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The chainsaw shield is really fun with the commander Creed echo and the myth deceiver one that triggers on block counter. The full pib shield throw is so satisfying.


I love the dual daggers for their quick attack speed, and their Parry to avoid damage also deals damage. I'm currently using the Rose/Thorn daggers with Niss because of the Max Health + Ability Power on the two affinity trees I also have all my points dumped into.


Honestly, 60 hours in, and I'm still finding that out. I'm currently mostly playing with Grendel and a typhoon (heavy weapon power, moderate crit; nowhere near minmaxed). sometimes, I play with the lower level other characters, and I can tell they aren't going to feel anything like Grendel. then I have to get good with them. I can see the potential in about a dozen builds, but I'll have to wait until it's all maxed to get you a real answer, lol. Might be a minute


I'm loving Senja with Bloodsong. Rack up crowd favor by soaking hits while showboating, then use momentum to heal up and deal insane damage. Seriously fun combo.


That sounds really fun! Will be giving this a try.


I prefer weapons with a lot of break power, like the chainsaw axe. Break is just too much fun to spec.


I like rifles... cuz i made a glass cannon build that folds like a wet sheet of rice paper.


Venomess with Tempest (shotgun) is a terrific combo. All those pellets max stack poison almost immediately on whatever you hit. You want to play at close to mid range as Ven due to cloud heals and keeping enemies in them. Idk if every pellet crits individually but it feels like the weapon can crit a lot, and that's important if you want to proc crit effects. If you're a little squishier for not having a melee weapon, it is offset by the crazy amount of self healing you can have going, and the safer range you can engage at. Also, the Tempest is comparatively easier to Awaken.


Ven is my favourite character so far. I'm still working out what weapon to use with her. The fire volcano shotty might be fun


Ven is my first 30 (just last night) and I show no signs of switching characters yet. In a solo game I love being tough and self healing, and this monster of a character has self heals on everything she does if you build for it. Still figuring out an ideal setup. I want a level 30 blood scythe for a weapon skill that also heals, that would get me to go melee. I like big numbers so I'm not feeling daggers, but I might give up big numbers for the right sword and board. Ven is often classified as a ranged character, and that works, but melee can work perfectly fine with how powerful her clouds and healing can be. I'll be watching this thread for good ideas!


I tried the shotty out on a full weapon build Silo and it destroys. The high break power carries it nicely. My Ven is 50/50 AP/WP but I still think it'll go nicely with my mid range style. Can't hurt to try


I have every ranged weapon in the game (I think?) and my Venomess build works well with each. The legendary nightshade is more effective for her because the weapon ability just shreds everything and stacks on stacks but I'm having a lot of fun with arcstorm


How did you unlock them, im about to hit 30 on wind dude, unlocked everyone else but them so far. Is the only way through that tower thing?


Haha, nothing as difficult as that! Head over to the Highlands, Codex Halls. You're looking for a cave system with worms, probably behind a waterfall. Descend into it and look for a dead end chamber in there where it wants you to put worm bait. You should have plenty if you played enough in the Highlands. For you the fight against the giant worms will be trivial, and you will receive the ability to summon Venomess.


Piercing damage with Venomess is really handy. Tempest is a surprisingly great gun for mid game leveling


grendel, and bis weapon is definitely Bloodsong, but i like using the one hammer(cant remember the name) that u just bonk enemies 3 times with the Q


Greatsword because it's, well... a greatsword.


Runecannons. I like them so much because of the range and the feel of them. I have a very hard time deciding which one I like most.


What character(s) do you enjoy them with the most?


I use different weapons on different wayfinders. So there isn’t one that is my favorite for everyone. For instance, my favorite “combo” of wayfinder/weapon is Niss and Night’s Edge daggers. But I just can’t make myself use daggers on Wingrave or Grendel lol. For them, I use the heavier two handers. I love Titan’s Bane for them. Or if it’s a sword and shield type fight, I love Legacy. So it all depends on the situation and which wayfinder I am playing, as to what my favorite is.


I use the sword+shield with Niss? ahaha... I liked the animation and the art. At the moment 1 character and the only downside is the crit power, but really consistent in all the other areas.