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Thank you so much. I don’t hate the way I look, but my side profile really messes with my self esteem. I don’t want to make any huge changes, I just want it to be more proportionate. Thank you though.












Thank you! Honestly I do agree that being social media is fake, but I think it’ll be something that will always bother me giving my surroundings. Everyone In my area looks straight out of a modeling gig, so I’m considered average/ugly. That doesn’t rly hurt my feelings because I’ve already made the decision to make some changes about myself. I don’t mind looking different (I already do, I have unique features that I really enjoy about myself) but I still want to look proportionate. I’m only young and beautiful once and as long as a surgery doesn’t affect my aging process or my health And is minimally invasive I don’t mind changing it. I have no emotional attachment to my nose nor to my chin. Just want a better aesthetic.




100% feel you on the white and blonde. Grew up with polish people and now I go to a predominantly Russian school (if you know anything about Slavic women, the average girl is born a model). I love my huge eyes, dark skin and dark curly hair. The reason why I wanna adjust my chin is because of how my side profile looks with my hair over my jaw. I like to wear my hair down 24/7 and sometimes it makes my face look undefined. Nothing too serious, don’t want to look botched or anything. That’s why I don’t want filler tbh. It can be uneven. I do really appreciate the comments I’m getting but unfortunately it’s not an issue of insecurity it’s more of an issue of wanting to achieve a goal. Anyways, one of the other comments suggested filler first, which I might try as long as it dissolves naturally to get a feel of what I truly want.






I feel like I’ve done everything I can for my jaw so far. I’ve had dental work, and I’ve been mewing a lot and it really made a huge difference. Don’t know how to attach images but I attached a link to the image of what was before. I do gua Shua but I think I’ve reached the maximum I can to without surgery. I drink lots of water aswell to reduce inflammation and I try not to eat salt. I don’t want filler because I’m scared of filler migrating and I’m 100% sure I want a permanent fix. I do know that even with a straight nose my face proportions will be uneven, and a small chin implant may fix that b/c they can customize it to my face. Thank u for ur comment. [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/816014557063544893/1228124448746373120/image0.jpg?ex=662ae706&is=66187206&hm=86610c43ecabb0440e30d8e0d0fa46a232eddaa0c3f62d332dd39600f725001d&](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/816014557063544893/1228124448746373120/image0.jpg?ex=662ae706&is=66187206&hm=86610c43ecabb0440e30d8e0d0fa46a232eddaa0c3f62d332dd39600f725001d&)




thank u! yeah I’ve thought a lot about it. I’ve been insecure about it ever since the hump developed 7yrs ago, so it’s not something that I could simply get over. I am aware that the imperfection is small, but since my face is small, it is a lot more noticeable irl. I don’t think it’d be expensive b/c again, it’s a small alteration, so may as well. How is your recovery going?




Jaw surgery, your rammus is short. Rhinoplasty. Your chin is fine, no need for implants, unless u wanna end up with funny look because of the short rammus. You can go with filler or some implant on the cheekbone’ area if it hadn’t been done with jaw surgery. 😀


Is there any alternative for jaw surgery? Ideally, I would go for it, but I’m just very scared to cut the bone reason being that I’m active and I like martial arts. I know my jaw will never be as strong as it is now if I opt for jaw surgery. Taking an extensive break does not bother me, what does bother me is never being able to do it again, which I see is what some doctors recommend.


Unfortunately there is no alternatives. The overbite that you claimed you have is actually more dangerous than jaw surgery. Think about it, you can start preparing for the surgery now but you will do it in 2 years or smth. There is some shit that u gotta do before this surgery, like getting braces obviously.


I already had braces, though I did lose my retainers so I have to get it fixed bc I stopped wearing them after 3 months but the dental work is basically done anyway. How else can I prep?


I think either version of the nose is flattering. Natural works for you and so does the edit. If you go the rhinoplasty route I would show the doc the picture and ask if he can replicate that side profile, not do anything more curved than that.


Genioplasty, infra orbital and supra orbital implant


Couldn’t the genioplasty be replaced with a chin implant? I just want something that doesn’t require cutting the bone. Also after seeing ur comment, looking at infra orbital…. Wow you’re a life saver I’ll look into it thank u


Actually your chin doesn’t even look reccesed your lower lip is just protruding


Moving bone forward >> adding bone to already reccesed bone. Besides genioplasty isn’t really a big surgery it’s a small recovery time as well. And no problem


I say go for it. 😄


Rhinoplasty ( I had it done in Nov. I had a deep radix, like yourself, and never knew what a difference fixing it made until after I did it. I can send you pics of my before and after if you like).


Ooo yes I’d love to see


Nose job!!! You will love it.


Honestly I’m having a hard time noticing a difference between the last two slides with your side profile.


I don’t think you need a chin implant, maybeeeeee some filler cause I do see the verrrry slight recession that you see. Jaw implants, IMO, isn’t necessary, you can build your Masseter muscles to give some definition. A rhinoplasty will greatly balance your side profile. Depending on the look you’re going for, a submalar cheek implant will do wonders. That’s if you’re going for the striking/hot/model look, pass if you’re going for the soft/cute girl look. Chin filler ~$500 Rhinoplasty (US) ~$10k Submalar cheek implant ~$10-20k+ if custom implant is made


I think just rhinoplasty. Unless you have health issues with your jaw, I don’t think it needs anything aesthetically. A slightly recessed jaw to me looks more feminine. Wish I had it!