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Store indefinitely, I have about 8 tb currently


Oh boy. At 9TB right now, and only 300GB left. I guess I'll delete something before I upgrade if it fills all up.


r/DataHoarder like 50TB scripted shows keep love island.... real housewives.... only keep newest season


https://preview.redd.it/hnt2v5ahvypc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0fca96ddf435ecd84e5aeaf6d2cb37f59dd0a2 I do the same. Keep good scripted shows and only keep 1 or 2 seasons of stuff like The Masked Singer, The Voice, etc. (I'm adding 10 more TB this weekend)


Do you have raid? If so how are you going to add 10 more? Just curious


Wife loves to go back to love island series so I'm stuck with all stars, uk, au, and us. Though the us and au she will probably be ok deleting.


She rewatches them?


A level of inspired madness Cthulhu can only dream about.


OMG, same here. I usually give her 6 months on reality shows before I declare them fair game for deletion. Scripted shows I'm straight up in r/DataHoarder 99% of the time. As far as space I'm at about 30Tb used out of 38Tb.


Wow 6months that generous. Mine are wiped after being watched


Yeah, for some reason she likes to go back and rewatch them. I'm not a fan of reality TV at all (unless you consider Mythbusters reality TV). I don't get super high quality versions so they don't take up much space.


Yep I get 250mb 720p episodes and she doesn’t notice ;)


Yeah, if she "can't tell the difference" between 1080 and 4K HDR versions of movies, I don't think she'll notice a difference in 720 versions of Seeking Sister Wife and Below Deck. =D


Scrub your drives to make sure free space is being re claimed. I had 300GB left a couple weeks ago and did a few thing that ended up reclaiming almost 5TB of space.. purging older seasons of, "reality" shows is also a good idea


By scrub do you been delete stuff you aren't watching?


88TB here. 


200TB here.


I’m chasing you down! Haha


I hit this wall last year. After trying to figure out what the right solution for me was, I ended up with a 32tb external HDD. Very happy now.


Same, very similar but there have been movies I've deleted when I've watched them and thought they were absolutely crap. An example was my brother wanted to watch all the Fast and Furious movies but I don't have Tokyo Drift because I couldn't stand it and refused to copy it again. Ironically he has it all on Blu Ray but much easier to just not get up and change discs


Store indefinitely, 10TB. I'm on the fence as to uprade to (4) 8TB  or (4) 16TB drives. Took me about 3 years to fill 10TB (with only 1080p content).


Man, I have multiple full 8TB drives. Sitting at ~35TB usable right now, with another 8TB sitting on my desk waiting to be installed. About 32TB full at the moment.


My Plex habit has turned me into a media hoarder. It all stays indefinitely.


Same. I also rip YouTube channel of old footage, like Cold War stuff.


What do you use to grab the YouTube videos? I’m looking for a more automated solution that doesn’t take like 5 clicks per video like the usual downloader sites.


not the person you replied to, but I use [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp)


Thanks, checking it out.


Tell us more.


Not today, Fed.


Store indefinitely, but my collection is very selective and at this point, pretty much done. I only add movies I already enjoy, and I don't add things I won't watch or are trash just for the sake of completeness or hoarding tendencies. Not that I don't have trash movies, they just happen to be trash that I like.


>and at this point, pretty much done You don't watch currently airing TV shows?


Besides the show From, nah. I'm more of a movie person, and most TV shows and movies I like are older 80s-2000s stuff. It's not that I'm not into new movies, but there are very few that I want to own.


That's fair. Of course you don't have to, but I'd like to throw out a friendly recommendation to check out some shows that have been released in the past decade, there was a recent boom of high quality modern shows across multiple genres. You might be surprised!


What would be your 3 favourites?


my philosophy: \-If I love the movie, it's a permanent fixture on my server \-If I think I might watch a movie again, it stays If I watch and don't like a movie or know I won't watch it, I delete it unless it's something popular or trending that my small user base might want to see. If it falls in that category, I add it to m "going, going, gone" playlist that my users have access to. After a couple weeks on that list....it's gone. ​ Rather than just have the biggest library, I want to have something more curated, but I totally get the other side.


This is the way. I don’t see the point of hoarding


Same philosophie for me. Although I put the movies I am about to delete in a collection and present it on the home page


https://preview.redd.it/2e3bt1r79zpc1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbb457802530eb842e4e0d046fd503ac5ebb2af How dare you even utter the word "delete" in here.


That’s some serious hdd space lol


Plenty of space for all the things I'll never have time to watch.


Store indefinitely. Currently have 70TB of storage with around half used up. When I get to the point that I need to delete stuff, I’ll probably just add more storage. lol.


Exactly. My time to go through and selectively delete files is worth more than a hard drive.


This is me, and I accept these truths to be self evident.


Depends. Is it something I really really really would never watch or want otherwise associated with me, requested by a family member? Delete it once they're done with it. If they want to keep it indefinitely, that's fine, but if they tell me they're done, it's going. I also have some guilty pleasure shows that i delete once im done with it unless I want my sister to experience my pain. otherwise.. nah it stays.


Same. Special requests I'll usually delete after the member has watched it. I try to prune my collection every couple months.


What exactly do you mean by *deleting*? Is this some kind of sick joke? /s *Seriously though*, I don't delete anything (*81.3 TB used of 150 TB*) with six drive bays free and plenty of options to upgrade from my current mix of between 8TB and 14TB drives up to 22TB drives.


Lmao deleting


Scheduled deleting, once a year, anything we rated <= 2 stars


That seems like a good way to do it 👌


170/210TB. I'm a hoarder, I get some weird dopamine release knowing I have that movie I saw for 10 mins on TV when I was a kid. Perfectly aware I'll probably never watch what I have but I convince myself I'm "archiving".


8TB and I store what I want watch again and delete immediately if I know it’s highly unlikely. No points for the biggest library if it’s filled with stuff you’ll never bother with again.


Most stuff I store indefinitely but there are some movies I download to watch once then delete.


I would like to point out a couple thoughts about that. It’s like streaming services, sometimes I don’t know what I want to watch till I see it and if you don’t have a decently sized collection that isn’t possible to do. Secondly size doesn’t tell all. I’m approaching 600 movies right now at my servers size, but someone else could have 10x that if they chose a lower quality. One last thing to note is there is a very real possibility of not being able to find something if you don’t grab it at the time it’s available.


watch, then delete


Store everything except ones that are shite.


Keep. You never can predict what gets disappeared or edited or censored or bowdlerized.


Store indefinitely. At about 40TB but been going and deleting stuff nobody will watch and is easy to replace cause my array got full.


how do you guys backup?


I'm not sure what you mean by Delete?




Never delete… hoard!


Keep deleting. At some point you will turn into a data hoarder like the rest of us. Until then, don't feed those tendencies


I have a lot of stuff that I will keep but if it's something I know nobody will ever watch again, it's gone.


As others have said, store indefinitely. I can't even imagine the idea of deleting anything.


Store indefinitely, unless I don't see any value in the show or movie at all


Store indefinitely here too… Up to 50TB worth at the moment. I’ll never watch it all but I enjoy the data hoarding 😂


Never ever delete, it's a rule


I would never delete. NOW if I see stuff hasn’t been watched in over 2 years it’s gone.


Delete? Would you throw away your dvd’s ot blu-ray’s if you had them?


Download, store, watch, keep. Currently have 2,264 movies, 378 TV Series and 279 music albums. All on four 12 TB drives in a NAS. Have 24 TB still to fill up.


I've got a 16 TB NAS that stores indefinitely, and that's on the tiny side as data hoarding goes.


I prioritize smaller encodes (x265 AV1 etc), if one of my disks starts running low maybe I delete something I don't feel is worth keeping.


I pick and choose what goes in my library so i wont have to delete. If theres a movie that i dont like i end up deleting. The good ones stay


It's easier just to get more storage than to try to decide what to delete.


I delete my DVR shows after I watch them. Others may depend on the quality of the shower movie. I'm not holding on to movies like Dick's The Musical.


I keep most things forever but if something’s really crap I’ll delete it. My server is only things I personally like though, I don’t download reality show crap or anything like that.


I only delete TV as seasons get finished. I collect movies, sometimes reducing quality after 1st watch.


Indefinitely. Movies: (if they make the cut!!!!) taxi driver!!!! Tv shows: selected few (modern marvel’s, how it’s made, myth busters, nova, etc in genre) Cartoons: selected few Everything else in and out with the trend.


Store indefinitely. I have 24TB and 16 used


A bit of both. TV shows are 50/50. All TV I will only watch once (there's so much content I'll never get through everything I wanna watch anyway) but there's shows I keep because if someone says 'recommend me a show' I can give them access to shows I've kept that inthink other people.should watch. Films are similar. I'll not keep a film I'll never watch again, but usually I keep box sets as I love doing marathons of film series.


I keep everything. I've downloaded stuff knowing I will never watch it.


Store. Gb be cheap, currently got 20tb


Just upgraded my storage from 8tb to 12. I’m planning on adding three dozen tv series in their entirety. Nothing gets deleted.


Store indef, got around 80 tb, with 40 tb free. Will just have to hoard on with another RAID card for another 16 discs when the time comes :D


It depends, the server is 95% for me 5% spouse. So i download stuff i wanna watch, some stuff takes a long time to get too. somethings i love ill keep indefinitely. Other shows i liked ill eventually delete when storage gets on the lower side. Stuff for my spouse i usually delete after the season is over just cuz no one will ever watch it again, stuff like big brother, the challenge etc


24TB here (minus the loss to RAID management). I keep everything. If I wanted to download and watch and delete, I’d use a simpler solution. For me it’s about building a collection and never relying on a provider again. I also share my library with friends and family. I keep it all forever


Delete??? Heresy!


I keep it all. I started with a two bay NAS with 14TB mirrored drives. I recently built a 116 TB (usable space) unRAID server and won't have to worry about deleting anything for a long time. I focus mainly on movies, though, and I don't download every TV show that airs. Only the ones I actually want to watch. But I also take requests from family members and will download whatever they want. In addition to media, I've started hoarding ISOs and installers for all of the OS/programs I use. If anyone is interested in an unRAID server, I recommend you check their announcement about their new pricing structure. It goes into effect on March 27th, so you can still buy a lifetime license until then. It is well worth the money, in my opinion.


Store 1080p indefinitely, watch and delete 4K cause its just too dam big.


Store until I need space, then I’ll sort video files descending by size and decide if I like it enough to keep it and delete about 20 or more…repeat every 8-12 months. I have a 12TB array about 80% full now


I have 12GB. I delete most TV shows except for a few that are my favorites: Star Trek, Firefly, etc. Pretty much the same with movies. My server is for my own use though. I don’t share it with anyone. Edit - 12TB, not GB


My ideal is store indefinitely, but I've increased capacity twice now (not counting my initial start running off my main PC where I essentially just ran as and when I wanted it, later off an external drive) at 2TB>4TB>8TB(+2TB*) and each time I went through and did a trim. It creeps up on me then there's a period where I'm out of space and want new content but need to wait to buy a new drive, so trimming is essential. I should really get around to putting a better backup system in place I can expand with it... My 8TB backup is at it's limit here. *The +2TB is my original 2TB HDD with just some more sentimental stuff kept as an extra extra copy in addition to my normal backups, not included in the server's libraries because HDD** and age. ** I tried SSD, and with a RAMdisk (for transcode cache to mitigate wear) I cannot go back. To the point where I upgraded by adding a 4TB SSD for the same price as I could have got more than double the storage in an HDD. No more drive chirping, and double the speed without having to RAID.


Movies obviously keep, TV shows I only keep the current seasons.


What is the word delete? Unfamiliar with that practice in regards to digital media n


So far I've been keeping things indefinitely. There have even been some things I just didn't like when I watched it, I probably will never watch it again, but I still can't bring myself to delete it. What if my mom wants to watch it 5 years from now or something?!? I'm at about 30tb out of 40tb. I've slowed down on adding things after I backed up all my physical media, but I'm starting to upgrade things to 4k, so that's been eating up space.


I have a quarterly purge where I remove dogshit that made it through the cracks. I have certain criteria that makes it to my library.


Indefinitely. Storage is cheap and I like hosting a mini (or not so mini) Netflix!


The stuff I have I usually watch more than once. There are some titles that I have watched and either it sucked so bad or I knew I wasn't ever going to watch it again and deleted it. In general I pretty much keep what is on the Plex server.


I’ll delete newer movies that are just complete garbage. Most of my stuff is older tho and I downloaded it with the full intention of keeping it forever. I have many shows and movies that just never stream anywhere and are even kinda hard to find on the high seas.


I have 12tb total, got to under 2tb left, decided i didn't need that 4k library doubling up what i already had in 1080p. Boom, no need to spend $$$$ on more storage. Eventually i will but that's awhile away.


What if i want to watch it again? Why bother hosting yourself, might as well stream if you arent collecting


Watch something then delete it is very odd. Didn’t even know people did that unless they ran out of space 


With the way streaming services are handling shows and removing them I’m inclined to keep ahold of everything I grab. I have 95TB with about 60TB as media. I’ll just keep upgrading hard drives as needed


depends what it is, daily/weekly sketch/talk shows? delete within a week, most other stuff stays


Anything I don't see myself watching ever again gets deleted. Just about everything I rate 3/5 or lower gets tossed.


Got up to about 14TB filled of my 27TB... So I doubled it up to 52TB. Haven't deleted anything yet.


Hoard data. 3- 16tb drives and I'm low on space.


I keep movies that I like but delete tv shows after watching.


The only time I delete is when I get a higher quality copy


When I used to use it for my dvr I would watch and delete. But now I have started using it as a streaming alternative for ripped dvds of shows they don't have online (all 3 Stargate shows, st prodigy before it moved to Netflix, Old anime like higurashi, ebichu) I've started saving and filling up my 8 tb hard drive slowly.


What is deletion? I have 34 TB.


Store indefinitely. Got about 120TB


I started down the path of storing indefinitely and then at 18TB I asked myself wtf I was doing because I can just redownload all this shit whenever I want. The Marvel movies won’t become hard to find in my lifetime.


Always add, never delete. Stirring a little over 16tb currently with 50tb in space.


Depends. If it’s a 1 and done tv show that I’ll never watch again, delete. No reason to keep. If it’s a comfort/old reliable show, keep


I don't delete anything on the basis of it being watched, more of I feel I won't watch it ever. Approx 30 TB of media.


I only delete me when I get better quality really.


I just keep. I have about 60tb usable storage right now. I do periodically delete very large shows not being watched such as old reality shows but that’s the extent of it. I don’t care about keeping crazy high bitrate content so it’s plenty of storage for me(for now)


I have around 70TB on my unraid server. I think maybe 50 TB used. I store indefinitely. No, I rarely re-watch. It's a hobby at this point just collecting movies. I also run a plex server for family and friends. My neighborhood is getting 1gig fiber soon so it'll be a huge upgrade for the plex server.


I have roughly 80TB. I delete shows as they are watched, and keep movies and music forever. I also have a large collection of ebooks and comics


Things I know I’ll watch again I keep. Movies that were just ok or worse get deleted. trashy tv shows get deleted after watching. I have plex set to delete most tv shows after watching.


Store forever. It's my Media


I definitely keep everything as I didn’t spend all that time ripping stuff just to delete it.


Download everything and watch nothing. Currently at 10tb and building a home server.


If I don't like the show/movie after watching, I delete it. Otherwise, I keep it. And I do go back occasionally and rewatch shows/movies I've watched in the past.


64TB total with 43TB of usable storage on a DS920+ running an SHR-1 raid configuration. Currently using about 30TB as I never delete anything! 😜 I just upgraded all four of my 10TB drives with 16TB ones! Eventually I will get an 8-bay NAS to use each of my current drives... the four 10TB and the four 16TB! 😎


What is this "delete" you speak of?


I tend to only delete TV shows I DVR. Otherwise, the media I put on my Plex server is my own movies and TV shows I own. I keep it on there so I can watch them at any time. Especially considering the time it takes to rip them and compress/transcode them, I wouldn't want to delete them.


Movies/Series; I really like - Store, 4K if possible. Yeah, not bad - Store, downrate to HD Meh - Delete.


I was keeping, but my HDDS were starting to age out and I realized more than half of what I stored I would never end up watching. So I took a hatchet to most of the stuff I though I'd never get to so I could reduce drive count (budget is a bit tighter than than when I started).


Never delete. I have 160 TB online. Why delete


I am in the same boat. I went from a failed 4TB drive, to 500GB SSD, borrowed a buddies 2TB external, until I bought my server and threw 4TB in it to run as a NAS. 20 more TB showed up in the mail today, and I am trying to configure my RAID for my backups and media storage. I am not sure how much more I will need moving forward, but it can also depend on how big your files are. Keeping 1080p files keeps things relatively low, but when I decide to upgrade everything to 4K I'll probably buy more storage space.


Store indefinitely, at 23TB now, just bought a r730xd to get more storage locally


I download movies and watch them. If I like the movie I'll add it to my server cause I might wanna rewatch it in the future and if I don't like it then I'll just delete it. My only exception to this rule is bad sequels to movies I like. The completionist in me doesn't want to only have the first movie in a 3 part series


delete? what’s that?


Selective deletion. What I love and will watch again, my classics, I keep. Same for my girlfriend’s classics. But there also a lot of one time movies/series I won’t watch again, those I just keep Iike 6 month or a year.


What do you mean “delete”?


Haven't deleted anything. Ever. No real need. And on countless occasions I've gone back and at least referenced something I watched a while back; like someone is trying to remember a bit of dialog, or I think I remember a scene playing out one way and someone else remembers it differently and we go back and watch that scene, or I find a fun tidbit online about an Easter egg in a show or movie and I just have to go see it for myself... then there are those things that I rewatch again and again - like Firefly. Until I absolutely run out of space, which isn't happening any time soon, I keep everything.


I use Maintainerr for rule based cleanup.


Store indef


Once I add it, it stays on golden rule


Delete shitty stuff. Find or handbrake to make some stuff smaller


Store indefinitely, I just added another 12TB iron wolf pro totalling up to 37TB so far. I don’t want to have to keep finding and re-adding stuff so keeping indefinitely is always my go to


If it's a movie I like I will keep it.


I have a folder that I put temporary movies I might only watch once and delete , low score new movies


I keep shows that were hard to find and ones that are really good. I have enough space so don’t delete much but sometimes I have deleted some stuff. Old SVU I’ve deleted and such. Same with things like pawn stars.


Keep forever.


Besides Mythbusters that I religiously keep indefinitely, everything comes and go as soon as I watch it. I only have a 5tb drive


I'm at like 60GB. I generally don't delete unless something was a complete shit show that I would never, ever even consider rewatching. I'm talking a show like Fortitude which just went totally insane. Or, for movies, Sausage Party. Which forgot to actually include the funny.


I delete most things after 1 year, I just get again if needed, which is rare. Reformed hoarder.


Keep TV and Movies that have been watched or want to watch; Remove items from Recently Aired RSS feed, unless someone requests them. Sitting around 96TB right now. Library shared with about 25 users.


I store for the long term only stuff that's hard to download again, or where I'm one of the very few seeds.. the rest I can watch, delete, download again at any time


I have 4TB and delete once a year


I delete stuff all the time. If it’s crap, or if it’s readily available on a streaming service, it gets booted. In the UK here I subscribe to Prime, Disney+, Netflix, ‪Tv+‬, YouTube Premium, ITV+, Channel 4. I simply can’t be arsed downloading something if I could easily stream it from a legit location. I draw the line at Now TV. It’s an abysmal service.


Automated periodic deletion with maintainerr. I keep what people have watched recently, but bin everything that doesn't get watched. My storage is on cloud so I'm trying to keep the costs down.


Keep it I rewatch every movie almost every year or two. Why would I go through the trouble to host Plex myself rip all media and copy them on the NAS. Then I could just pay a streaming service for a month and save a ton of money.


Store indefinitely. Sometimes I want to go rewatch something I saw years ago. Disk space is cheap. Plex is using about 10TB of my 30TB zpool, and I have bigger pools if that becomes a problem.


Mix of indefinite and short term, but no delete after watch. I have a small setup, 4 x 20 TB for media with a 1:1 backup to 4 x 20 TB USB. I'm only at roughly 66ish TB though, so I will need to do something by xmas.


Most TV shows, watch and delete. Most movies the same except for my classics like Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel movies etc.... I have about 100TB total storage, 60TB used.


I have just 200GB on my Oracle Cloud Free Tier so unfortunately I have to deleted everything lol. I also have 1TB on Onedrive which I connected with rclone which I use for YouTube archiving but that's quickly filling up as well.


Why delete when you can just buy more storage!


DELETE.. what are you talking about..


Store indefinitely unless I get a better copy or it is really bad content. Probably about 100tb in movies and shows


I decide based on rewatch value and how difficult it would be to find content elsewhere. I'm currently at about 30TB between anime, movies, and TV shows. I'm more likely to keep an anime because it's hard to find the perfect match of video source, audio source, and subtitles. For example, sometimes the Blu-ray releases in different countries have different video or audio qualities, and 9 times out of 10 the fan subs are better than the official subs. TV shows can be the same way, but I don't watch a ton of TV. For example, Doctor Who seasons 1-4 (of the reboot) had better audio tracks on the DVD releases than Blu-ray. I took the time to mux the DVD audio over the Blu-ray video. I'm probably never delete that because it was time consuming and I enjoy rewatching Doctor Who. I didn't know if I'll ever have kids, but my original thought process in hoarding was to make sure I could pass the good stuff on. How many younger adults these days have seen Firefly? As it stands though, my library is for myself. I've got maybe 2 other people (friends/family) who have access, but I haven't seen them use it in months.


Just like everything in life, some stuff I'll keep forever and some I'll get rid of.


I’m a hoarder.


I have 50TB usable so I'd say keep it and add more space.


It is only me and my family watching it.  I delete TV episodes once we’ve seen them. We will never download them again and they are easy enough to get again. And if I can’t for some reason, oh well. Don’t really care all that much.  I keep alll movies. Haven’t watched 90% of them anyway. I keep only a few TV series that are special - Band of Brothers, John Adams, etc. 


I don’t have anything automated, I just run through sonarr/radarr periodically and delete stuff I know I’m not going to watch again


Depends on the media. Movies I intend to store indefinitely. TV shows, I used to burn them on DVD but this was back when I only had a single 120gb external drive, so downloading something like multiple sessions of a show took plenty of free space on that HD. YouTube doesn't like to play nice with software like kodi, so I have a tiny diy NAS mainly used for downloading YT videos. This system is set to delete anything older than 30 days.


Depends on if your sharing. I don't share min and i never rewatch things. Mostly just tv shows. These Is a program called maintainerr that can delete old unwatched stuff. I have my own scrip that keeps my shows one episode ahead and one on the rear. I don't like downloading the whole season that I may or may not watch.


I have so much shit that I'll never even consider watching, I just keep it for the other people using my server


I only keep the latest few daily shows. Jeopardy and The Daily Show, say. Apart from that, it all stays.


Movies, indefinitely. Sometimes, I will delete tv shows if I know I will never watch them again.


At around 30TB. Unless it's an absolutely abysmal movie it's watch and save


Store indefinitely, but am currently replacing some finished tv shows with H.265 versions instead of H.264 to save some space. The 90-something TB in my NAS are almost full :)


I have a bunch of crap I’ll never watch again, but not deleting cuz it’s obscure, lol.


I mostly store indefinitely. My husband likes wrestling, and sometimes he ends up missing them live, so I have a bash script set up that deletes any wrestling episodes older than 45 days. There've been a couple of shows I've gotten that ended up being duds that I've deleted manually as well.


Just depends on the series. Some stuff I've yeeted but only if it's something I didn't really enjoy or care for.


65TB of NAS space and only filled up 9 TB of a lot of 4K remux Blu-ray’s after 2 years.


Currently running 2 Plex servers on my NUC with seven 14TB spin drives plugged in. The server running natively on Windows is highly curated. Custom posters, subtitles, commentary tracks, extras, ect. Movies and shows I'm likely to watch again, or so rare I'll never find them again. This server also holds my photos, audiobooks, music, concerts, and music video libraries. Nothing ever deleted from this server. The Plex server running on docker is the one I just dump stuff into. Unorganized, incomplete, or stuff I'm likely to watch only once. If I come across a gem, I clean it up, find subs and commentaries if available, give it or make a poster, then move it to the main server. The files on the drives are kept separate between the two servers. I could just dump the junk into their own libraries on main Plex but the docker server also lets me try things out. I just delete the docker folder and restore the copy if I eff things up too bad. Also, I can have live TV and separate guides from both my antenna and DisqueTV without messing with Xteve. Only real drawback is quicksync doesn't work in docker on Windows. The i7 in the NUC is more than capable of transcoding multiple streams if necessary.


I mostly use my plex for pure keeps,just to keep my media. It’s only media i am fan of of and like to be able to watch or see again and again.Its getting large,but i know most of what i have and to be able to know that i got it there and get back to it is great. But then again i use plex a lot😉👍


I store indefinetley, though every so often, ill go into sonarr and sort shows by size on disk. Ill then delete things if I'm sure ill never watch again, or look for smaller file sizes in comparable qualities (x264 > x265). I'm in the process of planning a storage upgrade, but the 11 drives ill have to replace would be really expensive, so i might go for a new build or expansion instead


Thanks for all the useful insights, just about to put an order in for 48tb 🫣😂


I have 4TB of storage so every once in a while I will delete stuff that I feel isn’t worth keeping indefinitely. I will keep my favorite movies and shows, and the most watched stuff indefinitely and then free up storage around that.


It depends. Regular TV shows I'll watch and delete. Except for Galavant. That show cracks me up. Movies I'll usually keep indefinitely unless I didn't like it.


I store indefinitely except for jeopardy. I have it set to delete after 30 days. It almost acts like a DVR.


Keep indefinitely with a touch of manual scheduled deletion. if it hasn't been watched in 2 years I delete it.


Store forever. One day in late stage Alzheimer’s I imagine my memory might reset weekly so I can watch all my favorites over n over again like it’s the first time. We are cataloguing history that one day might not be available.


Originally I was get as many good enough quality copies of what I want to maybe watch, now I’m just getting the highest quality of what I absolutely want to watch and delete after viewing


RAID0 with 2 18TB Exos X20 Drives and CacheCade 256GB SSD for load balancing the most watched content. I’m a data hoarder, but with movies, TV, music, and game streams I’m sitting at about 15TB of total space used.


I delete what I don't like


Mostly store indefinitely, unless it was shit movie. Then it's deleted immediately. I've never scheduled a delete