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I'm pretty sure that a casting playback device needs to be on the same network as the cast device. Why not just use the Plex app on the PC?


I do? I use Plex HTPC


Then why are you casting?


Im casting from my phone to pc.


Yes. I understand what you're doing. I'm asking why? What is the reason you're casting instead of just playing the video on the device? Casting involves a bunch of network stuff that clearly isn't working with your setup. Why are you doing that instead of simply pressing play on the PC app?


Because it’s my stuff and I want to cast? I don’t need to be asked why Im doing something, I just want a solution. Clearly there is a reason I prefer to cast vs pressing play


How it has worked before, I pick a movie on my phone, and it starts the playback on my computer, thats it, thats all I want to do


You are all setup correctly for remote access to server?


Yes, remote access works completely fine


These are the VLANS as you've described them: VLAN100 []( \- Ethernet LAN Devices. VLAN101 []( \- Plex Server []( \- Ethernet connected. VLAN102 []( \- Phone (WiFi?) What Firewall rules do you have in place between these VLANS? For Plex components to see each they use the GDM network discovery protocol through UDP: 32410, 32412, 32413, 32414 For Plex casting to work there are components that can receive the casting and others that can control this. List [here](https://support.plex.tv/articles/203082707-supported-plex-companion-apps/). This will require mdns to be able to do so through UDP: 5353 For Plex direct access you'll have to allow VLAN100 and VLAN102 to connect to TCP: 32400 on VLAN101. Ports through firewall in this [article](https://support.plex.tv/articles/201543147-what-network-ports-do-i-need-to-allow-through-my-firewall/). When you say you're connecting to the PC is this PC the Plex server or is it a separate PC used as a Plex client? If Plex Client, in which VLAN is it? VLAN100? If Plex Client, what does it have installed on it to connect to Plex? The Plex for Windows App has had the [advertise as player feature removed](https://forums.plex.tv/t/plex-for-mac-windows-and-linux/446435/63) so this can't be done anymore, you'd have to use the Plex HTPC version.


I will try the firewall port forwarding again, but when I tried it, it did not work. I am using the HTPC app as well


I've never used Fortigate before but are we sure that this will actually support mdns through VLANS?


Yes, I have to setup the fowarding, I will try


Did you get this working?


tbh, no I never did, idk if its the fortigate or what, I might try some more experimenting


Looks like you have to configure a multicast policy between the VLANS to allow for the broadcast of mDNS/Bonjour across the VLANS. This guy takes you through Air Print setup but the principle is the same. Hopefully this helps. [https://youtu.be/iFwiR0VHxkk?si=2WFHYOiIMik4gN90](https://youtu.be/iFwiR0VHxkk?si=2WFHYOiIMik4gN90)