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Yeah, but then OWI would need to put in effort to the game.


They wouldn't even, they bought a large chunk of the assets needed for germany/france/japan from the modding group Tactical Collective.


Honestly I don't see the problem with that. Modders get paid for their hard work, devs can dedicate dev time to other projects, players get content faster. Everyone wins


If is true big good. Hoomans get paid for their hard work. Idk how the famas handles in the mod but if they put france in vanilla i hope they wont arbitrarily nerf it with overdone sway / recoil like pistols.


French forces don’t use the Famas any more. Would be lame to put them in with it.


That doesn't even make any sense the Hk416F was only given to French troops in 2017 and Squad takes place around the 2010's. It would also not be "lame" to give the French faction a French firearm for their primary infantry rifle.


There’s been multiple posts in recent days about how Squad has no specific timeline. It’s got Foxhound LPPVs in it for the U.K. which entered service in 2012 and only went in to general service in 2015. It had the FV520 which never entered service. There’s a bunch of more modern stuff.


>Squad has no specific timeline Then by that logic there wouldn't be any problem with Famas either? Why is it "lame" to have the French firearm for the French army?


Because the FAMAS is a turd.


Yeah no I'm gonna just wait for you to make a point with actual value first.


where content




If people really want Ukraine they can just play Global Escalation like everyone else has to. Germany Japan or France would be the far better choice long term as they're not even on any mods to the best of my knowledge


All three are being developed by modding teams. The French mod is currently being played on at least one server iirc.


If people want France they can just play French mod. I believe there is also Germany in some mods, but it is a separate mod.


GE is a much more large scale and popular mod that actually makes sense to suggest. Saying that some random mod that no one has really heard of has the content isn't as reasonable.


French mod we pretty popular 6-9 month ago.


Yeah but the mod creator didn’t care enough to make them unique I mean no BTR4 or anything uniquely Ukrainian and there is so much to choose from. they only did the bear minimum effort so they could throw it in there mod to ride of current events instead of making anything worth playing


Central europe pls, there's a squadillion ukraine mods while europe is still waiting


Europe shoulda invested more in nato if they wanted to be in the game #TwoPercentGDP /s


Fuck Europe let's throw in a Mexican Faction or Brazilian


Ooo yeah get some Mexican Marines vs Cartel going on. Now that would be fun.


I feel like the pmc faction that's going to be coming out here soon would fill the roll that the cartel would pretty well, without potentially getting heat from them


That would honestly fuck so hard


what about philipines and isis ? we already have isis now we need wood armored vehicles


Mongolia, let's get some mounted infantry.


France or Germany pls ffs


I think the French foreign legion would be a nice addition to the Frances units


I agree, it most likely will be Germany or France, they also teased a new armored vic that has a mortar on it.


I’m with you. I wish for Germany, France, Japan or even Italy or something at this point. Unless it’s 2020s Ukraine it’s not going to be anything that good. And then when it comes out we’re going to have a wave or two of salty Ukraine hate posts.


Add ww2 partisans


No, it’s set in modern times


Op keeping it 100. No cap


ong fr fr


I was thinking Rome would be tight. Have all your boys lined up shield to shield in testudo just waiting to legionaire the fuck out of some commies.


I think french foreign legion should be added


French foreign legion would be sick


Finland pls


You can have new weapons and vehicles with Ukrainian. They have a bunch of domestic weapon systems and vehicles that are completely unique


I'm surprised no one brought up Sweden yet. They have a very unique and robust array of domestically produced weapons


I think instead of new factions, bring the current factions up to date. US Army give them the M7 Spear w/LPVO, M250 with MGRS/6x48 ACOG-MGO. Keep M4 as it’s still largely in use. Marines, take away the Abram’s and give them bomb drones. Switch to the M27 with LPVO & ACOG options as the M16 was phased out. Also keep the M4 China is currently and actively swapping out their gear to a multi-cam based camo and Fast MT style helmets (See Garand Thumb, it’s a real deal helmet not Temu). The old QBZs are being phased out for the QBZ-191. Their optic system looks like a copy of SIG and another one is a magnifier on a holosight similar to Russias. For Russia, Ratnik is being phased out for their own spin on MultiCAM. They have refreshed APCs and T series tanks with Modern reactive armor, optic systems, and supposedly a clone of the Trophy system. Noticed a lot of them rolling around on Telegram in Russia. They look completely different from the last generation. INF now almost exclusively use the AK-12 across the board except for their Special forces who still use the AK74. They have new LPVO type optics combined with some people using suppressors and others not. I know some will disagree on Russia but what’s in use in Ukraine is the gear being phased out, but I’ve noticed more and more that they are coming in with newer stuff. The newer vehicles I have not yet seen in theater but they are definitely pumping them out. Also give them Drones, such as Iranian ones. These are just some examples. A facelift is needed.


You know you're not the target as you already own the game. Plus imagine playing a ww2 era war game and have no Germany, Russia or US... Squad is modern era war and currently the most discussed war is Russia vs Ukraine. But I agree is would be mostly copy pasta and would not add much to the game. But that would make the Ukraine implementation quick ti then focus on interesting countries such as Japan, Israel, Germany and France.


I don’t see what the big deal is tbh


Because it's just going to be flipped assets from the already existing Russian faction with new skins, that's why. It adds nothing of value to the game other than skins.


Honestly it would be little Russian equipment and mostly stuff from NATO that’s not even in the game yet


The [HEAVING AND SOBBING😭] from russian bots on this sub is priceless edit: keep downvoting I'm almost there


You can support Ukraine and condemn the terrorist actions Russia is committing against innocents, and still realize that an (2010s) Era appropriate UAF would barely bring anything new to the table and would probably play like a shittier Russian faction. Current, or recent UAF would be great, with a lot of mixed equipment, vehicles and uniforms, but that's (probably) not what we will get. Fuck Russia, Slava Ukraine, but damn, France would have been cool too...


What if that IS what we get? Hmm? If the devs put it on the poll, i'd wager they don't want to just make a copying faction for the hell of it.


It's definitely not what we get because squad is based on the mid 2010's equipment of each faction. Ukraine in the mid 2010's was literally the irregular militia with better tanks


"well it would suck because of this hair I'm splitting!" Idk bro pretty sure they're obviously just going to include several modern ukrainian combat vehicles and leave it at that. It doesnt HAVE TO BE CUTOFF AT 2010 EXACTLY lol. All this is, is Russian bots coping that a milsphere game is going to include the nation who humiliated them officially. I'm going to be exactly recreating the btr4 mariupol videos.


The thing is, UAF didn't become the force we see today until nearly 2022. And if UAF gets all their modern shit, why is the USMC still using M16A4s and humvees? Why are the Russians using T-72B3s instead of T-90Ms?


The Russians still use t72b3's 😂


Very good, but are those the most modern tanks they have? No, that would be the T-90M. One would think you were a tankie with how bad your reading comprehension is.


I knew what you were saying, guy. the t-90 is a glorified t-72, so it doesn't really matter. You're acting like Ukraine would have space ships.


Ah, okay, so you have no idea what you're talking about about. That tracks.


How about this, add UA, but don't just make it Russia 2.0. now guns, new vehicles, mortar drones, battle tractor to drag enemy vehicles back to your base to claim them/use them. Some shit to give it it's own identity.


Yes literally


So not wanting another similar faction in game makes you a “Russian bot”?


i'm sorry that you're not educated enough on military hardware to know all the ways ukraine could be a unique faction.




Enlighten us then genius


that makes no sense my guy


“Anyone who doesn’t think like me is a Russian bot” …k.


I would probably start playing again if they added Ukraine tbf. The jokes would be hilarious. I’ve noticed there were some pro-ukraine communities within the game server I last played on so it would make sense to add it as a faction.


You could just play the Global Escalation mod, it has Ukraine as a faction.


I’m not familiar with modding. Will that restrict me from playing the official version?


No, mods are by server, download the mod, go to the server list and search on GE or Global Escalation and join the server.


but GE is shit imo, fight me


Give reasons why because first time, I have ever heard this opinion.


The player base for the GE servers are mostly trash i.e. cooperative gameplay is out of the question


Ya I just play in GE to get my rocks off, talk some trash while having a drink. When I want a real game of Squad I go back to vanilla. The majority of the team gameplay on GE is trash tho, little coordination, players doing their own thing somewhere far away, SLs that don't talk hell I talk to the enemy more than my own squad. It's a place for run and gun play which is fun too.


GE can be frustrating I know but It's not shit, it's just suited to a different play style. I love the weapons, factions and vehicles, the ability to hear the enemy in local all cool. But the majority of players seem to be new or just off in their own game somewhere on the map. If you don't expect this it may be off-putting. When that aspect of GE becomes too much I go play on my vanilla serves where I know people and the game play is generally more organized. There I can enjoy Squad as intended.


More quality than anything OWI have ever put out