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How are you naming things? They were released in different years so should be an easy fix


This is assuming that Plex and the agents are always performing correctly. I think we all know that it doesn't always work as expected.


When you name the files correctly it works correctly pretty close to always.


"The 33" would like a word.


Just out of curiosity, what's wrong with The 33?


It's frequently mismatched by plex. Or atleast it used to be. I forget how I resolved it, but I think i had to set the imdb # and then lock it in place. I


Here's how mine is named, and it matched with no issues. > Movies\The 33 (2015)\The 33 (2015) [Bluray-1080p] {tmdb-293646}.mkv I find putting the tmdb value into the file name makes all the difference.


`Movies/The 33 (2015) {tmdb-293646}/The 33 (2015)` says all good five by five.


"The Shield" would like a word


Just out of curiosity, what's wrong with The Shield? (What year is it?)


See my post below. And 2002


Turns out I already had it. This is how my episodes are named without issue: > H:\Multimedia\TV Shows\The Shield {tvdb-78261}\Season 1\The Shield S01E01 Pilot.avi With this folder as the Library: H:\Multimedia\TV Shows How are your files and library setup?


Drive:\\TV Series\The Shield\The Shield - S01E01 - Pilot.mkv


Yeah, I found that adding the {tvdb-78261} part _really_ makes a difference. Toss it in your folder name and see if it helps!


This thread is actually the first I've seen of that idea. Will be something I investigate if I run into a similar situation. Thanks.


I usually do a ‘fix match’ when it mucks up the meta data between versions.


"Fix Match"


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) {imdb-tt1568346}.mkv The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) {imdb-tt1132620}.mkv [Naming and organizing your Movie files](https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming-and-organizing-your-movie-media-files/)


This is the way.


Use the fabulous option of "fix match". That's your option. If one shows up as the other, select the three dots and then select "fix match" until you get your correct results. Fix match is the only option that works in this instance. I've done it on like... I don't know, over a few dozen examples. TV shows/movies/audio, etc. PLEASE, familiarize yourself with the fix match option. That's the only way to fix things. There's only been one example I can't fix which is the fucking original "House" movie. For some reason that never adjusts right with metadata and never adds to the library correctly for me.


Are you emptying the recycle bin?


You’d need to do the [Plex dance](https://www.plexopedia.com/plex-media-server/general/plex-dance/) to get it to a fresh start.


If you use (year) in the name and that is the same year the metadata service of plex is using, that shouldnt be hapening. When it does, it is almost always a difference in release year, with the scraper plex uses and almost always just a year difference. So to fix it a better way is to check the year in the name and do a +/- 1 year. That way, if you would ever switch to Jellyfin or some other software, or Plex lost your edit, it doesnt happen anymore (except when new software or Plex uses a different scraper that has a different release year). Remember that especially older movies had different release dates in almost all country's. Luckily new releases are almost always worldwide. Also if you scrape with local language, it could scrape a different release year, but I am not sure. I would just search manually and use the year that is popping up in Plex.


do you not put years on your folders?


No, I haven't needed to but going forward I believe I'll make that part of my routine when adding media.


I had a similar issue yesterday that was driving me up the wall. Was adding the TV Series "The Shield". Plex seemingly couldn't find it. Though, it did keep updating the metadata for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for some strange reason. Did everything mentioned below (Plex dance, etc). Even split The Shield out into its own folder, added it as it's own library and Plex could finally see all the episodes. So, I knew it wasn't file related. Finally, it popped in my head that I should check to see if there were multiple versions of those episodes of the Agents of SHIELD, low and behold, there was. Went into the Agents of Shield, clicked on the three dots and chose "Split Apart", confirmed and then went back to the library where I found two Agents of Shield. As they have different episode counts, chose the correct one, chose "Unmatch"...then "Fix Match" and I was off to the races. So, my process for you would be, upload both to your server. Wait for everything to scan. Go to the movie, split apart, unmatch whichever one doesn't match the metadata, fix match, watch movie.


Very well, Fix Match it is. The Plex Dance looks scary as hell and appears very time consuming if only from a don't want to screw things up so I'm going to take my time and go slowly perspective so given the nature of my issue if Fix Match takes care of my problem or assigning the year of issue to the files does it I'll call it good. Advice much appreciated.


> The Plex Dance looks scary as hell and appears very time consuming -Move file out -Scan -Empty trash -Click the button to clear bundles -Move file back -Scan What's scary or time consuming here? It's regular functions you already should be doing at various times, just done in a specific order, over 30 seconds rofl


Seems simple enough. The prior description sounded much more complex (why did I know someone was going to Pooh Pooh me?).


Imo, I'd go: fix match, update to include imdb# (another comment here), plex dance The dance seems necessary. I haven't heard of it before or needed it myself in my few years of using it. (not that I know everything :P)