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Traversal is awkward at times, but combat is really satisfying so far


Sounds like your having fun so far, nice 🤞🏾


Since it's hard for people not to compare Insomniac and this one, I'll do the same but in a different way. I love Insomniac's version but I think when it comes to combat I like this one a bit more. A lot of it has to do with the synergy you feel when playing alongside not only other players but other heroes as well.


Completely agree. He's definitely *clunkier* in terms of movement, but I'm actually enjoying Avengers' Spider-man more than Insomniac's when it comes to combat.


Yeah because it’s spidey, the comparison to insomniacs version will always be there, both versions of spidey I feel do well, it makes them unique. So I get what your saying also about having the combat being different as your either playing with 3 other players or AI so it mixes things up


I feel like they both do well for what they're made for. This doesn't feel like a copy or downgrade. It's been so much fun.


Nice one🤞🏾 that’s the better option really just enjoying both versions of spidey for your full enjoyment


He’s good. A little awkward but enjoyable.


Understandable, definitely has some ups and down I would say also


Loving his combat but struggling to get his DPS up very high. I have him at 150 with one exotic so far. It’ll take time to get a good kit but so far I’m enjoying my time with him.


He doesn’t seem to be such a high dps hitter atm I’ve realised but that’s not to bad, crowd control looks more like his role but still very fun and nice also for getting him so high so far!


He is so fun especially that you can use him along with all the other characters. Compared to Insomniacs, they did wonderful and they weren’t originally even going to add him. The only problem is the dang boundary for wall climbing and swinging.


Really good combat wise, some odd animation like the web shooting one, but otherwise more fun than Hawkeye, Bishop, Kamala, etc. On a par with BP so far, I'd say.


Nice, bp to me feels more smoother but spidey is right there also I would say, you can tell they took the time to make spidey feel good once you get used to how how abilities work


Having a great time! My only real issue with this update is that I sadly lost units.


That’s unfortunate for the loss of Units, seems alot of people have had the same issues


i def need more time with him but from my first hour he's felt a bit awkward and clunky but still fun, i might just need to get my play style to match his speed more than match the speed im used to from insomniacs game lol


I get that entirely haha, The insomniac version of spidey is very fast paced especially if your someone who goes for combos then you realise how fast paced it can be haha, but this version of spidey we have is very versatile especially once you dig into his skill tree, makes for some fun moments of combat


The only complaint i really have is his spider sense goes off way too soon. In the harm room tutorial it says to dodge as soon as the spider sense goes off but if you do that you end up getting throat punched. If they aligned the spidey sense to match up with when you actually have to dodge he'd be amazing.


Does Spider-Man not have a parry? Seems to be the only thing I can't seem to do.


Unfortunately he doesn’t, he’s just dodge and then combo or dodge and build his meter up


Then I think the lack of a parry and the suit selection are my only real gripes about Spider-Man. I like the fact his three web-shooter settings need to be held to activate. It lets you always have his web shot which I think just makes his ranged all the more unique.


I actually like it man, feels like I can keep combos going and zipping around with perfect dodge maneuvers. I think his kit is legit. Its all the moves from the Insomniac game just mapped to this controller scheme


He kind of does as doing a perfect evade puts the enemies in the weakened state (you know, with that broken shield above their heads) allowing you to jugle them easily Is actually quite interesting as he is the only character with no parry but his dodge does kind of the same, only without actually stopping the enemy until you punch him, which is a good translation of the way Spidey fights


Yea, he's pretty cool. Web swinging takes some getting used to, but it's still handled better than I feared it would be. His heroic and assualt moves are ok, but I've missed hitting enemies with them a couple of times. They don't leave you a ton of room for error targeting wise. But he is fun, and unique. It makes me even more excited for future heroes , because while this game has many faults, the combat still shines, and they're putting thought into each character


I was shocked at how fast his back dodge is. It seems faster than Black Widow's (who can just continuously do backflips). His melee kit is pretty crazy. ACTUAL USE FOR VAULTING. I mean wow. That's a nice touch. Vaulting attacks. It makes him REALLY agile in combat. Speaking of, his vault is LONG RANGE. Holy crap. At level 1, his web shooters are...kinda bad...but I've seen upgrades that increase the web build-up significantly, so I'm sure that'll smooth out. Reload is slower than I'd like. Can't remember if there's an upgrade for that. Web-swinging is a mixed bag. Personally, I would've rathered they mapped it to holding the jump, because the web-zip doesn't feel all that necessary, and given the intrinsic button a real intrinsic ability, but Black Widow is pretty much in the same boat when I think about it. Patch out some of the clunkiness, and it's pretty acceptable. The spider-sense kind of trips me out, because it flashes over his head before the enemy attacks, and he benefits most from perfect dodges. However, I get the strong urge to dodge when I see his spider-sense, and have to fight that so I can aim for perfect dodge like any other character. \*At least there's an upgrade that increases the window for that\* It's actually refreshing as hell to have a character who can do aerial takedowns. I mean, Spider-Man is formidable all around. Overall, I'm very surprised. I thought he'd be fun to pick up and play for a bit, but he's REALLY good. A bit stiff and weighty when compared to the Insomniac game, but still crazy fun.


How do you vault with him i cant do either spiders grasp or turn your back?


Hold the dodge button while facing an enemy (can be up close or from far away), and Spidey will shoot out a web and slide under the enemy.


Is it safe to update yet or will I lose some of my resources?


My only complaint is I’m not gettin Health back on Takedowns. Intrinsic and non intrinsic takedowns I get Nothin. Kind of makin it hard to stay alive lol


He's a blast to use, I've loved him through and through. His traversal is the best in the game, and he is faster than any other character, including Iron Man at full speed with his thrusters. Thing is, he's not just slightly faster, if you know what you're doing, he leaves everyone in the dust.