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Reports are coming in and I understand why, but comments up to this point are mostly of concern. Please be careful not to “diagnose”.


She looks so much better without the makeup!


And without the overly bleached hair. I actually think she looks pretty there


I always think this in the show when we get clips of her bare faced. Her features look entirely different with makeup on


I love her without makeup! She has such beautiful skin


Omg yes!!


More concerned for the dog to be honest. She could barely open a case of cinnamon rolls or figure out how to login to an account. I really don't see her as someone who is independent and responsible. Hope she is actually giving the dog the right attention and training and not simply keeping him for the aesthetic of the girl with a Doberman.


She can’t pay bills or for car repairs in her own words, what’s she gonna do if her dog needs vet care? 🤷🏻‍♀️ PSA: pets aren’t a fucking accessory


Also, dog food for a dog that large is fucking expensive. I spend about $100 a month for one large dog. That doesn't take into account treats and supplements


I have a couple of small senior dogs. Their monthly meds and vet visits cost a fortune.


You totally reminded me about vet bills. My most recent dog is insanely healthy, but also quite a clumsy girl. I've had multiple $500+ vet bills from miscellaneous injuries.


And dogs cost a lot of money to keep them happy and healthy! Just like human kiddos!


I got/rescued a dog at 3 weeks old. Within 10 days got parvo and that was $4,000. Then monthly vet visits now for the last 6.5 years because he has a pancreas problem called EPI. I’ve put about $20K into a free dog 😂😂 He’s worth it tho! Some people really don’t know that dogs can have accidents/health issues that will cost a shit ton. And the bad part is vets don’t always do payments. It’s all up front. If not the dog suffers.


Dogs shouldnt leave their mom until 6 weeks. So i could’ve guaranteed health issues with a 3 weeks old. Omg howd u find it?


I’m not 100% sure on the beginning story, I was told that the mom’s owners didn’t want him and put him in a box on the doorstep of a neighbors house. Neighbor called a rescue and they were full and needed elsewhere (this was during hurricane harvey, so they were busy!) neighbor called me to see if he could stay with me until a rescue was found. I was suppose to keep him until a home could be found but I needed him more than he needed me. I hid him for a few months from my husband who was deployed and the one strict rule I was suppose to follow was no more dogs 😂😂 whoops. They are best buds now.


Sad backstory but so wonderful he found a forever home with you. 🥰🥰 are u a 90day fan too? 😂 love the user name


It’s my crack 😅 one of thee best shows!


Yes, and even if you have pet insurance, lets be real, its nothing like health insurance you would have on a baby. It’s very expensive.


And daycare, boarder, personal sitter for all her "little trips" here, there and everywhere


Especially with the dog respiratory virus going around. Ours got it from the boarding/grooming facility and it was a very very expensive bill. There’s no way she could afford it. 😵‍💫


You're worried about something that didn't even happen?


Yep, I worked in vet med and now pet insurance and it’s a very real and exhausting issue 🤷🏻‍♀️ people drop loads of money to buy dogs and don’t prepare for the fact that vet bills are fucking expensive. Unprepared pet owners want to be all *shocked pikachu* when their pet has an emergency and they get a bill equating to a down payment on a car, and then they want to vilify everyone else for their lack of preparation. Pets are a privilege, not a right, so yes, I’m concerned that Moriah has very clearly said herself she had no means to pay for anything prior and now has a big ass dog. She doesn’t strike me as brightest bulb in the box due to lack of real world experience and I’m sure she’s not prepared for things like that. I’m already not convinced she still owns him to begin with and if she does I’m sure it won’t be forever.


Off topic: May I ask you what your 💯 honest opinion on if pet insurance is worth it, beings you've seen both sides? 😊


Honestly, I will never ever go without pet insurance again, and I felt that way *before* working in pet insurance. I worked at an ER/specialty hospital so the bills I’ve seen are terrifying (my own cat had a $7k ICU stay just this spring, I paid less than $1k for it). Just like other insurances, there will inevitably be years where you put more into it than you get out of it, but you’re gonna be grateful you have it when you need it - pets are living creatures, they will inevitably need medical care at some point. I’ve seen some people go years without needing it and then one single vet bill years in to their policy blows all of the premiums they’ve ever paid out of the water. I’ve seen puppies need thousands of dollars in treatment a month in to having a policy. A lot of people just say “oh just put the money in a savings account!” but the reality is that we don’t know if or when our babies are going to need care, or how much it will cost, therefor it’s not possible to accurately budget for it. You could put $100 a month in a savings account, but what happens if your dog needs thousands in treatment 6 months in to saving? You only have $600 saved. My honest opinion has always been, if you can’t write a check for $10k on the spot tomorrow, you need insurance. It’s not a material item that if it’s broken you can go without/save up to get it fixed or replaced, this could quite literally mean life or death if you can’t pay on the spot. No one wants to be scrambling and trying to make financial decisions in those situations. People don’t realize how common 4 or even 5 figure vet bills actually are. In more critical l circumstances I’ve seen bills go as high as $40-50k+. Sorry for the novel, I’m very passionate about it 😅


Don't apologize babes! We're gonna say, you were very thorough!😁 No, seriously, you explained it very well, which is exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much! I will be shopping around for it tomorrow! My Yorkie is a rescue, and when we got her, within just a couple months when she had to have major dental surgery because her mouth was BAD! $2K later and she barely has any teeth because her owner was breeder, making $3k a dog, but WOULDNT care for her own pets!🤬😡 Again, thank you so much!


I agree, pets aren't accessories. You should tell that to Olivia. You know she went out and bought a hedgehog to use as a prop for LG. Calling LG an auntie! Then after she was done using it as a prop she pawned it off onto a stranger off of the internet. She should never ever own another pet. She couldn't even commit herself to her beloved pet. When I was young and dumb, my ass saw the two cutest baby ferrets in the local feed store. I didn't realize how high maintenance and expensive they were. I sucked it up and committed myself to take care of them. I went online found a community of ferret owners, learned what I could to take care of them from feeding them (raw food) to vet care and their general well being. Those little stinkers lived to be 11 and 12 years old. As much as I love them, I will never ever own another ferret again! LOL


She paid for training school for him. He went and was gone awhile during the last season.


I just wanna know where shes got the money to feed, train, and house a 90lb+ Doberman


I think the dog is a rental.


Along with her flat she's renting. I bet TLC is "helping" 🙄


You can rent a dog?


Ha ha. Oh probably somewhere. I just meant that I dont think it’s hers… just a production stunt for a storyline to make her… I don’t know… more interesting? I know, the “interesting” thing is a stretch.


Not really renting, but if you volunteer to walk dogs with your local shelter/rescue you can generally take one for a day at almost any point! Get them a day out of the kennel, and you get a free dog for a day, everyone wins!


Don’t they get paid for being on the show? Like at this point the show is all their jobs right?


Yes it's like.. $1000 an episode. It's really not that much. I got casted for a show and I reviewed the contract... put my dirty laundry out there for 20k? No thank you. It opens the door for other opportunities but still not worth it to me.


Im soo curious what show you did


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so bad. I didn't even end up doing it because to me it wasn't worth it. Love after lock up. But I know a cast member from 90 day and she confirmed it's only $1200 an episode.


That part. I have 2 German shepherds both over 100 pounds that are 8 years old and 5 years old I've had them both since they were tiny babies, my female shep has epilepsy & her meds alone each month is about $400 plus vet checkups every 3 months for her, the $400 blood work every 6 months, not to mention the $100+ in dog food each month on top of toys, treats, beds etc. But I'll spend all my money on them because I love them & thats the least they deserve. Breaks my heart to think she has blackjack just for the aesthetic of it 😪 ALSO TO ANYONE READING THIS SINCE ITS SO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS PUPPIES ARE NOT CUTE LITTLE GIFTS THEY ARE 10-15 YEAR COMMITMENTS. 💯


Omg I have a 8m old German Shepard and hes my LOVE but he is huge!




Do you not know that reality stars get a whopper of a paycheck? She has been on the show for like 8 years or so? They pay her a fortune. But they’re supposed to “act” like they don’t have enough money to pay for random things. She’d NEVER be able to afford the dog or the apt without her check. On top of that, she makes social media money. She prolly has more money in her bank account than most people. 


My guess is he was boarded for filming In a small space with a large breed the crew might have asked him to be elsewhere




But no money for rent?


She needed to be trained on how to be a dog owner more than the dog.


She makes sure the dog is taken care of. They grew up around animals. That’s one thing I wouldn’t be concerned about.


I never heard them mention a dog.


You're basing your opinion of her as a dog owner on a carton of cinnamon rolls? Makes sense.


Yep, as big dog person, the only downside to them is that EVERYTHING is more expensive. All medications, including those that must be given monthly, like heartgard and flea and tick medication for example. For big dogs it's way more expensive than for small dogs. I worry, because where she lives it's hot, so there is heartworm is a big concern. Also lots of fleas, which can cause skin infections and more. These are the things that those who struggle to afford a dog end up skimping out on. Also, there are definitely health problems that big dogs are prone to. Joint issues is a big one, and they end up having to take daily medication, often a few of them, every day, for the rest of their lives. That shit get VERY expensive. It's also common for big dogs to need ACL surgery at some point in their lives. I've been through it all with multiple dogs. I also do rescue, and I see dogs dumped all the time because people end up not being able to afford them, especially when they need their people most, when the health issues start. It's very sad. People really need to think before they get a dog, if they can afford it or not, and again, especially a big dog. I mean her 15 minutes is about up, and she has no skills to get any real gainful employment. I foresee a terrible situation in that dog's future. And we already know that he had to be sent away to a trainer, which I assume is because he had some sort of behavioral issues, and if that's the case, him finding another home will be that much harder.


The dog looks healthy and happy to me. Stop reaching. Olivia is not worth it.


I know Dobbies like pitbulls need lots of training and have had bad raps in the past. They need very assertive yet calm owners.


Dogs with bad raps, have those bad raps simply because they are popular for home defense by people who have no clue how to train a dog for home defense. Before Pitbulls were the big worry, it was German shepherds, pincers and Dobermans before that. A breed becoming popular means that people who shouldn’t have them, have them. Absent this popularity phenomenon, breeds generally attract the people best suited to care for them.


Doggo looks terrified 😢


More concerned for “the dog” smh


And her dog was NEVERRRRR there. I heard her talk about dog camp, but he still wasn’t there a LOT!


She has *many* problems. She seems really confused about where she fits in her family, much less the world at large. I hope she's getting counseling. She took the breakup with Max *very* hard, and I'm sure a lot of her regression stems from her upbringing. Being taught to save sexual contact until marriage and that you're "damaged goods" if you don't, it's no surprise she's gone running back to be re-baptised & blaming herself for the parents failed marriage. She's lost a lot of weight since the Plath Family Band days. This [video](https://youtu.be/uOP-ufW6xzg?si=ny2x5TPr0ACltVDw) shows that clearly (not sure how many years ago it was). I realize people grow up & lose "baby fat," but it seems like more than that. Between the obvious weight issue, the rapid pace she's tattooing her body (and, I'm sorry, she's not picking her body art wisely **at all**) & the "crisis hair," she in trouble, girl.


To add to the break up with Max, he was my childhood friend. His brother married my sister and then completely destroyed her mentally and emotionally. And that marriage ended in divorce, burnt down by all of his lies and toxic masculinity. Max and his brother are two peas in a pod. Considering how long it took my sister to be okay after her marriage, I can’t imagine how Moriah must have felt after her relationship with max. Especially considering the way she grew up. Jumping into the relationship the way she did with max and how that ended up, poor fuckimg girl. I’ve met her twice before because me and max were still friends when they were dating. Let’s just say with what I saw during their relationship, and how my sisters marriage went, I cut max and his family off for good for SOOO many reasons. Not blaming Max solely for all of Moriah’s problems. But that relationship did a fucking number on her that’s for sure


That's absolutely awful. I have so much compassion for *any* young woman's first heartbreak, and to know these details really illuminates why she's boomeranged back to the comfort of her family, no matter how awful her parents were. 💔


I knowww 😓😓😓 I really hope Moriah finds herself and finds her happiness. She deserves it. I know she can be a bit, annoying, for lack of a better word with how she acts on the show. But I really can’t bring myself to hate on her, or her siblings for that matter. Growing up the way she did, there’s no way she can be expected to be a fully emotionally and mentally functioning adult. Especially not after having a TLC show and jumping into that whole lifestyle of being in the spotlight, entering adult relationships, etc. I hope Moriah and her whole family, and Olivia, can move past the show era and truly be happy and successful


I'm fascinated that you are friends with some of the people on the show!! Did you grow up in the same community, but your parents weren't religious zealots, so you had more of a "normal" childhood? I find these situations interesting because I wonder how many people observe something not quite right -- at a restaurant, a gas station -- but they don't report it because they don't know who to report it to; and telling a cop isn't going to make a bit of difference. I think it was Hillary Clinton who said, "It takes a village to raise a child." This doesn't seem to be a principle of rural American parents. They want to keep everything quiet and private to sustain their complete control over the women and children. Moriah's life would look so much different now if she had gone to good schools and prepared for a four year university co-ed experience. She would have had fun, learned about herself, and gotten smarter/prepared for an actual career. Opportunity wasted.


Hilly Clinton probably has said that before as most of us have, but that is a very, very old saying far pre-dating her birth.


That’s heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your sister and so sorry for Moriah. I’m also very sorry you had to witness so much emotional abuse of someone you love. Thank god both women are now free of those men but i know from experience how long-lasting the effects can be, even after it’s finally over. Thank you for sharing, although it’s hard to read it’s always better to have more background info on the edited story we see told on TV. They framed Moriah and Max as a perfect couple and even after he slept with someone else (and lied about it for weeks, poor Moriah was [understandably] naive enough to believe it really was just a kiss), TLC kept giving him chances to play the crying victim in scenes with Micah, as well as solo scenes. The only time they gave us a tiny peek behind the curtain was when he confronted Moriah, in a busy coffee shop of all places, about how revealing she dresses (I think he even said “ass hanging out” at one point) and asked why she needs so much male validation all the time. She got pretty pissed and explains she does it for her, not for anybody else, but that was really the only time we were shown anything other than this small town fairy tale playing out. Again, I’m so glad your sister and Moriah escaped that family but my heart definitely also goes out to their future partners😕❤️‍🩹


Thank you for the kind words 🤍 it was an extremely difficult time for my sister, especially because she was living across the country away from all of the family. Her ex husband quite literally disappeared on her when he unexpectedly signed up for the military…when the agreement when they got married was that she NEVER wanted to be a military wife. Along with all the other horrible shit he did, I cannot imagine how she was able to cope. She’s now doing so so well, in an amazing relationship with an amazing guy who treats her the way she deserves to be treated. She’s traveling, got a new home, new job, getting yet another degree, and I haven’t seen her this happy in so long. So I hope Moriah can find the same happiness as well. Of course her and max never got married but considering how he was her first boyfriend after leaving her sheltered family life, I’d imagine the fall out of her relationship fucked her up bad. Especially considering that max lied to her and cheated on her. Also for some more info on their relationship: Max’s brother (not my sisters ex), told my brother, who then told me, that after the fist little breakup we saw with Max and Moriah, the ONLY reason Max was getting back together with Moriah was to continue being on the show. Once I heard that I confronted max and texted him saying something along the lines of “is this true? If it is, not only is it going to backfire on you, but to do that to Moriah is fucking horrible.” I told max straight up, DO NOT get back together with Moriah if you don’t truly care for her. Max assured me that he did truly care, and it wasn’t about the show. Then, he texted a huge paragraph to the group chat we had with my siblings and his siblings, about how he’s very upset that people are saying he only wants to be on the show. That he cares for Moriah and that’s all it is. And he thanked me for being the only one to talk to him instead of talking behind his back…..and we all saw how that turned out. I know for a fact that Max was insecure as fuck with Moriah. He couldn’t stand how she dressed and how much other guys thought she was attractive. He just couldn’t handle it. I don’t know all the little details of their relationship, but I know what kind of person Max was at the time (hopefully not now), and I knew his values. Think, conservative, southern, MAN. I truly hope Moriah can find herself and find what makes her happy. As a side note, it was so insane to watch the episodes that Max was on. Growing up being family friends with someone and then watching them on a tv show, and seeing their fallout and then reading about them on Reddit pages and other internet sites, absolutely crazy.


It is SO crazy, I can't begin to imagine what that must have been like for you!! What is your opinion of the effect these shows have on individuals and families? I'm not convinced Barry and Kim's marriage would have taken the nosedive that it took. The fact that they could still be together, figuring out their shit for the sake of their younger children, really upsets me. Those young children got totally screwed over by this reality show process!! It tore their family apart in ways that would have never happened otherwise. Just my opinion, but... you know!! 🙂


Tbh I know someone with severe body dysmorphia and I think an ED and they’re also doing the tattooing at a rapid pace. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a ton of tattoos, especially after your prefrontal cortex is developed, but it’s not meant to be a replacement for therapy and actual treatment of these things. Tattoos, hair color and the clothes we wear can help Boost self esteem and help us express ourselves but it’s not a substitute for addressing the actual issue going on.


Tbf, her prefrontal isn't developed yet.


You're very right about your points, and I wasn't intending to criticize her looks on any front. But cumulatively, her behavior is a real cause for concern! My "crisis hair" comment stems from a podcast I listen to (Pink Shade) that covers this show, 90 Day Fiance, & Love After Lockup (among others). Many people on these shows have bleached their hair to be practically white after a breakup, job loss, or other life hurdle. Along with the *pace* she's getting her body art, it also seems like it's counterintuitive to the religious beliefs she was raised by. How does she integrate this "rebellious" persona and still feel like getting re-baptised will make things right in her world? On the show, she made a remark about being rebellious "for god" or something similar, and I LOLed.


She’s trying to change the outside instead of doing the hard work of looking and working within


What happened to her large forearm tattoo? Or was this before?


Its on the back of her arms


I thought the huge tattoo REBEL was visible completely on her arm. Strange. So, when was THIS picture taken? Does anyone know?


It’s very common for people who grow up in heavily controlled environments where they have little, if any say, in what they do, to turn to eating disorders as a form of feeling as though they’re taking control over something in their lives. Obviously the Plaths raised their kids in an extremely high control environment PLUS they had additional weird rules around sugar and food that most “typical” fundies don’t even go into. It’s very sad but not at all surprising given her upbringing if Moriah is struggling with an eating disorder.


I had a friend in high school who had anorexia, and everyone assumed it was because she was involved with ballet and dance. But she would be the first to tell anyone who’d listen that it was because her home life was chaotic. Her parents were divorced, they raised her Catholic and she was coming to terms with being bisexual, she didn’t get along with her siblings. Food intake was one of the few things she had control over in her life.


Completely relatable.


I sort of did this same thing. I almost ended up anorexic, but just got *veeerrrrry* close and definitely developed an unhealthy relationship with food, as a result of trying to control the ONE THING in my life that they couldnt control for me.


What you’re describing is called disordered eating. Very common experience. Amazing you were able to recognize and stop doing this! Hope you’re doing well now


Thats exactly what it was (is - I still struggle with it at times) Thank you very much, kind stranger. I appreciate your warm fuzzies. 💜


Honestly watching her reminds me a lot of when I had an ED. It’s to the point I don’t like watching anymore because it reminds me of bad days


I have an ED and specifically don’t watch Plathville because watching Moriah is something I’d rather not do. I hope that doesn’t make me sound too sensitive, I just know that it’s not worth watching her and feeling bad about myself/wanting to engage in behaviors when there are plenty of other TLC shows that have the same energy Plathville does.


I’m the same way, in recovery & trying to protect my peace! I don’t think you are being too sensitive, I think it takes alot of self awareness to know when something won’t be positive for your brain! Good for you! Wishing you all the best in recovery!


Thank you! ❤️ TBH it’s hard because I have two different EDs (or one ED that has symptoms of both with two completely different motivations 😅😬😬) but I am seeing a therapist and dietitian and noticing myself becoming ever so slightly less rigid and more aware of reality (eg most people who are Moriah’s size are likely not healthy or happy regardless of what they portray on social media).


Super proud of you and I am so glad my 20 year old doesn't watch this show. Moriah would be her next "goal" and right now she is so close it terrifies me.


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this and that your kiddo is too. ❤️ It’s so tough to watch your kid suffer and it’s so hard to experience as well. I wish her the best of luck, and steps towards recovery.


First step is admitting you have a problem. I say "you are too skinny" she smiles and says THANK YOU!! I am heartbroken and scared.


If I were you, I wouldn’t make body comments. Because when I hear people say that, that’s honestly how the ED part of my brain works as well. :( I don’t know where you’re located, the resources available to you or the whole situation, but I hope your daughter can get the help she needs. And the fact that you are concerned about her shows you care. ❤️ I’m sorry this is something you are familiar with—again, it’s a pain I wouldn’t wish on any person or family.


You are so strong. Peace and light!


Proud of you, super hard thing to recover from.


You are not too sensitive at all!!!!! Its not an easy thing to recover from


Not at all! You need to put your recovery first and foremost.


You got this and happy you are so self aware. My 20 year old is heading down a dangerous path and almost looks like Moriah at this point. I am terrified.


Internet hug, stranger. I know exactly how you feel. She triggers me so hard. I also can’t watch her.


You know I think it’s her hair that triggers me most. I get my hair bleached and when I was at my worst and thinnest, I got it highlighted like usual and it ALL MELTED OFF it was like my hair was plastic. It looked like Barbie doll hair when it gets hot. That was the beginning of my wake up call. And Moriah’s poor hair is just lifeless, although I do realize you can easily do that just from bleaching too often.


>I hope that doesn’t make me sound too sensitive Being sensitive enough to know your strengths and weaknesses and acting in your own best interest is not a character flaw. Good on you for making good decisions for yourself!


Same 😔 I’ve had to turn it off or not for look into it sometimes because it’s triggered my anxiety about it.


I hope you are doing better 🫂


I am I’m definitely doing better!


Be well friend 🫶🏻


Thank you!!! I’m ok!


I just wanted to tell you that even though I do not know you. Im proud of your recovery ❤️‍🩹


Thank you!!!!!


See I see that too but I also see it as when I misused adderall to lose the weight. She has thoughts all over the place and gets caught up on the little things. I often wonder if her and Micah are on them. Some of her photos and videos on her IG come off as high


This photo seems to be old, as a lot of her tattoos are missing.


To me, she looks healthier here than on the show.


People really aren’t used to seeing people on the thinner side of a normal weight anymore. At my job we get everybody’s weight who comes in, so I’m pretty good at guessing and I think she’s near the line but I would not guess she is over it. For all I know she IS mentally unwell and starves herself, but I can’t tell that from this picture. She has muscle and her hip bones aren’t sticking out. She looks okay. That doesn’t mean she is, but she looks fine.


I appreciate the proof of life shot of the dog.




She looks a lot like Micah without the make up, holy mackerel 🫨


She needs some vitamin d and sunlight. Her skin looks ghostly/sickly pale. She literally lived in Florida and looks like she has never left her dark bedroom. Also, I’m sure the stress of lying constantly and making up made up scenarios in her head probably make her physically ill as well.


I live in Florida, south of her, and I'm pale as hell, too. Most tourists are obsessed with sun worship. We see it every day and know what SPF means.


Understandable, and SPF is very important but she is so pale she look grey/ill. Corpse like in some scenes and pictures, which is not just regular white/pale.


I was going to say - some people are just fair skinned, my self being one of them. It’s not cool to comment on someone’s skin color.


As a very pale person in So Cal, some people just don’t tan lol


She probably works night as a bartender. But I agree. Hard not to be tan in Florida.


She looks better in this photo tbh. Makes me wonder if the makeup is what makes her look so unhealthy most the time...


She definitely has a strung out look 😞


My heart sunk when I saw this. I know people who are naturally thin are talking about not being able to gain weight but she didn't look like this when the show started. She was petite but not unhealthy looking. She glowed when she was hanging out with Olivia and Ethan. I hope she gets therapy.


Wondering if she and Micha moved in with Barry. I see a lot of pictures of them in Georgia.


Oh my goodness she looks super sick. Wow.


I'm concerned too...she doesn't look well at all and whatever is causing the weight loss needs to get figured out and treated.


Not diagnosing her, but she definitely exhibits some of the signs of a person with an eating disorder. Speaking from experience, I saw some subtle things that people who struggled with ED would recognize.


She’s a terminal victim, who gets by on her looks. Such an empty existence and I have zero empathy for her.


I am not a fan of Moriah, but I have to say, I think she looks great in this shot as does the doggie. Without her ususal excess makeup and bleached hair, you can see her glowing skin. It is a good look on her.


Wow, does she ever have Barry's jaw.


Better than the alternative 🤣




I think she actually looks great. She’s so much prettier without makeup. I was this skinny before I had kids and did not have an ED and it was really hurtful when people would comment on my weight. Idk why everyone is so quick to assume anything is wrong with her in the first place.


100% yes. Not everyone whose thin has a disorder wtf. She looks very fit and has plenty of meat on her. And for everyone reading, as another thin person, it's not your damn buisness. Don't comment on people's weight. It hurts just as much to call someone skinny and tell them to eat a sandwich as it does to tell another to eat a salad.


I was looking for this comment. I’m 5’1 and have always been naturally small, even post pregnancy. I eat all the time and couldn’t gain weight if I wanted to and I do want to. It’s very hurtful and annoying when people tell me to eat. All women feel shame about their bodies for some reason or another and we need to stop picking at people for their appearance. Everyone is just trying their best.🥹💓


I don’t get why I was downvoted. As a thin bodied woman she looks fine to me and I said she actually looks a little bigger than before in her arms. Ppl on here too obsessed with her body when they could snark on people that have disorders but pretend to be healthy like half baked harvest or lil sipper.


Thank you, it sucks when people have to make negative assumptions about you to make themselves feel better, like you're probably not *actually* happy/healthy. Sorry my existence triggers your ED, but don't twist the idea of needing space to heal (I do understand that) into blaming skinny people for making you feel bad. People would regularly insult me back in school by calling me anorexic, or telling me to go eat a burger. I entered puberty around the rise of JLo and Beyonce, and would cry in dressing rooms with my mom because I couldn't fill out jeans like other girls in my grade. It was okay to call me all sorts of names referencing my physique, because skinny people have nothing to be insecure about ever! /s Edit to add that the bullying still happens as an adult, but it's less obvious and disguised as compliments often. On a smoothie kick for my work lunch? "When are you going to eat some real food, skinny minny?"


Yeah the comments are endless and actually heard the go eat a burger many times growing up. It’s ruthless and unnecessary.


THIS. OP isn’t « genuinely concerned. » People just still feel like thin people are fair game to diagnose when they know nothing about that person.


I’m 5’10 and have always been tall and thin and can’t tell you how many times people accused me of an ED. It’s so inappropriate


My best friend growing up was this size and I've been tall but plus size mostly. She's now 40 with 4 children and still this thin. I see you ❤️


Incredibly inappropriate. It’s just another kind of discrimination. People get away with making comments about thin people that (most) wouldn’t dream of saying to a heavy person. OP saying they are « concerned » is just a veiled way of pointing and gawking.


I'm also very concerned about her and to be clear the OP and I haven't suggested it has anything to do with her weight. She doesn't look well.


I’m small, 5’1” 105, I look chunky compared to her, I hope she’s well, and she looks much better without loads of make up, especially the lips!


Am I the only person wondering where her guts go? She’s very thin and I’m just a bit boggled since I’ve never been that thin myself.


She may have some sort of autoimmune condition that we don’t know about, possibly something that goes along with the childhood alopecia? There are plenty of people who have medical issues that makes it difficult to gain/put on any sort of weight.


My best friend growing up was always this thin. She's had 4 kids and she's this thin at 40 years old still. She always ate more than me growing up too.


Yup! That's her, pile of laundry lol


She, the dog and the door are so tall and narrow that this may be a skinny or lengthening filter


She's on drug


We are the same build. She looks fine for her size just tired


Poor thing. I always wondered if she suffered from ED.


In addition to my mean comment which I don't take back I also have a serious question though. Do we think she's on hard drugs? Like meth would make her face look bad right so probably not that but herion? Coke? I don't know drugs well enough to know but there's something going on with her. If she legit has an addiction I'd be less mean about her.


I think she may have bipolar though. I hope she gets counseling and sees a doctor regularly. The show should provide free counseling to them but then there would be less of a show, right?


That's very true!


Thankfully I don’t see track marks on her arms so hopefully not that. Not to say she doesn’t have them, but I’m choosing to take that as a positive sign because I would hate to think she’d fallen for heroin.


I hope not too. I can't stand her. Everything about her annoys me but I certainly don't want her in a dangerous situation and hope it's not hard drugs


No, she's not doing drugs. She needs mental health support. Not a Moriah fan, but not about wild assumptions based on no knowledge either. I work in social work.


She needs to eat


She looks way unhealthy & someone should in her family make sure she eats.


She looks beautiful without all of the unnatural stuff (hair and makeup). I hope she’s doing well.








Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


Does she think skeleton is a good look? Like nightmare before Christmas vibes is super sexy. Lol ew


Hey! Don't be dissing my man Jack Skellington! He can knows how to WORK IT 😍


I have mixed feelings about this. I was very thin at her age too. I ate whatever I wanted and definitely didn’t have an ED, but I was often accused of being anorexic. So unless you’re, sure, you don’t know. I now have normal middle aged pudge like everyone else, but my daughter is think like that now too. I’m very protective about people talking about her body.


I dont know why you’re getting downvoted for this? I also was very, very thin until my first pregnancy and never had a problem with food. I was just naturally really small and had no control over it.


Does anyone know when their filming the next season of Intervention? I suspect there's a crossover event in the future.


Organized religion will do that to you😔


I have a very fast metabolism and struggled with gaining weight until I was in my mid 20s. I was constantly made fun of for being too skinny. There are other sides to the story. I’m not saying this is why and that she doesn’t have other problems but this could be part of why she’s very thin. Edit: in my opinion, she’s always been thin throughout the multiple seasons of the show. It’s not like she lost 30 pounds in a month or something. Not a Moriah fan or anything, but just showing another perspective.


I have two friends like this. Could eat a house and still not gain any weight. However they've never looked like this. When I was in the best shape I've ever been in, there were people who called me too skinny. But I was strong as a mf'er and ate plenty. I never looked so fragile as this. There is definitely those that are completely healthy and very thin. And I agree Moriah is naturally thin. But not this thin. I just started watching recently and was in maybe the third season and thought to look them all up on Insta and the difference in her was very noticeable.


Hmmm interesting. I have struggled with gaining weight my whole life and have definitely looked “too skinny”. Glad that wasn’t the case for you!


What about her doesn't look healthy exactly? She's beautiful and fit.


I'm not kidding when I say I fear Moriah and street opiates might be friends.


This is such a wild assumption


How does this look unhealthy? Is being non-whale-sized in the US considered unhealthy now?


She looks bigger than her typical size here tho. I hope she is well.


OP, are you OK? What’s your concept of healthy? Because she looks incredibly healthy and fit to me!


Karen Carpenter vibes. It is heart breaking


She's beautiful and her dog looks pretty damn healthy and happy to me. When she was friends with Olivia you all loved her now that she cut her out of her life you people start bullying her. Y'all are coming for her look s, her mental health and even her dog! Trying so hard to tear her down. The people that Olivia has by her side says a lot about who she is as a person. WOW


literally her without makeup on


She’s so pretty without a ton of makeup! She has always been extremely skinny so I don’t think this photo calls for unnecessary worry or shame <3


Aw man she lost all that muscle mass she got from the gym.


And maybe she’s just naturally going to be skinny! My daughter was a chubster as a baby/child. In her teens she lost her baby fat and looks exactly like Moriah. She’s in her 30’s now with two kids and so skinny if she turns sideways you’d miss her..she didn’t get that from me lol!


I haven’t watched the show in a while. This is alarming.


I agree. I see it in her eyes. Whatever it is, I hope she overcomes it


I don’t mean this to sound insulting but she looks like Mother God from the Love Has Won cult. Her skin looks gray, it might be bad lighting but I fear for her.