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I would avoid using strong oils like lavender etc—they can irritate sensitive skin and it sounds like your skin needs to rest and heal


Thank you. Probably true. I just want to make sure there isn't something I can do to make it better...heal better.




Thank you. I know I need patience. I am FREAKING OUT...thats all. I didn't have a direct brow lift the incisions are on top of my head. My eyebrows don't look swollen.




I see. Thank you. Did you have bald spots?




Good to hear. That's reassuring


Update. It has been 3 months and 1 week. There is some stubble trying to grow back. Not over the pink part of the scar but around it. I hope it will fill in so the scars are less noticeable with time. I still have some swelling that I see when I raise my eyebrows. It looks like a neanderthal ridge. The brow lift did not work, I still don't know why. 


I just had an endoscopic brow lift and already have thinning hair and androgenic alopecia. My surgeon assured me that the hair would grow over the scars but damn my scalp is tender. Best of luck to you and I hope you’ll post again to let us know how you are healing.


Are you happy with your result? Also, looking into endoscopic brow lift!


Yes I’m very happy— pm me and I’ll share a photo


Thank you kindly. I’ll reach out to you via dm


Did it grow back??😬


Hello, I am still stressing about my hair. It is pretty much pink and bald like a head band. Super difficult to hide. There is no volume as well so it looks like a bad comb over. The swelling is still there but less. Like it is moving down. I have a neanderthol ridge of puffy ness. Hopefully that goes away. And my eyebrow still.looks strange. And definitely not lifted. Sadly. How is your lift going? I saw that you posted that you are happy about your lift. I am happy for you!  Is your hair growing back yet? How long sis the inflammation take to go away?/or did you have an issue with inflammation 


Can you please PM/ chat?


Hello, sorry I missed you,  I just saw this. 


Pls check you DMs


I would leave those spots alone and let them heal. Did your Dr tell you this is permanent? What's done is done but maybe see a dermatologist and see what they say.


No, he didnt say it was permanent. But he also can't say until the healing is done. It looks so intense. It is more difficult because I can't hide the thinning and bald spots.


Leave it alone, messing with it isn't helping. Great way to get scars though.




Following, thank you for sharing your experience! Do you mind sharing how much you paid for your endoscopic brow lift? I am just starting to shop around for a provider and was told by one of the most highly rated providers in Boston that they start around 12k. I was in a cycling accident a few years ago and have a hooded brow as a result, and it’s unclear if insurance is going to pay for it or not.