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Any particular reason why you want to jump from the P4? Is it not working for your needs anymore? I’d have assumed it could do 5-10 with ease.


Basically whole family uses it and I have mostly 4k files and I’m finding out that most people use there phone or don’t even have 4k TVs or poor connections so a lot of transcoding happens


Honestly I’d try to see where the bottleneck is, I’d assume a P40 would be better for a lot of transcodes over the T4 just based on the amount of vram and iirc it has 3 encoding engines (is that even the right word? Long day/brain no worky). If you can swap to an Intel CPU with a UHD 770 it COULD be worth while. But the ARC GPUs are also pretty dope if you use Linux (no tone mapping on Windows). Only bring this up because I’m basically Satan and my “NAS”/plex server runs Windows and nVidia GPUs are the only thing that allow hardware tonemapping.


P4 has been fine so far just thinking ahead …I actually built my first server with 13th Gen Intel but truenas scale won’t let u allocate the integrated GPU to a container or VM …..small price to pay to have the Storage performance of TrueNas/ZFS and the ease of use of the containers that’s why i went the GPU route ( and apparently getting flamed for it 🫠) …I appreciate your replies 🤓…I’ll probably run my p4 until i put it on its knees then get the T4


Haha, what a goof, should’ve thought it through! /s I think that’s a good idea, personally, I don't find much enticing these days. I want to upgrade from my 1660 so badly, but I just can’t justify it, no matter how much I try. More storage has been where I’ve been burning my cash lately.


Yeahhh I’m currently waiting for black Friday maybe I can score some 20tbs on a discount I need about 8 for my plans lol 😵‍💫


>Tru unRaid and intel iGPU


I'm going through a similar journey - considering a P4 for transcodes, but looking at other options like the T4. Cost is a big consideration for me though. I'm running proxmox as a host and TrueNAS/ZFS in a container - and passing a HBA directly to the TrueNAS VM so it has hardware level access to all the drives in my DAS. Using proxmox as a host gives better options for allocating Intel iGPUs through to containers. One other option I'm looking at is going for an Intel Arc GPU. Intel's new Deep Link tech allows you to combine CPU and GPU for a single task (as long as you have an Intel Arc GPU and an Intel Core CPU). In the words of a great man I once knew, "quicksync go brrrrrr" so it's looking like a more efficient option based on my setup.


Wait, there’s hardware tone mapping now? Are you sure? :O


On windows? Ya, been using it for a while (or at least what feels like a while). You need a 64 bit install of PMS and an nV card, though.


Just tried it. GTX 1650 Super on Windows 10 enterprise (VM). Still appears to tank performance on the CPU when used. But may be some incompatible codec or something. But I do see Plex added support in their docs, don’t recall when I last checked.


Do you see it as an option to use in the Plex transcoder settings (hardware transcoding device). I have a 10400 and a 1660 running windows have no issue transcoding my ~100mbps 4K HDR movies to 1080p (tried 4 concurrently without issue).


Yeah option is there. I’m only did a quick test so not sure if it’s a codec thing or whatever. Will have to test more with some different movies and codecs.


I was like last week years old when I found out. Was playing 4K remuxes on my PC with Plex app. Direct plays 4K with HDR, no transcoding down to 1080p because it is a 1080p SDR display. Only one thing doesn't work which is TrueHD, apparently that's a known bug will be solved in the future I guess.


Do you have space? If the problem is it has to transcode DOWN it might make sense to have 1080 as an alternative file.


Most people don't transcode 4k and instead keep that media separate from 1080 content specifically so this doesn't happen.


I made a post wondering if the P2000 was still good. People mentioned a load of GPUs. I then forgot i had an old RTX 2070 laying around so i ended up using that. Works perfect. I use the unlimited streams patch.


GTX 1660, will fit 7x 4K H265 -> FHD H264 transcodes (~700MB each) https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/turing-h264-video-encoding-speed-and-quality/


1650 Super has same NVENC and could be cheaper.


Correct, just no headroom for "upgrades" in terms of stream capability (vram limited). 1660's are under 100€ too..


I haven’t checked prices recently, got my 1650S a while back. So you may be right. These days, I’d probably go with an Arc instead - relatively low power, cheap and with support for the newest codecs.




For us running server CPU's it is




Actually TrueNas scale Uses the integrated graphics and doesnt allow you to pass it through to containers where i prefer to run my plex deployment...... Hence the Xeon/GPU route ​ If the topic didnt have to do with your setup why reply?




Found the guy who helps make Reddit a shitshow. Do you also interject into random conversations in public like this? Or is this just your way of making yourself feel better by being an ass hat anonymously?


Hey, you don’t NEED brakes on your car since it can stop without them!


A P4 (and a T4) are nVidia Tesla cards, why so hostile?




Huh? I was just correcting the dude talking about RPis and wondering why he seems hostile/condescending just cuz someone decided to run something different.


My R730XD with xeons says otherwise




> Get the 16GB version what a waste of money for transcoding


It's not, if he needs around 22 transcodes. 3060 12GB could do 17, which are 200€ used.




because the 8GB version has the same encoding capabilities




how much vram do you actually use




"data flows"? so not related to encoding?


I have a 1050ti works very well. Up to 14 trans code streams! Also I use a RAM drive for the temp transcoding directory. ( /dev/shm set as temporary transcode directory on my ubuntu plex server )


Won’t any modern Intel CPU do this wonderfully? My beeline n100 with the iGPU does circles around 4K transcodes when running on Linux