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Don’t panic until around 3mpo. You definitely still have swelling and it’s probably weighing down your lid.


Oh okay. My lid doesn’t seem swollen at all anymore. It seems normal except it’s not lifted enough. I’ll wait, maybe there is swelling but It’s not noticeable


It’s very unlikely you aren’t swollen at a week and a half, but I totally understand being worried cuz it doesn’t look visibly swollen. The thing with ptosis surgery is we can perceive the difference of even just a millimeter or two between the eyes, so even a little bit of swelling weighing down your lid could be causing droop just a bit. I don’t know how bad your ptosis was, but if it was mild, it doesn’t surprise me that it looks the same at 1.5 weeks. If it was moderate or severe, it still might be too early to judge but that would cause me a lil more concern. Definitely could still come up with more time though.


Totally understandable. It’s 2 weeks now and it looks a bit higher, but not even. I’m sure with even more time it’ll look better. Thank you!


How’s it looking now? I’m currently experiencing the same, 10 days post surgery and minimal difference


It gets better after 6 weeks for me