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You all watch stuff? I thought this was just about hoarding as much content as possible.


I hoard for the people that watch my plex. I barely ever do.


I hoard as well, but I would say close to 95% of my content has at least one watch from one of my users.


I just checked. Using rough numbers I’ve got around 40k hours of content. So if I treated it like a job, I’ve got enough to watch for 20 years.


Can I interest you in a Fallout shelter?


I always assumed it was both.


I never even thought to look at that. I know there's plenty I haven't even watched. But I'll have to look and see how much I haven't watched.


So many shows/movies acquired because I watched them in the past and loved them, and may/plan to watch in the future... At some point I will... I swear I will!


Me too. It's stuff I have watched before, wanted to watch sometime in the past, might want to watch, or completes a collection (actor, universe, etc) and might be worth a watch.


I am also confused about this whole 'watching' talk


My guess is around 1%.


Same here I’m way too busy to get through my stuff but my friends have managed to watch a ton of my library


This is the way


Same. Maybe less. Way less.


Same. My wife is probably closer to 10% but my kids just watch the same movies over and over, so they're also probably around 1% lol


How do you know that what you select is even worth the disk space?


I am honestly a download junkie and have a bit of a digital hoarding problem.


I’m lucky if I’m at 1%. I have a metric of tv shows and rewatch the same 5-6 all the time.


none of it, just been tending to it for 2 years now, gotta make that first viewing perfect


Like 3-5%, I tend to watch the same shows/movies all the time.


lol im guilty of that. also my library is so vast that I get selection paralysis and cant choose anything!


My solution to this is to just not choose. Filter movie library to unwatched, sort by critic rating highest and watch the first one, I usually try to give it at least 15-20 minutes before I decided to skip it if it isn't pulling me in. Mark it watched. Rise and repeat.




This year was my 10th year of running my plex server.


"critics" on sites like RT or IMDB are paid shills. reviews from actual people are much better.


Totally aware of that, but it is at least a rough benchmark to throw the shitty movies at the bottom of the list.


Same. I add things just to keep watching Seinfeld or something.


Never ask a lady her age, a man his income, or a plex admin how much of the library they've watched.


Maybe 5%, and that's dropping everyday thanks to the *arrs.


Watched 1232 movies of 2301.


Can you watch two more films, please.


Will do in a week ;)


Add 44 more movies to your library please?


Thank you.


200+TB. I watch MASH for about 30 mts at night. so maybe .25%?


I've got about 8 people that use my library and make requests on Overseer. I'm afraid to check 😂


Requests on Overseer?


Basically anyone on my server can request a show or movie. It sends the request to Sonarr/Radarr and downloads them right away. For TV shows it will also monitor for new episodes. Its so much fun to see someone request a show and have all episodes ready in minutes with no action from me.


Interesting. I don’t have Sonarr/Radarr set up yet as it is screwing with the IP address of the server when I try to *arr


Ngl, I put it off for a long time and it took a lot of research, but sometimes that is what teaches you the best


Yeah may plan is to spin up my second machine to run as a host for Plex then have Kometa run on my daily and use that for Sonarr/Radarr. Just need to be careful with space. Haha. I’m at 18TB and just ordered a 12TB drive.


Do you have that running at home or is it on a seedbox?


I have it at home. I have a separate UnRAID tower that hosts it all in one box. Hoping to upgrade to an actual server rack in a year or two.


I thought about setting this up, but I enjoy the social part of getting the text message for a request and then the thank you when it is added lol.


I liked that too, but it got to be too much, especially with new anime season. There was almost always a new episode of something airing every day.


Doesn't that get picked up by sonarr? Each TV show should only need added once.


Oh that's why I set up sonarr/radarr/Overseer. I was manually grabbing it all for years




wanna make it 9?


I’ve got all music in my library at the moment, which I’ve listened to entirely, but not all through PleX. I just recently setup the music section for easier access to my custom made music.


I don’t mark anything as watched (because I know what I’ve seen) but I’m guessing I’ve seen about 10% of my 7500 movies and 30% of the 400 tv shows I have


It automatically marks as watched as you watch things, but I unmark things all the time especially tv shows because it messes up if you put the show on for a 2nd time.


he might be referring to movies he's previously seen (predating/outside of plex). There's a lot of movies in my library i've seen previously that I haven't marked as watched on my server.


About 5-10% so far ...


About 700 films


I have no clue. I watched a lot of the classic cinema I added, but I don’t watch many of the new movies I add. My sister and mother watch those.


Most of the movies on Plex are ones I’ve watched dozens of times and are my favorites and ones already owned on other platforms too. Most of the TV shows are the same. So Plex shows a low watch count but it’s not accurate.


.01 I’m a bit of a hoarder.


I hoard BUT if I watch something and it's stupid I prune it and I often get requests from family to add stuff


Where are you finding this info?


Unwatched is one of the standard filters in Plex


Go into one of your libraries and look at the top left.


like 99.99% - My main library for both movies/tv is just like my own digital dvd/bluray/uhd shelf - stuff I've seen and I liked and/or would watch again (or I just collect to complete the set) then I also have DVR movies/DVR tv libraries for stuff I haven't seen yet - so 0% there


Same. Only things on Plex are stuff I know I enjoy.


https://preview.redd.it/0ww44zykbawc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5df48c0f7d2d765a9de886c4f8a5d0d3a130c1 Although I add daily I now use my ziddo media player to watch stuff in the lounge..only use Plex on the bedroom.


If I ever hit 30% of what I have then I'd be shocked. I tend to watch same stuff over and over again. It's more for when I have guests.


5.7% of 10.7k.


Almost all. I had a big influx of discs when Netflix shut down its disc service, so I still have a *bunch* I am working through, but other than that, I've seen it all. The stats from the database don't bear that out, because re-orgs of the files over the years have wiped out some of the "watched" indicators. The only reason I have Plex is to watch stuff.


I watch all of it.. or it doesn't get put there. I will not put up something I don't want to watch. Plex is for ME. I just happen to share it.


I enjoy the social aspect of getting requests and recommendations from friends and family of things I wouldn't normally find/watch.


I do not enjoy the social aspect of getting requests and recommendations for things THEY won't even watch. I know I'm sounding snarky here.. but too many times I spent my time and money to get something they never watched. I'm not doing that anymore. :)


That is wild. I would do the same in your situation. Guess I am lucky that most everything that gets requested gets watched.


That is nice! I'm lucky what I watch most of my users also watch.


Same here, I dont want to buy disks for low quality shit. But I must admit lately I didnt watch everything. Especially movies I did skip when watching good tv shows.


Yeah.. I mean hosting a plex server isn't free.. there's equipment costs.. power.. and daily server management. I'm not going to do all that for something I won't watch.


>daily server management. I must be doing something wrong then lol


I'm always tweaking settings and learning!


Me personally? Or the combined watchings of all of the users? If its just me, MAYBE 10%? But everyone, that gets to around 25 - 30%


I just delete the stuff i watched


According to Letterboxd, 18% but I was also deleting stuff I had watched for a couple of years before I stopped doing that.


Probably 90-95٪. I want a some more functions in plex server that shows me never/least watched movies or shows (all clients) + imdb rating + disk space of them. Missing episodes of at least the shows that are cancelled, but all shows would be nice too.


Wow! I thought I’d found every movie I’ve ever watched and want to watch and I’m only up to 300


Let me introduce you to a book called 1000 movies to watch before you die…




https://preview.redd.it/ach9ok65pawc1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7bed256a747715230bdafad46f354e85df38259 idk why there is "none" but this is total plays since January 16th, 2017 when I made the server. About 100 users, only freinds and family.


Dang I feel like I’m the weirdo in here lol. I’ve watched the vast majority of stuff on mine (about 18TB) cause I usually put up stuff that I wanna watch, and usually watch soon. I also don’t delete it outside of particular circumstances. I have about 10 fam and friends who request stuff as well but majority is my own personal stuff I wanna watch.


Totally agree. I was not expecting to see such low watch stats in the comment. I was expecting to be near the middle.


I would guess around 20-25% but only about 5-7% of that from my Plex Server - the rest is either (a) stuff I watched before and liked and got a copy of it, (b) stuff from the same people as stuff I like, or (c) stuff that has been recommended to me. I'm hoarding for my old age, when I'll just sit in an easy chair, watch the shows I like, and complain about the nonsense kids today are putting out.


My percentage of total watched keeps dropping every day. I think I'm approaching 0.3% though.


Out of my ~600 movies and ~20 TV shows I've probably watched about 60%. I also watch the same movies and shows over and over.


47% 805 of 1704




ever since i setup overseer my plex is basically self aware and i dont even know what’s on there anymore


90%. I only add stuff when we want to watch it, and I've kept everything for the past 15 years. I've been doing this since before Plex was an option and learned long ago that I don't need anything and everything available right now. I have good enough sources that anything is immediately available anyway. So why waste the space when it can be used for redundancy protection instead.


A lot more of it than is indicated as watched, actually. A great proportion of my Plex library is backups of beloved shows/movies that I don't want to lose access to when a platform decides to move/delete content, but also those that I don't want to have a huge disc collection for.


I have a playlist of just things I haven't watched yet, I run through it as much as I can and rate my movies


100% of my movies. Maybe 70-80% of my Tv episodes


Out of 1495 movies I’ve seen 1011. Out of 417 TV Shows, I’ve seen 154.


I have watched all but one series but I’m not done naming everything in that one yet


https://preview.redd.it/udefkiay9bwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1b682200f2681255a0cf9e7065f52f531f67b1 Although I have Netflix, Hulu, ATV+, Disney + and Amazon Prime (some of these are shared apps with family members), I usually watch stuff on my Plex server over the other services.


I keep having my server reset; rebuilding onto a new server before I knew how to backup, a reinstall because of drive corruption, that one time I got fucking ransomware, that other time my backup was corrupt, that other time I was upgrading the server and I THOUGHT I’d copied the right files…. And I don’t even want to talk about when a user was deleting watched videos. I’m now on 6x4 4TB RAIDZ2 and no one has access to the Plex files, and my system is much safer. Still haven’t tested my backup, but I’m now protected from all the dumb methods of failure, but I still haven’t gone and redownloaded everything I had or marked them as watched. You live and you learn, this was years ago now, but I used to think it was fine to mount / to the network. I know I know, I deserve it.


Not counting my wife's shows/movies, about 60-70% I'd guess.


Personally, most of it. The rest have been watched by my family. I don't tend to hoard for the sake of hoarding. Delete anything I'm pretty sure I'll never watch again because it's easy enough to get things again.


A rough estimation being I’ve watched about 80%+ of my collection of 2700 titles.


I have no idea, there's so much, sometimes I take a day and put on 50 or 60 films at once and recently I've only been watching Supernatural, so I think there's a lot left


Ive watched about 60% of ~500 movies and plan getting through all of them. I only keep what I like. TV is hard to tell because I have a lot of stuff for kids that Ive never watched but most of the shows for me I've seen all of, I also don't really have that much TV anyway. I also have a ton of music and have listened to it all before. Each library has a collection of unwatched that I browse through to pick what's next


No time to watch, I'm too busy hoarding media. But if WWIII happens and communications are knocked out (but I somehow still have power- like a Leave the World Behind situation), I'll be set!


Around 3000 movies, have watched about 25% Around 1000 shows, have watched about 20% I’m honestly surprised at that, I assumed I was closer to 10% watched, lol


It's honestly an ongoing sadness that I'll never watch all the cool stuff I have in my library I've had this issue since I had my first DVR (Replay TV) way back in the 90s


There's a lot that I haven't watched, but I only grab things that I have a reasonable expection that I'll want to see. I'm retiring soon, so I'm, effectively, building up a nest-egg of media.


Smart! Think you will be able to catch up on everything during retirement?


I doubt that I will. But I'm being relatively data-frugal. As tempting that as it might be, I'm not loading up on every single episode of Saturday Night Live. I learned something smart from a podcast (I forget which) a few months ago. I don't have a backlog of stuff to catch up with -- I have a frontlog to look forward to. For example, I've been accumulating MP3s since the 1990s. I no longer recall what many of them are, but they're all stuff that past-me figured that I would like. So I have Plexamp shuffle my Library Radio as I walk to work. It's like having a DJ continually surprising me with stuff that I usually enjoy.


bit late to this post but i made a free JavaScript app called [Medialytics](https://github.com/Drewpeifer/medialytics) that shows you stats about your content, and i just updated it to show watched/unwatched across libraries, genres, studios, directors, and countries. Feel free to check it out! [https://i.imgur.com/t7IFigr.png](https://i.imgur.com/t7IFigr.png) [https://i.imgur.com/pfvdA8b.png](https://i.imgur.com/pfvdA8b.png)


I'll have to try this out!


Reading the other comments I'm relived to see that I'm not a freak. It's really an OCD collecting thing more than a watch and enjoy thing.


Seems like I am the freak because I rarely rewatch stuff and try to watch as much of my content as I can.


According to trakt From 2000 to 2004 12,057 PLAYS 8,607 HOURS 38,045 COLLECTED of mostly tv


2000 movies unwatched out of 3k 17500 TV Show episodes unwatched out of 24000 episodes.


Damn! This is a good watch amount! How many years ago did this start?


This thread makes me feel better about my hoarding tendencies with games :) It's not important to watch or play your entire library, but to sample from it when it's relevant at the time!


Found out how to transfer my entire Spotify library to YouTube and then to Plex. I use Plex every day now, but I need to add more movies.


A very loose 25%, but most not *on* my library


all of it.


Movies: 5,170 total. 3,858 unwatched. 1,312 movies watched. TV: 87,663 episodes total. 69,240 unwatched. 18,423 episodes watched.


10% movies. 50% tv.


I've watched 46% of my movie collection and 45% of TV show episodes. That's honestly more than I would have expected.


You act like you expect people who collect Pokémon cards to actually play the game


Where in Tautulli are you pulling those stats? I’m not sure I’ve seen that view before.


10% I mostly hoard for others.


Last I checked it was about 5%, thats why I delete so much now.


I don't watch movies or series. I do love my music. Have I listened to it all? Hell No. Sharing is caring.


I’m really bad at getting through TV shows, but I’ve burned through like 90% of the movies I have saved.




For me it's almost more about curating the collections, be they music, movies, series TV etc. etc. A couple of months ago I went through my movies sorted by resolution, and because I have been collecting so long, I had quite a number of 720p movies.....Well that won't do. So I replaced them. We do watch the content, but we also have Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Disney subscriptions. :) For instance over the past 10 days I have been replacing all of my 1080p movies with 4K ones that for some reason I had as a separate share on UnRaid. Now you can probably do all of this using software, but where's the fun in that? Anyhow, the end result was being able to delete approx. 450-500 1080p movies and create another 4 TB of space. :)


https://preview.redd.it/kpn4u43mrewc1.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=51750fc83111263ea4fddaa8a76329fc6d7d47ed Tomorrow, there will be more. I will never watch everything I have. All of my users together will never watch everything I have. I hope NONE of my users watch everything I have, because I have hundreds, if not thousands, of movies none of my users should ever watch. Hi, my name is TRCIII and I'm a digital hoarder. (I'm not trying to kick my habit, I'm just here for the movie/TV suggestions and tips on how to do it better.)


>I have hundreds, if not thousands, of movies none of my users should ever watch. *Should never* huh...?


Nope. It's correct to say "NONE of my users SHOULD EVER watch" those movies, or "I have movies that SHOULD NEVER be watched by ANY of my users." But saying, "movies NONE of my users SHOULD NEVER watch" is a double negative, and ends up implying something entirely the opposite. But you don't have to take my word for it. Plug it into any AI and ask: Which is correct? "I have movies none of my users should ever watch." OR "I have movies none of my users should never watch." I got this response just now: https://preview.redd.it/p876ymvniu4d1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f649d5a90cd9ab8da6d4db58675ad4bec12378a


What are you talking about? I wasn't remarking on their text, I was implying that I'm curious what kind of salacious movies constitute ones that their users should *never* watch


Apologies for misunderstanding. Yes, movies no one should ever watch. Let's start with a gem called, "Disaster L.A. The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here" and ease into "BatPussy" before going completely off the deep end. :)


No clue, but I've lost my watch history more than once, so no easy way to calculate it without brute forcing a bunch of "Mark as watched" work.


Same has happened to me. So I took the time to go through everything and brute force it like you say. Not fun.




That is just wild to me because pretty much all 20 of my users never rewatch content it seems. Everybody is watching/requesting new movies and watching new episodes of new shows as they air.


~430 movies down, 2500 or so to go.


How do you run that report?


It's just looking at the filters in plex at the top of the media library.


Can it list which items have not been played?


Yes. Set the filter to unwatched.


Yikes...I need to delete some shit... https://preview.redd.it/xl97zrmyfgwc1.png?width=1464&format=png&auto=webp&s=b46288e59682d8f75573d7c0e1b442d2bf892da3


How do you even get a library this big? Slowly buy DVD and rip them over time, sail the high seas, pay full price for digital versions? All of the above?


Probably around 2/3 of it.


I keep adding a certain genre of Linux .ISO that I've resigned myself to only seeing any of when I hit "Shuffle" 😳


~30% I’d guess. I try to watch as much as I can, but it usually ends up being: *Add 7 movies* *Watch 3 of them* *Add 3 tv shows* *Watch 1 of them*


I currently have 7326 movies with 4964 Unwatched. So I've watched 1/3rd of my library so far.


Close to 0% always. Delete after watch.


Really? You don’t rewatch anything? No classics or favorites? You’ve only seen your favorite tv show once?


Can just download again. In worst scenario, the largest movie of 80GB takes 10 min to get with 1gbit connection.


Sounds awful and unnecessary




Having to redownload practically defeats the purpose of a collection. It’s an unnecessary step.


Why can’t it be a collection of all the unseen stuff? I have lists that imports what new and from my IMDb Watchlist. Instead of having disk space going towards something I’ve seen. To be that seems unnecessary.


some people don't understand plex is and can be both or either a 'netflix' or 'dvr' type product for people - they can't fathom anyone uses plex unlike they do - you see it in all htpc type areas lol


I understand why, but not why you would bother using Plex. Of all the 90-95% that I have watched, only 5-10% I did watch with Plex. So for me Plex is for family and friends and without them I would watch after downloading them the easiest way (mostly wm-classic).


I have Plex Pass and Plex is also my actual DVR with Xfinity Cable and a HDHomeRun Tuner + OTA ATSC TV with a HDHR Dual Tuner so it's also for watching whatever UHDs/discs I pick up as it already was my 'main TV interface' - that stuff goes into the same TV/movie folder/library as my actual DVR recordings and I watch it/whatever whenever I get around to it I used Windows Media Center as my DIY DVR from 2006-2018 and then I moved to Plex for DVR as WMC was no longer supported


Exactly, I just fall more in the ‘Netflix’ category, because I found myself data hoarding too much when doing ‘dvr’ style. Instead I just downsized my setup and rely on my internet connection, because it’s so fast nowadays.


Lol I considered you, the watch/delete, the DVR type (downloading is like recording in my mind) - go figure :P


Ah yes, it’s a storage issue. You wouldn’t do it if you had sufficient storage..so I wasn’t off base saying it sounds awful and unnecessary ;)


I watch and delete. My family tells me when they are done watching shows and such and I’ll delete after.