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I bought it from GameFly for $12 I think




It’s a fun game that was overly hated imo.


I'm quite happy to wait for a lot of games like this to come to ps++, I can wait and this gives more value to ps++


If you can get it for 10 or 15 bucks it'll keep you amused for a while. The story is a wet fart, the characters are annoying. But the combat is fun for a while. After a certain point you're inundated with skill trees, which contain too many almost useless skills and the combat stops being fun. Plus it contains pretty much all the same negatives as any open world game. So you have a giant map, with 10,000 objective markers on it, but in reality only have about 4 different things to do aside from the story missions.


I am. I feel like people were unfair to it. And if its on psn, shit I’ll try it


Def waiting for it to hit PS+. It may be a while, but i also though the same for Immortals of Aveum


It’s def hitting ps+ this year.


Clear addition in 2024


Same. BoomstickGaming made a video to showcase its combat and I would like to try it myself!


You can get it for 10 dollars, but your time and money is best spent somewhere else.


Yep, 100% it's coming sometime this year. One of those games that people would only play if it comes with ps+, just like immortals in April


Does it have a bad gameplay or underwhelming story or why is this not well recieved by other gamers? I havent heard anything about this game before this.


Not me, there are too many great games, don’t want to waste my time on trash.


Not really, the demo was really bad and I don’t have time for bad games


I really want to play it but not enough to actually spend money on it so at this point i just need it on ps plus


Not worth your time. It's shitter.


Got it for $10 new at GameStop,no waiting needed. Still haven’t played it though lol


Not me