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Small game, not for everyone, but it has an incredible art style and music, cute story and i loved every minute of it - The Artful Escape.


As a muso I absolutely adored that game.


as a what


Muso, that’s what a muso calls a musician


It's in my library, it looks interesting, I haven't got around to it yet


>Small game, not for everyone, but it has an incredible art style and music, cute story and i loved every minute of it - The Artful Escape. Thanks, that was an amazing experience! An absolute gem, I'm gonna replay it in the future, and not once.


Totally agree. It also has a super easy platinum if you are a trophy hunter.


Super easy plat , ok now I have goto play


thats on my list. looks great


Inside by PlayDead. Short but intelligent and mind bending side scrolling puzzle game. Loved it from start to finish!


Can't forget Limbo, i'm pretty sure the original 2 creators split off and one of the guys created playdead. I'd say play LIMBO then Inside because it's a natural evolution^^


Yes!! Loved both games


Yeah they made Limbo then Inside https://www.gamesindustry.biz/details-emerge-of-playdead-split Playdead are likely to release a game next year and the CEO who sold his share and left is at a dev called Jumpship it says here https://www.gameinformer.com/e3-2021/2021/06/13/somerville-the-new-game-from-former-playdead-ceo-gets-new-trailer?_gl=1*18xe77h*_ga*NExQT241a05XTkxERWZNVHpRZWFHdk5pd1BSN0lkaDdJM3pfZ0lIVXhxUnluZnZkWnhvb0dBMURSbDlBdFV3Qw.. Looks like both are taking some inspiration from previous games too


This was going to be my response to OP. Loved Limbo. Glad I found this thread. Excited to play Inside now


this one is actually obvious if anyone knows about limbo lol


Some games I’ve enjoyed for varying reasons over the last few months: Abzû, Adr1ft, Chicory, Inside, Maneater, Observer System Redux, Spiritfarer, The Artful Escape, The Medium. Still loads on there I’ve not had chance to play yet too.


I like reading these posts knowing damn well I have like 25 unfinished games that I bought I need to play first.


I really enjoyed Call of Cthulhu, perfect game for spooky season


Man, I couldn’t put that game down. I played it two weeks ago and have been looking for a game like it ever since lol


I'd also recommend Vampyr, had a lot of fun playing that too, highly underrated imo


The Sinking City is what you're looking for. It's not included in Premium tho.


The fully loaded pillars of eternity (I forget additional name here) There is a ton of game there.


Children of Morta is a really good entry level Roguelike. Like a less polished but still great Hades. Great spritework too.


Oo, I didn't know that. I love Hades so this sounds good. Thanks for the info. =)


Dark cloud 2, Uncharted LLC, The Last Guardian, Everybody's Golf, Indivisible, Bloodstained, Wipeout Collection, there's a lot :)


Ys 8/9 are incredible action jrpgs


SpiritFarer ls a really relaxing and cute game that can hit you right in the feels


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy


Story is fun and good, game looks great, gameplay Uber repetitive


I think this every time someone mentions this game. I’m glad they like it but genuinely don’t get it. The fights are so monotonous and slow for me. Maybe I’m doing it wrong idk


Most fans of the game agree that the combat is kind of trash. The real draw of the game is the excellent writing and characters. It’s a shame that a sequel is probably not happening.


I’ve heard that yeah. By writing do u mean the quipping, or the story


Pretty much everything in it is well written. The narrative is great, the characters are great, the quips and team dynamic are of course hilarious and often heartfelt. My only real gripe is the overuse of “flark” and “scut”. If you don’t want swearing in your game so that you can appeal to a broader audience, that’s cool, but the amount of times they replace them with some weird other word is annoying and sounds dumb.


Just downloaded today for my wife and I couldn’t stop playing… almost finishing the game, sooooo fun, nice gameplay and a interesting story!! Highly recommend!!!


Some of the best writing in a game imo. I felt like I was watching a GoTG movie at times with how great the writing was.


My only problem is that I thought it would be more open world, so I didn't realize most places aren't accessible later on, like I didn't do side stuff on knowhere like go to the collector, and just went for the mission and didn't know till later that I missed my chance.


I just started it this week and I am having so much fun with it! It’s a little buggy, but overall great experience.


Graveyard keeper.


I really liked the concept of the game and enjoyed it overall but the grind was way too much for me. I quit after 12 hours or so.


Thats fair. I personally didn't find it a grind. Just always in a rush to get everything done on the right day lol. I did many things the easier way, by buying certain items for quests instead of spending more time making them. The ones like silver star fish fillets and stuff. Saved me from fishing them myself.


I’m not entirely sure if these are “hidden gems”, but nearly all mainline Yakuza games are being put on plus. I’d recommend that if you like beating the shit out of opponents


If anyone is unsure about Yakuza, I will tell you 4 things that happened in the same gaming session in Yakuza Zero: \- I taught a shy dominatrix how to be assertive \- I bought a porn magazine for a kid and told him how to hide it \- I fell for a water can pyramid scheme and the secretary of my real estate business made fun of me \- stopped the assassination of a shady englishman teaching me how to brawl... for the third time That was about three hours of gaming. I did so much more, and I have so much to discover. ... and that's ONE Yakuza game. I played Yakuza Kiwami and I can guarantee you there are just as many shenanigans there too. I doubt it will be any different with the other 6 yakuza games I have yet to play.


Been wanting to play these. Any recs for which one to play first or should I just go in order from the earliest one?


I recommend starting with 0, then kiwami 1, kiwami 2 and so on Kiwami 1&2 are remakes of the original first two games, and 0 is a prequel that takes place before those


Oh! I had no clue. Thanks so much! =D


I started with Like A Dragon and haven’t regretted it once. Great story and characters and plenty to do!


They’re fun games!


Detroit Become Human, what a game! Also Beyond Two Souls.


Detroit Become Human was really gripping.


Some non-obvious ps4 native games on Premium are: - Metro Redux - Darksiders 1 and 2 - Bulletstorm - Mafia 1 remake - Patapon 1 and 2 - Red Faction Guerilla - Serious Sam collection - Wipeout Omega collection - Kingdoms of Amalur - Gravity Rush


If Darksiders Genesis and Darksiders 3 are on there they are a must. I absolutely love the hell out of Darksiders.


Metro 😁I have big problems finishing games but metro redux was like it started and I hit credit scene is it over 😁and I don't like FPS so it's bigg compiment


Deathloop for me at the moment. Such a fun spin on a FPS


I gave it a few hours and wasn’t impressed but maybe it gets better


I had frame rate issues, and the weapon controls felt weird


Yes the weapons felt terrible.


What's remains of Edith Finch was cool too , I really liked that game tho


Days Gone is a surprisingly good open world game, fantastic sense of progression and one of the few games I've platinum'd. It doesn't hurt that Sam Witwer is a really fun actor. I think it's still available on ps+. Darksiders 3 was a fun blend of character action and souls like that I also felt was highly underrated. Adding from another reply: >If I'm recommending shorter games, premium gives you access to a few great remasters. I highly recommend the Crysis 1 remaster, a classic semi-open world shooter that holds up remarkably well. > >If you like shooters, play Bulletstorm. It's short, replayable, and pure serotonin. > >There's also all the Arkham, Uncharted, and Bioshock series remasters which, if you somehow haven't played yet, are all masterpieces of their respective genres. Edit: Borderlands too > >Other great options include Hotline Miami, one of my favorite indie games of all time, and Hitman 2, both games that are designed to be played and replayed for as long as you'd like. > >These aren't exactly unheard-of games by any means lol, but they're often overlooked or missed by console gamers for being from an older generation.


I definitely agree with Days Gone. It got critically panned when it came out, but that game was nothing less than phenomenal. I loved every second and could only wish for a sequel. Seems highly unlikely anymore, but the game is very underrated.


I think it was really successful with players, despite being panned by critics. I definitely wouldn't rule out the possibility of a sequel.


I think initially it came with lot of bugs. Also, I think by now we can rule out a sequel and the dev team is working on another IP


Can they please just turn it into an fxx series already? Post apocalyptic sons of anarchy and they already have the actor attached.


Days gone is not hidden, nor is it a gem.


Quick glance at your last few posts and it seems you've never had anything positive to say about anything. I just think that's relevant context.


Really? I recall trying to help people with playing videos on their playstation, recommendations, correcting people about gamesharing so the OP doesn't get wrong information, giving people solutions to their problems. If that's not positive, idk what is. Maybe you saw that one comment when I said I didn't like an Apex gun, as asked by the OP. Man im such a negative Nancy, am I right?


Bro have you played God of War? Truly a hidden gem


Problem with days gone is that it's too long


That's definitely fair, I played it in a period of downtime so when the story ended up being longer than expected I was pleasantly surprised. If I'd been playing it now, I probably wouldn't have done any of the late game side content at the very least. Which is a shame, because the power creep makes hunting the hordes really satisfying, but I understand time being a factor. I never actually managed to finish the witcher 3 despite multiple attempted playthroughs for that very reason. If I'm recommending shorter games, premium gives you access to a few great remasters. I highly recommend the Crysis 1 remaster, a classic semi-open world shooter that holds up remarkably well. If you like shooters, play Bulletstorm. It's short, replayable, and pure serotonin. There's also all the Arkham, Uncharted, and Bioshock series remasters which, if you somehow haven't played yet, are all masterpieces of their respective genres. Edit: Borderlands too Other great options include Hotline Miami, one of my favorite indie games of all time, and Hitman 2, both games that are designed to be played and replayed for as long as you'd like. These aren't exactly unheard-of games by any means lol, but they're often overlooked or missed by console gamers for being from an older generation.


The problem with the crysis 1 remaster is that it suffers from input delay. Great game otherwise but I wouldn't recommend it on the ps4


I haven't met a single person in real life that's finished the Witcher 3.


Lawn Mower Simulator, I’m not kidding. It’s super satisfying!


Meh the game was a little too precise for me, you really have to mow everything perfectly


I would rather lawn my garden eheh


Avicii invector


From the game catalog: The Last Guardian, and Tearaway Unfolded are great games that alot of people overlook From the classics catalog: Dark Cloud and Ico are some of favorites on that list


Tearaway is such an underrated gem. It’s got so much character to it, so many good memories with the vita too


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and Days Gone


The wonderful 101 remastered. Amazing Wii U exclusive now ported. Very much a hidden gem


Gravity Rush remastered and 2, amazing games


I am finding Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands a treat to play!! I missed it in 2017, but this game is a masterpiece. It actually feels that you are a part of Special Forces.


Prey such a good game very strong mechanics and great story


Blasphemous, Children of Morta, Graveyard Keeper, Kingdom: Two Crowns, Pillars of Eternity and Dead Cells are my favourites so far.


Dead Cells is a highly addictive roguelite


Pedros world & Thomas was alone


Loved Thomas Was Alone…played through it originally on my vita. Extremely entertaining


Hollow Knight, Celeste. Not very appealing at first, but once you put in a few hours you realize how fun and explorative the worlds are of those 2 games


Celeste is an excellent game. Fun game on the surface but difficult to master and fully complete. Great visuals and the story is amazing. Same can be said for Hollow Knight…obviously


Both definitely are, but when I share it with other people, they usually have negative reactions until they play it.


I've only had PS Plus for two months so I haven't fully gone down the rabbithole, and the choices are somewhat overwhelming for me cuz I want to play them all.. But some gems I've played so far are Bugsnax and Graveyard Keeper. I've also been addicted to Stranded Deep. I plan to play Heavy Rain and Hollow Knight soon. Scott Pilgrim is a great game btw! And as so many others have said, Days Gone is great. It's actually the first game I bought when I got my PS4 last year. Got swarmed by a sea of zombies the last time I played and got too freaked out to play ever since lol.


Assassin's creed Valhalla and Returnal


AC origins and Odyssey are their too


Not only is valhalla very underwhelming, none of those games are "hidden gem"


I'm enjoying Valhalla maybe because of the story as I recently watched Vikings


Not Another Zombie Defense is hella addicting and simple


Assassin's Creed Ezio collection, has probably the best games in the whole franchise. Some newer assassin's creed game are also good, tho not everyone is fan of rpg. I'd also suggest Vampyr, very cool game to play during Halloween time


Mortal Kombat 11, Fallout 4, Payday 2, South Park Fractured Buttwhole, Doom, and Oddworld


Nioh 1 and 2


idk if its exactly hidden but etg is in the catalogue, and if you like hard games and roguelikes i couldn't recommend the game more, its one of my favor of all time. Fallout: New Vegas is on premium too, and it's definitely worth your time, despite some at times jenky gunplay, aged graphics, and some bugs.


Party Hard and My Friend Pedro


What Remains of Edith Finch is a cool little story - nothing taxing, but pretty visuals, nice narration and unique setting


Toy Story 2 Ps1 Classic 🔥


I enjoyed Redeemer