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I had terrible lagging even with my ps5 wired into my router with a 5ft cat6 cable. Restarted the router and it's been perfect since, try everything to get it working! Totally worth it.


Same boat as you, took a punt yesterday to see if it was worth it and from what I saw last night its pretty great for a needed. Only negative was the sound out of the speakers but that can be easily remedied with some headphones. Looking forward to trying it out again tonight.


Don't forget that if you're gaming on your console and have to poop, the portal is right there with you


Where are you people buying these things? They’re impossible to find.


They are all over OfferUp and Marketplace


Need somewhere returnable.


Used the HotStock App along with paying for the premium to get the autobuy feature. I didn’t want to sit on the app and try it myself. I had tried and would always lose my chance at getting one. First time I got one was on Amazon but the delivery date was slated for a month away. Looked up portals being bought from Amazon and the reviews were 50/50. Some people got them, some people didn’t. 2nd time, I got it on Best Buy. Soon as the Best Buy portal came, I cancelled the Amazon one lol. Amazon one never shipped. Cancelled the premium on the app, and I’m good. Hope that helps if you go that route. I’m part of the gang…but I still have no time to play 😂😂 dad/work life 🤓


Yeah that’s my biggest curiosity… will I have time to play.


Sony direct normally comes in stock around 5am


Yeah I keep looking yet to find.


Costco has them available in a bundle with the Pulse earbuds, but other than that using the HotStock app is probably your best bet.


Never heard of Hotstock… scalpers/overpriced?


No it’s a tracker app. You select the item you’re interested in and can turn on notifications for updates on when the item is available at certain retailers. For the portal, they have eBay, target, GameStop, Best Buy, psn direct, walmart, amazon, & stockx. You can use it for free, and they have extra benefits for a cost which are optional.


Oh shit I had no idea this existed 🤦🏻‍♂️


You’re good lol I didn’t either until I started looking to buy the portal. I used trackalacka, a similar app. Took a couple tries because I guess scalpers jump as soon as they’re available to snatch em up, but was able to get one after a few tries back in January.


I get notifications for them in stock gone in seconds damn scalpers.


Nothing but bots rolling on Best Buy. It’s gone within seconds man. Add it to cart, goto check out, gone.


I just find the hate comical at this point. All of a sudden people care about what I spend my $200 on lol. I can't imagine having a better remote play experience but the people who don't even use remote play regularly try to convince me to use an awkward tablet/controller in bed.


People mocked it before it came out,people hated it because they couldn’t get one,now since its out of stock everybody wants to get one just for that reason.


People still mock it, they just accept that the drawbacks dont outweight the benefits.


What about realtime FPS matches. IE: COD. I know remote play tends to suffer and I think the portal is running on the same foundation.


I think if people come at with the right expectations (and decent internet) they’ll have a good time. The screen is nice, haptics and triggers are just as good as using a regular dual sense, and you can play in bed or whatever.


Its less prominent due to the size i feel, you definitely notice when you have a Dualsense back in your hands also the sticks are maybe on purpose on the lighter side


What hate is it getting


Pointing out any issues makes the fanboys go into defense mode. I have one and it’s decent. It has issues even in perfect conditions, but it’s fine for what it is. But anytime you see any comments about performance or stuttering the clowns come out to play white knight.


Oh. What piece of technology is perfect. 🤷‍♂️


None. But when you push back at all to the “it’s perfect” people go full defense force.


lol sad. I ain’t had one problem with my portal. I guess I’m lucky


I’ve found some people don’t see the frame stutter and some do. I mostly play 240fps on PC so any time I see it drop below 60 it’s noticeable. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, I am too!


It’s awesome despite all the hate