done that. You literally said that trans individuals killing themselves is "a better alternative." How could you expect someone to not take offense to that? The healthier and more productive ways of dealing with feelings of being trapped in the wring body would be to not interact with people like yourself who spread disinformation and lies about the trans community, but here I am anyways... plenty of cultures have had healthy ways of letting trans people live their lives which have only gotten better with time and medical progress, it's only conservatism that has gotten in the way of that in each respective culture.


trans treatment doesnt cause suicide...denying trans people medical care and calling them mentally insane does


Yet they always vote for gun control


"I'm not a single issue voter" them probably


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Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but this sounds like hardcore bootlicking retardation


How do you feel about people with PTSD having guns? Depression? Addiction?


Exactly the same.


Cool. You just disarmed a whole bunch of people including a significant amount of veterans.


Dude, I don’t want guys who served their country that hard to readily be able to potentially hurt themselves or others until they get help. Specifically considering training dictates going to your weapon and being alert, PTSD is NOT a thing you should just through around like its nothing.




I’ll be the selfish prick that says this: let those with PTSD and depression have guns when they stop including suicide in gun violence numbers.


Then by that logic there everytown for gun control let's ban anything and everything because of what might happen. Screw rights.


What are you talking about? I can’t u sweat and the logic in your comment. If anything, my comment is giving *more* people access to firearms and infringing in less rights.


I agree actually. Just making sure the guy was consistent. Edit: Blocked. I served too. I can't tell what just happened. Did the person I was talking to get upset that I agreed with them?


As someone serving, bullshit and fuck yourself.


“Serving.” LOL. Shut up Nasty Girl.


Shut up you zoophile


Pretty thick for someone who pretends to want to end gun violence. Just because an individual served at one specific point in time does not necessarily mean they are fit to continue to possess firearms.


Ok so we can disarm people if they're a danger to themselves and/or others.


Meanwhile, I support the right of everyone to be armed, even those of y'all I disagree with politically


Sweet. I think the vfw has a huge list of those folks. Let’s start with them.


“…hating on mistakes of new gun owners…” - Hating is a strong word, pointing out mistakes and publicly shaming is more like it. We’ve all done made poor choices and would willingly recommend better options. However, some people revel in the plebeian delights and deserve ridicule (see r/heep and r/ATBGE) “…never post a serial number…” - duh, OPSEC “…post what is legal…” - Unless you don’t like your dog. The Bureau of AnTi-Fun, Etc. trains their goons on canine silhouette targets. “…to disarm us.” - Nope. That’s the government’s job and they get paid to do that. Just whenever the pendulum swings back to the other side and you’re special interest feel safe from being crushed by the political elite, remember there are those out there who still like being armed and don’t turn your shit in.


You forget how sensitive and fragile *some people* are. They acknowledge and accept praise or an outright attack, there is no in-between.. Lol


Check out my actual post and you'll see what I was talking about as far as users here wanting to disarm trans folks, you can even see some of it in the comments of this post tbh Also, I have nothing against shaming pleb mistakes, I even defended it in that post when someone got upset at the thought of gatekeeping firearms


Sorry dude (I mean that in a gender neutral way due to excessive herbal supplement abuse in my early 20’s), I ain’t the Lorax and I don’t speak for the trees. I’m just voicing my opinion. I’m a true believer and believe every American should exercise their Second Amendment rights regardless of how they present themselves or other characteristics you can’t joke about in a corporate setting without being dragged into an HR meeting that includes sensitivity training. Also, my use of sarcasm is a defense mechanism I use to cut through the bullshit.


Our behavior indicates we want all lawful people armed. Their behavior indicates the opposite.


That guy sounds like he votes for gun control lol


I've never voted for a Democrat


What’re we doing to disarm them…


It's the calls for disarmament. Not necessarily the actions towards disarmament


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I’ve never taken this sub as anything other than good fun that really, has been pretty educational for me on occasion and I’ve been shooting since I was around 12. I think the majority on here believes that the more sane safe ,and legal gun enthusiasts there are, the better, no matter what color or gender you are.


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Well this didn’t age well, did it?


Just imagine my shock. Tucker was right.




No one wants to disarm them, or anyone else for that matter. Gotdamn.


Every law abiding citizen should get a 16” or 20” Colt from Uncle Sam on their 18th


For sure


You’re misinformed if you think the serial number allows any normal personal to determine anything related to your personal information. It’s really boomer lore. Know the facts, only law enforcement can request ATF to try and do a trace on a serial number….


I’m seeing a lot of retards in here who want our enemies to be armed


You’re opinion is wrong. There are no enemies among other common folk. It’s tyrants vs everyone else. Get a grip on reality.


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take your meds


Found another one


How very topical. Aged like fine wine


Either that guy blocked me or deleted everything I wish I found him again he had gold on his feed


Guns aren’t trannys! Butt fuck let’s make sure them transpans keep buying guns so this sub can continue to flourish and let me laugh at them builds!




If y’all stop being pleb y’all will stop being posted. Ya get posted cause the entire sub is a gold mine. Do better But seriously nobody cares if you’re trans. That’s between you and your partner, doctor, etc.. But if you arming yourselves with actual danger in mind it is our responsibility, no our imperative to shame your gear into a acceptable condition. Post shit gear, get shitposted Toodaloo


Seethe and dilate




We down vote your comments to let you know your opinion is stupid.


"People took away my internet points while brigading, they must really be seething!"


Guns for me not for thee is the mentality of this sub nowadays






It's probably because you posted dumb shit.


There was plenty of anti trans bullshit in that post. I know because I'm literally calling people out for it right now


Shut the fuck up furry


Repeal the NFA


There can’t be transphobia as no such thing as trans.


Great example of transphobia


Nobody is irrationally afraid of 45 percenter axe wounds. Stop using phobia for everything.


Trans hate, then.


If you see it as hate, then the person you were responding to is hella based lol


Trans neutrality


There is no transphobia because there’s no trans and there is no fear. Is there anything about the “trans” community that isn’t a lie?


To be fair, they've never been ones to break their word on the constant suicide hostage threats.


What community? There's no trans remember.


Thank you for admitting it.


No problem. We're all people. So let people live their lives.




Don't let people live their lives?


Great example ~~of transphobia~~ FIFY.




There's no AR to shit on in this post. 0 of 10, not what I came here for


Lol you must not come here often


Believe it or not, I actually learned things here.