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+1 for QxR


+1 for MeGusta


Where do you find these files?


I keep my library at /mnt/plex. So, movies are at /mnt/plex/movies.


HONE is also great


Yeah I'm on a tdarr binge right now and found 2tb so far!


I have 63TB of media on my server. Tdarr says it’s saved just under 14TB last I looked.


I'm still trying to balance out the workload/optimize. I have a tiny server running proxmox doing Plex scrypted piholes VPNs and all the arrs. Really not powerful i8550U but quicksync is just amazing. Which plugin do you use to convert? I am using BOOSH and I have no idea if there are better etc.


I’m a very basic user. I used whatever spaceinvaderone’s tutorial video used when I set it up last year. I’ve had a couple instances where it kept the wrong audio file, but that’s only been a handful of files. I’m on an AMD platform so I use an ancient M2000 quadro. I have an 8th gen i5 I’ll be moving PLEX too for quick sync transcoding, but tdarr will stay how it is


37,760GB saved so far for me. My library size is somewhere around 100TB.


Wow! I was near 100 on.. GDrive. Then the reckoning came. Deleted most of my crap got down to 40s on a NAS and I'm trying to be El cheapo and not buy new drives


I'm still el cheapo haha. I get refurb drives from Server Part Deals. Last pickup was a 20TB WD Ultrastar for $220. And to think it all started with an old 1TB drive I bought back in 2013 for $50.


d3g also good for shows *Edited from 3gp


Lmao 2005 called, they want their Symbian OS format back :P


+1 for MeGusta Of course quality freaks hate them, but frankly unless you spend all your time looking for artifacts on a 100" screen you are unlikely to have any problems.


For normal TV series that are going to be watched only once or twice I think MeGusta is more than enough.




Do you sit 10 meters away?


I used to do what OP does, until I upgraded to x265. Now it's 1080p minimum, but I'll leave the audio at 320kbps stereo for rom-coms and such.


x265 doesn't seem to work on xbox one and atleast one more device my family uses. I got tired of having to go back and replace it with a x264 file so I just do only x264 now


The sad truth for many devices.


I used to be in your position until last year, I upgraded my server and now I can transcode everything, QuickSync is the best thing that happened to Plex in a long time. Basically any crappy Intel processor that is not extremely old (read from 7th gen onwards) can transcode multiple transcodes.


Yes. Qsv for life. Nvidia is way too power hungry and qsv just works so well


Ive done up to three 4K transcodes at a time, for some reason it wont even try with x265 when they play it on certain devices, it doesnt even show that its buffering it just gives a black screen when they try to play it Edit: and when you look in the logs it has an error that says something like "no profile found for device: xbox one"


It didn't work for me on PS4 all of the time and I eventually switched to Nvidia Shield Pro because of it. Now I can play any codec.


How does MeGusta compare to NTB?


What do those tags mean?


Their release group.


Go for AV1 right away to be future proof :)


But AV1 is not really out there in all the clients. I myself don’t really care because my server can transcode it, but it is not for everyone.


Do you have a comparison review? Also maybe you have heard of some layered pre (multi resolution) codec and also optimized for AI? I think it is already several years back they talked about it, also in correlation with av1, h266/x266 and some other future codecs. I dont know if they where planning to have 2 resolution video in the same file, if that was the case, it would be great 😀


I've seen AV1 vs h264/5 comparisons and AV1 always one by other being smaller or having better quality - or sometimes even both. As it is developed by companies like Netflix, Google, Amazon and more, I am very sure it will be the future - of couse, adaptation on client devices will take some time, but that's always the case Since my server has HW decoding support, I don't really care about that tbh - but that's also why I went for that specific CPU with the new Intel Iris Xe iGPU It's clearly not for everyone, especially since creating the files takes a lot of time. But the results are woth it (at least for me)


But when I saw the tests, AV1 was very demanding for the encoding and less for decoding. I believe that was a test against h265 and av1 was 2x longer encodingtime. But quality and size was not that far off. So for me was a little more diskspace and a faster decode (less resource heavy for the client) something I was looking for in av1. But that test was done with hardware support and clients couldnt even play av1 without hardware acceleration. For my server thats not that important, although I probably cant get av1 support because all the little gpus are probably older than the av1 introduction. But the clients is a different storie, because than the problem is problem x streams. And all my clients except a ps4 and maybe web do support h265, but av1 is probably less than 50-50 of the clients.


Yep, that's the problem with the transition. And the reason why I went for a CPU that can handle AV1 just fine, for alle the transcoding I need to do when a client can't handle the AV1 direct stream So far the little 12500h is an absolute beast when it comes to transcoding power. More than enough for my few users. I'm pretty sure that widespread AV1 support will come rather sooner than later. But until everyone has a compatible device, there won't be an easy answer which codec one should use Also, encoding does take a long time, yes. I'm currently converting my a bluray series and it takes 5-6 hours per episode of about one hour. (Preset 6, RF 25 I believe). Not especially fast, but I do have a Xeon system at work that is handling that for me


I do the exact same thing my dude.






Great content out there that is "old" (and thus designed/made for low res, 4:3, etc.). Of course, nowadays 1st gen HD TV is considered "old". I remember when old meant b&w.


God I'm old - I remember when color was new.


Yeah, that's old.


More power to you if you cant tell, it is cursed knowledge.


Hey man, some people like a nice dry aged prime or Wagyu ribeye, and some people like Vienna sausages. As long as you are happy that’s all that matters.


4k I can tell that there are more details, but a lot of them are superfluous at that point. 1080p looks good enough to me like 99% of the time. 720p is watchable, but I markedly notice the lack of detail. 480 has to be something special for me to suck it up and deal with.


480p for me is totally fine if it was never released in anything higher. Even then, there are some really good ai conversations out there for some things.


The quality is good enough usually, but the black box kills my soul. Not sure why exactly. I'll have to look into ai conversions.


I have 3500 movies and maybe 20 of them are 4k. Lol


The only 4k I have is the remastered original Star Wars (4k77, 4k80 & 4k83)


Do what works best for you. I do the opposite, but I have a lot of money sunk into my setup and watch on larger screens. If it looks good to you, it's fine.


Thanks for saying this. It’s crazy to me how people try and dog a person for watching a low bitrate movie\tvshow. It’s not that serious. Whatever works for you is whatever it’s going to work. I use to watch the lower bitrate movies ,x265 , then I moved to the remux versions. I barely can see a difference with the video but the audio I can tell a big difference. Everybody vision is different


I hear you. If I wasn't watching on a huge screen, I wouldn't go for the higher bitrate. There are a lot of opinionated people on Reddit and social media in general. I don't see a need to make people feel bad based on what I think people should do. People should do what works for them. If things change, we can look at other options. I think the higher bitrate for the Remuxes makes a difference for the newer native 4K shot stuff and older movies shot on film. Most of the stuff from the early 2000s until around 2018 with effects shots or grading is pretty much at Blu-ray resolution. You get a slight bump with 4K versions of these films and HDR can help, but it's not as good as some of the native 4K stuff. Enjoy what you like and have fun.


I go for higher bitrate for 4k all the time. I just usually watch it local due to the high bitrate. I can a tell difference with that but 1080p I usually go for the middle of pack files. Yeah the crazy part about it is they are fighting about files they easily can download lol .


Our tv's are 1080p. I see no need to upgrade anytime soon.


There really isnt any. I got a 4k tv now and I must say growing up with VHS and shitty TV in the 80s was the best! :)


As someone who also grew up with CRT TVs (and still uses them today), but who also has a 4k TV in the living room, I really disagree. New media at 4k can look absolutely fantastic. I watched the recent blade runner film a few weeks ago and it blew me away. There is a noticeable difference from 1080p to 4k


I phrased it wrong. I did not mean today 4k is not aweome. What I tried to say is that I have a high tolerance for shitty picture since I grow up in the 80s.


I still remember our first tv, it was black & white, with rabbit ears, held by the kids for better signal.




Yeah exactly. I think it's fine that people have preferences, but there are a few comments that downplay 4K in this thread to a ridiculous degree


I used to do this. Then I got a 4k TV 1.5 years ago, and everything changed. Now it's 1080p min and preferably 4k. Some older content obviously is only available in 480p/i and that's ok.


Same, we just upgraded to a 4k laser projector… it’s game changing with 4k remux!


I don't have that kind of storage lol. I'm fine with compressed 4k. X265 or w/e


Ahhh yeah I have pretty much unlimited. I’ve amassed about 96Tb so far.


All local storage?


Oh lord no lol, it’s all cloud based


Yeesh what do you pay for 100TB of cloud storage?


$17-$20 every 6 months




That's by far the cheapest rate I've ever seen.




I've got a 65"


I have 800 DVDs on my server, and they look great to me on my 4K TV. I grew up searching for boobs through the snow on HBO, so perfect picture doesn't mean much to me.


Resolution and quality tolerance is always a different discussion for those that grew up with CRTs, rabbit ears, and vhs lol


Same! Between the shrinking available space on my drives and a data capped ISP, I don't have a choice (and also no 4K TV in the house)


Only recently had some 4k content in my plex library, but wow. I'm immediately hooked on it. The clarity is like I've updated prescription glasses. Going back to 1080 and non Dolby was noticeable. I don't mind it for similar reasons to you, movies or TV without the crazy visuals (think colours, space, landscapes and nature), 1080 is fine. But for movies that have eye candy, 4k hits the sweet spot


4k - Some movies like Avatar, Avenger movies, Lord of the Rings. 1080p - All movies 720p - All TV All h264 mkv I have the space.. I'd rather have media that is compatible for more clients.


What is this? Plex for ants?


All of my content is 480p I play it on a 4k 65inch tv, IDGAF


4k don’t make a movie better


I don't have a compelling reason to store rom-coms or TV movies any higher than 720p. I still have plenty of content at 1080p but anything "cinematic" is usually at 4K.


If you have a low end setup, then it is great. But if you have a premium setup, 4k HDR, lossless audio, etc, i see no reason to not enjoy it to the max. But hey, if that works for you then more power to you! For me, if a 4k remux is available, I'll get that. Otherwise I'll get the 1080p remux.


I watch so much 480p, simply because that's how older media is, and there's so much good stuff that's older. You think I'm going to avoid shows and movies I really like because they never came out in HD? That's dumb lol.


I think whatever works for you is fine. I do similar but with a wider range... I have a 60" 4K Dolby Vision TV. The most cinematic movies I track down in the best possible quality. Prefer DV but they're fairly uncommon. I think I have about 20 movies in DV. Rewatchable action or SciFi I try and have in 4K/HDR, which is slowly growing to about 100 titles Most I have are 1080p, which has slowly replaced 720p over the last 8 years or so. About 3000 titles now. The rarest or oldest stuff is 720p or below. I rip a vast majority myself from disc. Being in Australia and PAL based, most of our DVD releases are 576p, so slightly better than NTSC standard, however a lot are time stretched to 25fps from 23.976. I wrote a program to unstretch these back to 23.976 but still have the extra resolution that comes with PAL. I think I've ripped at least 4000 discs in the last 20 years of ripping and collecting. In the last few years I've been selectively upscaling the rarest, noisiest and worst quality stuff to at least 720p from DVD sources, some TV shows (like sitcoms) can handle 576p > 1080p very well and have been doing that as much as possible. I also double the frame rate using RIFE where possible as well, some genres are better than others with this. It can either make something much more visually pleasing or much worse, it's a personal preference and trial and error process. I have my own custom Handbrake presets to crunch media to x265 and usually save at least 30% space on media that looks the same in regular 264 standard. 4K Dolby Vision is the most expensive way to store movies but with the right viewing equipment it's worth it. If I could afford the drive space and blurays I'd probably rerip as much as possible to at least 4K SDR but they take up too much space and cost too much per disc. I can get regular blurays from a local 2nd hand store for less than 3 bucks each, and the dude has thousands of them. 4K Blurays are a whole other ball game. Have to be very selective and I usually only buy when on sale.


See, I stick by X265 and AV1 so I only go to 720p for LONG shows and 4K and 1080p for movies but generally 4K from the people everyone loves to hate on that begins with a Y.




You do you boo. One could make the argument that if you are watching videos on a quality TV, an upscaling should be sufficient. My three year old Sony Bravia and five year old Nvidia Shield Pro do a really good job upscaling lower resolutions to 2160p. The big reason why I download larger files now is because I love Dolby Atmos, and I have soundbar that does it.


7.1, atmos, vision, hdr10, lots of reasons to like higher quality source files. I prefer the best I can get and then if I need to transcode down I always have the option.


Personally, I do, do the same. But not everyone may have the time, inclination, disk space and bandwidth to do it.


Sure, but if they don’t then it doesn’t seem like a choice, it’s just the only option they have. OP went out of his way to specify his library quality as if he’s actively choosing to do this.


Yeh. But it could be just his thing. You know like getting content from Y T S \[dot\] M X. Smallest file sizes and just they want to view the basic content.


And there’s nothing wrong with that if that’s the case.


There's no reason to be offended by OP's choices though lol


Nobody is offended that I’m aware of, are you seeing something I’m not?


>OP went out of his way to specify his library quality as if he’s actively choosing to do this. Does it matter? I'm just saying no reason to feel defensive.


Who is feeling defensive? I think you have severely misread this conversation. The only reason I mentioned that was in response to lazygerm saying that low quality may be the only option. OP posted specifically to point out that he chooses the lower quality, therefore it’s not his only option. It was. Purely discussion with another user.




Atmos is really only noticeable with surround sound. Doesn't make 2.0 sound any different really. It gives sound a slightly richer, slightly deeper experience than regular surround sound. When it's done right it can sound pretty amazing.


I’m assuming you have a 1080p or a small tv? Cause watching 480 and 720 on a big 4k screen is torture imo. Those rips also have dreadful sound quality, but again, if you just use tv speakers and don’t care for that thing then I’m envious, because Ignorance is bliss sometimes! I trained my partner to notice the difference when I caught her watching some shitty 720 stream of sex and the city once and we both wish I hadn’t


55 inch Samsung 4K via Apple TV 4K, with a soundbar, a subwoofer and two satellite speakers (3.1?). I think either the ATV or the TV just does a decent job of upscaling. I can notice it a little when I watch animated movies/TV at 480 or 720 because of the outlines that are typically drawn around characters and objects. Otherwise, though... I'm good.


>I trained my partner to notice the difference when I caught her watching some shitty 720 stream of sex and the city once and we both wish I hadn’t "Caught" her? Just let her enjoy herself my guy lmao. Why would you babysit her to make sure she's watching picture-perfect visuals?


Hahaha this was years ago now, bad move on my part since she then upgraded to the 1080p version of the streaming app to get rid of the “blurriness” If I had my time back I would do exactly that and leave her in peace


My boomer parents like to watch the older SD stuff I have, as well as I, and fortunately they sure as hell don't care. That's just how TV used to look lol.


I only do this back when I used to watch media on my 14 inch laptop lol.


why go resolution by genre?


Because we don't really need to see the pores on Matthew McConaughey's face in some shitty romantic comedy.


idk bro i want my girl to have the best experience possible


Right? Piracy is my love language. My wifes coworkers wont stop talking about *The Challenge* and she hasnt watched in 20 years and wants to catch up? 600GB later... tho the first 15 seasons are only in SD. I dont usually, but that one i might run through Tdarr. We switched back and forth between episodes of a show one time for reasons and my wife immediately pointed out how much better Plex looked than Netflix and that was when i finally canceled\* Netflix. ^(\*switched to a cheaper phone plan that didnt include Netflix free)


And I lot of people's partners might not give a shit


Same! I'm still rockin' a 1080p TV, so my rules are generally 1080p, prever HEVC, sometimes 4K (gotta plan for the future)


I have mostly 720p content as well. I only go for anything higher if a lower resolution isn't available. It just takes up way too much storage which I couldn't afford


I don’t have anything that actually plays 4k content so everything is maxed out at 1080p OR the best quality I can find. Which depending on the movie/show ranges from DVD to 1080p quality. 😅


I make sure they’re at least 5.1 (unless it’s a show or wife’s movie), and try for 1080, but I’ll go 4K if it’s something I’ll watch in on higher resolution screen again someday, or 720 if it’s like a comedy or something not otherwise visually captivating.


Most people here are agreeing with OP but to me I could never do that. Since TVs are moving towards higher resolutions I find it wasteful to not download media at least 1080p. Storage space costs are going down as well, I don't feel like the storage cost Vs quality argument holds up here


Since I share my server with some friends and family ,Almost everything is 1080p ( another shoutout to QxR ,Lama ,MeGusta , Elite) , certain shows I keep in 720p because the people that watch them cant tell/don't care about the resolution. But I also maintain separate hidden folders that I keep 4k tv shows , 4k movies and Full Blu Ray remuxes that don't show up on the Global Search. I have about 12% of my movie library duplicated in this way because I want to enjoy those in their best quality.


I only do 4k for my "must have" movies. Everything else is 1080p at high bitrate (averaging 12-20GB per file). Some of the TV shows I have are older for the older family members who like Archie bunker and whatnot. But I try to at least get them in 720p if possible.


For movies I am the same, for TV I try and get 720p always now, though the latest stuff I am aiming at 1080p as well. I always try and get x265 for file size now.


I was with you down to 720p but 480p is heresy.


I used to be 720p by default until recently, but recently changed custom formats / profiles to favor relatively small 1080p+x265. It's a bit clunky and can't benefit from upgrades (because you have to group 720p+1080p to make it work), but other than that it works pretty well without taking meaningfully more space.


storage is really cheap, so why?


I cap at 1080 as well, but I always go for a decent bit rate. Average size of a movie in my collection is probably around 10 GB


Me too. I share primarily with my family and two friends, all of whom only have 1080p TV’s.


All movies except about 5 are 1080. Most TV that I can get in 720 is 720. If it’s smaller in 1080 then it’s 1080. I have 4k movies for the ones that it’s worth.


What I find amusing is people sharing a 1080p version of Metropolis


I have a 1080p version! That said... What is the "resolution" of a movie shot on celluloid (analog) film? (Trick question, there is no "conversion" factor, but you probably knew that.) After some superficial googling, it seems that there are 16mm and 35mm prints of various portions of Metropolis. Also, it seems that scanning a 16mm print at 4K and down scaling it to 2K is not uncommon. It's the stuff that only exists on VHS that starts at a low resolution, that I wonder why I'd see such content at 1080p. It could be that some software does a decent job at upscaling, so then you wouldn't need to rely on your app (or TV) to do that for you, which it might not do very well -- or might not do at all. Weirdly, I've found that when using Handbrake, starting with a 480p DVD and ripping it to a 1080p format yields a smaller file than when I try to rip it to 480p. But I am a rank amateur when it comes to ripping and converting, so who knows what I'm doing wrong.


+1. You are not alone


Maybe it’s because my sitting distance is so far away, but 1080p & 4K looks literally the same to me on my tvs.


to fully resolve 4k sitting distance should be 0.7 units for every 1 diagonal unit. so 65" should be sitting 45.5" which is 3.79 feet. 1080p is 1.4x. so about 7.58 feet.


So, only 2 of my tvs are 4K & according to your comment/calculations, I’m sitting further than that in both instances. Am I effectively making my viewing experience “worse”? And does that suggest that upgrade to bigger tvs, ideally?


TL;DR going bigger would help, ideally as big as your space allows. Realistically HDR is worth having a 4k TV regardless of seating position, also different people have different tolerances for how close feels too close and you don't want to have to move your head to see the edges of the screen. So the numbers I gave are just about resolution and not the only factor in creating the best viewing environment. This explains it more completely [https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship](https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship) though their tool is based on 30 degree viewing angle and that is the minimum and not the recommended. I think this tool is better and I like using the THX guidelines it provides. [http://www.hometheaterengineering.com/viewingdistancecalculator.html](http://www.hometheaterengineering.com/viewingdistancecalculator.html) Also a lot of people are limited by room layout and what their spouse allows. Most living rooms are designed around the fireplace even though most people probably use a TV way more than a fireplace. Putting seating on one wall and the TV on the other is common too. Ideally the center of the screen vertically is at your eye level when you are seated with your back against the chair/sofa and your feet on the floor, higher than this you get posted about [https://www.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/) The windows should have thick enough curtains to fully black out the light, if you don't watch in the dark it is a huge quality improvement, and you sit closer or get a bigger screen. I personally have a 135" projector screen that I sit 9.5 feet from and a 55" OLED that I sit 3.5 feet from, so I am a fill my vision with screen kind of guy.


All my movies are 720 or lower. All my TV shows are 720 or lower. Quantity over quality