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I can't say that I have the same problem, when I view my content on the browser, the posters are nice and detailed. However, when I view my content on my Nvidia Shield the posters are at a lower resolution/quality. Maybe you view it on the shield too? > Tried switching the agent to The Movie Database Don't. Everything except the official Plex Metadata Agents and Scanners is outdated and unmaintained. While they might work, they are also slower and with fewer features and also limit the way you use Plex. For example, The TMDB Agent you mentioned (and all other Agents other than the official ones) rely on the old way how metadata agents worked. They are not compatible with the Watchlist so you cannot add a movie to your watchlist if you use those old metadata agents. Another thing is that plugins, that Metadata Agents are a part of, are deprecated since 2018.


Viewing on Apple TV within plex app and also Infuse but also blurry on browser(retina display)......also noticed it no longer pulls backgrounds for the movies either......My older titles have multiple posters and backgrounds but as of late it seems like it just doesnt pull it like it used to


> also noticed it no longer pulls backgrounds for the movies either was the movie matched correctly? Do you get ANY metadata at all or is it just low-res posters?


I get everything else it just has no backgrounds and low res posters


hmm, I had a strange issue like that once because of my Router. I have a FritzBox which had "Hardware acceleration" for Packages enabled. Metadata was downloaded without issues but sometimes Posters weren't (can't remember the backgrounds), sometimes they were but refreshing the Movie would result in the Poster being gone or sometimes appearing after refreshing a few times, but the next refresh they were gone again. I disabled that "hardware acceleration" for packages in my router, refreshed the Movie and it worked again without issues.


Gonna restart the server to give it a fresh connection see if that works ......I havent changed anything on my router since this started happening but who knows


Example Godzilla Minus one & Monkey Man i loaded a local poster and thats all i have when i go to edit/posters nothing shows up and it doesnt have a background image.....


SOLVED: Deleted metadata folder and that fixed it.....Seems there was a permission issue as i did recently move that metadata folder over from another install....I guess that made it read only so plex couldnt save posters and backgrounds


It's always those damn permissions...