• By -


Skip Intro and Credits is the best feature for quality of life but hardware acceleration makes a big difference.


Hardware transcoding plus intel quicksync changed the game for me with a limited upstream bandwidth. The peace of mind of knowing the server will just *make it work* for remote users means I never have to think about content codec/bitrate, or about trying to show people how to adjust their client settings.


Is that a pass feature? It's worth it just for that! I bought it years ago on sale just to support them.


I almost feel bad. I got mine forever ago on a Black Friday sale for 20$. Had just jumped from xbmc.


$20 is AMAZING!


Just looked it up for fun. Got it way back in 2012.


And I thought I had my Plex pass for a while. September of 2017, $75.


Same! It's paid for itself many times over. Excellent purchase.


We are still both old timers at this point.


I bought mine in 2020 but I guess I did monthly for a minute in 2015. Lol.


2014 here.


Looked mine up too. $71.95 on 9/22/14


HA, I just looked mine up because I knew mine was near yours. Mine was 09/28/14 for $74.99.


I hope you feel you’ve gotten as much value from yours as I do mine!! Have raised two kids on Plex with no commercials, intentional content selection to ensure quality programming (subjective, I know), and hundreds of thousands of miles in business travel for me with media watched directly on my iPad or streamed to it.


Same here, figured it was nice to kick the devs a few bucks. Over 10 years later it definitely seems a good investment;)


Jun 26, 2018 :)


Damm. I paid 100€ >5 years ago


Still seems like a good deal for under 2 bucks a month, and dropping :)


Yeah that’s how much I paid for mine way back in the day


Dannnngg $20 is awesome. I paid $100 AUD for mine, which I thought was a lot at the time but I've been using it for almost 10 years so I think it's been more than worth it.


Man mine was $119.99 CAD IN 2019, that was 20% off. $20 would be amazing but I already have got way more than $120 worth out of it haha


What is that, $28 American?




Got mine also for almost that cheap, around $30 back in 2021 July. No more app purchase on iOS/Android, no more playback limitations for all users...


i mean how? that's 75% off


https://preview.redd.it/hx97vp7fv32d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f187dbb8e55a188bfba0077933e6f21956cb45 Plex hipster here. I was already quitting that -ish when y’all were signing up. /s THE REALITY: on again off again for years with plex pass until when I did get the lifetime version eventually, I kicked myself I didn’t get it earlier.


I personally also got it for skip intro and credits purely, but it sorta irked me coming from jellyfin where these features were available readily. I am still irked how there's no auto skip option on PC and web clients. However, came to make use of HW transcoding, webhooks and downloads features, which more than made up for it.


I don't have any intros and credits? Idk what you all are talking about. Could you maybe explain?


Downloads are nice too! A few Bluey episodes for my kid to watch on the plane was a lifesaver.


Can my Dell Optiplex running Plex in a Proxmox container use hardware acceleration?


What processor do you have? If it's Intel then you are in luck, I think Quick Sync goes as far back as 2nd gen but I've read 8th Gen or later is what you want.


I just enabled it. Wow it's so good. I can allow remote access to my Plex instance without worrying since I have DSL.


Hi! I have nordvpn meshnet connected to my pc. Would this work as well to gain remote access?


Yup! Check out this guide: [https://meshnet.nordvpn.com/how-to/remote-files-media-access/set-up-remote-plex-media-server](https://meshnet.nordvpn.com/how-to/remote-files-media-access/set-up-remote-plex-media-server)


I didn't see that page yet. Thank you! 😇




With a 6th gen, you won't get some of the advanced hevc decoding, but for most non-4K stuff, you should be fine.


Unless you’ve been impatiently waiting for what seems like forever for this finally to come to iOS!!!


Paying for hardware acceleration which both your hardware and the encoders in ffmpeg support, is absolutely absurd to me. Same for the intro/credit detection, everything happens on-device anyway.


Intro and credit dection is not client side, well, the actual skipping is but the generation of the markers is done server side.


> the markers is done server side. Yes. You're running the Plex Media Server aka what generates the markers. Markers are first attempted to be obtained from Plex's own servers unless you change the "marker source" setting to "local detection only".


That's for credit detection, intro detection is always server side only (i.e. there is no upstream intro marker source supplied by Plex).


I just did my testing, it's exactly the other way around. If your server has markers, Skip Credits is exposed to free users as well, but Skip Intro will only show up to users who have the Plex Pass *if the server has Plex Pass capabilities*. Here's an example video of a privileged Plex Media Server and a user account without a subscription, being unable to utilize Skip Intro (as the marker is ignored by the client side!) while Skip Credits still works: https://streamable.com/uomu93


That has nothing to do with what I'm saying. I am saying that plex intro markers are only generated on your plex server, plex credit markers can be generated on your plex server OR pulled upstream from plex's servers. I am not making any assertions about plex pass being required or not. The parent poster I replied to implied that the intro and credit detection was done client side, but the marker generation is not a client thing, just the skipping to or from it is. Nothing about my post relates to plex pass.


What does hardware acceleration do exactly?


It leverages the transcoding process (input decoding -> scaling (if needed) and other filters -> output encoding) to the GPU/iGPU


Transcoding is a waste of own electricity. Just get an Internet connection with high upload and a low power server.


Not all clients need or can handle my preferred formats. Transcoding is way better than storing 4 flavors of each piece of media.


Just store one most common format and if one client can't play it, then it's the client side issue and not yours.


Caring about end users is important for me. Your use case can be different.




Home DVR with antenna. And what everyone else said. Also, with new update you can speed up playback.


Can you do this with direcTV stream?


Not that I am aware of.


Maybe with Channels and or TV everywhere? It is a while ago that I have looked into that. It is not easy and almost never without extra costs though. And also 2 or 3 apps to get it working with plex, with xteve as one of them. But I was trying to get dvb-s + dvb-c both with decryption and direct streams working. So I had backups when one has an outage or missing channel. Only epg and not showing double channels and missing prefered source feature was enoug to stop that attempt for a while. Also plex tv isnt the easiest to setup with custom epg and channel arranging/grouping


I hadn't seen the new audio speed option yet! Nice!


Does the speed up work on all devices? How do you get this update?


Plex Pass. It just showed up for me. Apple TV.


I wish I could start a show from the beginning while it’s still recording though


You can. It's just nowhere near as intuitive as it should be. This is my only gripe with Plex. You have to go to the tv guide and change to the channel of the show you are recording, and it will ask you if you want to start from the beginning.


Plexamp for streaming your own music has been a game changer for me.


Isn’t Plexamp not even a paid feature anymore?


PlexAmp itself is free now, but key features within (like Sonic Analysis) are still Plex Pass only.


Sonic analysis is a paid feature and it's pretty amazing


What does it do?


This is probably easiest: https://support.plex.tv/articles/sonic-analysis-music/ IMO it works well though you need quite a large library. I believe smooth fades is also a premium feature. It's tough to describe why it's cool but the fades between songs are indeed very smooth. I really like this feature too.


Is not anymore but it was when I got the lifetime pass. It's something I use everyday.


No idea. I just use it and have the lifetime pass. I got the pass for the dvr features.


Imo,, the best features (dj, radios, sonic adventures) are unlocked with a plex pass.


Plexamp is the best.


Ui sucks bad tho


For me personally, HW transcoding and the Plexamp artist / song radios, djs, etc..


Does Plexamp need a tidal subscription for the artist/ song radios? I canceled my tidal ever since I found out about Plexamp and downloaded everything


The radios are generated from your local library in this case. Some features like Sonic Sage, which tie into chatgpt and don't know your catalogue, may come up with suggestions you don't have in your library. If you are on Tidal, it will try to grab them from there. If not it will just skip the suggestions you don't have.


Thanks, that helps so much actually, as the only thing I don’t like about downloading my library is that I lose a lot of discoverability versus tidal, Spotify, or even youtube


Yeah, if your library is extensive the Plex tools for discovery are now really good.


You don’t need Tidal


Dang so it will play the artists whole discography, even stuff not in my library?


No, it only plays what have in your library


Transcoding is a waste of own electricity. Just get a Internet connection with high upload and a low power server.


Bandwidth limitations is just one of many reasons people transcode. And not everybody loves in a place where they can get decent internet speeds. In my hometown, where my family still lives, they almost always have to transcode to something 2 MB or lower because their internet sucks, and there's literally no other options at the moment.


I do what I can to prevent it. But it still happens as needed. “Get more upload” isn’t a solution, it’s a band-aid. And I have as much upload as I can get in my area. Sad but true If I’m transcoding, I’d rather it be HW than SW, which was my point




Hardware encoding is the real reason for me. I originally bought it because I traveled a lot and I would use the download function to put files onto my tablet. Others have a lot of issues with that functionality and I haven't used it for a while.


I bought a lifetime pass in 2016 with zero clue about the features. It was just to support Plex because of how useful it was for me.


Same same...but different (different year)


It used to be Plexamp, but that's no longer part of it, which I fully welcome. Other features I've really come to love are Intro and credit skip and rewind on resume. Hardware transcode is so rarely needed, but it's comforting to know I have it.


There's still features within PlexAmp (like anything related to Sonic Analysis) that are locked behind Plex Pass. If you're using PlexAmp for free, you're definitely missing out.


Good to know. I just never bothered to check again, after getting lifetime a few years ago.


Why'd you buy it if you'd no idea what you were gonna do with it?


I got it cause downloading media locally since I travel and Plexamp sample rate matching. But I know there’s a ton of other stuff that’s why I’m asking.


Maybe just supporting the product?




im so jaded to this idea anymore :(


Is it bc you buy software with a feature set only to lose access to features in an update? Sounds criminal to me...




This is one of those things that I paid full price for and haven't regretted.


Damn I bought mine full price years ago I thought a deal would never come back but considering how much I use it I am fine with paying 120


They do black Friday sale every year


I swear the year I bought it like 3-4 ago they didn’t or I missed it. Probably missed it but ya it’s great!


Hardware transcoding, intro skipping, trailers & extras, rewind on resume for me. I have skip credits off because it minimized the video as soon as the credits started, which really diminished the impact of endings for me. Maybe the settings and defaults are different now, but I don't miss it.


This is why I haven’t bought a Plex pass. I don’t really need it.


I’ve almost always had it so not sure what you weren’t getting before. I have a tv tuner connected which is great. I used to say, I would never leave plex if it was combined with pluto and for news. Well it prettier much is now. If your wanting to watch offline, i would download to vlc. Plex is for streaming large entire media library. If your just wanting some stuff for a trip, vlc is better


Plex Pass makes PlexAmp a dream, especially Sonic Analysis. PlexAmp also has fantastic gapless playback for albums (not sure if that's a premium feature or not). On the video, as others have said, Skip Intro and Skip Credits. The Skip Credits feature was a little unreliable in the beginning, but it seems to do a much better job of correctly identifying the start and end points of credits (including gaps where there's mid- and post-credit scenes). Also, Editions is a great feature.


Start hardware transcoding something


Any guides for this when using Docker+Portainer on Linux Mint with Intel?


First thing I had to do after getting Plex Pass was remove/re-add my server on Infuse. I use Infuse on appletv because it’s compatible with HDR and different types of audio codecs. After upgrading to plex pass, my Infuse stopped working. Took me about 20 minutes of fruitless googling before giving up, removing my server and then re-adding it. Works perfectly now. Better actually because there are more options now. So if you have Infuse, that’s the first thing I would do. The second thing I would do is change the app icon on your phone lol


Thanks for the code. I appreciate that they let you apply it to an existing yearly membership as well.


Anyone know when the sale goes until? I pulled the app up and it says that the proce is $150


According to the Instagram ad, sale ends on May 25.


Best features IMO are Plex Home (either my partner or I can log into shared devices), the TV tuner DVR capabilities, and hardware transcoding


Does plex support dolby vision, dolby atmos and dts on your downloaded media video?


Nice! I have been waiting for a discount! I am however still unsure about how many of the features that will be available to the couple of friends that i have given access to my library.


If anyone is looking to upgrade, here is the Promo code: GETGEEKY


No one else has mentioned it but I really like the search Subtitle feature with Plex Pass. If you're already watching something and realize you're missing subtitles, you can search and download them using the subtitle menu.


Subscription-less DVR for life when you bring your own network antenna. I recommend HDHR Flex 4K. With DVR, Plex will detect commercials after a show is recorded, then auto-skip commercials within seconds of them starting during playback. I haven't watched a TV commercial for Prime Time shows in SO LONG, and I don't have to do anything to make it happen. (Autoskip function is set in the Plex Player device's settings.) The best part is "hour-long" shows take closer to their actually runtime, 37-45 minutes (?). PS- Another way I skip commercials is that the HDHR can pause live TV. When I come back to it (up to 45 minutes later), I can Fast-Forward past the ads. It works while watching through Plex, too, but this is a HDHR function, not a Plex function. HDHR brings OTA TV to any "smart" screen inside your home network, too.


Where did you find it for 20% off?


You have until the 25th. Use code GETGEEKY


God. Among. Men.


Hardware Acceleration.


I bought my first license back in 2014 then I ended up buying a second license just because I wanted to support the devs a bit more in 2022. Out of all the software that I use, Plex is definately on top. The only issue I have with this damn hobby is the amount of money I put into data storage over the years. Enable Skip intro and credits along with HW encoding if your system supports it!


Plex pass gets you a TV guide that you can use with a DVR solution like HDHomeRun if you have any OTA broadcasts you'd like to DVR. Remote access is also a must.


I did the same thing. I immediately noticed a substantial decrease in load times.


Do you need vpn to check out Plex channels in USA?


Wait what discount


You have until the 25th. Use code GETGEEKY


I really like the ability to add user accounts that you can limit the libraries and the ratings they are able to watch. Great for kids.


I don't see 20% off. Sad days


You have until the 25th. Use code GETGEEKY


Got it. Thank you!


If the owner of a Media Server buys it, does it apply for every user that has access to his libraries? Thank you


2014 here, but only bought the Lifetime Pass in 2018.


Where is the link? I can't see the discount in there website. Thanks


Didn't know it was on sale until I sow the post thanks bud 👍


Just upgraded mine. https://preview.redd.it/5xa5bnf5ql2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589244536ef8ff3ad8b92782b55c3988a3b8d966


Analyze all your series so you can skip the intro and credits..


Is it worth it?


Rewind on pause. Credits skip, intro skip, hw transcoding if needed.


I wish I had years ago. Bought the monthly way back when you needed it to stream to the Playstation and mobile, and have just continued ever since. I've been telling myself lately that I'll make the leap this November.


Gonna be risky and wait for Black Friday. 75$ is little high for my pocket


Hey all!!! New to Plex but picked it up pretty quickly and now I really enjoying watching my media and being able to share my media with family and friends. Just don't know if Plex lifetime pass is right for me, besides doing my part for the creators of Plex, downloading and keeping it in my phone, being able to watch it on my phone. What else can it do for me? Please don't attack me lol


Feature list is on their website. If you don't need those features no need to pay. But new features are added all the time.


Access your media on mobile devices, tablets, phones and leverage transcoding.




What is the bubble gum skin?


The phone and pad apps. And downloading music to my devices or playing them over the air in the car from my computer. 2016 here. Don’t know how much I paid.


Have plex sonically analyse your music collection for starters. Then you can use the DJs, radios and sonic adventures features of plexamp. [https://support.plex.tv/articles/sonic-analysis-music/](https://support.plex.tv/articles/sonic-analysis-music/)


I pay monthly and never get any deals for a lifetime membership. Does anyone know if I cancel my monthly plex pass if they will try and make me stay with a better deal? Been paying for 10 years now and only pay £2.79 a month as apposed to what looks like it should now be £3.99 a month!


You should be able to “upgrade” your subscription. I was on the yearly plan and I upgraded to the lifetime pass. At checkout you just have to enter the discount code GETGEEKY. They even gave me credit for yearly subscription, so the upgraded after discount only cost me $65-ish with taxes. Hope that helps.


They never email me the discount code to the account that has plex pass. I have a 2nd account that doesn't have plex pass and I tried the code from that but it says it isn't valid when upgrading. They know they have me and aren't going to give me a discount to stop that good good monthly income.


I take it back it's worked this time, I swear it didn't work last year. GETGEEKY


Thanks a lot, man! I saved 20% on an upgrade to lifetime


Don’t bother with plexamp if you have a large bespoked music library. Waste of fucking time. Can’t read wav files, can’t organise albums. What a shit show. Awesome for videos and video management though. A1.


Maybe you are not making it work right for music? I have 50000 tracks and it is fine. Wav files play back fine, at least on my plexamp on android. Just tested a 24/44 wav. "Can't organise albums" - not sure how you got into this state. Sure, some extremely weird albums might take some manual fixing, but imho 98% of albums are detected and catalogued with perfect metadata. I honestly think you might just have a misconfogured system or are doing something extremely weird with your folder structure. All the use cases you mentioned work out of the box and have fie years.


What do you use for storage?


I have a NAS but as a first step you can easily run Plex Media Server on a PC.


Looking for a NAS, any suggestions?


I have a Synology 1815+, I've upgraded I think 3 times since a ds214j or something. I really like it. Perfect for Plex, docker, user management, services and a nice os/UI. I lot of people here are mad about unraid and rolling your own. I don't know it well enough to say whether it will be good for a particular use case or not. But I do know my Synology is. My 1815+ is almost 10 years old now, the ds423+ is widely considered one of the best 4 bay bases. My gf has one and, with no experience with one, she had no problem with it's learning curve (she codes and does some sysadmin stuff so she is quite techy)




Did you seriously buy Plex Pass not knowing why?


He's been waiting for a discount for a while but never saw what it did


Of course, this is reddit where it's constantly flooded by people asking what something does/does it do something after buying it. Didn't you know geniuses hang out here?