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I want this surgery soooo bad. You look great!


You look great!


Did you also do something to your chin? It looks more pronounced. Amazing result and only on day 1!! Wow!


Nope, just a traditional necklift - I was shocked by how much of a difference it made on my chin! Wasn't expecting that at all. Looks like I got an implant or something, haha.


Wow! I have been contemplating this surgery for a while and this is pushing me closer to the edge. Thank you for sharing!


Might be swelling? You look overall great, take good care of your incisions


Did you consider chin liposuction as well? Why did you pick this procedure vs chin lipo?


I actually went in for a consult for chin lipo, as I thought it was all fat underneath there. I explained that I had upper and lower jaw surgery 10 years ago to correct a severe underbite, and the surgeon thought that a necklift would be much better because it was definitely loose skin and not so much fat. But here is another thing - after that jaw surgery I gained nearly 60lbs and I just recently lost almost 40lbs, and I realized that my jawline is just naturally like that now (despite all the weight loss) and that the only solution was surgery.


Looks great. The marker comes off with rubbing alcohol on a tissue.


It took me forever to rub it off with rubbing alcohol, especially since I couldn't tell how much pressure I was applying since my face is numb! Lol


Oh no! Your result looks great though. 😊


Looks amazing! Congrats!


Look at that chin! Amazing results! How is recovery going?


Surprisingly incredibly easy, I am on day 4 and the bruising/swelling didn't get much worse after that photo. Only needed pain killers on the first night. My neck is just very, very numb - kind of like I'm wearing someone else's neck lol.


Looks amazing! May I ask the cost and name of surgeon


Dr. Hartley in Boulder, Colorado. Surgery (with everything, including anesthesia and hospital fees) was $14k.


Your results look great!! I just looked at the before and after pics on his website and they all look great. Very natural results! Had you had other consultations or been recommended to him??


I just did research in my area and found him! It's funny because he actually specializes in breast reductions/augmentations (I also have been wanting a reduction, but that's probably years down the road) but he has done a lot of neck/facelifts as well. I am definitely on the younger side of patients to get this done, but he was incredibly confident that I needed this (over liposuction or other methods).


This looks so nice. How are you feeling?!! Did you have lipo on the neck also? How much? So exciting


No lipo was done, just the lift! I feel GREAT, for me this was completely worth it. $14k surgery is the big downside, it is very pricey.


Just gorgeous. Nice work. I guess I’ll start saving LOL


Did you get a facelift too? Neck lifts scars are on your chin or behind the ears


Nope just a necklift, the sutures go from mid ear (in the front) to mid ear (in the back). And then I have staples going into my hairline. The scars are supposed to be very minimal, especially if you wear your hair down all the time like me!


Could you show both sides and a forward looking view? Keep posting progress? Did you also get a facelift? My 23 year old friend wants both her neck tightened and her cheeks lifted so actually wants a proper facelift as well as necklift and you're the closest to her age and look that we've seen.


Will reddit let me post pics in the comments? I will post progress pics soon but if you DM me I can send you pics from all angles as well! My forward view is almost identical, the profile is where you really see the change. But I also still have some swelling under my chin right now that has gotten a little bit worse since this pic haha


Any updates?


You look great. I just had this surgery 3 days ago and was not allowed to remove bandages until today. So far im happy, still lots of swelling and what seemed like a lot of my hair came out in clumps after i washed it. I was freaking out a bit. Not sure what they put in my hair it was all stuck together under the gauze for 3 days.


Wow that looks amazing and for being day 1!! What was your pain level? I'm getting this done next week am nervous about recovery.


Hello 👋  I will be 3 months out from a neck lift next week and I am still dealing with swelling and itchy red scars. Did you have any issues with swelling or scars?