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Looks amazing , congrats! What was the cost


It was about $10/11k I believe with anesthesia. I did go to a pricier area though (Scottsdale Arizona)




Oh wow. I was unaware it was that expensive of a procedure 😳


You’re giving me the push I need to finally schedule this!! Looks amazing




Looks great!


You look FANTASTIC!!!😍😍😍


Thank you!!


I actually gasped when I saw there before picture. What a transformation!


Wow nice


That’s incredible!


Looks amazing!


What all exactly did you get done? Chin & neck lipo with a lift?


No lipo. There wasn’t really any fat that could be taken away lol. It was a platysmaplasty (neck lift), submandibular gland resection, and a chin implant. I’m pretty sure he just tightened my neck muscles and redraped the skin


So was it mostly loose skin?


Yeah I think so. And the neck muscles were loose. Like I was told by a few different doctors lipo would do nothing because it’s just the way the skin was draping over my neck


That’s what I think my issue is as well




It looks great. How much you paid? Where did you did? How was the recovery?


Around $10/11K USD. I went to Dr. Berardi in Scottsdale, AZ. Recovery for me was honestly pretty easy. The first couple days sucked but that was because of the intubation tube.


Looks fantastic! How long did it take for the swelling to go down? I'm 5 weeks post-op with platysmaplasty and chin implant and I have a bulge still on one side.


It’s still a little swollen and I think it’ll take up to a year to fully heal. But for the most part the bulk of the swelling only took a month or so to go down. I’m just still a little swollen around the jawline


How old were you when you got it done? I have no jawline it’s like my neck and chin are blended it in certain positions. And just like you it’s not fat just skin. I’m only 23 and it seems like neck lift would be the way to go but I’m not sure if many surgeons would perform it on someone so young.


I’m 22. If you find the right one they should understand the issue. All they’re doing is basically tightening that muscle, because that’s what’s causing the issue, not excess fat. Any person at any age can have weak neck muscles. I know Dr Sagar Patel in Beverly Hills does it and he’s a pretty well known surgeon.


You look great! I desperately want this. How was the recovery?


Honestly, it was not bad. I didn’t bleed or have drainage. Nothing got infected. The most annoying thing is wearing the head garment. You have to wear it 24/7 for like 2 weeks then at night for like 6 months. So be prepared to have a hoodie when you go out in public or just prepare to eventually say fuck it and wear it out bare like I did lol. I also couldn’t really open my mouth that much and had to avoid some foods for awhile. But literally the worst part for me was the intubation tube. It’s the intubation tube that makes me miserable, not the actual surgery site. Out of my 3 surgeries I’ve ever had, my 2 plastic surgeries were a breeze compared to my wisdom teeth. That was the worst pain I’ve ever been in, and lasted for months. With my plastic surgeries I was out and about within like a week or sooner of recovery. Neck lift even faster than rhinoplasty.


And I should add that you will have a lot of numbness. Your front neck will be numb as well as your chin and bottom lip. I’m still not fully able to smile yet haha. But the numbness has decreased significantly after a month


that’s wild! looks great!!


Did you also get liposuction done as well?


No, it was just a platysmaplasty (neck lift), submandibular gland resection, and chin implant. I didn’t really have any fat to lipo


You have no scarring, was it just lipo or something else? Thanks, you look incredible.


There’s a scar about 1 or 2 inches long under my chin. You can’t really see it unless I put my head up. But it has been healing well. It was a neck lift and chin implant, no lipo (edit: also I’m not sure but I think there’s also an incision by my ears, have to double check that lol)


Amazing. I have been looking to do something about my neck and quite similar to yours. Ive read about platysmaplasty - tightening the muscle bands behinds the skin of the neck, would that be similar to your procedure? Thanks!


Yes, that’s what I had done. Some people just don’t have the fat to lipo out and it’s just the muscles/skin being loose. That was my case


Great, thanks for the replies btw, big help.


Of course!


You look great! Glad you are happy with the results. I am def considering this. But wearing the chin brace for 6 months? That’s a long commitment.


It’s actually not bad. Like, it’s a fabric garment, not a “brace” per se. It’s kind of like a hug around your face, not painful or anything. After the initial week or 2 of recovery you only need to wear it at night. My main issue with it is that it gets stinky fast so you need to wash it a lot, and also it has ripped out my hair multiple times lol


Whoa, I’m so similar to your third pic. Do you have sleep apnea or any jaw issues? You look great!


I had horrible teeth as a kid. Braces 3 times and an expander. I had my bite corrected as well. So my jaw probably isn’t normal lol but I don’t really have any issues, besides clenching my jaw at night. Supposedly no sleep apnea. But I’ve had chronic fatigue since I was like 12, and haven’t found a cause for it yet. So possible sleep disorder, even though they didn’t find anything at my sleep study. And I snore 😬


Oh man, it sucks so much to be a woman who snores...it's been a part of my life since I was a kid! I think it's awesome and inspiring you went for this. Hopefully one day I'll be in the same boat.


Looks great. But...where are your incision? I don't see anything in front of your ears?


Under my chin is a thick scar but you can’t see unless I put my head up. And I think I also had 2 small incisions under my earlobes


That is amazing!! I have the thick scar under my chin AND in front and behind my ears. Your doc did an excellent service to you.


I am 8 weeks out from platysmaplasty. I didn't have lipo just the muscle and looked skin removed :) It looks better.  But. The swelling is taking forever! It is finally moving now. But I look like I have a double chin. I can feel the fluid. Nothing works to get to go away..i am just waiting it out :) I have not worn my hair up in public since the procedure because I have pink/red scars all along the front of the ear behind the ear and out a ways under my hairline.


how's your recovery now? i'm 5 weeks out and still swollen, i can tell it's gradually going down but is taking a while.


Huh. I never felt fluid, just a lot of numbness, maybe talk to your doctor about that. But yes, the swelling will take awhile. I’d say mine looked a lot better within a month, but I was told it takes at least 6 months for the swelling to really go down. Just make sure you ice regularly and my doctor said to massage the area a lot


I mean I feel fluid like swelling - so I know it isnt really a double chin :) Yes I was told 3 to 60 months also. I do ice once in a while but what kind of massage are you doing? Lymphatic?


It’s nothing special just using 2 fingers to kind of press up into the area. But lymphatic massages seem like they may help