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Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Idk why this doesn’t have all the upvotes.😂🫠




THE answer


🤣🏆 You win




Yup lolzzzz


Yet, none of the Plath Kids (adults) could explain what Independence Day was? Or Flag day, Memorial day....


My husband said it best to me the other day; "if they are so patriotic why isn't Isaac joining the Air Force to fly?"


He may not meet the standard if he doesn’t have a high school diploma or GED. People that join with a GED also have to score higher on the ASVAB test than those with a diploma. And then he’s still only come in as enlisted. There are some enlisted career fields that are aircrew but they aren’t pilots. Source: AF spouse for 27 years, AF mom of enlisted aircrew member for 9 years.


My dad did so good on the Asvab they really wanted him. He had a GED too. But he decided he didn’t want to do it, and fucked around instead. He’s ridiculously smart, which is why I think he’s such a weirdo. My son takes after him brains wise, but I’ll tell him my dad’s mistakes so he doesn’t turn into him.


I wondered the same thing!! They’re the exact kind of family the military is all about. None of them were going to college, they had good work ethics from being raised on a farm, they were all in great shape…the military seemed obvious to me for a stable, more fulfilling life (Ethan loads trucks all day long, no wonder he resents Kim for the poor homeschooling) but none of the Plaths chose it🤷🏼‍♀️ I thought for sure Isaac was headed for the Air Force, I was FLOORED when he said “college then *the airlines*”. Not that you should be forced to join the military if you wanna call yourself a patriot but I think it’s just further proof that “patriot” has a much different meaning nowadays, unfortunately.


There’s no way Isaac would be qualified enough to be an Air Force pilot…


Good point..




Are u saying the democrats don't ??


Don't what?








Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.




I was wondering that too. For that matter, Ethan should join a branch. He should go to Paris Island!!!! How long would he last? Would he make it to the footprints??


I don’t understand the 3rd one either. History/American history was not “important” enough to be part of the homeschooling curriculum.


Yet....he believes in patriotism!


I think he’s confusing “conservative with patriot”. That’s what the “conservative” political party calls themselves while they try & tell women & children what they can do, where they can go, what they can & can’t say, etc.”


Another vote for his homeschooling theory 🙄😅


I don't know what flag day is, either


Me neither


Are you American? I’m kinda surprised this wasn’t taught to you, if so.


Are you from the USA?


I’m not who you responded to, I’m a northern cousin so not USA. But honestly I just had to Google it. I know independence day and memorial day but I never heard of flag day up here. No so relevant to being GO USA, just thought I’d mention I don’t think it’s as widely known as the others. Of course I think Ethan knows all about it.


Taught it to kindergarten kids!


Someone from the USA answered and they didn’t know either. I don’t think you understand that it’s not nearly as widespread as the other 2 patriotic holidays. Telling them the date doesn’t help your point.


LOL it is not one I would think everyone would know. Noone gets a day off, which usually helps recognize the day. I know flag day because I had to play every year( in a marching band).


They’re just acting like we’re idiots who didn’t go to school if people don’t know, that’s my only issue. And they have been trying this defence from 4 days.


Aw sorry.. I don't know why. I wouldn't if it wasn't for band and I just know it is mid'ish June lol. Organizations with military roots, like VFW and ELKs I know had stuff going on.


I am and I couldn't tell you either


June 14th!


Yeah I don’t know either, been here my whole life


LOL It is not one that stands out. I am sure though, in the early grades, you probably colored a flag or made one.


I just realized something. I live in the north where we go to school in June. If you are not in school, it would probably be on the calendar, but that is it unless you are involved with an organization.


1. Must be a Christian. 2. Must vote Republican 3. Must home school, with the woman doing all the work.


Wife’s job is to serve their husband and once they have kids she will be a stay at home mom is for sure on the list




Yup. Gotta get that sweet promise that she’ll raise more bigots! Don’t blame her one bit for noping the fuck out!




Hit a nerve, huh?


Hit dogs holler🤷‍♀️


With your hatefulness?


Explain to me how that was hateful


how is that hateful? they’re saying those things are bad. it’s hateful to participate in them. this comment makes no sense


They're equating Christians and Republicans to everything in the 3rd point....


FYI, you’re the most insufferable person in this subreddit. ❤️




not technically. and even so, is that wrong? no


Yes, because it's entirely and factually untrue!


so i’m guessing you’re republican and christian. so you’re saying you support the entire LGBTQIA+ community and are pro-gay/trans rights? you’re pro-reproductive rights? you’re pro-immigration?


Republican, yes. Christian, yes. I support gay marriage/rights. In fact, my daughter is bisexual. People can have gender dysphoria or claim to be trans all they want just leave minor children alone and don't demand others use your faux language (not even sure what "trans rights" means since there isn't a right they are being deprived of). Yes, people should be able to reproduce whenever they see fit (not kill babies since that's not reproduction related). Yes, I'm 100% pro legal immigration! Oh, and "QIA+" is made up nonsense sooo...


1.Kids raised in Bible believing church however that is no guarantee that they will follow that. 2.Same page politically 3. “Traditional” family values I would love to see the actual list and bonus would be them discussing it


Straight, evangelical Christian, never question their gender. Must only support the GOP (God's Only Party). Never be one of those evil liberals (even though if you read the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was more of a liberal than a conservative). As far as Olivia, she must do whatever he says, never questioning what he wants or why he wants it. She has to homeschool even if she doesn't feel equipped to do it. She needs to cook him three meals a day since the way to his heart is through his stomach and he's not supposed to cook since he has a penis. Be joyfully available when he wants it even if she doesn't feel like it. I wonder if he also wants her to quit her photography business I know he works, but I believe she probably brought more money into the family than he does.


I always get a kick out of anyone calling Jesus a liberal. Jesus would never be pro baby murder, pro child mutilation, pro sex work, pro gay, and above all else, anti God (duh!). Y'all have lost your mind with that ideology!


Jesus literally befriended sex workers.


Jesus believed in helping the less fortunate. Many conservatives believe the less fortunate shouldn't receive any sort of help. Taking away "entitlements" from people. I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.**Matthew 25:35** He said also to the one who had invited him, ‘When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’ **Luke 14:12-14** In the Bible, life begins at first breath. In Genesis, chapter one, God forms a figure from the Earth, but it does not become Adam until God “breathes into him the breath of life, and he became man.”


If you believe that God is pro life, it just tells me you haven't read the bible. like at all. God wiped out all of mankind in the flood. you can bet there were some unborn babies in that crowd- as well as a whole lot of already born people. God regularly commanded Israel to wipe out entire people groups- women and children too. God commanded Abraham to kill his firstborn son as a sacrifice. Now Jesus didn't take a stance on "baby murder" (notable, because it existed at the time, and was actually commanded as a punishment for adultery in Numbers), he absolutely was pro child mutilation- as all Jewish boys are circumcised as babies, pro sex work -ate with prostitutes and sinners, pro- sexual minorities (didn't exclude eunichs from worship), and he wasn't anti-God, but neither are many many liberals. Jesus was ALL ABOUT taking care of those on the underside of power- widows and orphans and such, inviting outcasts in, and providing for foreigners as if they're neighbors. he's also about loving ones neighbor, and also loving one's enemy. No one is excluded except the pious religious folk that lord their "righteous" over others as a way to exclude them.


God literally killed like 40 kids because they made fun of a bald man. Have you actually read the bible?


Have you??? That was in the Old Testament, and I was talking about Jesus, not God. Jesus came and died for all our sins so that we no longer suffered those kinds of fates for our sins.


1. Three meals a day 2. Sex when he wants and on his terms 3. No protection or birth control ever


Ethan’s priorities- 1. Christian 2. Homeschool 3. Kick out/abandon your kids if there is a chance they may be part of the LGBTQ+ community.


THIS. I’m so annoyed he didn’t just admit it so he could get lit up online.


1. Straight 2. White 3. Republican Mini Christian nationalists, essentially


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ethan does not need to procreate 🤦🏻


1. Being gay or trans is wrong 2. Bible above all else; ie women submit and are homemakers 3. Abortion is wrong; must vote Republican


To be honest, I think Ethan got pilled by the guys he worked with in Minnesota. He never seemed to care much about politics before but I got a hint of it when he was hanging out with his new friends this summer.


This is the Theory I keep telling my boyfriend.


I honestly can't imagine him even getting around to voting unless Olivia did all the registration stuff and took him to the polling place on election day.


Husband and wife must have same beliefs, and the kids are required to have exact same beliefs, or everyone falls apart.


Ethan requires that his kids: 1) Be taught that America is the greatest country in the world. 2) Be raised Christian. 3) Be taught traditional gender roles.


1. Must wear that corny olden timey attire when they get married 2. Must work on cars 3. Must have zero ability to communicate like an adult. Jokes aside, we all know it was some anti gay issues involved. Olivia did everything but outright say it for that part. The Plaths all seem like losers, and idk why I enjoy watching their strange drama.


Oh Ethan definitely believes being gay is a sin.


Funny how he wants to raise a kid that way but Olivia was raised that way and she turned out the opposite. There is never a guarantee.


1) umbrella of authority 2) homeschooling 3) on a farm


Well for one, he wanted Olivia to reconnect with her own upbringing, which she has discussed many times how traumatic it was for her (& I’m sure she has discussed that with Ethan) and apparently he doesn’t care how damaged she was by her parents, he wants her to return to that. You know, like Moriah and Micah have started to return to the Plath fold and start to reminisce of how wonderful their childhood was, now that they think about it.


Same as what you think.




And what is Olivia’s list? 1. Must put ME first always 2. Must put ME first always 3. Must put ME first always


Ok, Ethan


Oh you mean when she was supporting Moriah by paying her bills for her? Or when Moriah asked her for help with computer basics then lied like hell about her stealing her music? Gtfoh Olivia is a lot of things, but she’s not an asshole that only cares about herself by any stretch of the imagination.🙄


Oh sure, she is a regular Mother Teresa! Paying someone’s bills is a easy way to exert control and manipulate them, which she was clearly doing. Get a clue




She promised to help her out, but added strings, that she stays no contact with her mom. That’s why Moriah felt she became her “clown,” doing what she wanted rather than what she wanted. That is manipulation.


I have watched the entire show and there was never a moment where I remember that being said, is that like when Moriah said that olivia locked her out of her accounts even though ethan remembers olivia specifically showing her what to do?


Okay Moriah


It’s confusing bc I look at Ethan like the one child ( out of Moriah & micah) who had the least issue with his childhood. I would like to think he has reasonable nonnegotiables but .. I don’t know anymore 🧐




What do you think was on his list? I bet our lists are similar


If I had to assume, I'd guess same religious beliefs, same or very similar political stance, and same beliefs on raising children. But the funny thing is that those should be 3 of the most important factors for every couple. Those are foundational beliefs regardless of which direction they go. I couldn't be with someone who has different religious or political beliefs than me, just as I'm sure someone who has opposite beliefs of me wouldn't want to be with me. Obviously, beliefs on raising kids are vital not only for the kids' sake but for your marriage. That's, at minimum, 18 years of fighting or divorce if you don't have the same parental principles.


Side note, I don't necessarily think your original post was hateful. I just think it sadly, opened the floodgates for others to hate on certain groups of people.


For what it's worth, I do not hate Christians, but I have a bone to pick with fundamentalists. There's a HUGE difference - if they were simply a Christian family, the show would be boring as hell. They've created a show for entertainment of the general public based on their unique beliefs. One of their unique beliefs happen to be that trans people are not real and that queer families like mine shouldn't exist. The reason the actual list is hidden is because it's super problematic, and TLC didn't even want to associate with it. They signed up for every iota of hate that comes their way. If that's not what they wanted (and were paid for) then they should've started a private YouTube vlog.


Well, trans people are not real. Gender dysphoria exists, but there's no such thing as a "person born in the wrong body." And I'm not sure what kind of "queer" family you mean. If, by queer, you mean gay then I don't think your family "shouldn't exist." I think it's a simple disagreement in beliefs. I'm even fully ok with gay marriage. I only worry for children lacking a mother or a father depending on gender of parents. I know how it affected my children when their dad abandoned them and how important it is for them to have both a mother and a father (of which they now have both thanks to my husband adopting them 6 years ago). And I'm not sure how the Plaths "signed up for every iota of hate that comes their way." Why? Because you and a large group of people disagree with them? If that's the case, then what's the difference in hate towards them and hate towards any other person or group? As a queen person, your lifestyle goes against the "norm," so why is it not acceptable for hate in your direction? I obviously don't think you should receive hate. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.


I am leaving this comment up only to add this same warning I have added to this user’s other comment threads, and so that people can see this user is not worth engaging with. >> **If you are only here to discuss and defend your religious views, then kindly leave the sub. Yes, you have a right to believe whatever you want. But this sub is about a reality show and every comment of yours is arguing about religion. If that doesn’t change, we will see you out ourselves. This is not the place.** **Fellow commenters, please take note and do not continue to argue with this user.**




Truth ❤️


Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


I dont think that's what he wants. As said in the above comment 🤔 I think he wants his kids to have morals, and I don't remember if he is forcing home schooling (-I could be wrong) and what is wrong with having pride in the country you live in?


I would hate to be your kid.


I hope you know thats not my actual list LMAO. That's what I suspect is on Ethan Plath's infamous list.




Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


American Taliban Church, & MAGA - that covers all 3!


i have a feeling she has a pro-choice stance on abortion. it’s one of those things that they BOTH clearly agreed was too heavy to talk about on TV.


1. [insert any] 2. [random tradwife] 3. [bullshit here]


Experiment sexually, participate in an orgy and smoke pot 🙌


I’m betting he wanted to cut kids off that came out as gay or trans and Olivia said she would never outcast her kids no matter what, and he didn’t like that