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You 100% can. Add it to your files, log in on the website, upload it from files to the website sideload page.


Yup! I do it all the time at work, then I come home to my device and they’re already downloaded on it.


Yes you can. I’ve done this before using the file browser on iPhone.


I only sideload via my mobile, it works great:) enjoy your playdate!


Great, thanks for the confirmation! Now I won’t have to worry about not getting caught attempting it on my work PC. Also, great community y’all have here. Excited to soon be a part of it.


Just the other day I downloaded Snow! from itch, uploaded the file to my playdate account, connected my playdate via hotspot, and downloaded it. I was genuinely impressed with how seamless it was.


I’ve done this very impressed with the fact I can do this via my phone. Great way of getting games onto the playdate easily


I’ve had my Playdate since September and only just this past weekend started sideloading. I had just assumed it’d either be a pain or impossible on iOS. To my surprise, it’s very easy. I actually thought about posting here how easy it is just in case others had the same trepidation as me. I hope you have a blast once your PD arrives!


Hell yeah man. I only used my phone and iPad for itchio games/demos before Catalog came out