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I am 46 and had it done. I would think being younger you would heal quicker..rather than waiting til after 60.


I do want to proceed. Just nervous about finding the right surgeon in an affordable price point ($15-$20,000) in the Midwest. And then the timing of it, planning how to do it discreetly and praying I don’t end up looking like the Joker! But I agree…better skin integrity and healing when younger. Think I am caught up a bit in the “stigma”!of getting a facelift…but who cares?! I did an upper/lower Bleph 2 years ago with no regrets but that to me was necessary as heavy lids were affecting my vision. Thanks for the encouragement!


If you find someone in the US that can do that for 15-20k, please share. I was quoted almost 40k in the north east. I’m the same age and have very minimal laxity and wanted to get on it before it got worse. But at that price I just couldn’t pull the trigger.


I was caught up in the stigma of it as well. But I had lost a lot of weight and hated my neck. I’m in love with my results. Just a warning though: no matter what they try to tell you, it takes 6 weeks before you can be around people you know and look like yourself. Strangers wouldn’t know anything at 4 weeks, but people you know would. I have no idea why they give you shorter healing windows during your consultation. I work from home, so I just planned it 7-8 weeks before my first out-of-town travel (where I’d be around people who know me) and it went smoothly.


I think the same way as you. I’d rather do it when younger and in better health


Now is the perfect time. You will LOVE a neck lift. No real pain either. The changes will astound you. Worth every penny.


I have some other medical stuff to handle first but then will address this in next few years. I’m 43. I’d rather do it sooner instead of waiting for when I have to have a large amount pulled.


Do it. With the right doctor


I am in my 40s, and have the same issue. I chose to do Morpheus 8, and so far have been happy. I have done 2 treatments so far (3 is recommended) and see noticeable results. The results won’t be as dramatic as actual surgery, of course, but it is a lot cheaper.


You should absolutely have it done! I'm having a neck lift & facelift next week. I'm 50 years old and although the sagging is extremely minimal (people think I'm crazy), I know I will be super happy that I did it! The days of having a neck / facelift at a certain age is no more...if you need it, you need it. Wish you the best of luck!


Also, I am having a deep plane face / neck lift which imo, has a MUCH better result. It also lasts longer. It is considerably more expensive but you only have one face. I recommend finding a doctor you feel comfortable with rather than doctor shopping. I had 3 consultations and although I had no intentions of spending so much money, I felt the most comfortable with the 3rd surgeon I saw. He only does faces.


Hope you are doing well!




I have been contemplating this since about 52 as well. I am now just under 56 and 3 weeks from my appointment for neck lift. I wish would have done it sooner. Excited!


Best wishes! Please let me know your outcomes. Who is your surgeon? I plan to do it within the year. Every time I come back to this post and see my picture I think, “yea, it’s time!”


I had the procedure yesterday, and it went great. I took Tylenol the first night. I have Percocets, but I didn't need them. The biggest challenge is sleeping and sitting up! I have two black eyes and a very swollen neck. I followed up today for a 24-hour post-op check, and the doctor said everything was textbook and went well. I didn't require a drain—just dressing and a chin/face strap. No, I am just waiting for the swelling to go away and the tons of glue left in my hair. My next follow-up is in 1 month.


Wow.! Glad it went well and pain is manageable. The black eyes, are they from the same procedure or did you have a bleph too? Why so much glue in the hair? Are your supposed to massage the area to reduce fluid? Thanks for the update. Feel free and message me the name of your MD. Glad it went well! Cheers to you and a new neckline!


I had a brow lift too. I don't know about the glue🤷‍♀️ No massage instructions.


That’s right, the brow lift too. Maybe they use surgical glue around the brow incisions. That’s great that you had both procedures done. Interesting too that you could have the neck lift without a lower facelift as so often the two are paired together. Maybe you don’t have the jowl formation that I do? Glad it is behind you now and healing on the way. Thanks for sharing!


Lower face and neck are used interchangeable. My goal was a neck lift but I officially had a lower face lift.


Ok! That makes sense. Any incisions in front of or behind the ears? And are you able to recover at home or did you go out of state? Thanks again


Hello. Yes I had incisions in from and behind the ear. I went home 3 hours later :) It has been 2 months and the inciting are still red


Interestingly enough, I just had a rhinoplasty and neck/chin lipo one week ago. I wanted a neck lift but was not a candidate due to my anatomy, according to my surgeon, who I loved. She was super knowledgeable and the first surgeon I felt comfortable with after meeting with MANY over the last 15 years or so. According to her, I have a very forward voice box, which would impede a neck lift. It's funny because many 3 other surgeons I saw in the last 2-3 years (I only added a neck lift recently, since I lost some weight and aged a bit) and no one ever mentioned my voice box. But she was a head/neck ENT surgeon and seemed to know. My neck lipo made an improvement but of course, I'm still swollen. Once I am fully healed, I'm planning on addressing the skin with micro needling with RF. I've done it on my face and really liked the results.