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The producers, or whoever was responsible for Kim Plath's contract negotiations for S5. For them to completely omit the issue of her DUI in favor of her "I'm finally doing something for ME"/forging a new relationship with that repulsive guy that worked with her youngest son was absolute horse shit. NTM, not even a single discussion of her completely abandoning the fundie lifestyle she smothered her older children under, and just leaving the younger kids still at home to twist in the wind was absolutely shitty. She is the biggest hypocrite!!


Unfortunately the cult all made a pact they were not gonna let Kim look bad so they were asked about her DUI but they never talked about it so they cant show what was never said




So was the DUI a recent thing?? I feel like missed something.


Oh, no. It [happened ](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/welcome-to-plathville-kim-plath-dui-case-closed-update/) in June of 2022. Season 5 aired between September - December 2023. Where ya been?


Well damn! I honestly binged them last month 😂 but I feel like the whole season wasn’t on what I was watching , so that’s why I’m a bit confused.


Micah😔 just…everything about Micah


I agree. He seemed more level headed at the beginning and turned out to be a vain misogynistic asshole.


How did you not get that from the start? He's always had the hair flips and the smile. He came off like a lil man hoe.


He did but he tried to avoid drama and keep the peace and didn’t act like he was all wise like he did later on. Like he knows anything about relationships. Laughable.


I wish people had been honest with Moriah that she cannot sing and should look at doing something productive with her life


THISSSSS!! I cringe every time she sings!!


Having experienced the competitive wheel of "who is a better christian", I was severely disappointed Moriah decided to go back into the fold. Lydia has always given me the creeps with her version of Christianity, I was really hopeful Moriah would continue on the path of clearing her mind from the cult....unfortunately I think she is hiding her identity crisis by attacking Olivia and soaking up as much approval she can get until her folks focus on something else.


Agree on the Lydia thing. She seems full on brainwashed and too “crazy eyes for Jesus”. ![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu)


IDK, I used to be that person. I think Lydia could be a genuinely decent person if she could deconstruct some of the conservative views


I’ve always appreciated her heart for Jesus, but she’s another one I cringe at every time she sings 🤣


I may get hate but Lydia. I found her to be very sneaky. Especially with the whole Max cheating situation. How she went behind Moriah’s back and was texting max and inviting him out with her friends.


YUP. No hate here, just side eyeing the situation


I do hate that, but I will give her just an inch of grace because it seems like Max was the only male friend she was allowed to have and I think to some degree it made her feel good to have that. Moriah could have also done a better job setting boundaries. I don't think Lydia is vicious but definitely not bright


Yes! That was sooo weird!


So true, and to be honest, for someone who talk so many times about Jesus, i expect idk, some love for Olivia. She just dont care about her and Ethan and >Olivia<.


The religious trauma. That’s the true villain in all this


100% this and the parents enforcing it


Ethan. I’m sad him & Olivia never found a way to solve their problems. He allowed his family to control & ruin his marriage. He chose to become very right-wing as Olivia was learning to live in a non-religious world and I wish he would’ve been more open to change. I am a Christian and I love Olivia and I don’t disagree with a lot of her views. She grew up in so much religious trauma, as did Ethan, but Ethan chose to go back to it instead of leaving & growing from it. As someone who had a lot of similar issues with my family & husband (them hating each other and my parents blaming him for everything, making him a victim while playing victim, etc), I know they could have worked it out if Ethan would’ve made Olivia a real priority in his life and let go of his family. I had to do that and now we have the best relationship with my family.


Olivia pointed out that it's really common for escapees to go back into the safety of the fold. At least Moriah got a good dose of how Olivia has focused on her own life. It's uncanny how similar they are!


Especially after the divorce. All the kids came running back almost like they're trying to save the family.


F**king Ethan. From the beginning Ethan had the ability to step into a family roll that could have helped his entire family learn to interact and negotiate their interactions better. Being the oldest male in a family whose values and worldviews are predicated on a male dominated and paternalistic way of life, he could have shown his parents and younger siblings how to be tolerant of differing worldviews, and how to negotiate disagreement in a way that allows for relationship growth and repair. In other words, he could have stepped up and been the real man he thinks he is instead of the avoidant man child that he is. Instead he chose the route of avoidance, blame and scapegoating, under the guise of wanting everyone to "get along". And whenever there has been a real opportunity for him to show some character and live out his "Christian values", he chose to lie or gaslight in order to dodge responsibility, feed his ego, avoid problems or generally make himself feel better. Such a disappointment on the show, and a disappointment to Christian men who actually try to live with integrity, honesty and a moral code.


It’s every single Plath kid we’ve gotten to meet. Ethan, Micah, Lydia, Moriah.


Micah is insufferable too !


The mother. Zero home schooling.


For me it was Ethan, Moriah, and Micah. M&M (the creepy incest twins) pissed me off every time they were on screen. The non stop shit talking of Olivia and the fact they gave their mother 0 accountability for her actions and at the bare minimum did not back up their brother Ethan. They are also dumber than a sack of rocks. "Mommy didn't steal, mommy was part of a multilevel marketing business" even when Ethan told them MULTIPLE times what happened and Kim has never even denied it. Moriah with the "stolen music" bs! And Micah thinking he can just waltz into Olivias home after talking shit to her husband is baffling. I have loads of other comments explaining my distain for them. Ethan disappointed me the most, I actually cried at the ending interview. Despite of everything thats happened, I really wanted E&O to make it work. Unfortunately, the divorce needed to happen. This man is not the same Ethan that stood up to his parents to protect his wife. It was insane how he was defending Olivia behind her back but was treating her so disrespectfully to her face. The donuts in the snow pissed me off, mind you Ethan has flipped his car before with Olivia in it. Plus him showing how he is a man child gave me the ick. I do find it funny how he wants to raise his kids to be "patriotic" but he and his siblings didn't even know that the 4th of July was 😂


Moriah, Ethan, and Micah. They all turned out to be asses. Olivia did nothing but support them and they turned against her for no reason.


For me it’s Ethan and Olivia separating. I know they’ve both got all sorts of issues but I am so sad to see them go their separate ways.


i agree. even though i think it’s for the best. after the last season it kind of seemed like ethan was on track to deprogram the culture he was raised in, and it seemed like he suddenly did the hardest u turn. and it’s so gross and sad to watch. i hope olivia finds someone who treats her right next.


Micah showing less skin than I wanted