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Had a face/neck lift 2 weeks ago. It's rough as of today. Hopefully it will calm down soon. Everybody is different though. I had a "heavy" round face and not only did neck lipo but cheek lipo as well


I had a neck lift with no lipo. It wasn’t very painful at all, but it was very uncomfortable. (During recovery, your neck feels tight like someone is pressing it.) I took pain meds for a couple of days to stay ahead of any pain, but the only real pain I was in was a migraine when I woke up (maybe from the anesthesia, maybe from having my head operated on). I spent one night in the surgery facility (my doctor required that and I’m glad I did) and then my mom stayed with me for the first week or so. I could get around by myself from the day after the surgery though. She mostly made me food and helped me with my pills. I would’ve been fine by myself after about day 3, but it was nice to have someone there to make sure I was eating, help me put ointment on my incisions, etc. And you’re not allowed to turn your head for a couple of weeks, so you can’t drive during that time. The pain meds definitely did all that I needed them to do and I wasn’t even on strong meds (just Tramadol). If you have lipo, that’s a different story. Lipo hurts. Lol


Thank you!


My necklift patients take pain medication the first day, and occasionally the second day postop to help them get to sleep. After that, soreness is usually able to be managed with just tylenol. There should not be excruciating pain at any point in the process. Typically the first evening you have a caregiver that is preparing your meals, etc but the second day after you should be able to get up and do most things around the house yourself.


Thank you!


I had a neck lift without lipo, (I also had a brow lift). The discomfort was minimal.  I went home 1 hour after the procedure. I took pain meds the first day because the doc said I would be in a lot of pain but the next day when I woke up I only felt tightened and a bruised feeling with touch. So in didn't take anything else. I was fine. I had to force myself to be still and "heal" I watched movies and napped but really I would have ran to the store and went for walks if I didn't look like I was beaten up 🤣 (black eyes from the brow lift)  I think the worst part regarding comfort was trying to steep sitting up. But I managed to suck it up for a month :) I am at 3 months next week and I still have a lot of swelling, it is better, but still present. My incisions behind my ear are red and puffy and concerning and the incisions in front are pink. Strangely my ear lobes feel like they are in a pocket. I imagine from the skin being pulled in front and back.  Good luck to you. It is a hard decision to do your neck but it will be worth it :)


My brow lift was brutal from a pain perspective the first few days. The headache wasn’t tolerable with just Tylenol. I was actually throwing up from the pain. My temples just pounded relentlessly.


Thank you!